164 research outputs found

    Rethinking Our Classrooms: Teachers’ Perceptions on Integrating Transferable Skills in the Classrooms to Create an Active Learning Environment

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    Despite many efforts to promote transferable skills development, it remains a challenge for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and schools. To improve education practices and meet the challenges of an ever-changing environment, it is vital to introduce a paradigm shift in education. In light of this, it is significant to identify and implement the teaching strategies that facilitate transferable skills development. There has long been a controversy over the traditional pedagogical style of lecture delivery as opposed to an active learning environment in which learners are engaged in the learning process itself. The paper sheds light on various ways of integrating transferable skills in the classroom. It examines diverse methods, teaching/learning strategies, and educational tools that aim at promoting a learner-centered learning environment, to ensure the development of transferable skills, such as critical thinking, teamwork, communication, collaboration, creativity, research skills, etc. Creating such a learning environment stimulates students' interests, engagement, and motivation. Consequently, it overviews a practical application of some activities and strategies that can activate the skills as well as reveals the results of findings that showed teachers’ perception regarding a practical application of some methods and strategies to enhance transferable skills. This research is significant by identifying the indicators of an active learning environment, which encourage educators to reimagine their classrooms and implement innovative teaching practices

    The Main Problems in the Relations Between the European Union and Turkey

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    This paper depicts the dynamics of the EU-Turkey relations beginning from the signing of the association agreement, i.e. the Ankara contract, to date. In addition, it aims to specify the factors preventing the bilateral collaboration and achievement of EU membership as aspired to by Ankara. The paper focuses on both the internal and international problems arising on Turkey’s path to EU membership, namely, the westernisation trend originating from Kemal Ataturk times, recent developments in Turkey, the democratisation of political institutions, the rule of law and protection of human rights, regional security, Turkey’s part in the refugee crisis, visafree travel, Greek-Turkey relationships, Ankara’s stance towards Cyprus, the Kurdish problem, and the Turkey-US and Turkey-Russia relationships. The authors discuss the EU Member States’ attitude towards the political and socio-economic developments in Turkey and the way Ankara looks at the requirements put forward by those Member States. We suggest several methods of rapprochement and brighter bilateral prospects

    Mapping of Potential Show Caves in the Racha Limestone Massif (Country of Georgia)

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    Abstract: The Racha limestone massif is located in the eastern part of the karst zone of western Georgia. The massif is a typical example of Georgian mountain karst regions, where diverse surface and subsurface karst landforms are found. The main aim of this research is to present mapping of two potential show caves, and document speleological information from the Racha limestone massif. The morphological parameters and tectonic directions of the Muradi and Usholta Caves were mapped using the compass-clinometer and laser distance meter, to compile 3D models of the caves. To our knowledge these are the first 3D models of karst caves in Georgia

