15 research outputs found

    Sulindac sulfide reverses aberrant self-renewal of progenitor cells induced by the AML-associated fusion proteins PML/RARalpha and PLZF/RARalpha

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    Chromosomal translocations can lead to the formation of chimeric genes encoding fusion proteins such as PML/RARalpha, PLZF/RARalpha, and AML-1/ETO, which are able to induce and maintain acute myeloid leukemia (AML). One key mechanism in leukemogenesis is increased self renewal of leukemic stem cells via aberrant activation of the Wnt signaling pathway. Either X-RAR, PML/RARalpha and PLZF/RARalpha or AML-1/ETO activate Wnt signaling by upregulating gamma-catenin and beta-catenin. In a prospective study, a lower risk of leukemia was observed with aspirin use, which is consistent with numerous studies reporting an inverse association of aspirin with other cancers. Furthermore, a reduction in leukemia risk was associated with use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), where the effects on AML risk was FAB subtype-specific. To better investigate whether NSAID treatment is effective, we used Sulindac Sulfide in X-RARalpha-positive progenitor cell models. Sulindac Sulfide (SSi) is a derivative of Sulindac, a NSAID known to inactivate Wnt signaling. We found that SSi downregulated both beta-catenin and gamma-catenin in X-RARalpha-expressing cells and reversed the leukemic phenotype by reducing stem cell capacity and increasing differentiation potential in X-RARalpha-positive HSCs. The data presented herein show that SSi inhibits the leukemic cell growth as well as hematopoietic progenitors cells (HPCs) expressing PML/RARalpha, and it indicates that Sulindac is a valid molecular therapeutic approach that should be further validated using in vivo leukemia models and in clinical settings

    Vibrio cholerae O139 requires neither capsule nor LPS O side chain to grow inside Acanthamoeba castellanii

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    Vibrio cholerae, the causative agent of cholera, has the ability to grow and survive in the aquatic free-living amoeba Acanthamoeba castellanii. The aim of the present study was to examine the ability of the clinical isolate V. cholerae O139 MO10 to grow in A. castellanii and to determine the effect of the bacterial capsule and LPS O side chain on intracellular growth. Results from co-cultivation, viable counts, a gentamicin assay, electron microscopy and statistical analysis showed that the association of V. cholerae O139 MO10 with A. castellanii did not inhibit growth of the amoeba, and enhanced growth and survival of V. cholerae O139 MO10 occurred. The wild-type V. cholerae O139 MO10 and a capsule mutant or capsule/LPS double mutant grew inside A. castellanii. Neither the capsule nor the LPS O side chain of V. cholerae O139 was found to play an important role in the interaction with A. castellanii, disclosing the ability of V. cholerae to multiply and survive inside A. castellanii, as well as the role of A. castellanii as an environmental host for V. cholerae

    Short-term prediction of threatening and violent behaviour in an Acute Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit based on patient and environment characteristics

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aims of the present study were to investigate clinically relevant patient and environment-related predictive factors for threats and violent incidents the first three days in a PICU population based on evaluations done at admittance.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In 2000 and 2001 all 118 consecutive patients were assessed at admittance to a Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). Patient-related conditions as actuarial data from present admission, global clinical evaluations by physician at admittance and clinical nurses first day, a single rating with an observer rated scale scoring behaviours that predict short-term violence in psychiatric inpatients (The Brøset Violence Checklist (BVC)) at admittance, and environment-related conditions as use of segregation or not were related to the outcome measure Staff Observation Aggression Scale-Revised (SOAS-R). A multiple logistic regression analysis with SOAS-R as outcome variable was performed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The global clinical evaluations and the BVC were effective and more suitable than actuarial data in predicting short-term aggression. The use of segregation reduced the number of SOAS-R incidents.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In a naturalistic group of patients in a PICU segregation of patients lowers the number of aggressive and threatening incidents. Prediction should be based on clinical global judgment, and instruments designed to predict short-term aggression in psychiatric inpatients.</p> <p>Trial registrations</p> <p><a href="http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00184119">NCT00184119</a>/<a href="http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00184132">NCT00184132</a></p

