6 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Penangkaran terhadap Profil Eritrosit Lumba-lumba Hidung Botol dari Perairan Laut J awa = The Influence of the Captivity in Bottlenose Dolphin Erythrocytes Profile from The Waters of The Java Sea

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    Di laut Jawa banyak populasi lumba-lumba yang sering tersangkutjala para nelayan saat mencari ikan di laut. Di Indonesia, lumba lumba hidung botol merupakan mamalia air yang dilindungi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil eritrosit bottlenose dolphin (lumba-lumba hidung botol) sebeluni dan setelah penangkaran. Tujuh ekor lumba-lumba digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Sampel darah diambil melalui vena superfisialis sirip ekor guna pemeriksaan eritrosit, meliputi jumlah, morfologi, kadar hemoglobin dan hematokrit. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan saat lumba-lumba diangkat dari perairan Laut Jawa dan setelah lumba-lumba mengalami penangkaran di PT. WSI, Kendal, Jawa Tengah. Data sebelum dan sesudah penangkaran dibandingkan dan diuji dengan analisis statistik t-test berpasangan pada tingkat signifikasi 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan jumlah eritrosit, kadar hemoglobin dan nilai hematokrit secara signifikan. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa penangkaran yang dilakukan oleh PT.WSI, Kendal, Jawa Tengahmeningkatkan profil eritrositlumba-lumba hidungbotol. In the Java Sea, there are a lot of dolphins, that often snagged fishing nets. While In Indonesia, bottlenose dolphins are mammals protected water. The aims of this research was to study the erythrocytes profile in bottlenose dolphins before and after the captivity. Seven dolphins were used in this research. Blood samples were\u27 taken out from the superficial vein of tail for examination of the number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin levels and value ofhematokrit. Sampling was done when the dolphins appointed from the waters of the Java Sea and after experiencing dolphin captivity in PT. WSI, Kendal, Central Java. The data before and after captivity were compared and tested with the statistical analysis on the level of significance of the paired t-test 95%. The results showed the significant increase in the number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin levels and the values ofhematokrit significantly. It was concluded that captivity done by WSI Corporation, Kendal, Central Java did increase the profile of erythrocytes inbottlenose dolphins

    Pengaruh Penangkaran terhadap Profil Eritrosit Lumba-lumba Hidung Botol dari Perairan Laut Jawa

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    In the Java Sea, there are a lot of dolphins, that often snagged fishing nets. While In Indonesia, bottlenosedolphins are mammals protected water. The aims of this research was to study the erythrocytes profile inbottlenose dolphins before and after the captivity. Seven dolphins were used in this research. Blood samples weretaken out from the superficial vein of tail for examination of the number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin levels andvalue of hematokrit. Sampling was done when the dolphins appointed from the waters of the Java Sea and afterexperiencing dolphin captivity in PT. WSI, Kendal, Central Java. The data before and after captivity were compared and tested with the statistical analysis on the level of significance of the paired t-test 95%. The results showed the significant increase in the number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin levels and the values of hematokrit significantly. It was concluded that captivity done by WSI Corporation, Kendal, Central Java did increase the profile of erythrocytes in bottlenose dolphins.Keyword : Bottlenose dolphins, captivity, profile erythrocytes, superficial vein of tail, paired t-testDi laut Jawa banyak populasi lumba-lumba yang sering tersangkut jala para nelayan saat mencari ikan dilaut. Di Indonesia, lumba lumba hidung botol merupakan mamalia air yang dilindungi. Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk mengetahui profil eritrosit bottlenose dolphin (lumba-lumba hidung botol) sebelum dan setelah penangkaran. Tujuh ekor lumba-lumba digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Sampel darah diambil melalui vena superfisialis sirip ekor guna pemeriksaan eritrosit, meliputi jumlah, morfologi, kadar hemoglobin dan hematokrit. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan saat lumba-lumba diangkat dari perairan Laut Jawa dan setelah lumba-lumba mengalami penangkaran di PT. WSI, Kendal, Jawa Tengah. Data sebelum dan sesudah penangkaran dibandingkan dan diuji dengan analisis statistik t-test berpasangan pada tingkat signifikasi 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan jumlah eritrosit, kadar hemoglobin dan nilai hematokrit secara signifikan. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa penangkaran yang dilakukan oleh PT. WSI,Kendal, Jawa Tengah meningkatkan profil eritrosit lumba-lumba hidung botol.Kata kunci : lumba-lumba hidung botol, captivity, profil eritrosit, vena superficial ekor, uji t-berpasanga

    Studi Sistem Respirasi dan Kajian Mikrobiologis Lumba-lumba Hidung Botol Indo Pasifik (Tursiops aduncus) dari Perairan Laut Jawa

