548 research outputs found

    Preserving modern architecture & new railway infrastructure in New Delhi

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    New Delhi/ Naiee Dilli is one of the cities in the world which has been destroyed and rebuilt 10 times since 3100BC. Starting with the name of Indraprastha and ending with Lutyens’s Delhi in 1911AD. Currently, Delhi still shows the footprints of all the 10 destroyed cities. The major change happened during the Lutyens’s planning and after the post-independence where India started getting engaged with the new construction technology with industrial materials which were introduced by the colonizers. The architecture of post-colonial Delhi was to change the image of a growing city to a developed city. An era where Indian cities were getting ready for globalization and welcoming outsiders to invest. The structure of these buildings where getting defined as experiments with the new shapes and techniques for future generation architects to inspire and continue the same with the concept of brutalism and old heritage buildings in India. This also started shaping the land usage and other neighboring buildings in society with relation to colonial radial city planning keeping heritage and modernism in the same bracket. Most of the building programs were the government’s office, market spaces, exhibition spaces, hotels, and low-cost housing for the lower middle class of Delhi. But in 21st century India people and government have started forgetting about the importance of these buildings leading to demolition. One of the examples can be New Delhi Railway Station building also known as NDLS or Paharganj side railway station building. The government is again demolishing this structure and pursuing a structure that is out of the context of New Delhi’s architecture. Also, Railway stations in India are one of the oldest buildings across the nation which keeps getting retrofitted with new elements of today’s building to look aesthetically up to date but, from inside the structure, space remains the same as it was during the British era. Across India old railway stations have been following the infrastructure as defined by the Britishers when they started developing railways during their rule across the country (India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh). In particular, the New Delhi railway station has been a critical point for India’s redevelopment of Indian Railways. It is the second busiest station in India and lies in the capital of India. My research aim can be framed under the light of studying these structures with their contrasting construction techniques and to know how railway stations can be improved by giving a new civic culture space including amenities and regulations. Reflecting the culture of the region while being an important civic node for efficient transportation of people and cargo around New Delhi and the rest of the country

    Characterizing the Potential of a Ferric Siderophore Receptor as a Putative B. pertussis Vaccine Antigen

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    Pertussis (whooping cough), the disease caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis, has been resurging despite widespread vaccination, and this is mainly attributed to the switch to acellular pertussis vaccines (aPV) from whole cell pertussis vaccines (wPV). This correlation, as well as the emergence of strains lacking antigens in the current aPV formulations, suggests that novel Bp antigens should be explored to engineer a next-generation aPV. Looking at another aspect of B. pertussis pathogenesis that is not addressed by the current aPV formulations, siderophores are necessary for survival and proliferation to scavenge ferric iron cations (Fe3+) in the iron-deficient environment of the host body, making iron-bound (ferric) siderophore complex uptake receptors potential useful targets for the immune system. In addition, previous screening experiments for novel T cell antigens showed the immunological potential of BfrD and BfrG, two extracellular ferric siderophore receptor proteins found on multiple strains of B. pertussis. In this study, we first show that BfrD and BfrG can be overexpressed in and purified from an E. coli mutant that lacks endotoxic lipopolysaccharide (LPS) via bacterial transformation so that LPS-removal measures that significantly reduce protein amount do not have to be taken. Second, we determined that the mutant LPS truly was not immunogenic, and so removal from the final protein solution was not necessary for use in murine models of infection. Finally, this study suggests immunization and boosting with BfrD adjuvated with alum (the adjuvant in the current aPV formulations) generates robust opsonizing capability, as well as possibly inducing a Th1 immune response and reducing bacterial burden in the nasal cavity.No embargoAcademic Major: BiochemistryAcademic Major: Mathematic


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    ABSTRACTObjective: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the bactericidal activity of different parts of Azadirachta indica plant against probioticmicrobes such as Bacillus clausii, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus casei and Saccharomyces boulardii that were foundto be present in these commercial available probiotic products such as yoghurt, probase, enterogermina and various other types of fermented food. Methods: Bactericidal activity of different parts of Azadirachta indica plant considering leaves, barks and seeds were observed by agar well diffusionmethod by calculating inhibition length. Phytochemical screening was done in aqueous and methanolic extracts of leaves, barks and seed of Azadirachtaindica plant in order to reveal the presence of secondary metabolite in the defined extracts.Results: The present study has revealed the presence of maximum bactericidal activity in its aqueous extracts of leaves as compared to the bark and seed.Conclusion: This can be concluded from the present study to recommend to utilize the bark and seed as traditional herbal remedies that has shownless amount of bactericidal activity against the probiotic microbes.Keywords: Probiotic microbes, Phytochemical screening, Bactericidal activity, Agar well-diffusion method, Azadirachta indica