    Detection of Vibrio cholerae and Acanthamoeba species from same natural water samples collected from different cholera endemic areas in Sudan

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Vibrio cholerae </it>O1 and <it>V. cholerae </it>O139 infect humans, causing the diarrheal and waterborne disease cholera, which is a worldwide health problem. <it>V. cholerae </it>and the free-living amoebae <it>Acanthamoeba </it>species are present in aquatic environments, including drinking water and it has shown that <it>Acanthamoebae </it>support bacterial growth and survival. Recently it has shown that <it>Acanthamoeba </it>species enhanced growth and survival of <it>V. cholerae </it>O1 and O139. Water samples from different cholera endemic areas in Sudan were collected with the aim to detect both <it>V. cholerae </it>and <it>Acanthamoeba </it>species from same natural water samples by polymerase chain reaction (PCR).</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>For the first time both <it>V. cholerae </it>and <it>Acanthamoeba </it>species were detected in same natural water samples collected from different cholera endemic areas in Sudan. 89% of detected <it>V. cholerae </it>was found with <it>Acanthamoeba </it>in same water samples.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The current findings disclose <it>Acanthamoedae </it>as a biological factor enhancing survival of <it>V. cholerae </it>in nature.</p

    Sulindac Sulfide Reverses Aberrant Self-Renewal of Progenitor Cells Induced by the AML-Associated Fusion Proteins PML/RARα and PLZF/RARα

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    Chromosomal translocations can lead to the formation of chimeric genes encoding fusion proteins such as PML/RARα, PLZF/RARα, and AML-1/ETO, which are able to induce and maintain acute myeloid leukemia (AML). One key mechanism in leukemogenesis is increased self renewal of leukemic stem cells via aberrant activation of the Wnt signaling pathway. Either X-RAR, PML/RARα and PLZF/RARα or AML-1/ETO activate Wnt signaling by upregulating γ-catenin and β-catenin. In a prospective study, a lower risk of leukemia was observed with aspirin use, which is consistent with numerous studies reporting an inverse association of aspirin with other cancers. Furthermore, a reduction in leukemia risk was associated with use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), where the effects on AML risk was FAB subtype-specific. To better investigate whether NSAID treatment is effective, we used Sulindac Sulfide in X-RARα-positive progenitor cell models. Sulindac Sulfide (SSi) is a derivative of Sulindac, a NSAID known to inactivate Wnt signaling. We found that SSi downregulated both β-catenin and γ-catenin in X-RARα-expressing cells and reversed the leukemic phenotype by reducing stem cell capacity and increasing differentiation potential in X-RARα-positive HSCs. The data presented herein show that SSi inhibits the leukemic cell growth as well as hematopoietic progenitors cells (HPCs) expressing PML/RARα, and it indicates that Sulindac is a valid molecular therapeutic approach that should be further validated using in vivo leukemia models and in clinical settings

    Inhibition des Wnt-Signalweges durch die Metabolitedes nichtsteroidalen Entzündungshemmer Sulindac als Beitrag zur Therapie der akuten myeloischen Leukämie