    Influence of excipients on absorbtion from soft pharmaceuticals forms

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    Catedra de tehnologie a medicamentelor, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemițanu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Datorită incidenței crescute a afecțiunilor de piele, în rândul populației din RM una din problemele majore ale cercetărilor din domeniul farmaceutic este elaborarea de noi forme farmaceutice și studiul naturii diferitor excipienți asupra procesului de absorbție. În acest sens au fost studiați diferiți excipienți în forme farmaceutice moi, în scopul dezvoltării terapiei afecțiunilor de piele. Scopul lucrării. În acest studiu ne-am propus ca scop studiul excipienților și influența acestora în absorbția cutanată a formelor farmaceutice moi. Material și metode. Drept materiale au servit diverse reviste de specialitate contemporane din diferite țări și din RM. Rezultate. În urma analizei datelor din literatura de specialitate am constatat că din punct de vedere a biodisponibilității și al eficacității, excipienții folosiți la prepararea formelor medicamentoase moi influențează în mod vădit absorbția substanțelor medicamentoase active prin piele. Absorbția prin piele este un proces complex, dinamic, orice modificare a conținutului substanței active, a excipienților, poate schimba fluxul substanțelor active în zona cutanată. Concluzii. Excipienții folosiți la prepararea formelor medicamentoase moi pot schimba starea fizică și permeabilitatea stratului cornos, în special prin efectul oclusiv, mărind conținutul ăn umiditate din piele, poate îmbunătăți penetrarea substanțelor active. Dintre bazele de unguent, cele mai oclusive sunt bazele grase, anhidre apoi emulsii A/U și cu efect mai mic emulsii U/A. Asupra absorbtiei percutanate, de asemenea pot influența promotorii de absorbție din compoziția excipienților.Introduction. Due to the increased incidence of skin affections, among the population of the Republic of Moldova, one of the major problems of pharmaceutical research is the development of new soft pharmaceutical forms and the study of nature of different excipients in soft pharmaceutical forms for the development of skin disorders therapy. The aim of the study. In this study we aimed to study excipients and their influence on cutaneous absorption of soft pharmaceutical forms. Material and methods. As materials served various contemporary scientific journals from the Republic of Moldova and different countries. Results. Following the information and analysis from the scientific, specialized literature, we have found that from the bioavaibility and efficacy point of view, the excipients used for preparation of soft pharmaceutical forms influence obviously absorbtion of active drug substances through skin. The absorption through skin is a complex, dynamic process, any content modification of the active substance, of the excipients, can change the rate of penetration of active substance into cutaneous area. Conclusions. Excipients used for the preparation of soft drug forms can change the physical state and permeability of stratum corneum, especially by the occlusive effect, increasing the moisture content of the skin, it can improve the penetration of active substances. From the ointment bases, the most occlusive ones are the fatty bases, anhydrous, then W/O emulsions and with a lesser effect O/W emulsions

    Results of the surgical treatment of median nerves tunnel neuropathies

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    Serviciul Neurochirurgie, Spitalul Regional mun. BălţiIn the majority cases management of median nerve compression in carpal channel comprises in dissection of its anterior wall-carpal ligament. That resulting in enlargement of space in carpal channel ant to decrease on intrachannel pressure. Our results indicating necessity of early decompression and neurolisis for better nerve regeneration. The best timing for surgical intervention is the period from 1 to 6 months onset of clinical symptoms. Scopul metodelor de tratament chirurgical al compresiei nervului median la nivelul canalului carpian este de a deschide peretele anterior al canalului carpian, care este reprezentat de ligamentul carpian. Aceasta duce la creşterea diametrului canalului carpian şi scăderii presiunii intracanalare. Rezultatele primite indică la necesitatea efectuării unei decompresii şi neurolize timpurii al nervului, care duce la o regenerare mai bună. Optimal este efectuarea intervenţiei chirurgicale în perioada de la 1 pînă la 6 luni de la momentul îmbolnăvirii

    Expression and shedding of MHC class I-related chain (MIC) A and B molecules in human carcinoma cell lines

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    The interaction of the MHC class 1-related chain molecules (MIC) A and B with the corresponding Natural Killer Group 2D receptor elicits cytotoxicity of Natural Killer cells and T cell subsets. Albeit absent in normal tissue, these molecules are constitutively expressed on transformed cells and play an important role in tumor immunosurveillance. Consequently, the ectodomain shedding of MICA and MICB is regarded as an important mechanism of the immune escape of cancer cells. However, the proteolytic machinery responsible for the shedding of endogenous MICA/MICB from tumors has not been well defined. In this study, we analyzed different human tumor entities including mammary, pancreatic and prostate carcinomas for the expression and shedding of endogenous MICA and MICB molecules. Flow cytometry and ELISA revealed that all the tested cells constitutively expressed MICA and MICB on the cell surface and also released NKG2D ligands into the supernatant. Inhibitor studies showed that metalloproteases are responsible for both the constitutive and phorbolester-induced generation of soluble MICA/B, whereas aspartate, cysteine and serine proteases are not involved in this process. Consequently, the inhibition of metalloproteases reduced the level of released MICA/B and increased cell surface expression. In the prostate carcinoma cell line PC-3, MICA was not shed at all, despite expression of these molecules on the cell surface. Genotyping of this cell line showed that the reason for this discrepancy was the expression of the truncated allelic variant, MICA*008:01, indicating an allele-specific regulation of this process. Studies employing RNA interference not only revealed a prominent role of a disintegrin and metalloprotease (ADAM) 10 and 17 in the shedding of NKG2D ligands but also a differential susceptibility of MICA to the proteolytic activity of ADAM10/17. Altogether, inhibition of shedding responsible proteases lowers the release of tumor-promoting soluble MICA/B and increases the cell surface density of these molecules and in that way presumably also the immunogenic potential of tumors. The detailed analysis of the proteolytic machinery responsible for the shedding of NKG2D ligands such as MICA/B from tumor cells might open the field for new strategies in tumor therapy

