184 research outputs found

    Lethal effects and mechanism of infrared radiation on Sitophilus zeamais and Tribolium castaneum in rough rice: Poster

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the characteristics of adult Sitophilus zeamais and Tribolium castaneum, and the 21.1% dry base (d.b.) MC of rough rice by ATR-FTIR spectra, and determine the theoretical optimum infrared (IR) heating temperature of the tested samples. In laboratory experiments, a ceramic IR drying device was used to heat infested rough rice to research the mortality of Sitophilus zeamais and Tribolium castaneum, the drying characteristics of rough rice, and milling quality. The theoretical calculation optimum temperature of IR heating was 300 °C according to the results of FTIR spectra. In addition, the effects of the different IR radiation intensities and heated rough rice temperatures on mortality of insects, moisture removal, and milling quality were determined in this text. A high insect mortality, heating rate and corresponding high moisture removal were achieved by using IR heating. After heating, tempering process significantly increased insect mortality when the heated tempered rice temperature was less than 55 °C, and improve moisture removal and milling quality of rough rice during nature air cooling. When the rice heated under the IR radiation intensity of 2780 W/m2 for 110 s, the rice temperature reached 60.2° ± 0.5°C, 100% mortality of S. zeamais and T. castaneum, and 3.97 percentage points of moisture removal during the heating period after tempering and natural cooling. In addition, the high rice milling quality can be achieved after tempering treatment. Therefore, it can be concluded that the optimum conditions of simultaneous disinfestation and drying were 60 °C rice temperature under the IR radiation intensity of 2780 W/m2, followed by tempering and natural cooling.The objective of this study was to investigate the characteristics of adult Sitophilus zeamais and Tribolium castaneum, and the 21.1% dry base (d.b.) MC of rough rice by ATR-FTIR spectra, and determine the theoretical optimum infrared (IR) heating temperature of the tested samples. In laboratory experiments, a ceramic IR drying device was used to heat infested rough rice to research the mortality of Sitophilus zeamais and Tribolium castaneum, the drying characteristics of rough rice, and milling quality. The theoretical calculation optimum temperature of IR heating was 300 °C according to the results of FTIR spectra. In addition, the effects of the different IR radiation intensities and heated rough rice temperatures on mortality of insects, moisture removal, and milling quality were determined in this text. A high insect mortality, heating rate and corresponding high moisture removal were achieved by using IR heating. After heating, tempering process significantly increased insect mortality when the heated tempered rice temperature was less than 55 °C, and improve moisture removal and milling quality of rough rice during nature air cooling. When the rice heated under the IR radiation intensity of 2780 W/m2 for 110 s, the rice temperature reached 60.2° ± 0.5°C, 100% mortality of S. zeamais and T. castaneum, and 3.97 percentage points of moisture removal during the heating period after tempering and natural cooling. In addition, the high rice milling quality can be achieved after tempering treatment. Therefore, it can be concluded that the optimum conditions of simultaneous disinfestation and drying were 60 °C rice temperature under the IR radiation intensity of 2780 W/m2, followed by tempering and natural cooling

    Loss of the Transcriptional Repressor PAG-3/Gfi-1 Results in Enhanced Neurosecretion that is Dependent on the Dense-Core Vesicle Membrane Protein IDA-1/IA-2

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    It is generally accepted that neuroendocrine cells regulate dense core vesicle (DCV) biogenesis and cargo packaging in response to secretory demands, although the molecular mechanisms of this process are poorly understood. One factor that has previously been implicated in DCV regulation is IA-2, a catalytically inactive protein phosphatase present in DCV membranes. Our ability to directly visualize a functional, GFP-tagged version of an IA-2 homolog in live Caenorhabditis elegans animals has allowed us to capitalize on the genetics of the system to screen for mutations that disrupt DCV regulation. We found that loss of activity in the transcription factor PAG-3/Gfi-1, which functions as a repressor in many systems, results in a dramatic up-regulation of IDA-1/IA-2 and other DCV proteins. The up-regulation of DCV components was accompanied by an increase in presynaptic DCV numbers and resulted in phenotypes consistent with increased neuroendocrine secretion. Double mutant combinations revealed that these PAG-3 mutant phenotypes were dependent on wild type IDA-1 function. Our results support a model in which IDA-1/IA-2 is a critical element in DCV regulation and reveal a novel genetic link to PAG-3-mediated transcriptional regulation. To our knowledge, this is the first mutation identified that results in increased neurosecretion, a phenotype that has clinical implications for DCV-mediated secretory disorders

    Estimating household air pollution exposures and health impacts from space heating in rural China

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    Exposure to and the related burden of diseases caused by pollution from solid fuel cooking, known as household air pollution (HAP), has been incorporated in the assessment of the Global Burden of Diseases (GBD) project. In contrast, HAP from space heating using solid fuels, prevalent in countries at middle or high altitudes, is less studied and missing from the GBD assessment. China is an ideal example to estimate the bias of exposure and burden of diseases assessment when space heating is neglected, considering its remarkably changing demands for heating from the north to the south and a large solid-fuel-dependent rural population. In this study, based on a meta-analysis of 27 field measurement studies in rural China, we derive the indoor PM2.5 (fine particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter smaller than 2.5 μm) concentration for both the heating and non-heating seasons. Combining this dataset with time-activity patterns and percentage of households using solid fuels, we assess the population-weighted annual mean exposure to PM2.5 (PWE) and the health impacts associated with HAP in mainland rural China by county for the year 2010. We find that ignoring heating impacts leads to an underestimation in PWE estimates by 38 μg/m3 for the nationwide rural population (16 to 40 as interquartile range) with substantial negative bias in northern provinces. Correspondingly, premature deaths and disability-adjusted life years will be underestimated by approximately 30 × 103 and 60 × 104 in 2010, respectively. Our study poses the need for incorporating heating effects into HAP risk assessments in China as well as globally

