13 research outputs found

    A SIMEX approach for meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy studies with attention to ROC curves

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    Bivariate random-effects models represent an established approach for meta-analysis of accuracy measures of a diagnostic test, which are typically given by sensitivity and specificity. A recent formulation of the classical model describes the test accuracy in terms of study-specific Receiver Operating Characteristics curves. In this way, the resulting summary curve can be thought of as an average of the study-specific Receiver Operating Characteristics curves. Within this framework, the paper shows that the standard likelihood approach for inference is prone to several issues. Small sample size can give rise to unreliable conclusions and convergence problems deeply affect the analysis. The proposed alternative is a simulation-extrapolation method, called SIMEX, developed within the measurement error literature. It suits the meta-analysis framework, as the accuracy measures provided by the studies are estimates rather than true values, and thus are prone to error. The methods are compared in a series of simulation studies, covering different scenarios of interest, including deviations from normality assumptions. SIMEX reveals a satisfactory strategy, providing more accurate inferential results if compared to the likelihood approach, while avoiding convergence failure. The approaches are applied to a meta-analysis of the accuracy of the ultrasound exam for diagnosing abdominal tuberculosis in HIV-positive subjects

    IR Thermography for Non-Destructive Monitoring of Moisture in Cultural Heritage

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    One of the main sources of damage to historical buildings is the presence of humidity. It is fundamental to develop a diagnosis protocol to identify the presence of water, evaluate the damage in a building (the whole structure, part of it or individual materials), assess its vulnerability and, finally, carry out a restoration plan. IR thermography is a sustainable method to guarantee structure analysis and preservation. Here, an application is presented, permitting us to identify the wet and dry areas and transition zone related to evaporation on the surface of the investigated materials. Thanks to temperature maps, it is possible to observe saturated regions, qualitatively at first and then quantitatively, processing the images by plotting reference lines/points and correlating surface temperatures with moisture

    The Rising Damp in Venetian Masonry : Preliminary Results Comparing Laboratory Tests and Dynamic Simulations

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    The control of moisture in the building sector represents a widespread issue and research topic, in terms of improving the quality of indoor space healthiness and energy performance. In Venice, rising damp and moisture phenomena are very diffused and difficult to solve, due to building structures and specific environmental conditions. All of the buildings and artefacts in the city are presently wall structures filled with bricks, which lean on relatively permeable soil, are exposed to an environment rich in saline aerosols, and are continuously lapped by floods and brackish water. The aim of this research was to analyze typical Venetian masonry walls affected by rising damp through the application of non-destructive methods, in order to understand and assess the behavior of construction materials in specific boundary conditions. The data given by non-destructive monitoring in mock-up masonries were compared with dynamic simulations to estimate the hygrothermal behavior and analyze the effect on different parameters, such as the physical properties of new and historical materials (i.e., density, thermal conductivity, etc.), the presence and type of plasters, and the kinds of traditional treatment applications. The evaluation of experimental data, supported by simulations provides to the literature an empirical comprehension of rising damp phenomena in real masonry toward careful heritage conservation

    the role of the reference building in the evaluation of energy efficiency measures for large stocks of public buildings

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    With the last European Directive 2018/844/EU, EU Member States have to outline effective strategies for the energy renovation of existing buildings, so as to achieve the objectives set respectively for 2030, 2040 and 2050, taking advantage of new financing instruments. In this process, public buildings are identified as important drivers for energy-behavioural changes among citizens and, in addition, they can benefit from encouraging mortgages for certified energy efficient renovations. However, the problem of dealing with existing public buildings is their sample size combined with the current necessity of significant renovations. In this scenario, the reference building acquires a key role as the starting model for the evaluation of primary energy needs and of retrofit measures. In this work, a reference building selected by a previous work is further analyzed, testing selected potential retrofit interventions by means of model simulation. The implemented measures are then evaluated using a cost-optimal approach, in order to integrate their priority with respect to cost-effectiveness. The aim of the work is to test on a building centrotype selected retrofit measures, to be then extended to the other buildings similar for their main geometrical and thermophysical features

    Monitoring Moisture Diffusion after Contact Sponge Application

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    The contact sponge method is applied on a piece of clay brick. According to the standard, the sponge is moistened with water, applied on the surface of the material by means of a cup, and weighted before and after the application. It allows us to determine the amount of water absorbed by the porous material by unit area and unit time. After the application, the moistened area begins to evaporate and cool down. The IR camera is used to monitor the temperature variation of the imprint of the sponge. Meanwhile, moisture diffuses on the material as well. The IR camera is used to monitor the in-plane diffusion of moisture by following the imprint of the sponge that enlarges with time. A suitable model is used to evaluate the shape of the imprint that varies with time

    Neuromiopatia del paziente critico: impatto funzionale a lungo termine in una coorte di pazienti con GCA

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    In uno studio eseguito su pazienti con grave cerebrolesione acquisita (GCA) dell’IRCCS-Fondazione don Gnocchi-Firenze, è stato dimostrato che la Polineuromiopatia del paziente critico (CIPMN) era frequente e influiva negativamente sugli esiti riabilitativi alla dimissione. In questo studio di follow-up (FU), dalla popolazione iniziale, sono stati selezionati i ricoverati dal 1.1.2018 al 15.3.2019 e dimessi con assenza di “stato di alterata coscienza”. Lo scopo dello studio era di valutare l’impatto della CIPMN sulla sopravvivenza e sull’autonomia funzionale a distanza di almeno un anno dalla dimissione mediante un’intervista telefonica che includeva, tra le altre, la Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) e la Functional Oral Intake Scale (FOIS). Dei 35 pazienti selezionati, 31 hanno aderito allo studio (F:14(45%); età media: 67±16.5 anni; CIPMN: 21(68%)). Dopo un FU medio di 21±4.0 mesi, 10 pazienti (32%) erano deceduti dopo 4.8+5.2 mesi in media e 18(58%) presentavano una severa disabilità (GOS=2-3). 7/24 pazienti (29%) hanno raggiunto una dieta libera. La CIPNM (RR 1.91(1.27-2.87); p=0.012) e la sua maggiore severità (OR 6.03 (1.15-31.72); p=0,034) sono risultati significativamente associati a mortalità e maggiore disabilità (ΔGOS 3.2±0.4 Vs 2.1±1.1, p=0.017). Nessuna correlazione con il recupero di una dieta libera è stata rilevata. L’effetto negativo della CIPMN sui pazienti con GCA sembrerebbe persistere anche a lungo termine sia in termini di mortalità che di disabilità

