102 research outputs found

    U potrazi za odrednicama proizvodnje mlijeka na tržištima u nastajanju: pristup uporabe panel podataka

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    In view of the growing importance of the dairy sector, especially for the livelihood of the rural population and the increasing demand for milk by the Indian population, higher yield of milk animals and milk availability have become the focal point of attention. This study aims to identify the determinants of dairy production in India by examining the relationship of crossbreed and buffalo populations with the quantity of milk production across different Indian states. Fifteen major Indian states were included in this study and relevant secondary data from 2001 to 2019 was taken for analysis. The sources of statistical data are BAHS (GOI), Statistical abstract, NDDB website, etc. Coarse cereal, fodder crops, grazing land, artificial insemination and veterinary services have an influence on the total milk production of the Indian states, and the significance of these impacts were tested by pooled OLS regression analysis. Crossbreed cows, indigenous cows, buffalo and goat populations were tested with the Spearman’s rho correlation test, and these variables were also found to have a positive correlation with the quantity of total milk production (TMP). The study was further extended to compare the population strength of the crossbreed and buffalo, their growth rate and ultimately the status of average milk production across the major Indian states during the period 2001 to 2019. Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Punjab and Andhra Pradesh were found to have healthy production of milk. However, Bihar and Rajasthan were found as promising states. States like Orissa, Kerala, Uttarakhand and West Bengal were found to have certain points of concern.S obzirom na sve veću važnost mljekarskog sektora, posebice za život ljudi u ruralnim područjima te sve veću potražnju za mlijekom indijske populacije, veći prinos životinja koje proizvode mlijeko i dostupnost mlijeka postali su fokalna točka pozornosti. Cilj ove studije jest prepoznati odrednice proizvodnje mlijeka u Indiji te ispitati odnos populacija hibrida i bizona s količinom proizvodnje mlijeka u različitim državama Indije. Petnaest je velikih država Indije za ovu studiju uzeto u obzir te su odgovarajući sekundarni podatci analizirani od 2001. do 2009. godine. Izvor statističkih podataka je BAHS (Osnovni podatci o stočarstvu) (Vlada Indije), statistički sažetak, web stranica NDDB (Nacionalni odbor za razvoj mljekarstva), itd. Utjecaj grubih žitarica, krmnih biljaka, pašnjaka, umjetne oplodnje i usluga veterinarskih zavoda je ispitan s obzirom na njegovo značenje putem modela s konstantnim regresijskim parametrima (Pooled OLS regression analysis). Grube žitarice, krmno bilje, pašnjaci, umjetno osjemnjivanje i veterinarske usluge od značajnog su utjecaja na sveukupnu proizvodnju mlijeka država Indije. Osim toga, populacije hibridnih krava, autohtonih krava, bizona i koza ispitane su putem Spearmanovog rho korelacijskog testa te je otkriveno da i ove varijable imaju pozitivnu korelaciju s obzirom na količinu ukupne proizvodnje mlijeka (TMP). Studija je dodatno proširena grafičkim prikazima za usporedbu jačine populacije hibridnih krava i bizona među različitim državama, njihove stope rasta i na kraju statusa prosječne proizvodnje mlijeka u velikim državama Indije tijekom razdoblja od 2001. do 2019. Za Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Punjab i Andhra Pradesh otkriveno je da imaju zdravu proizvodnju mlijeka. Međutim, Bihar i Rajasthan su se pokazale obećavajućim državama. Za države poput Orissa, Kerala, Uttarakhand i Zapadnog Bengala pokazalo se da postoje zabrinutosti

    Phytotherapy for Diabetes: An Overview of Indian Traditional Plants with Saponins as a Phytoconstituent

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    The present article consists of the basic knowledge about diabetes with its classification as Type 1, Type 2, gestational diabetes as well as other types of diabetes mellitus (DM). Diabetes mellitus is a long-term metabolic disorder defined by increased blood glucose levels. Insulin secretion and action are defective in diabetic patients. Diabetes leads to irreversible damage and failure of many organs because of chronic hyperglycemia. They have a complex etiology that arises when the equilibrium of offensive and protective components is altered. The limited effectiveness and severe adverse effects of the currently available medications make treatment extremely difficult. In experimental models of anti-diabetic preparations, natural items such as herbal plants and their extracted components have been frequently used. Saponins, a glycosidic molecule, is proven to have therapeutic potential and they are used as an alternative treatment for insulin in diabetic patients. Saponin-induced dyslipidemia will aid diabetic people in lowering their risk of cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis. This review aims to explain the antidiabetic function of saponins as well as its potential in the management of diabetes


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    Mol­ecules of the title macrocycle, C36H22N4O4, are located on an inversion center. The porphyrin ring shows a wave-like conformation with adjacent pyrrole rings tilted above the porphyrin plane and the inter­porphyrin distance is 3.584 (3) Å. The dihedral angles between the meso-furyl groups and the porphyrin plane are 38.87 (7) and 48.29 (7)°; these are much smaller than those observed for meso-tetra­phenyl­porphyrin, indicating that the meso-furyl groups are more inclined towards the porphyrin plane. The decrease in the dihedral angle is due to the presence of intra­molecular hydro­den bonding between the meso-fury O atom and the β-pyrrole CH group. Intra­molecular N—H⋯N hydrogen bonds are also present