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    Lumba-lumba hidung botol (bottlenose dolphin) adalah spesies lumba-lumba yang paling umum danpaling dikenal orang. Gangguan sistem respirasi pada lumba-lumba sering dijumpai, sementara jenisbakteri yang sering menyerang lumba-lumba dari perairan Laut Jawa belum pernah diteliti. Penelitianini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pemeriksaan klinis sistem respirasi lumba-lumba dan melakukan isolasibakteri serta jamur pada sistem respirasi bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus) dari Perairan Laut Jawa.Penelitian dilakukan dengan studi pustaka, pemeriksaan klinis serta isolasi sampel sistem respirasi. Swabdeep blowhole dilakukan terhadap sepuluh ekor bottlenose dolphin di PT. Wersut Seguni Indonesia.Sampel dikirim ke laboratorium Mikrobiologi FKH UGM untuk isolasi dan identifikasi terhadap bakteridan jamur. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pemeriksaan klinis lumba-lumba hanya dapat dilakukansecara inspeksi. Hasil isolasi ditemukan bahwa 5 dari 10 lumba-lumba (50%) positif Staphylococcus aureus,sedangkan jamur tidak ditemukan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, disimpulkan bahwa pemeriksaan klinislumba-lumba dapat dilakukan dengan cara inspeksi terhadap blowhole, tingkah laku hewan, adanya“chuff” atau “honk”, frekuensi respirasi, sosialisasi hewan dan posisi hewan saat berenang. BakteriStaphylococcus aureus dijumpai pada sistem pernafasan lumba-lumba hidung botol dari perairan LautJawa di PT. Wersut Seguni Indonesia

    The types of endocrine cells in the pancreas of Sunda porcupine (Hystrix javanica)

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    Aim: To identify the types of endocrine cells in the pancreas of the Sunda porcupine (Hystrix javanica) and its immunolocalization. Materials and Methods: Five adult H. javanica were used without sexual distinction. The presences of endocrine cells (glucagon, insulin, somatostatin, and pancreatic polypeptide [PP]) in pancreatic tissues were detected using the avidinbiotin-peroxidase complex method. Results: The fusiform, round, and oval form endocrine cells were detected in the islets of Langerhans and exocrine parts. Most of the insulin cells were found in the central area, glucagon cells were identified in the central and peripheral areas, and somatostatin and PP cells were detected in the mantle area of the islets of Langerhans. Glucagon and somatostatin cells were also detected in smaller numbers of peripheral parts of the islet. In all of the islet parts, glucagon endocrine cells were most prevalent cell type and then, somatostatin, insulin, and PP. In the exocrine parts, PP, somatostatin, glucagon, and insulin endocrine cells were found in the inter-acinus part with moderate, moderate, a few and rare numbers, in that order. In the pancreatic duct, glucagon and somatostatin cells were found between epithelial cells in rare numbers. Conclusion: The pancreas of Sunda porcupine (H. javanica) contains four types of major pancreatic endocrine cells with approximately similar distribution patterns to the other rodents, except for abundant glucagon cells in the peripheral area of the islets of Langerhans

    Structure and mucopolysaccaride type of major salicary glands of the Sunda Porcupines (hystrix Javanica)

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    The structural and functional recovery of pancreatic β-cells in type 1 diabetes mellitus induced mesenchymal stem cell-conditioned medium

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    Aim: Various studies have shown that secreted factors alone in culture medium without stem cell are capable of repairing tissues by itself in various conditions involving damaged tissue/organ. Therefore, this study was aimed to investigate the role of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell-derived conditioned medium (CM) on the recovery of pancreatic β-cells in Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Materials and Methods: The 0.05 ml CM induction was applied to the diabetic group of rats in weeks 1, 2, 3, and 4. 1 week after each CM induction, insulin concentration was analyzed using ELISA. The pancreas was divided into 3 regions, processed by paraffin method, stained with hematoxylin-eosin, and immunohistochemical method for insulin. Results: This study indicated the decrease in the total number of islets and insulin concentration after the injection of single dose of alloxan. The exocrine acini were also damaged. Microscopic observation detected the presence of small islets in the diabetic group 1 week after the first 0.05 ml CM induction. The number and size of the islets increased in line with the CM doses and time of inductions. Immunohistochemically, the presence of low intensity of insulin-positive cells could be recognized at the splenic and duodenal regions of the pancreas, but not gastric region, 1 week after the first and second 0.05 ml CM induction. The intensity of staining and the number of insulin-positive cells increased dramatically in 1 week after the third and fourth 0.05 ml of CM induction in all regions of the pancreas. The data of insulin blood concentration showed clear differences between the second and the fourth induction of 0.05 ml CM induction. Conclusions: This study showed very strong evidence on the role of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell-derived CM in recovering the pancreatic β-cells damage in Wistar rats (R. norvegicus) with type 1 diabetes mellitus, structurally and functionally