1,390 research outputs found

    Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats analysis on impact of e-learning in biochemistry in phase-I medical undergraduates

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    Background: The concept of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis is to identify advantages, limitations, opportunities, and dangers of e-learning scaffolds in medical education detailed in the field of biochemistry, based upon the perception of stakeholders. It is used to assist faculties in initiating meaningful change in a program and to use the data for program improvement. The aim of the study is to identify, the strength, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities of e-learning of biochemistry to MBBS first-year students.Methods: This educational intervention study was based on an online course, and was conducted at department of biochemistry, L. N. Medical College, Bhopal. 150 students, aged from 18 to 21 years, admitted to the MBBS phase-I, were recruited as a group I and faculties of biochemistry as group II to achieve the objectives of the study. The predesigned open questionnaire was administered to record their perception on e-learning classes.Results: The students and facilitator considered that the online teaching learning is easily accessible and flexibility of time but it also impart feeling of loneliness and unsuitable for skill development program. Though it gives an opportunity of accessibility for higher education for every-one in a very cost effective manner and allow them to balance between their education and job.Conclusions: The online learning is a flexible and assessable teaching learning method but its effectiveness remains subject of discussion. Hence further studies on large scale are required to justify it

    Identity Development in Pre-Service Teachers Who Are Explainers in a Science Center: Dialectically Developing Theory and Praxis

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    This dissertation investigates how teaching in a hands-on science center contributes to re/shaping one\u27s teaching identity. Situated at the New York Hall of Science (NYHS) in Queens, New York, my research approach is to conduct a critical ethnography where the focus is on improving the teaching and learning of science for all involved. In particular, Explainers, floor staff at NYHS, who are studying to be science teachers, are invited to become co-researchers with me. Written as a manuscript style, this dissertation consists of six chapters. Each chapter foregrounds certain events and phenomena, and theory and method are woven in to theorize identity construction. Grounded in cultural sociology, the frameworks of Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT), and the sociology of emotions, illuminate key understandings about the construction of teaching identity. Multiple data sources including field notes, transcribed audio and videotapes, and cogenerative dialogues are used. I employ a hermeneutic phenomenological approach to data analysis. This research has salient implications for museum-university partnerships, and training for museum floor staff and has the potential to inform policy-making for pre-service teaching clinical fieldwork experiences

    Polyelectrolyte multilayer assembly bearing ketoprofen for transdermal delivery

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    A novel microencapsulation technology based on layer-by-layer assembly has been extensively studied and used for controlled delivery of drug microcrystal having poor aqueous solubility and low bioavailability. A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug ketoprofen (KF)was selected for encapsulation using biodegradable and biocompatible polyions and synergistically the fabricated system was embedded in gel matrix for topical application. Topical application of the drugs at the pathological sites offer potential advantages of delivering the drug directly to the site of action and thus producing high tissue concentrations of the drug

    Aetiological analysis of primary amenorrhea: a retrospective study

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    Background: Primary amenorrhea is defined as the failure to reach menarche. Primary amenorrhea is the lack of menses by age 15 with secondary sex characteristics, or at 13 with absence of secondary sex characteristics. Objective was to determine various etiological factors of primary amenorrhea in Gynecological practice.Methods: A retrospective study was conducted in a Gynae clinic in Shivpuri and a Maternity hospital in Gwalior from January 2015 to December 2019.  Results: A total of 57 of the patients were evaluated in the study period. Most of the patients were unmarried adolescent girls (71.92%). The most common presenting symptom was, not attained menarche (36.84%). Based on the presence or absence of breast and uterus: group, I – breast present and uterus present 13 cases (22.77%), group II - breast present and uterus absent 26 cases (45.61%), group III - breast absent and uterus present 17cases (29.79%), group IV - breast absent and uterus absent 1 case (1.75%) were present. The most common etiological factors were Mullerian Agenesis 22 cases (38.60%) and Gonadal dysgenesis 7 cases (12.28%). (56.14 %) cases were normogonadotropic, followed by (15.78%) cases were of Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, (14.03%) hypogonotropic hypogonadism and (14.03%) were of hyperendrogenism and others causes. In cases of Mullerian abnormalities, in findings of renal ultrasound or IVP (72.72%) cases were normal.Conclusions: The most common etiological factors of primary amenorrhea were Mullerian Agenesis. Amenorrhea is a common problem encountered by the primary care physician. A thorough history and clinical examination are needed for differential diagnosis