    Психологічний вплив сучасної мас-медіа на формування гендерних стереотипів

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    Introduction. Modern mass media plays essential part in universal process of socialization, when a person gains personal awareness of their culture and social order. The stated process of socialization develops perception, thinking and behavior of every person. Theory of modeling tells us how a person masters new models of behavior depicted by means of mass communication.  Another prominent form of socialization is acquisition of the behavior which demands team communication principles from a person. The theory of social expectation proves a person observing social state, norms, roles and control through the social life and groups of people depicted by the media. Aim and tasks. The main purpose of the article is to study the media in the formation of existing stereotypes in society. Results. Mass media, mirror reflecting modernity, develop knowledge of gender equality and the system in masses. Gender stereotype can be defined as peculiar means of relation between journalistic creativity and reader (text creation and its reading), sign system that facilitates mutual understanding. Gender stereotypes can be reviewed as a means of cognition and relation between sexes, which are based on images and discourse. Formation of gender stereotypes is determined by social and demographic factors, among which age and marital peculiarities between sexes, as well as education, intellect, urbanization prevail. In media gender stereotypes are characterized by dynamic, as they represent product of correlation of creative act and perception. In addition, research conducted by us is very interesting, the aim of which was to list and distinguish certain tendencies in Georgian TV commercials. From 200 interviewed respondent, aged 20-30 years, majority reckon that in commercials dominated by female, the addressee’s appearance, her marital status are emphasized. In commercials intended for men, the main emphasis is drawn to power, strength and courage. Peculiarity of such type of exposure is the use of associative comparisons and psychological characterization connected with masculine stereotypes. Conclusions. Therefore, gender stereotypes are often widespread and superstitious opinions on woman and man’s abilities, features, social behavior and social functions. Lack of information concerning gender issues partly determines existence of stereotypes. Potentially, the press can play an important part in establishing gender equality. The objective of modern journalism is to break existing stereotypes, develop modern techniques and forms of evaluation and apply them in journalistic activities. As the main function of journalism is to transfer important and progressive ideas to the society, considering the time and era, including modern notion of gender and gender relations.Вступ. Сучасні засоби масової інформації відіграють істотну роль в універсальному процесі соціалізації, коли людина набуває особисту обізнаність про свою культуру і соціальний устрій. Заявлений процес соціалізації розвиває сприйняття, мислення і поведінку кожної людини. Теорія моделювання сприяє освоєнню нових моделей поведінки, зображені за допомогою масової комунікації. Ще однією важливою формою соціалізації є набута поведінка, яка вимагає від людини принципів спілкування. Теорія соціальних очікувань доводить, що людина спостерігає за соціальним станом, нормами, ролями і контролем через соціальне життя і групи людей, зображені в засобах масової інформації. Мета і завдання. Основною метою статті є вивчення медіа у формуванні існуючих стереотипів у суспільстві. Результати. ЗМІ, дзеркально відображають сучасність, розвивають знання про гендерну рівність і системі в масах. Гендерний стереотип можна визначити як своєрідний засіб зв'язку між журналістською творчістю і читачем (створення тексту і його читання), систему знаків, яка сприяє взаєморозумінню. Гендерні стереотипи можна розглядати як засіб пізнання і зв'язку між статями, які засновані на образах і дискурсі. Формування гендерних стереотипів визначається соціальними і демографічними факторами, серед яких переважають вікові та сімейні особливості між статями, а також освіта, інтелект, урбанізація. У засобах масової інформації гендерні стереотипи характеризуються динамікою, оскільки вони представляють собою продукт співвідношення творчого акту і сприйняття. Крім того, проведене нами дослідження направлено на виділення певних тенденцій в грузинській телерекламі. З 200 опитаних респондентів у віці 20-30 років більшість вважає, що в рекламі, де домінують жінки, підкреслюються зовнішність адресата, її сімейний стан. У рекламних роликах, призначених для чоловіків, основний упор робиться на владу, силу і сміливість. Особливістю такого типу впливу є використання асоціативних порівнянь і психологічних характеристик, пов'язаних з чоловічими стереотипами. Висновки. Таким чином, гендерні стереотипи часто є широко поширеними і забобонними думками про здібності, особливості, соціальну поведінку і соціальні функції жінки і чоловіка. Відсутність інформації з гендерних питань частково визначає існування стереотипів. Потенційно преса може зіграти важливу роль у встановленні гендерної рівності. Метою сучасної журналістики є руйнування існуючих стереотипів, розробка сучасних методів і форм оцінки та їх застосування в журналістській діяльності. В якості основної функції журналістики є передача важливих і прогресивних ідей товариству з урахуванням часу і епохи, включаючи сучасне уявлення про гендер і гендерні відносини