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    Die Mehrheit (60%) aller AML-Erkrankungen beruhen auf chromosomalen Aberrationen, genauer genommen Translokationen, bei der zwei chromosomale Bruchstücke zu einem Chimärgen refusionieren. Die daraus resultierenden Fusionsproteine sind charakteristisch für die verschiedenen Formen der AML-Erkrankungen. In 97% aller Fälle der APL-Erkrankungen, einer Unterform der AML, tritt die t(15;17) und in weniger als 2% die t(11;17) auf. Die t(15;17) führt zu dem rekombinanten Fusionsprotein PML/RARK und die t(11;17) zu PLZF/RARK (X-RARK). Der APL-assoziierte leukämische Phänotyp X-RARKpositiver Zellen zeichnet sich durch die Blockierung terminaler Differenzierung früher hämatopoetischer Vorläuferzellen und dem gesteigerten Selbsterneuerungspotenzial leukämischer Stammzellen (LSCs) aus. Demzufolge können PML/RARK und PLZF/RARK auf der Ebene des frühen Vorläufers sowie der HSCs die leukämische Pathogenese initiieren. Bei der Erforschung der molekularen Grundlagen für die X-RARK-vermittelte Steigerung der aberranten Selbsterneuerung LSCs hat sich ergeben, dass die aberrante Aktivierung des Wnt-Signalweges eine zentrale Rolle einnimmt. Die Schlüsselmoleküle der aberranten Aktivierung des Wnt-Signalweges und damit der gesteigerten Selbsterneuerung sind 2-Catenin und Plakoglobin, die wiederum durch AML-assoziierte Fusionsproteine wie PML/RARK, PLZF/RARK und AML1/ETO transkriptionell hochreguliert werden. Das ansteigende Proteinniveau von 2-Catenin und Plakoglobin, welches entscheidend zur Initiation der Leukämieerkrankung beiträgt, führt zur nukleären Akkumulation von 2-Catenin und zur Aktivierung der CF/LEF-Familienmitglieder kontrollierten Genexpression. Aus diesem Grund stellen 2-Catenin und Plakoglobin einen wichtigen Ansatzpunkt für neue Therapieansätze in der Behandlung der AML dar. Die aberrante Aktivierung und pharmakologische Inhibition des Wnt-Signalweges, insbesondere von 2-Catenin, hat in zahlreichen humanen Krebserkrankungen, wie Brust-, Prostata-, Adenom- und Kolonkarzinomen, zu therapeutischen Erfolgen geführt. Grundlage der erfolgreichen pharmakologischen Inhibition des aberranten Wnt-Signalweges ist die Verwendung von Inhibitoren aus der Gruppe der nichtsteroidalen Entzündungshemmer (NSAIDs). Sulindac und seine Metabolite, Sulfon, das keine COX-inhibitorische Wirkung aufweist, und Sulfid, einem spezifischen COX-1/-2- Inhibitor, sind Vertreter der Gruppe der NSAIDs und haben in klinischen Studien erfolgreich die Größe und Anzahl der Kolorektaltumore von FAP-Patienten reduziert. Es deutet alles daraufhin, dass die vermittelten Effekte von Sulindac und seinen Metaboliten in den bisher untersuchten Zellsystemen in einem zur COX-Inhibition unabhängigen Kontext stehen. Zusammenfassung: 135 Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde das Ziel verfolgt herauszufinden, ob die Verwendung von NSAIDs einen neuen Therapieansatz in der gezielten pharmakologischen Bekämpfung der leukämischen Stammzelle („ stem cell targeting“) zur Behandlung der AML darstellen können. Sulindac (S), Sulindac Sulfid (SSi) und Sulindac Sulfon (SSo) sind in der Lage unabhängig von der PML/RARK-Expression die Viabilität leukämischer monozytärer U937-Zellen zu reduzieren und dosisabhängig in X-RARKpositiven U937-Zellen die Apoptose zu induzieren. Zusätzlich konnte gezeigt werden, dass in einem Konzentrationsbereich von 75-100 &#956;M PML/RARK-positive U937-Zellen geringfügig stärker auf die Apoptoseinduktion