427 research outputs found

    House price momentum and strategic complementarity

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    House prices exhibit substantially more momentum, positive autocorrelation in price changes, than existing theories can explain. I introduce an amplification mechanism to reconcile this discrepancy. Sellers do not set a unilaterally high or low list price because they face a concave demand curve: increasing the price of an above-average-priced house rapidly reduces its sale probability, but cutting the price of a below-average-priced house only slightly improves its sale probability. The resulting strategic complementarity amplifies frictions because sellers gradually adjust their price to stay near average. I provide empirical evidence for concave demand using a quantitative search model that amplifies momentum two- to threefold

    How do foreclosures exacerbate housing downturns?

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    This article uses a structural model to show that foreclosures played a crucial role in exacerbating the recent housing bust and to analyse foreclosure mitigation policy. We consider a dynamic search model in which foreclosures freeze the market for non-foreclosures and reduce price and sales volume by eroding lender equity, destroying the credit of potential buyers, and making buyers more selective. These effects cause price-default spirals that amplify an initial shock and help the model fit both national and cross-sectional moments better than a model without foreclosure. When calibrated to the recent bust, the model reveals that the amplification generated by foreclosures is significant: ruined credit and choosey buyers account for 25.4% of the total decline in non-distressed prices and lender losses account for an additional 22.6%. For policy, we find that principal reduction is less cost-effective than lender equity injections or introducing a single seller that holds foreclosures off the market until demand rebounds. We also show that policies that slow down the pace of foreclosures can be counterproductive.Accepted manuscrip

    Does Indivisible Labor Explain the Difference Between Micro and Macro Elasticities? A Meta-Analysis of Extensive Margin Elasticities

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    Macroeconomic calibrations imply much larger labor supply elasticities than microeconometric studies. One prominent explanation for this divergence is that indivisible labor generates extensive margin responses that are not captured in micro studies of hours choices. We evaluate whether existing calibrations of macro models are consistent with micro evidence on extensive margin responses using two approaches. First, we use a standard calibrated macro model to simulate the impacts of tax policy changes on labor supply. Second, we present a meta-analysis of quasi-experimental estimates of extensive margin elasticities. We find that micro estimates are consistent with macro evidence on the steady-state (Hicksian) elasticities relevant for cross-country comparisons. However, micro estimates of extensive-margin elasticities are an order of magnitude smaller than the values needed to explain business cycle fluctuations in aggregate hours. Hence, indivisible labor supply does not explain the large gap between micro and macro estimates of intertemporal substitution (Frisch) elasticities. Our synthesis of the micro evidence points to Hicksian elasticities of 0.3 on the intensive and 0.25 on the extensive margin and Frisch elasticities of 0.5 on the intensive and 0.25 on the extensive margin.

    Accurate population-based model for individual prediction of colon cancer recurrence

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    Background Prediction models are useful tools in the clinical management of colon cancer patients, particularly when estimating the recurrence rate and, thus, the need for adjuvant treatment. However, the most used models (MSKCC, ACCENT) are based on several decades-old patient series from clinical trials, likely overestimating the current risk of recurrence, especially in low-risk groups, as outcomes have improved over time. The aim was to develop and validate an updated model for the prediction of recurrence within 5 years after surgery using routinely collected clinicopathologic variables. Material and methods A population-based cohort from the Swedish Colorectal Cancer Registry of 16,134 stage I–III colon cancer cases was used. A multivariable model was constructed using Cox proportional hazards regression. Three-quarters of the cases were used for model development and one quarter for internal validation. External validation was performed using 12,769 stage II–III patients from the Norwegian Colorectal Cancer Registry. The model was compared to previous nomograms. Results The nomogram consisted of eight variables: sex, sidedness, pT-substages, number of positive and found lymph nodes, emergency surgery, lymphovascular and perineural invasion. The area under the curve (AUC) was 0.78 in the model, 0.76 in internal validation, and 0.70 in external validation. The model calibrated well, especially in low-risk patients, and performed better than existing nomograms in the Swedish registry data. The new nomogram’s AUC was equal to that of the MSKCC but the calibration was better. Conclusion The nomogram based on recently operated patients from a population registry predicts recurrence risk more accurately than previous nomograms. It performs best in the low-risk groups where the risk-benefit ratio of adjuvant treatment is debatable and the need for an accurate prediction model is the largest.publishedVersio

    Making the house a home: the stimulative effect of home purchases on consumption and investment

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    We introduce and quantify a new channel through which the housing market affects household spending: the home purchase channel. Households spend on average $8,000 more on home-related durables and home improvements in the two years following a home purchase. Expenditures on nondurables and durables unrelated to the home remain unchanged or decrease modestly. The home purchase channel played a substantial role in the Great Recession, accounting for one-third of the decline in spending on home-related durables and home improvements from 2005 to 2010.Accepted manuscrip