    An ACO Improved Approach for Critical Node Tracking in WSN

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    A wireless sensor network is composed by hundreds or thousands of small compact devices, called sensor nodes, equipped with sensors (e.g. acoustic, seismic or image), that are densely deployed in a large geographical area. One of the most effective sensor network type is critical sensor network. In such kind of network, some nodes are connected to environment called critical sensor nodes and some nodes are defined as normal sensor nodes. Complete system depends on the critical nodes. Because of this, it is required that the critical nodes are always in processing situation. To analyze whether these nodes are working or not it is required to monitor these nodes regularly. In this paper, an approach is defined to analyze these critical nodes. This research paper defines an approach to resolve number of associated problem in such critical node network. Support vector machine learning may be a comparatively recent methodology that gives a decent generalization performance. Like alternative ways, SVM learning has been applied to the task of face detection, wherever the drawbacks of the technique became evident. Analysis that specializes in accuracy found that competitive performance is feasible however training on adequately giant datasets is difficult. Others tackled the speed issue and whereas varied approximation ways created interactive response times potential, those usually came at a worth of reduced accuracy

    Second law analysis of MHD Casson and Maxwell fluid flow over a permeable stretching sheet with homogenous heterogeneous reactions and variable heat source

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    Entropy generation analysis of MHD Casson and Maxwell fluid flow over a stretching sheet with space and temperature dependent non-uniform heat source/sink with porous media has been explored. Using appropriate similarity transformations, governing equations have been changed into ODE’s, and solved numerically using RK-fourth order method with shooting technique. The impact of pertinent parameters on velocity, temperature, entropy and Bejan number has been presented graphically. The skin friction and Nusselt number have been obtained and tabulated

    Millennials in Higher Education: Do They Really Learn Differently

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    Background: Effective skill development remains an important vehicle for national prosperity. Aswhat appeared to work with their predecessor generation (Gen X) does not have the same results with Millennials many educators today are experimenting with pedagogies to effectively train Millennials. Globally, it is becoming evident that the Millennials in higher education learn very differently than their predecessors. Purpose: Our study provides comparisons on three learning parameters of learning affectivity, goal orientation and competition between Gen X & Millennials.. Methods: To study whether the learning attributes are similar or they differ across the two generations we compared the means of the three attributes under consideration. Results: We find Millennials to be different from Gen X across the three studied parameters suggesting that teaching pedagogies require a rethink for Millennials. Conclusions: These results could be useful in designing appropriate teaching pedagogies that are likely to improve Millennials’ learning

    Li-Fi: The Future Technology

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    Li-Fi is a wireless technology which provides the connectivity within large area network. The main objective of this technology is we can transmit the data using light illumination using light emitting diodes and radio frequency is used in Wi-Fi and LED bulb light intensity is faster than human eye that cannot follow. One germen phycist-Prof Harald Haas an expert in optical wireless communications at the University of Edinburgh, he demonstrated how an LED bulb equipped with signal processing technology could stream a high-definition video to a computer. By using this technology a 1 watt LED light bulb would be enough to provide net connectivity to more than one computers. This technology termed as "light fidelity". This technology provides transfer data more securely with higher data rates and high speed and high intensity. This technology is still under research and further exploitation could lead to wide applications

    Analysis of RCC curved box girder bridges

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    153-159Analysis of RCC box girder bridge is carried out for three different box girder sections, i.e. single, double and triple cells using finite element technique by linear static method of analysis. Bridge models are studied with the variation of degree of curvature, which is varied from 0° to 60° at an interval of 6°. Load cases considered are dead load and live load conforming to Indian Road Congress (IRC). The variation of bending moment, torsional moment, shear force and deflection is studied which are found to be increased with curvature. It has been estimated that the increased deflection in single, double and triple cell box girder bridges is about 295%, 280% and 245%, respectively, in between 0°(straight) and 60° curved bridges. This study states that the design of curved bridges is not a simple task which needs to be performed with utmost care

    A rare case of spontaneous heterotopic pregnancy presented as ruptured ectopic pregnancy

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    Heterotopic gestation, although common with assisted reproductive techniques, is very rare in natural conception. A high index of suspicion can help in timely diagnosis and appropriate intervention. We report a case of 30 year old patient who was treated for a heterotopic pregnancy. She had taken treatment for genital tuberculosis in the past. The patient presented acutely with a ruptured tubal pregnancy in shock and this was managed by emergency laparotomy. A high index of suspicion is needed in women with risk factors for an ectopic pregnancy and in low risk women who have free fluid with or without an adnexal mass with an intrauterine gestation
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