    The roles of CT and MRI techniques in ischemic stroke

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    Department of Radiology and Imaging, Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova, The IVth Congress of Radiology and Medical Imaging of the Republic of Moldova with international participation, Chisinau, May 31 – June 2, 2018Background: Ischemic stroke is the second most common cause of death and the leading cause of disability. Imaging modalities such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are essential in diagnosing the stroke and guiding the treatment strategy. Choosing a specific technique might be challenging in different clinical situations. Material and methods: The study involved searching PubMed database with the following keywords: ischemic stroke, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging. The search revealed over 1100 articles, from which 52 were relevant for the studied topic. Results: A head CT scan can quickly exclude the presence of hemorrhage and reveal related signs of ischemia such as the loss of contrast between the gray and white matter, hyperdense vessel sign, etc. CT imaging can also exclude other pathologies that may resemble stroke clinically. MRI is generally more sensitive than CT in the detection of ischemia, although an MRI exam is more complicated and timeconsuming, which can limit its applications in an emergency. The major advantages of MRI are also related to absence of radiation and relatively safer contrast agents. Imaging vertebral and carotid arteries and their branches is an essential part of a stroke protocol and both CT and MR angiography techniques can be used for this purpose, each having its own advantages and disadvantages. A variety of newly emerged techniques such as perfusion computed tomography of the brain can also significantly improve the detection of fresh ischemia. Conclusions: It is most likely that CT and MRI will coexist for decades, and the imaging modality for patients with acute neurological deficits will be decided according to local conditions and patient’s characteristics. Patients are likely to benefit from developmental research of both imaging techniques


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    The topic concerns the legal features of refusing to accept an in- heritance. The prototype of rejection of inheritance originates from an- cient times. Roman law occupies a special place among the ancient legal systems, which belongs to the strong values of the legal culture, emphasizing its enormous importance for the legal development of both European and other states. According to the legislation in force in Georgia, the law regulates relations related to the refusal to accept an inheritance. The heir has the right to refuse to receive the inheritance by law and by will from the circle of heirs. Refusal to accept inheritance is irreversible and requires special attention. In its content, it is clearly different from the avoidance of inheritance. It is not allowed to refuse to receive the inheritance partially, for a period or with any reservation . If the heir refuses to accept the inheritance, he must altogether refuse it within the time limits defined by the law. An inheritance that passes to a decedent's heirs is considered the total of all assets and liabilities of the decedent. Legal norms related to inheritance relations need to be adjust- ed. The central part of the legal norms regulating inheritance has not changed after the adoption of the Civil Code of Georgia. Georgian legislation and practice in this area are not without flaws, and problematic issues have accumulated that need to be understood in a new way. The work is a legal study, the purpose of which is to review the legal features of the refusal to accept the inheritance, the shortcomings, the legal norms used, and judicial and notary practices based on the comparative legal analysis of the legal literature of foreign countries, related to the refusal to accept the inheritance and the avoidance (non-acceptance) of the inheritance. Also, the work aims to present the problems, which will allow us to develop conclusions and recommendations to determine how to regulate this relationship