    Housing wealth effects: the long view

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    We provide new time-varying estimates of the housing wealth effect back to the 1980s. We use three identification strategies: OLS with a rich set of controls, the Saiz housing supply elasticity instrument, and a new instrument that exploits systematic differences in city-level exposure to regional house price cycles. All three identification strategies indicate that housing wealth elasticities were if anything slightly smaller in the 2000s than in earlier time periods. This implies that the important role housing played in the boom and bust of the 2000s was due to larger price movements rather than an increase in the sensitivity of consumption to house prices. Full-sample estimates based on our new instrument are smaller than recent estimates, though they remain economically important. We find no significant evidence of a boom-bust asymmetry in the housing wealth elasticity. We show that these empirical results are consistent with the behavior of the housing wealth elasticity in a standard life-cycle model with borrowing constraints, uninsurable income risk, illiquid housing, and long-term mortgages. In our model, the housing wealth elasticity is relatively insensitive to changes in the distribution of LTV for two reasons: First, low-leverage homeowners account for a substantial and stable part of the aggregate housing wealth elasticity; Second, a rightward shift in the LTV distribution increases not only the number of highly sensitive constrained agents but also the number of underwater agents whose consumption is insensitive to house prices.1623801, - National Science FoundationAccepted manuscrip

    Sex hormones and sperm parameters after adjuvant oxaliplatin-based treatment for colorectal cancer

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Author(s)Background: The incidence of colorectal cancer (CRC) in individuals of fertile age is increasing. Oxaliplatin is a cornerstone treatment in the adjuvant setting for stage III and high-risk stage II CRC. Limited data exist on possible side effects of oxaliplatin on fertility and gonadal function. More data is needed to guide possible fertility preservation procedures and aid evidence-based fertility counselling. Patients and methods: The aim of this study (EudraCT2006-002832-10) was to prospectively investigate sex hormones and sperm parameters after oxaliplatin-based adjuvant chemotherapy to clarify the risk of infertility and hypogonadism. Twenty males aged ≤55 years and 16 females aged ≤40 years were recruited from five hospitals in the Nordic countries. All had undergone radical surgery due to CRC and were given adjuvant oxaliplatin in combination with 5-fluorouracil. Measurement of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), testosterone, sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and semen analysis were done in males, while LH, FSH and oestradiol were measured in females. Measurements were done prior to chemotherapy, after completion of adjuvant treatment and at follow-up 1 and up to 5 years after end of treatment. Results: FSH and testosterone levels increased in males after chemotherapy treatment but were restored at follow-up. No patients developed hypogonadism. There was a trend towards a decrease in sperm concentration during treatment (p = 0.063). When comparing sperm concentration and rapid progressive motility of sperms prior to chemotherapy and at follow-up, there were no differences, and no patients became permanently azoospermic by treatment. No distinct altering of gonadal function could be observed in females. Conclusions: Oxaliplatin in combination with 5-fluorouracil seems to induce transient decrease in sperm concentration with recovery and a minor transient increase in FSH in males. No distinct altering of gonadal function was observed in females. The risk of infertility and hypogonadism in males and females after adjuvant oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy seems low.Peer reviewe

    Mechanisms involved in PGE2-induced transactivation of the epidermal growth factor receptor in MH1C1 hepatocarcinoma cells.

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    Background It is important to understand the mechanisms by which the cells integrate signals from different receptors. Several lines of evidence implicate epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor (EGFR) in the pathophysiology of hepatocarcinomas. Data also suggest a role of prostaglandins in some of these tumours, through their receptors of the G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) family. In this study we have investigated mechanisms of interaction between signalling from prostaglandin receptors and EGFR in hepatocarcinoma cells. Methods The rat hepatocarcinoma cell line MH1C1 and normal rat hepatocytes in primary culture were stimulated with EGF or prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and in some experiments also PGF2α. DNA synthesis was determined by incorporation of radiolabelled thymidine into DNA, phosphorylation of proteins in signalling pathways was assessed by Western blotting, mRNA expression of prostaglandin receptors was determined using qRT-PCR, accumulation of inositol phosphates was measured by incorporation of radiolabelled inositol, and cAMP was determined by radioimmunoassay. Results In the MH1C1 hepatocarcinoma cells, stimulation with PGE2 or PGF2α caused phosphorylation of the EGFR, Akt, and ERK, which could be blocked by the EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor gefitinib. This did not occur in primary hepatocytes. qRT-PCR revealed expression of EP1, EP4, and FP receptor mRNA in MH1C1 cells. PGE2 stimulated accumulation of inositol phosphates but not cAMP in these cells, suggesting signalling via PLCβ. While pretreatment with EP1 and EP4 receptor antagonists did not inhibit the effect of PGE2, pretreatment with an FP receptor antagonist blocked the phosphorylation of EGFR, Akt and ERK. Further studies suggested that the PGE2-induced signal was mediated via Ca2+ release and not PKC activation, and that it proceeded through Src and shedding of membrane-bound EGFR ligand precursors by proteinases of the ADAM family. Conclusion The results indicate that in MH1C1 cells, unlike normal hepatocytes, PGE2 activates the MEK/ERK and PI3K/Akt pathways by transactivation of the EGFR, thus diversifying the GPCR-mediated signal. The data also suggest that the underlying mechanisms in these cells involve FP receptors, PLCβ, Ca2+, Src, and proteinase-mediated release of membrane-associated EGFR ligand(s)
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