reagieren als die Kontrollzellen. Des Weitern senkt SSi in PML/RARK-positiven NB4-Zellen am effektivsten das Proteinniveau von PML/RARK, 2-Catenin und Plakoglobin. Dem gegenüber weist sich SSo in KG-1-Zellen als potenteres Agenz aus, das Proteinniveau von PML/RARK, 2-Catenin und Plakoglobin effektiv zu senken. Zusätzlich deuten die Ergebnisse der Westernblotanalyse aus den KG-1- Experimenten daraufhin, dass der induzierte Proteinabbau nicht auf einen PML/RARKvermittelten Effekt zurückzuführen ist. Hinzu kommt, dass gezeigt werden konnte, dass SSi im Vergleich zu SSo in klinisch relevanten Konzentrationsbereichen weit aus effektiver die Viabilität PML/RARK-positiver NB4-Zellen reduziert und Apoptose induziert. Im Rahmen der seriellen Replattierungsexperimente konnte gezeigt werden, dass SSi in der Lage ist, mit dem leukämogenen Potenzial PML/RARK- und PLZF/RARK-exprimierender Stamm- und Progenitorzellen zu interferieren bzw. dieses zu revertieren. Darüber hinaus beherrscht und hebt SSi die 2-Catenin- und Plakoglobin-vermittelten Effekte auf das Stammzellpotenzial HSCs auf. Im Zuge der experimentellen Analyse des Einflusses von SSi auf die Wnt-Signalwegaktivierung hat sich gezeigt, dass SSi in der Lage ist, die PML/RARK- und S33A-vermittelte aberrante Wnt-Signalwegaktivierung zu reduzieren. Hinzu kommt, dass SSi die Siah1-Promotoraktivität stimuliert, die wiederum zur Expression von Siah-1 führt und einen phosphorylierungsunabhängigen 2-Catenin- und PML/RARK-Abbau induziert. Ferner hebt SSi den X-RARK-vermittelten Differenzierungsblock auf und inhibiert spezifisch die Proliferation PML/RARK- und PLZF/RARK-positiver HSCs. In humanen APL-Zellsystemen ist SSi alleine nicht imstande in vergleichbarem ATRA-Ausmass granulozytäre Differenzierung zu induzieren, aber den ATRA-vermittelten Effekt in der humanen APL-Patienten abgeleiteten NB4-Zelllinie zu verstärken. Infolge der Zellzyklusanalyse konnte gezeigt werden, dass SSi zu einer PML/RARK-spezifischen Apoptoseinduktion, ermittelt durch den Anstieg der subG0/G1-Phase, führt, welche in der PML/RARK-negativen Zelllinie ausbleibt. Darüber hinaus verhindert die Präsenz von PML/RARK ein SSi induziertes Ausscheren der Zellen in die G0/G1-Phase. Zusätzlich haben in vivo Experimente (CFU-S12) ergeben, dass SSi die Kurzzeitstammzellkapazität X-RARK-positiver HSCs senkt. SSi induziert außerdem im humanen Stammzellmodel der KG-1-Zellen die RARK-spezifische Reduktion der stammzellähnlichen CD34+/CD38-/ALDH+-KG1-Subpopulation, wobei die Reduktion dieser Subpopulation nicht auf zytotoxischen Effekten beruht. Des Weiteren ist SSi in der Lage die ALDH+-NB4-Subpopulation zu senken, wohingegen die Abwesenheit von PML/RARK in U937-Zellen eine Stimulation der ALDH+-Population zulässt. Zusammenfassend bleibt zusagen, dass SSi ein vielversprechender Kandidat für den Einsatz in der „Stammzelltargeting-Therapie“ zur Behandlung akuter Leukämien darstellt. Nicht nur die effiziente Inhibition des aberranten Wnt-Signalweges, der maßgeblich am X-RARK-vermittelten leukämischen Phänotyp beteiligt ist, sondern auch die gezielte Reduktion der X-RARK-assoziierten Stammzellpopulation könnte SSi möglicherweise favorisieren, unterstützend zu anderen Chemotherapeutika, in der Erhaltungstherapie eingesetzt zu werden. SSi-assoziierte renale und gastrointestinale Nebeneffekte sowie der beobachtete Wachstumskompensationsmechanismus sollten zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt pharmakologisch beherrschbar sein

