Valutazione dell'efficacia di interventi di efficienza energetica negli edifici scolastici


The energy performance of Italian public buildings, especially of schools, is very poor: 67% of the 43,000 Italian school buildings stock were built before 1974, ie before the publication of the first national law that limited the energy consumption. The numerous publications concerning energy monitoring campaigns aim to demonstrate the importance of accurate energy diagnosis. The diagnosis operation, however, is only the first step towards an efficient use of energy: in a subsequent phase, it is fundamental to involve the various actors, from the building designers to the installers, from maintenance and plant operators to the users, in order to produce a virtuous process, based on correct monitoring and functioning, which leads to effective savings. This paper shows the results of an energy analysis on a part of the school buildings of the Province of Treviso; these results enabled us to assess the effectiveness and economic feasibility of some interventions on the thermal systems and the envelopes and to propose an overall strategy aimed at improving the reliability of the instruments used in the forecasting phase

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