1,197 research outputs found

    Flux flow of Abrikosov-Josephson vortices along grain boundaries in high-temperature superconductors

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    We show that low-angle grain boundaries (GB) in high-temperature superconductors exhibit intermediate Abrikosov vortices with Josephson cores, whose length ll along GB is smaller that the London penetration depth, but larger than the coherence length. We found an exact solution for a periodic vortex structure moving along GB in a magnetic field HH and calculated the flux flow resistivity RF(H)R_F(H), and the nonlinear voltage-current characteristics. The predicted RF(H)R_F(H) dependence describes well our experimental data on 7∘7^{\circ} unirradiated and irradiated YBa2Cu3O7YBa_2Cu_3O_7 bicrystals, from which the core size l(T)l(T), and the intrinsic depairing density Jb(T)J_b(T) on nanoscales of few GB dislocations were measured for the first time. The observed temperature dependence of Jb(T)=Jb0(1−T/Tc)2J_b(T)=J_{b0}(1-T/T_c)^2 indicates a significant order parameter suppression in current channels between GB dislocation cores.Comment: 5 pages 5 figures. Phys. Rev. Lett. (accepted

    Acoustoelectric effect in a finite-length ballistic quantum channel

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    The dc current induced by a coherent surface acoustic wave (SAW) of wave vector q in a ballistic channel of length L is calculated. The current contains two contributions, even and odd in q. The even current exists only in a asymmetric channel, when the electron reflection coefficients r_1 and r_2 at both channel ends are different. The direction of the even current does not depend on the direction of the SAW propagation, but is reversed upon interchanging r_1 and r_2. The direction of the odd current is correlated with the direction of the SAW propagation, but is insensitive to the interchange of r_1 and r_2. It is shown that both contributions to the current are non zero only when the electron reflection coefficients at the channel ends are energy dependent. The current exhibits geometric oscillations as function of qL. These oscillations are the hallmark of the coherence of the SAW and are completely washed out when the current is induced by a flux of non-coherent phonons. The results are compared with those obtained previously by different methods and under different assumptions.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Free-energy transition in a gas of non-interacting nonlinear wave-particles

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    We investigate the dynamics of a gas of non-interacting particle-like soliton waves, demonstrating that phase transitions originate from their collective behavior. This is predicted by solving exactly the nonlinear equations and by employing methods of the statistical mechanics of chaos. In particular, we show that a suitable free energy undergoes a metamorphosis as the input excitation is increased, thereby developing a first order phase transition whose measurable manifestation is the formation of shock waves. This demonstrates that even the simplest phase-space dynamics, involving independent (uncoupled) degrees of freedom, can sustain critical phenomena.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Whitham method for Benjamin-Ono-Burgers equation and dispersive shocks in internal waves in deep fluid

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    The Whitham modulation equations for the parameters of a periodic solution are derived using the generalized Lagrangian approach for the case of damped Benjamin-Ono equation. The structure of the dispersive shock in internal wave in deep water is considered by this method.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Many-body large polaron optical conductivity in SrTi1−x_{1-x}Nbx_xO3_3

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    Recent experimental data on the optical conductivity of niobium doped SrTiO3_{3} are interpreted in terms of a gas of large polarons with effective coupling constant αeff≈2\alpha_{eff}\approx2. The {theoretical approach takes into account} many-body effects, the electron-phonon interaction with multiple LO-phonon branches, and the degeneracy and the anisotropy of the Ti t2g_{2g} conduction band. {Based on the Fr\"{o}hlich interaction, the many-body large-polaron theory} provides an interpretation for the essential characteristics, except -- interestingly -- for the unexpectedly large intensity of a peak at ∼130\sim130 meV, of the observed optical conductivity spectra of SrTi1−x_{1-x}Nbx_{x}O3_{3} \textit{without} any adjustment of material parameters.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Quantum Shock Waves - the case for non-linear effects in dynamics of electronic liquids

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    Using the Calogero model as an example, we show that the transport in interacting non-dissipative electronic systems is essentially non-linear. Non-linear effects are due to the curvature of the electronic spectrum near the Fermi energy. As is typical for non-linear systems, propagating wave packets are unstable. At finite time shock wave singularities develop, the wave packet collapses, and oscillatory features arise. They evolve into regularly structured localized pulses carrying a fractionally quantized charge - {\it soliton trains}. We briefly discuss perspectives of observation of Quantum Shock Waves in edge states of Fractional Quantum Hall Effect and a direct measurement of the fractional charge

    On the validity of the Franck-Condon principle in the optical spectroscopy: optical conductivity of the Fr\"{o}hlich polaron

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    The optical absorption of the Fr\"{o}hlich polaron model is obtained by an approximation-free Diagrammatic Monte Carlo method and compared with two new approximate approaches that treat lattice relaxation effects in different ways. We show that: i) a strong coupling expansion, based on the the Franck-Condon principle, well describes the optical conductivity for large coupling strengths (α>10\alpha >10); ii) a Memory Function Formalism with phonon broadened levels reproduces the optical response for weak coupling strengths (α<6\alpha <6) taking the dynamic lattice relaxation into account. In the coupling regime 6<α<106<\alpha<10 the optical conductivity is a rapidly changing superposition of both Franck-Condon and dynamic contributions.Comment: accepted for publication in PR

    Nonlinear absorption of surface acoustic waves by composite fermions

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    Absorption of surface acoustic waves by a two-dimensional electron gas in a perpendicular magnetic field is considered. The structure of such system at the filling factor ν\nu close to 1/2 can be understood as a gas of {\em composite fermions}. It is shown that the absorption at ν=1/2\nu =1/2 can be strongly nonlinear, while small deviation form 1/2 will restore the linear absorption. Study of nonlinear absorption allows one to determine the force acting upon the composite fermions from the acoustic wave at turning points of their trajectories.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, submitted to Europhysics letter

    Propagation of gamma rays and production of free electrons in air

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    A new concept of remote detection of concealed radioactive materials has been recently proposed \cite{Gr.Nusin.2010}-\cite{NusinSprangle}. It is based on the breakdown in air at the focal point of a high-power beam of electromagnetic waves produced by a THz gyrotron. To initiate the avalanche breakdown, seed free electrons should be present in this focal region during the electromagnetic pulse. This paper is devoted to the analysis of production of free electrons by gamma rays leaking from radioactive materials. Within a hundred meters from the radiation source, the fluctuating free electrons appear with the rate that may exceed significantly the natural background ionization rate. During the gyrotron pulse of about 10 microsecond length, such electrons may seed the electric breakdown and create sufficiently dense plasma at the focal region to be detected as an unambiguous effect of the concealed radioactive material.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figure
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