    Treatment of seafood processing wastewater by dissolved air flotation carbon adsorption and free chlorination

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    According to the European targets for 2030, for managing a policy of improving the environmental sustainability of buildings it is essential to assess the buildings and building components impacts both in the construction and in the utilization phases. The use of building is essential on the environmental impacts (equal to about 90%) as consequence the commitment must be aimed at reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions of buildings during their lifetime, through correct design and proper selection of materials and technologies; above all, the use of thermal insulation materials is fundamental. A useful support tool for manufacturers and designers for the eco-design innovation of products and production processes is the LCA - Life Cycle Assessment: the assessment allows to identify and to quantify energy, consumed materials and residues released as environment impact during the processes. Comparison of the environmental impact data of the different products it is possible by adopting the EPD - Environmental Product Declarations approach, which envisages, for each group of products, the elaboration of a specific technique, the PRC - Product Category Rules. In the building sector, among the thermal insulating materials currently in use, the rigid expanded polyurethane (thermoset polymeric insulation products with a substantially closed cell structure including both polymer types based on PIR and PUR), allows to obtain excellent characteristics of very low density masses, resulting in a reduction in energy consumption deriving from transport, installation and disposal or recycling at the end of life. Numerous studies on environmental impacts during the polyurethane life cycle have shown that the amount of resources consumed for the production of polyurethane foam is amortized in the use phase of buildings thanks to the energy savings determined by thermal insulation. Very important features of polyurethane is the high durability in time (higher or equal to the life of the building). This is demonstrated following some tests of physical characterization and verification of durability of rigid polyurethane insulation panels used in different types of building and construction, without maintenance: according to the determination of thermal conductivity and of the compressive strength is proven as the values are unchanged despite the years of use (over 40 years). The paper presents the LCA evaluation of a polyurethane panel; the durability of thermal properties has been verified by experimental tests

    The Rising Damp in Venetian Masonry: Preliminary Results Comparing Laboratory Tests and Dynamic Simulations

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    The control of moisture in the building sector represents a widespread issue and research topic, in terms of improving the quality of indoor space healthiness and energy performance. In Venice, rising damp and moisture phenomena are very diffused and difficult to solve, due to building structures and specific environmental conditions. All of the buildings and artefacts in the city are presently wall structures filled with bricks, which lean on relatively permeable soil, are exposed to an environment rich in saline aerosols, and are continuously lapped by floods and brackish water. The aim of this research was to analyze typical Venetian masonry walls affected by rising damp through the application of non-destructive methods, in order to understand and assess the behavior of construction materials in specific boundary conditions. The data given by non-destructive monitoring in mock-up masonries were compared with dynamic simulations to estimate the hygrothermal behavior and analyze the effect on different parameters, such as the physical properties of new and historical materials (i.e., density, thermal conductivity, etc.), the presence and type of plasters, and the kinds of traditional treatment applications. The evaluation of experimental data, supported by simulations provides to the literature an empirical comprehension of rising damp phenomena in real masonry toward careful heritage conservation

    Valutazione dell'efficacia di interventi di efficienza energetica negli edifici scolastici

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    The energy performance of Italian public buildings, especially of schools, is very poor: 67% of the 43,000 Italian school buildings stock were built before 1974, ie before the publication of the first national law that limited the energy consumption. The numerous publications concerning energy monitoring campaigns aim to demonstrate the importance of accurate energy diagnosis. The diagnosis operation, however, is only the first step towards an efficient use of energy: in a subsequent phase, it is fundamental to involve the various actors, from the building designers to the installers, from maintenance and plant operators to the users, in order to produce a virtuous process, based on correct monitoring and functioning, which leads to effective savings. This paper shows the results of an energy analysis on a part of the school buildings of the Province of Treviso; these results enabled us to assess the effectiveness and economic feasibility of some interventions on the thermal systems and the envelopes and to propose an overall strategy aimed at improving the reliability of the instruments used in the forecasting phase

    Compatibilità, efficacia, sostenibilità come indicatori per l’intervento e la manutenzione tra tradizione e innovazione

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    The management of restoration interventions, in a complex context such as the case of Venice, requires specific methodologies for the monitoring of the pre- and postintervention conservative state. It is indeed necessary to take into account the current environmental conditions but also the environmental conditions that are expected to occur in the future, with specific regard to both climate change and the effects due to the activation of the system of mobile dams "MOSE". This paper presents some of the preliminary results of the interdisciplinary research programme called "Venezia 2021", relating to the development of a methodology based on a set of indicators and descriptors to assess the vulnerability of the elements of the built heritage and therefore useful for the design of the conservative intervention and its monitoring throughout time. The definition of the intervention and monitoring plan takes advantage of the formulated indicators, which best represent the case study and which best define its vulnerability. Indicators, which can be defined as quantitative or qualitative factors or variables, thus provide an instrument for measuring whether the desired result, value or criterion has been reached or met; they can therefore be useful to assess long-term trends and to provide essential information in the planning of interventions, including with the involvement of stakeholders