2,103 research outputs found

    Surface Normal Deconvolution: Photometric Stereo for Optically Thick Translucent Objects

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    Computer Vision – ECCV 2014 13th European Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, September 6-12, 2014,This paper presents a photometric stereo method that works for optically thick translucent objects exhibiting subsurface scattering. Our method is built upon the previous studies showing that subsurface scattering is approximated as convolution with a blurring kernel. We extend this observation and show that the original surface normal convolved with the scattering kernel corresponds to the blurred surface normal that can be obtained by a conventional photometric stereo technique. Based on this observation, we cast the photometric stereo problem for optically thick translucent objects as a deconvolution problem, and develop a method to recover accurate surface normals. Experimental results of both synthetic and real-world scenes show the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Uniaxial Phase Transition in Si : Ab initio Calculations

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    Based on a previously proposed thermodynamic analysis, we study the relative stabilities of five Si phases under uniaxial compression using ab initio methods. The five phases are diamond, beta-tin, sh, sc, and hcp structures. The possible phase-transition patterns were investigated by considering the phase transitions between any two chosen phases of the five phases. By analyzing the different conributions to the relative pahse stability, we identified the most important factors in reducing the phase-transition pressures at uniaxial compression. We also show that it is possible to have phase transitions occur only when the phases are under uniaxial compression, in spite of no phase transition when under hydrostatic commpression. Taking all five phases into consideration, the phase diagram at uniaxial compression was constructed for pressures under 20 GPa. The stable phases were found to be diamond, beta-tin and sh structures, i.e. the same as those when under hydrostatic condition. According to the phase diagram, direct phase transition from the diamond to the sh phase is possible if the applied uniaxial pressures, on increasing, satisfy the condition of Px>Pz. Simiilarly, the sh-to-beta-tin transition on increeasing pressures is also possible if the applied uniaxial pressures are varied from the condition of Px>Pz, on which the phase of sh is stable, to that of Px<Pz, on which the beta-tin is stable

    Local heuristic for the refinement of multi-path routing in wireless mesh networks

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    We consider wireless mesh networks and the problem of routing end-to-end traffic over multiple paths for the same origin-destination pair with minimal interference. We introduce a heuristic for path determination with two distinguishing characteristics. First, it works by refining an extant set of paths, determined previously by a single- or multi-path routing algorithm. Second, it is totally local, in the sense that it can be run by each of the origins on information that is available no farther than the node's immediate neighborhood. We have conducted extensive computational experiments with the new heuristic, using AODV and OLSR, as well as their multi-path variants, as underlying routing methods. For two different CSMA settings (as implemented by 802.11) and one TDMA setting running a path-oriented link scheduling algorithm, we have demonstrated that the new heuristic is capable of improving the average throughput network-wide. When working from the paths generated by the multi-path routing algorithms, the heuristic is also capable to provide a more evenly distributed traffic pattern

    High-energy gamma-ray emission from the inner jet of LS I+61 303: the hadronic contribution revisited

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    LS I+61 303 has been detected by the Cherenkov telescope MAGIC at very high energies, presenting a variable flux along the orbital motion with a maximum clearly separated from the periastron passage. In the light of the new observational constraints, we revisit the discussion of the production of high-energy gamma rays from particle interactions in the inner jet of this system. The hadronic contribution could represent a major fraction of the TeV emission detected from this source. The spectral energy distribution resulting from p-p interactions is recalculated. Opacity effects introduced by the photon fields of the primary star and the stellar decretion disk are shown to be essential in shaping the high-energy gamma-ray light curve at energies close to 200 GeV. We also present results of Monte Carlo simulations of the electromagnetic cascades developed very close to the periastron passage. We conclude that a hadronic microquasar model for the gamma-ray emission in LS I +61 303 can reproduce the main features of its observed high-energy gamma-ray flux.Comment: 6 pages. Sligth improvements made. Accepted version by Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    Isospin Effects in Nuclear Multifragmentation