    Preservation of Sand and Building Energy Conservation

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    Due to developmental need of humankind, growing trend of energy generation and consumption results more and more Green House Gas emissions, which contribute significantly to the phenomena of Climate Change and Global Warming. The issue is further compounded by huge ash generation from thermal power plants. Judicious utilization of such waste in a greener way is another challenge. It is estimated that by 2030, 40.8% of Indian population shall be living under Urban environment, and huge no. of dwelling units would be required. Sand, being one of the conventional constituent of Concrete, and also the non-renewable soft mineral, is being mined mindlessly across the Globe. The energy consumed by building sector is around 40% of global energy use. HVAC load is the major contributor in overall energy profile in buildings situated under Hot & Humid climatic zones in tropical countries. Solar heat gain is resulted through building envelope, and the conventional concrete and plastered masonry surfaces contribute significantly to the same. An experimental work has been carried out to produce sustainable energy efficient concrete with Portland Pozzolana Cement, Sand, Coal Ash from Thermal Power Plant, Stone aggregate and water. Test samples are prepared with reducing quantities of Sand and increasing quantities of Coal Ash for a Design Mix Concrete. While characteristic strength of concrete could be achieved with replacement of Sand by Coal Ash, thermal conductivity value of concrete is reduced, while compared with normal concrete of same Mix. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Development of SSR markers and construction of a linkage map in jute

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    Jute is an important natural fibre crop, which is only second to cotton in its importance at the global level. It is mostly grown in Indian subcontinent and has been recently used for the development of genomics resources. We recently initiated a programme to develop simple sequence repeat markers and reported a set of 2469 SSR that were developed using four SSR-enriched libraries (Mir et al. 2009). In this communication, we report an additional set of 607 novel SSR in 393 SSR containing sequences. However, primers could be designed for only 417 potentially useful SSR. Polymorphism survey was carried out for 374 primer pairs using two parental genotypes (JRO 524 and PPO4) of a mapping population developed for fibre fineness; only 66 SSR were polymorphic. Owing to a low level of polymorphism between the parental genotypes and a high degree of segregation distortion in recombinant inbred lines, genotypic data of only 53 polymorphic SSR on the mapping population consisting of 120 RIL could be used for the construction of a linkage map; 36 SSR loci were mapped on six linkage groups that covered a total genetic distance of 784.3 cM. Hopefully, this map will be enriched with more SSR loci in future and will prove useful for identification of quantitative trait loci/genes for molecular breeding involving improvement of fibre fineness and other related traits in jute

    Selective Caries Removal in Permanent Teeth (SCRiPT) for the treatment of deep carious lesions:a randomised controlled clinical trial in primary care

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    Background Dental caries is one of the most prevalent non-communicable disease globally and can have serious health sequelae impacting negatively on quality of life. In the UK most adults experience dental caries during their lifetime and the 2009 Adult Dental Health Survey reported that 85% of adults have at least one dental restoration. Conservative removal of tooth tissue for both primary and secondary caries reduces the risk of failure due to tooth-restoration, complex fracture as well as remaining tooth surfaces being less vulnerable to further caries. However, despite its prevalence there is no consensus on how much caries to remove prior to placing a restoration to achieve optimal outcomes. Evidence for selective compared to complete or near-complete caries removal suggests there may be benefits for selective removal in sustaining tooth vitality, therefore avoiding abscess formation and pain, so eliminating the need for more complex and costly treatment or eventual tooth loss. However, the evidence is of low scientific quality and mainly gleaned from studies in primary teeth. Method This is a pragmatic, multi-centre, two-arm patient randomised controlled clinical trial including an internal pilot set in primary dental care in Scotland and England. Dental health professionals will recruit 623 participants over 12-years of age with deep carious lesions in their permanent posterior teeth. Participants will have a single tooth randomised to either the selective caries removal or complete caries removal treatment arm. Baseline measures and outcome data (during the 3-year follow-up period) will be assessed through clinical examination, patient questionnaires and NHS databases. A mixed-method process evaluation will complement the clinical and economic outcome evaluation and examine implementation, mechanisms of impact and context. The primary outcome at three years is sustained tooth vitality. The primary economic outcome is net benefit modelled over a lifetime horizon. Clinical secondary outcomes include pulp exposure, progession of caries, restoration failure; as well as patient-centred and economic outcomes. Discussion SCRiPT will provide evidence for the most clinically effective and cost-beneficial approach to managing deep carious lesions in permanent posterior teeth in primary care. This will support general dental practitioners, patients and policy makers in decision making. Trial Registration Trial registry: ISRCTN. Trial registration number: ISRCTN76503940. Date of Registration: 30.10.2019