86 research outputs found

    Investigation of sperm chromatin condensation by aniline blue staining in infertile men with normal and abnormal semen parameters

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    Aim: To evaluate the relationship between sperm chromatin condensation assessed by aniline blue staining and semen parameters in infertile men. Methods: Infertile men applied to our urology clinics and diagnosed with normozoospermia (n=50), asthenozoospermia (n=17), oligozoospermia (n=3), teratozoospermia (n=2) oligoasthenoteratozoospermia (OAT) (n=10) according to their semen analysis were included in the study. Semen samples were evaluated for sperm chromatin condensation by aniline blue staining. Results: The percentage of aniline-positive spermatozoa in the OAT and teratozoospermia group was found to be higher than in the normozoospermic and asthenozoospermic infertile groups (p=0.002, p=0.044 with normozoospermia group and p=0.026, p=0.007 with asthenozoospermia group, respectively). Sperm chromatin condensation was negatively correlated with sperm concentration (p=0.003, r=-0.322), total sperm count (p=0.004, r=-0.313), total progressive motile sperm count (p=0.005, r=-0.307), and normal morphology (p<0.0001, r=-0.554); and positively correlated with the percentage of immotile sperm (p=0.037, r=0.230). Conclusion: Sperm chromatin condensation was found to be different in infertile men differently diagnosed based on their semen analysis. The results of the study suggest that chromatin condensation, together with routine sperm parameters, may constitute a valuable parameter in the evaluation of male fertility

    Interferon Beta-1b Level in Parkinson’s Disease: Before and After SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination

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    Background: Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease. Immune response varies after vaccination in different patients. We aimed to evaluate interferon beta-1b (IFNβ-1b) level in patients with PD in response to inactivated SARS-CoV-2 (CoronaVac) vaccination.Methods: Eight patients with the diagnosis of idiopathic PD and followed in the outpatient clinic (stages 1-2) were enrolled. Total blood count was performed before vaccination. IFNβ-1b levels were measured by ELISA and motor examination was performed before and two hours after vaccination.Results: IFNβ-1b levels increased in three patients, whereas no change was detected in one patient and the levels decreased in four patients. Divergent responses were found related to the time of diagnosis.Conclusion: The time of PD diagnosis, as well as the age of the patients, may be responsible for the variability of the post-vaccine immune response

    Exciting Complexity: The Role of Motor Circuit Elements in ALS Pathophysiology

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal disease, characterized by the degeneration of both upper and lower motor neurons. Despite decades of research, we still to date lack a cure or disease modifying treatment, emphasizing the need for a much-improved insight into disease mechanisms and cell type vulnerability. Altered neuronal excitability is a common phenomenon reported in ALS patients, as well as in animal models of the disease, but the cellular and circuit processes involved, as well as the causal relevance of those observations to molecular alterations and final cell death, remain poorly understood. Here, we review evidence from clinical studies, cell type-specific electrophysiology, genetic manipulations and molecular characterizations in animal models and culture experiments, which argue for a causal involvement of complex alterations of structure, function and connectivity of different neuronal subtypes within the cortical and spinal cord motor circuitries. We also summarize the current knowledge regarding the detrimental role of astrocytes and reassess the frequently proposed hypothesis of glutamate-mediated excitotoxicity with respect to changes in neuronal excitability. Together, these findings suggest multifaceted cell type-, brain area- and disease stage- specific disturbances of the excitation/inhibition balance as a cardinal aspect of ALS pathophysiology

    Mechanical Enhancement and Water Treatment Efficiency of Nanocomposite PES Membranes: A Study on Akçay Dam Water Filtration Application