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    We develop an improved Statistical Multifragmentation Model that provides the capability to calculate calorimetric and isotopic observables with precision. With this new model we examine the influence of nuclear isospin on the fragment elemental and isotopic distributions. We show that the proposed improvements on the model are essential for studying isospin effects in nuclear multifragmentation. In particular, these calculations show that accurate comparisons to experimental data require that the nuclear masses, free energies and secondary decay must be handled with higher precision than many current models accord.Comment: 46 pages, 16 figure

    On Gauge Invariance of Breit-Wigner Propagators

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    We present an approach to bosonic (Z0,W±Z^0, W^{\pm}) as well as fermionic (top-quark) Breit-Wigner propagators which is consistent with gauge invariance arguments. In particular, for the Z0Z^0-boson propagator we extend previous analyses and show that the part proportional to kΌkΜ/M2k_{\mu} k_{\nu}/M^2 must be modified near the resonance. We derive a mass shift which agrees with results obtained elsewhere by different methods. The modified form of a resonant heavy fermion propagator is also given.Comment: 16 p., TeX, (final version

    Spin and energy transfer in nanocrystals without transport of charge

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    We describe a mechanism of spin transfer between individual quantum dots that does not require tunneling. Incident circularly-polarized photons create inter-band excitons with non-zero electron spin in the first quantum dot. When the quantum-dot pair is properly designed, this excitation can be transferred to the neighboring dot via the Coulomb interaction with either {\it conservation} or {\it flipping} of the electron spin. The second dot can radiate circularly-polarized photons at lower energy. Selection rules for spin transfer are determined by the resonant conditions and by the strong spin-orbit interaction in the valence band of nanocrystals. Coulomb-induced energy and spin transfer in pairs and chains of dots can become very efficient under resonant conditions. The electron can preserve its spin orientation even in randomly-oriented nanocrystals.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Hollow to bamboolike internal structure transition observed in carbon nanotube films

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    The transition of the internal structure in microwave chemical-vapor- deposited carbon nanotubes is investigated using scanning electron microscopy and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. By controlling the thickness of the iron catalyst layer, a sequence of carbon nanotube films was obtained with diameters ranging from a few nanometers to over 100 nm. Experiments have established that by continuous reduction of the Fe layer thickness to <1 nm, single- and double-wall carbon nanotube films can be produced, whereas for an Fe film thickness <1 nm, multiwall carbon nanotube films can be synthesized. It was also found that for an Fe thickness ≄5 nm, interlayers (i.e., bamboolike or periodically compartmentalized nanotubes) were formed, while for an iron thickness <2 nm the tubes were primarily hollow. For an intermediate Fe thickness the internal structure of the carbon nanotubes was a mixture of hollow and bamboolike. A growth model which considers bulk and surface diffusions of carbon into andor onto the Fe catalyst surface is proposed to describe this transition and the internal periodic structure

    Mitigation of carbon using Atriplex nummularia revegetation

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    The use of abandoned or marginally productive land to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions may avoid competition with food and water production. Atriplex nummularia Lindl. is a perennial shrub commonly established for livestock forage on saline land, however, its potential for carbon mitigation has not been systematically evaluated. Similarly, although revegetation is an allowable activity to mitigate carbon within Article 3.4 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change's Kyoto Protocol, there is a paucity of information on rates of carbon mitigation in soils and biomass through this mechanism. For six sites where A. nummularia had been established across southern Australia four were used to assess changes in soil carbon storage and four were used to develop biomass carbon sequestration estimates. A generalised allometric equation for above and below ground biomass was developed, with a simple crown volume index explaining 81% of the variation in total biomass. There were no significant differences in soil organic carbon storage to 0.3 m or 2 m depth compared to existing agricultural land-use. Between 2.2 and 8.3 Mg C ha−1 or 0.2–0.6 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 was sequestered in above and below ground biomass and this translates to potential total sequestration of 1.1–3.6 Tg C yr−1 on saline land across Australia. Carbon income and forage grazing may thus provide a means to finance the stabilization of compromised land
