Compatibilità, efficacia, sostenibilità come indicatori per l’intervento e la manutenzione tra tradizione e innovazione


The management of restoration interventions, in a complex context such as the case of Venice, requires specific methodologies for the monitoring of the pre- and postintervention conservative state. It is indeed necessary to take into account the current environmental conditions but also the environmental conditions that are expected to occur in the future, with specific regard to both climate change and the effects due to the activation of the system of mobile dams "MOSE". This paper presents some of the preliminary results of the interdisciplinary research programme called "Venezia 2021", relating to the development of a methodology based on a set of indicators and descriptors to assess the vulnerability of the elements of the built heritage and therefore useful for the design of the conservative intervention and its monitoring throughout time. The definition of the intervention and monitoring plan takes advantage of the formulated indicators, which best represent the case study and which best define its vulnerability. Indicators, which can be defined as quantitative or qualitative factors or variables, thus provide an instrument for measuring whether the desired result, value or criterion has been reached or met; they can therefore be useful to assess long-term trends and to provide essential information in the planning of interventions, including with the involvement of stakeholders

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