    The Language of Successful Entrepreneurs: An Empirical Starting Point for the Entrepreneurial Mindset

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    The concept of entrepreneurial mindset is growing in popularity within the field of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial mindset orients humans' behaviour towards entrepreneurial activities and outcomes. The concept lacks empirical support due to methodological difficulties in discovering how entrepreneurs think. This article aims to address this by examining the language successful entrepreneurs use in an attempt to find evidence of an expert entrepreneurial mindset. Language represents the way people think and what they think about. This paper examines interviews of 51 high-tech entrepreneurs from Silicon Valley who have successfully started companies and attracted between 20millionand20 million and 1 billion in start-up funding and have a minimum of 30 employees. The study analyses the linguistic content of what the successful entrepreneurs talk about during interviews by comparing it to a control group of spoken text from average entrepreneurs. This reveals a number of differences in the way language is used between the two groups. We find evidence supporting the presence of several orientations - action, future, customer, collective, and growth - associated with a mindset of successful entrepreneurs. We also contribute to the existing call of using new methodological approaches to study the entrepreneurship paradigm. We outline new avenues for further research into the entrepreneurial mindset

    Expression and possible functions of the cholinergic system in a murine embryonic stem cell line.

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    The expression of a cholinergic system during embryonic development is a widespread phenomenon. However, no precise function could be assigned to it during early pre-neural stages and there are only few studies that document when it precisely starts to be expressed. Here, we examined the expression of cholinergic components in a murine embryonic stem cell line by RT-PCR, histochemistry, and enzyme activity measurements; the acetylcholine (ACh) content was measured by HPLC. We have demonstrated that embryonic stem cells express ACh, acetylcholine receptors, choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), acetyl- and butyryl-cholinesterase (AChE and BChE). Butyryl-cholinesterase (BChE) expression was higher than AChE. The cholinesterase activity was down-regulated by adding specific inhibitors to culture medium. Inhibition of BChE led to a reduction of proliferation. This is the first demonstration that mouse embryonic stem cells express the full molecular equipment of a cholinergic system. Locally produced ACh might function as an intercellular signal, modulating the proliferation of stem cells

    Simulation-based analysis of a microstructuring process for serrated surfaces with higher friction

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    Actual trends in lightweight construction and safety-relevant technologies cause an increasing demand for reliable design of joining connections. Increasing power density and compact design require dimensioning of joints with low safety factors. Thereby additional security measures are needed more often. One possible measure is increasing the friction coefficient of serrated fasteners by microstructuring the serrated surface. Aim of the microstructuring is the development of serrated fasteners with higher breakaway torque. Several studies showed the potential of microstructured surfaces to increase the friction coefficient of two contact surfaces. One possible solution approach is to integrate the microstructuring of the serrated fastener in the conventional machining process chain. Therefore, the forming tools e.g. carbide metal dies need to have the negative geometry of the microstructure. A technology to manufacture such microstructured carbide metal dies is electrical discharge machining (EDM). Within this study a model of a single discharge of micro electrical discharge machining (EDM) will be shown. The ablation process is simulated by using the level-set-method, which tracks the interface between the dielectric medium and the workpiece surface. Several phenomena are considered to model the resulting removal geometry. The interaction between the plasma channel and the workpiece material leads to a fast heating of the interaction zone and is considered by defining an additional heat source at the workpiece surface. The heat source is a function of time and radius and describes the formation of the plasma channel. In consequence, the solid workpiece material is heated over the vaporization temperature and material removal occurs. A simultaneous phenomenon is the interaction between the vaporization pressure and the molten workpiece, which leads to a flow of the molten material to the outer area of the removal geometry. A further phenomenon, which influences the ablating process, is the pressure due to the plasma channel collapse and the subsequent evacuation of the molten workpiece material. The figure shows exemplary the resulting removal geometry and the temperature field after EDM process time of 8.15·10-8 s