37 research outputs found

    Real symplectic formulation of local special geometry

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    We consider a formulation of local special geometry in terms of Darboux special coordinates PI=(pi,qi)P^I=(p^i,q_i), I=1,...,2nI=1,...,2n. A general formula for the metric is obtained which is manifestly Sp(2n,R)\mathbf{Sp}(2n,\mathbb{R}) covariant. Unlike the rigid case the metric is not given by the Hessian of the real function S(P)S(P) which is the Legendre transform of the imaginary part of the holomorphic prepotential. Rather it is given by an expression that contains SS, its Hessian and the conjugate momenta SI=∂S∂PIS_I=\frac{\partial S}{\partial P^I}. Only in the one-dimensional case (n=1n=1) is the real (two-dimensional) metric proportional to the Hessian with an appropriate conformal factor.Comment: 10 pages, corrected typo

    Small-scale spatial variability of soil CO2 flux: Implication for monitoring strategy

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    In recent decades, soil CO2 flux measurements have been often used in both volcanic and seismically active areas to investigate the interconnections between temporal and spatial anomalies in degassing and telluric activities. In this study, we focus on a narrow degassing area of the Piton de la Fournaise volcano, that has been chosen for its proximity and link with the frequently active volcanic area. Our aim is to constrain the degassing in this narrow area and identify the potential processes involved in both spatial and temporal soil CO2 variations in order to provide an enhanced monitoring strategy for soil CO2 flux. We performed a geophysical survey (self-potential measurements: SP; electrical resistivity tomography: ERT) to provide a high-resolution description of the subsurface. We identified one main SP negative anomaly dividing the area in two zones. Based on these results, we set ten control points, from the site of the main SP negative anomaly up to 230 m away, where soil CO2 fluxes were weekly measured during one year of intense eruptive activity at Piton de la Fournaise. Our findings show that lateral and vertical soil heterogeneities and structures exert a strong control on the degassing pattern. We find that temporal soil CO2 flux series at control points close to the main SP negative anomaly better record variations linked to the volcanic activity. We also show that the synchronicity between the increase of soil CO2 flux and deep seismicity can be best explained by a pulsed process pushing out the CO2 already stored and fractionated in the system. Importantly, our findings show that low soil CO2 fluxes and low carbon isotopic signature are able to track variations of volcanic activity in the same way as high fluxes and high carbon isotopic signature do. This result gives important insights in terms of monitoring strategy of volcanic and seismotectonic areas in geodynamics contexts characterized by difficult environmental operational conditions as commonly met in tropical areaPublished13-264A. Oceanografia e climaJCR Journa

    A special road to AdS vacua

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    We apply the techniques of special Kaehler geometry to investigate AdS_4 vacua of general N=2 gauged supergravities underlying flux compactifications of type II theories. We formulate the scalar potential and its extremization conditions in terms of a triplet of prepotentials P_x and their special Kaehler covariant derivatives only, in a form that recalls the potential and the attractor equations of N=2 black holes. We propose a system of first order equations for the P_x which generalize the supersymmetry conditions and yield non-supersymmetric vacua. Special geometry allows us to recast these equations in algebraic form, and we find an infinite class of new N=0 and N=1 AdS_4 solutions, displaying a rich pattern of non-trivial charges associated with NSNS and RR fluxes. Finally, by explicit evaluation of the entropy function on the solutions, we derive a U-duality invariant expression for the cosmological constant and the central charges of the dual CFT's.Comment: 41 pages; v2, v3: minor improvements, references added, published versio

    Marginal Cost versus Average Cost Pricing with Climatic Shocks in Senegal: A Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Model Applied to Water

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    The model simulates on a 20-year horizon, a first phase of increase in the water resource availability taking into account the supply policies by the Senegalese government and a second phase with hydrologic deficits due to demand evolution (demographic growth). The results show that marginal cost water pricing (with a subsidy ensuring the survival of the water production sector) makes it possible in the long term to absorb the shock of the resource shortage, GDP, investment and welfare increase. Unemployment drops and the sectors of rain rice, market gardening and drinking water distribution grow. In contrast, the current policy of average cost pricing of water leads the long-term economy in a recession with an agricultural production decrease, a strong degradation of welfare and a rise of unemployment. This result questions the basic tariff (average cost) on which block water pricing is based in Senegal

    Cost Effectiveness in River Management: Evaluation of Integrated River Policy System in Tidal Ouse

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    The River Ouse forms a significant part of Humber river system, which drains about one fifth the land area of England and provides the largest fresh water source to the North Sea from UK. The river quality in the tidal river suffered from sag of dissolved oxygen (DO) during last few decades, deteriorated by the effluent discharges. The Environment Agency (EA) proposed to increase the water quality of Ouse by implementing more potent environmental policies. This paper explores the cost effectiveness of water management in the Tidal Ouse through various options by taking into account the variation of assimilative capacity of river water, both in static and dynamic scope of time. Reduction in both effluent discharges and water abstraction were considered along side with choice of effluent discharge location. Different instruments of environmental policy, the emission tax-subsidy (ETS) scheme and tradable pollution permits (TPP) systems were compared with the direct quantitative control approach. This paper at the last illustrated an empirical example to reach a particular water quality target in the tidal Ouse at the least cost, through a solution of constrained optimisation problem. The results suggested significant improvement in the water quality with less cost than current that will fail the target in low flow year

    A Modified Environmental Kuznets Curve for Sustainable Development Assessment Using Panel Data

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