4,827 research outputs found

    Pseudo-backscatter laser Doppler velocimeter employing antiparallel-reflector in the forward direction

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    A laser Doppler velocimeter for measuring the velocity of a flowing fluid was discussed. It comprises laser means for providing first and second beams of collimated coherent monochromatic electromagnetic radiation which are focused to intersect at a predetermined location in a flowing fluid. The movement of the particles of the fluid serve to scatter radiation in substantially all directions. The scattered radiation is shifted in frequency from that of the first beam by an amount corresponding to the velocity of the fluid at the predetermined location. A corner cube is disposed generally forward of the predetermined location, the corner cube responding to a portion of the radiation scattered in the forward direction and being operative to reflect the portion in a direction substantially antiparallel to the forward direction

    Optical enhancement of photomultiplier sensitivity

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    Transmission and reflection light losses are reduced by introducing light into end-window of device at an angle large enough to normal so total internal reflection occurs at both photocathode-vacuum and window-air interfaces

    Multiple pass reimaging optical system

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    An optical imaging system for enabling nonabsorbed light imaged onto a photodetective surface to be collected and reimaged one or more times onto that surface in register with the original image. The system includes an objective lens, one or more imaging lenses, one or more retroreflectors and perhaps a prism for providing optical matching of the imaging lens focal planes to the photo detective surface

    Whirling of the single mass rotor

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    Motion equations for whirling mass rotor on damped elastic shaf

    Apparatus for precision focussing and positioning of a beam waist on a target

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    The invention relates to optical focussing apparatus and, more particularly, to optical apparatus for focussing a highly collimated Gaussian beam which provides independent and fine control over the focus waist diameter, the focus position both along the beam axis and transverse to the beam, and the focus angle. A beam focussing and positioning apparatus provides focussing and positioning for the waist of a waisted beam at a desired location on a target such as an optical fiber. The apparatus includes a first lens, having a focal plane f sub 1, disposed in the path of an incoming beam and a second lens, having a focal plane f sub 2 and being spaced downstream from the first lens by a distance at least equal to f sub 1 + 10 f sub 2, which cooperates with the first lens to focus the waist of the beam on the target. A rotatable optical device, disposed upstream of the first lens, adjusts the angular orientation of the beam waist. The transverse position of the first lens relative to the axis of the beam is varied to control the transverse position of the beam waist relative to the target (a fiber optic as shown) while the relative axial positions of the lenses are varied to control the diameter of the beam waist and to control the axial position of the beam waist. Mechanical controllers C sub 1, C sub 2, C sub 3, C sub 4, and C sub 5 control the elements of the optical system. How seven adjustments can be made to correctly couple a laser beam into an optical fiber is illustrated. Prior art systems employing optical techniques to couple a laser beam into an optical fiber or other target simply do not provide the seven necessary adjustments. The closest known prior art, a Newport coupler, provides only two of the seven required adjustments

    Nondispersive infrared analyzer for specific gases in complex mixtures

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    Analyzer identifies and measures particular diatomic or polyatomic gases in complex gas mixtures. Mixing of absorption effects on light energy passing through gases to photodetector produces a signal component that is related to the absorption caused by reference-gas component in unknown gas mixture

    Optical enhancement of sensitivity in laser Doppler velocity systems

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    Utilization of optical enhancement techniques prevents loss of light by reflections at the photocathode of a photomultiplier and increases signal detection sensitivity

    Laser velocimeter for simultaneous two-dimensional velocity measurements

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    Laser velocimeter provides simultaneous orthogonal measurements in manner which minimizes many problems attending prior systems, and allows spatial traversing of flowfield in order to obtain velocity profiles. Velocimeter permits rapid interrogation of unsteady flows where area of interest is of the order of one meter in extent and flow does not vary appreciably over time of about one second

    Dual mode laser velocimeter

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    Described is a laser Doppler velocimeter (LDV) which is capable of operating with a small focus diameter for analyzing fluid flows at low velocity with high spatial resolution, or with a larger focus diameter to measure fluid flows at higher velocities accurately. More particularly, this is an LDV in which a simple reversal of a lens pair will allow it to operate in the two focus diameter modes

    Boston City Hospital

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