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    © 2024 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Polymeric membranes are widely used in water treatment because of their ease of fabrication and low cost. The flux and purification performance of membranes can be significantly improved by incorporating appropriate amounts of nanomaterials into the polymeric membrane matrices. In this study, neat poly­(ether sulfone) (PES), PES/nano copper oxide (CuO), and PES/nano zinc oxide (ZnO) membranes are fabricated via phase inversion. The pure water flux of the neat PES membrane, which is 355.14 L/m2·h, is increased significantly with the addition of nano-CuO and nano-ZnO, and the pure water fluxes of the nanocomposite membranes vary in the range of 392.65–429.74 L/m2·h. Moreover, nano CuO and nano ZnO-doped PES nanocomposite membranes exhibit higher conductivity, color, total organic carbon, boron, iron, selenium, barium, and total chromium removal efficiencies than neat PES membranes. The membrane surfaces examined by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) after water filtration revealed that those containing 0.5% wt. nano CuO and nano ZnO are more resistant to fouling than the membrane surfaces containing 1% wt. nano CuO and nano ZnO. Based on the results of this study, 0.5% wt. nano ZnO-doped PES membrane is found to be the most suitable membrane for use in water treatment due to its high pure water flux (427.14 L/m2·h), high pollutant removal efficiency, and high fouling resistance. When the mechanical properties of the membranes are examined, the addition of CuO and ZnO nanoparticles increases the membrane stiffness and modulus of elasticity. The addition of 0.5% and 1% for CuO leads to an increase in the modulus of elasticity by 57.95% and 324.43%, respectively, while the addition of 0.5% and 1% for ZnO leads to an increase in the modulus of elasticity by 480.68% and 1802.43%, respectively. At the same time, the tensile strength of the membranes also increases with the addition of nanomaterials.Peer reviewe

    Usporedba stvarnog profila lipida u bolesnika s dijabetesom tip 2 i preporuka iz smjernica

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    Diabetes is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Despite recommendations and available therapeutic options, patients with diabetes do not always reach the recommended lipid levels. In this study, our aim was to compare the real world lipid profile of type 2 diabetes patients with guideline recommendations for dyslipidemia. Four hundred and sixty eight consecutive patients referred to Outpatient Diabetes Clinic of Istanbul Medeniyet University were recruited. Patient anthropometric measurements (height, weight, waist circumference), biochemical test results (LDL cholesterol (LDL-c), triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, HbA1c) and treatment modalities were recorded. Patients were stratified into cardiovascular risk categories according to the risk factors and their treatment dose was compared to the recommendations. Among 468 patients, 56 (12%) patients had coronary heart disease (CHD). Thirty-four percent of these patients were not on statin treatment (n=19) and their mean LDL-c level was 114±29 mg/dL (2.9±0.75 mmol/L). Nineteen percent of these patients were on high intensity statin treatment (atorvastatin 40-80 mg, rosuvastatin 20 mg). Only four patients with CHD had LDL-c levels <70 mg/dL (1.8 mmol/L). Four hundred and twelve patients had no CHD. In these patients, the mean LDL-c level was 132±38 mg/dL (3.4±0.9 mmol/L). Eighty (19%) patients had LDL-c level lower than 100 mg/dL (2.5 mmol/L). Overall 82% (n=384) of the cohort had not achieved treatment goal. In conclusion, a more pronounced approach for statin treatment is needed in diabetes patients for both primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases.Dijabetes je glavni čimbenik rizika za srčanožilne bolesti. Usprkos preporuka i dostupnih terapijskih mogućnosti bolesnici s dijabetesom ne postižu uvijek preporučene razine lipida. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je usporediti stvarni profil lipida u bolesnika s dijabetesom tip 2 s preporukama za dislipidemiju iz dotičnih smjernica. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 468 uzastopnih bolesnika upućenih u Ambulantu za dijabetes Sveučilišta Medeniyet u Istanbulu. Bilježena su antropometrijska mjerenja (visina, težina, opseg struka), rezultati biokemijskih pretraga (LDL kolesterol, trigliceridi, HDL kolesterol, HbA1c) i načini liječenja. Bolesnici su podijeljeni u skupine kardiovaskularnog rizika prema rizičnim čimbenicima, a doze lijeka kojom su liječeni uspoređene su s preporukama. Među 468 bolesnika 56 (12%) ih je imalo koronarnu srčanu bolest (KSB); 34% (n=19) tih bolesnika nije primalo terapiju statinima, a njihova srednja razina LDL bila je 114±29 mg/dL (2,9±0,75 mmol/L); 19% tih bolesnika primalo je visoko intenzivnu terapiju statinima (atorvastatin 40-80 mg, rosuvastatin 20 mg). Razine LDL <70 mg/dL (1,8 mmol/L) zabilježene su u samo četvero bolesnika s KSB. Četiristodvanaest bolesnika nije imalo KSB. U ovih bolesnika srednja razina LDL bila je 132±38 mg/dL (3,4±0,9 mmol/L). Razine LDL niže od 100 mg/ dL (2,5 mmol/L) zabilježene su u 80 (19%) bolesnika s LDL. Dakle, cilj liječenja sveukupno nije postignut u 82% (n=384) ispitivanih bolesnika. Zaključuje se kako je potreban snažniji pristup terapiji statinima u bolesnika s dijabetesom kako za primarnu tako i za sekundarnu prevenciju srčanožilnih bolesti