    Evaluation of Syncope: An Overview

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    Syncope is defined as a sudden temporary loss of consciousness associated with a loss of postural tone, with spontaneous recovery that does not require electrical or chemical cardioversion. Syncope is a common symptom, accounting for 1% to 6% of hospital admission and up to 3% of emergency room visits. Loss of consciousness is also common in healthy young adults, although most do not seek medical attention. Syncope is a frequent symptom in the elderly. The evaluation and management of syncope has dramatically changed over the past 15 years. In the early 1980s, several studies showed that the cause of syncope was often not established, and subgroups were identified with high mortality and sudden death rates.1,2 ,3, 4 Later a large number of studies on electrophysiology testing appeared, which led to a better understanding of the roles and limitations of tests in syncope.5,6,7,8 Although tilt table testing started in 1980s, it assumed an important role in the evaluation of syncope in 1990s, showing that neurally mediated mechanism is a common etiology of unexplained syncope.9,10,11,12 The purpose of this article is to highlight the clinical approach and management of syncope

    20W Output Broadband Amplifier with Automatic Gain Control and Thermal Protection

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    The requirement is to explore concept, design, fabrication and testing of a common source class B, cwrf amplifier by using readily available MOSFET that can withstand a load mismatch at all phase angles with more than a VSWR of 20:1. This amplifier must give an output of more than 20W with 13dB gain in the frequency range of 28 to 46MHz i.e. 37 ± 9MHz. This module will make one of the stages for a multistage cascaded high power cwrf solid state amplifier. The amplifier must be over current and over voltage protected by using external self-regulated dc power supply at the drain. The amplifier MOSFET device is presently to be biased at the gate with a variable dc supply. This arrangement will make it gain controlled. This will be feed backed from the cwrf output so as to make it automatic gain controlled in future. Various techniques of sampling forward and reflected power at the output must also be explored. A thermoswitch at the heat sink of MOSFET is to be added along with necessary circuitry to regulate the operating temperature, thereby protecting the device from overheating

    Responsible AI (RAI) Games and Ensembles

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    Several recent works have studied the societal effects of AI; these include issues such as fairness, robustness, and safety. In many of these objectives, a learner seeks to minimize its worst-case loss over a set of predefined distributions (known as uncertainty sets), with usual examples being perturbed versions of the empirical distribution. In other words, aforementioned problems can be written as min-max problems over these uncertainty sets. In this work, we provide a general framework for studying these problems, which we refer to as Responsible AI (RAI) games. We provide two classes of algorithms for solving these games: (a) game-play based algorithms, and (b) greedy stagewise estimation algorithms. The former class is motivated by online learning and game theory, whereas the latter class is motivated by the classical statistical literature on boosting, and regression. We empirically demonstrate the applicability and competitive performance of our techniques for solving several RAI problems, particularly around subpopulation shift

    Treatment of Psoriasis with the Help of Curcumin Hydrogel

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    Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. Current treatments for psoriasis include topical corticosteroids, immunomodulators, and phototherapy, but these treatments may have limited efficacy or cause side effects. Curcumin, a natural compound with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, has been shown to have potential as an alternative treatment for psoriasis. However, the low solubility and bioavailability of curcumin limit its effectiveness when administered orally or topically. Curcumin hydrogel, a topical formulation of curcumin, has been developed to address these limitations. In this review, we summarize the current research on the use of curcumin hydrogel in the treatment of psoriasis. We discuss the pharmacological properties of curcumin, the formulation of curcumin hydrogel, and the preclinical and clinical studies investigating the efficacy and safety of curcumin hydrogel in psoriasis. Overall, the available evidence suggests that curcumin hydrogel may be a promising alternative treatment for psoriasis, with potential benefits in reducing inflammation, promoting wound healing, and improving overall quality of life for psoriasis patients. Further research is needed to fully elucidate the mechanism of action of curcumin hydrogel and to optimize its formulation and delivery for maximum efficacy
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