    Changes in the Microbial Community Structure and Soil Chemical Properties of Vertisols Under Different Cropping Systems in Northern China

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    The predominant cropping system and management practices play an important role in soil physico-chemical properties and microbiome composition and diversity. This study analyzed the changes in soil fertility and the microbial community in four soybean-based cropping systems over 12 years. Amplification subsequencing techniques were used to compare soil community structures among the systems and identify significant positive and negative fertility factors. Soybean cropping favored the accumulation of OM and the available N, K DTPA Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu contents in soil but not fixed available P. The WS and CS cropping systems were conducive to the fixed available P, but they consumed OM, DTPA K, and Zn. The SC exhibited the lowest soil bacterial and archaeal abundance and diversity but high fungal abundance and diversity. The dominant Proteobacteria in the SC were significantly positively correlated with soil DTPA Fe and Mn. The dominant Actinobacteria were positively correlated with available P, DTPA Cu and Mn. The FS cropping system contained 764 unique bacterial species, 724 unique fungal species and the highest relative abundance of Protista. The FS had high microbial diversity, with high relative abundances of Bacteroidetes and Zygomycota and a significantly lower relative abundance of Actinobacteria. The Bacteroidetes were significantly correlated with available N, OM and DTPA Fe and negatively correlated with available P and DTPA Cu. Zygomycota was negatively correlated with available P and DTPA Cu. In the CS and WS, the soil bacterial abundance and diversity were moderate. The dominant Acidobacteria was significantly negatively correlated with soil DTPA, Fe and Mn. The CS exhibited the lowest fungal abundance and diversity. Furthermore, the relative abundance of Ascomycota was significantly improved in the WS and significantly positively correlated with available P and DTPA Cu. Decreases in the available P, K, DTPA Cu, and Mn of Vertisols greatly affect microbial community structure, and these nutrients regulate bacterial and fungal abundance and diversity. Compared to the SC, the FS, WS, and CS had more balanced soil fertility and microbial stability, but diverse cropping systems are most conducive to soil productivity. These findings are of great relevance for protecting the ecological environment

    Fast recognition of single molecules based on single event photon statistics

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    Mandel Q-parameter, which is determined from single event photon statistics, provides an alternative to differentiate single-molecule with fluorescence detection. In this work, by using the Q-parameter of the sample fluorescence compared to that of an ideal double-molecule system with the same average photon number, we present a novel and fast approach for identifying single molecules based on single event photon statistics analyses, compared with commonly used two-time correlation measurements. The error estimates for critical values of photon statistics are also presented for single-molecule determination.Comment: 13 pages, 4figure

    Distinguishing Emission-Associated Ambient Air PM2.5 Concentrations and Meteorological Factor-Induced Fluctuations

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    Although PM2.5 (particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters less than 2.5 μm) in the air originates from emissions, its concentrations are often affected by confounding meteorological effects. Therefore, direct comparisons of PM2.5 concentrations made across two periods, which are commonly used by environmental protection administrations to measure the effectiveness of mitigation efforts, can be misleading. Here, we developed a two-step method to distinguish the significance of emissions and meteorological factors and assess the effectiveness of emission mitigation efforts. We modeled ambient PM2.5 concentrations from 1980 to 2014 based on three conditional scenarios: realistic conditions, fixed emissions, and fixed meteorology. The differences found between the model outputs were analyzed to quantify the relative contributions of emissions and meteorological factors. Emission-related gridded PM2.5 concentrations excluding the meteorological effects were predicted using multivariate regression models, whereas meteorological confounding effects on PM2.5 fluctuations were characterized by probabilistic functions. When the regression models and probabilistic functions were combined, fluctuations in the PM2.5 concentrations induced by emissions and meteorological factors were quantified for all model grid cells and regions. The method was then applied to assess the historical and future trends of PM2.5 concentrations and potential fluctuations on global, national, and city scales. The proposed method may thus be used to assess the effectiveness of mitigation actions

    Impacts of air pollutants from rural Chinese households under the rapid residential energy transition

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    Rural residential energy consumption in China is experiencing a rapid transition towards clean energy, nevertheless, solid fuel combustion remains an important emission source. Here we quantitatively evaluate the contribution of rural residential emissions to PM2.5 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 μm) and the impacts on health and climate. The clean energy transitions result in remarkable reductions in the contributions to ambient PM2.5, avoiding 130,000 (90,000-160,000) premature deaths associated with PM2.5 exposure. The climate forcing associated with this sector declines from 0.057 ± 0.016 W/m2 in 1992 to 0.031 ± 0.008 W/m2 in 2012. Despite this, the large remaining quantities of solid fuels still contributed 14 ± 10 μg/m3 to population-weighted PM2.5 in 2012, which comprises 21 ± 14% of the overall population-weighted PM2.5 from all sources. Rural residential emissions affect not only rural but urban air quality, and the impacts are highly seasonal and location dependent
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