    Anti-EphA2 Antibodies with Distinct In Vitro Properties Have Equal In Vivo Efficacy in Pancreatic Cancer

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    The EphA2 receptor tyrosine kinase is overexpressed in a variety of human epithelial cancers and is a determinant of malignant cellular behavior in pancreatic adenocarcinoma cells. Moreover, it is expressed in tumor endothelium and its activation promotes angiogenesis. To better clarify the therapeutic potential of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) directed to the EphA2 receptor, we generated a large number of mAbs by differential screening of phage-Ab libraries by oligonucleotide microarray technology and implemented a strategy for the rapid identification of antibodies with the desired properties. We selected two high-affinity and highly specific EphA2 monoclonal antibodies with different in vitro properties on the human pancreatic tumor cell line MiaPaCa2. One is a potent EphA2-agonistic antibody, IgG25, that promotes receptor endocytosis and subsequent degradation, and the second is a ligand antagonist, IgG28, that blocks the binding to ephrin A1 and is cross-reactive with the mouse EphA2 receptor. We measured the effect of antibody treatment on the growth of MiaPaCa2 cells orthotopically transplanted in nude mice. Both IgG25 and IgG28 had strong antitumor and antimetastatic efficacy. In vivo treatment with IgG25 determined the reduction of the EphA2 protein levels in the tumor and the phosphorylation of FAK on Tyr576 while administration of IgG28 caused a decrease in tumor vascularization as measured by immunohistochemical analysis of CD31 in tumor sections. These data show that in a pancreatic cancer model comparable therapeutic efficacy is obtained either by promoting receptor degradation or by blocking receptor activation

    Direct Inhibition of Renin

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    From the beginning of the history of renin angiotensin system (RAS) with the renal extracts in 1898 it still continues to be exciting. After angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), direct renin inhibitors (DRI) recently entered the RAS arena. With the increasing evidence, RAS inhibition is an important treatment strategy in hypertension. Results of ongoing and future clinical trials with specific populations and focusing on protection of end-organ damage will enrich our knowledge and understanding on direct renin inhibition

    Thermal non-linear elastic stress analysis of an adhesively bonded T-joint

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    Adhesive joints consist of adherends and an adhesive layer having different thermal and mechanical properties. When they are exposed to uniform thermal loads the mechanical-thermal mismatches of the adherends and adhesive layer result in uniform but different thermal strain distributions in the adhesive and adherends. The thermal stresses arise near and along the adherend-adhesive interfaces. The present thermal stress analyses of adhesively bonded joints assume a uniform temperature distribution or a constant temperature imposed along the outer boundaries of adhesive lap joints. This paper outlines the thermal analysis and geometrically non-linear stress analysis of adhesive joints subjected to different plate edge conditions and varying thermal boundary conditions causing large displacements and rotations. In addition, the geometrically non-linear thermal stress analysis of an adhesively bonded T-joint with single support plus angled reinforcement was carried out using the incremental finite element method, which was subjected to variable thermal boundary conditions, i.e. air streams with different temperatures and velocities parallel and perpendicular to its outer surfaces. The steady state heat transfer analysis showed that the temperature distribution through the joint members was non-uniform and high heat fluxes occurred inside the adhesive fillets at the adhesive free ends. Based on the geometrically non-linear stress analysis of the T-joint bonded to both rigid and flexible bases for different plate edge conditions, stress concentrations were observed at the free ends of adhesive-adherend interfaces and inside the adhesive fillets around the adhesive free ends, and the horizontal and vertical plates also experienced considerable stress distributions along outer surfaces. In addition, the effect of support length on the peak thermal adhesive stresses was found to be dependent on the plate edge conditions, when a support length allowing moderate adhesive stresses was present


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    Intoxication among children is frequently observed among patients visiting pediatric emergency clinics. Inappropriately taken dosages of frequently used drugs which have adverse effects are among remarkably frequent reasons of these visits. In this case report the focus is on 7-year-old monozygotic twins with no previous health problems, who came to the pediatric emergency clinic with a dystonic contraction complaint starting simultaneously in both of them