646 research outputs found

    The Transformation of the PKK (Kurdistan Workers\u27 Party): Exploring Domestic, Regional, and Global Dynamics

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    The main purpose of this study is to explore the underlying factors behind the political and ideological transformation of the Kurdistan Workers\u27 Party (PKK) since its foundation. Through the detailed analysis of the role of Turkey\u27s internal versus external factors on the evolution of the PKK over time, this work finds that changing political developments in the Middle East were more influential than Turkey\u27s shifting domestic political environment. Hypothesis testing revealed that the 1991 Gulf War, 2003 Iraq War, changing political dynamics of the Middle East following Syria\u27s Arab Spring, and policy changes worldwide implemented after the 9/11 terrorist attacks played determining role in the PKK\u27s shifting profile over time. Turkey\u27s political sphere regarding the Kurdish issue; however, fell short in providing overarching explanation over the terrorist organization\u27s changing ultimate goal. Findings showed that the terrorist organization\u27s ultimate goal and its concomitant strategies led the Turkish government to adjust its counterterrorism policies rather than vice versa, which indicates the importance of the external factors and the PKK\u27s capability to keep up with the changing regional and international realitie

    Artin-Schreier families and 2-D cycle codes

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    We start with the study of certain Artin-Schreier families. Using coding theory techniques, we determine a necessary and sufficient condition for such families to have a nontrivial curve with the maximum possible number of rational points over the finite field in consideration. This result produces several nice corollaries, including the existence of certain maximal curves; i.e., curves meeting the Hasse-Weil bound.We then present a way to represent two-dimensional (2-D) cyclic codes as trace codes starting from a basic zero set of its dual code. This representation enables us to relate the weight of a codeword to the number of rational points on certain Artin-Schreier curves via the additive form of Hilbertā€™s Theorem 90. We use our results on Artin-Schreier families to give a minimum distance bound for a large class of 2-D cyclic codes. Then, we look at some specific classes of 2-D cyclic codes that are not covered by our general result. In one case, we obtain the complete weight enumerator and show that these types of codes have two nonzero weights. In the other cases, we again give minimum distance bounds. We present examples, in some of which our estimates are fairly effcient

    O raznolikosti arhitektonskog utopizma; Kritička interpretacija utopijske arhitekture 20. stoljeća

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    This text dwells on and manifests the methodological significance of utopianism for the practices of the urban, and specifically architecture, building upon the core definitions made by Ruth Levitas in delineating utopia as method. It surveys various manners of architectural utopianisms - but not architectural utopias themselves - in their broadest sense, to identify the main tendencies of this methodology throughout the twentieth century.Ovaj se rad bavi prikazom metodoloÅ”kog značenja utopizma u praksi urbanizma i osobito u arhitekturi polazeći od temeljnih definicija kojima Ruth Levitas opisuje utopiju kao metodu. U radu se daje pregled raznih oblika utopizama u arhitekturi (izuzevÅ”i same arhitektonske utopije) u najÅ”irem smislu kako bi se identificirale glavne tendencije ove metodologije tijekom 20. stoljeća

    Peter Cook izvan Archigrama: Prema kritičnom utopizmu

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    This text visits and manifests the critical utopianism embedded in the praxis of Peter Cook, within which resides a promising mode of architectural thinking based on reflexive inquiries rather than absolute and closed utopias. It aims to revert questions that link utopia and spatial determinism towards questions that revolve around utopian methodologies that become trainings of architectural imagination.Rad se bavi prikazom kritičkom utopizma ugrađenog u rad Petera Cooka, u kojemu se manifestira način arhitektonskog razmiÅ”ljanja koji se viÅ”e temelji na refleksivnim istraživanjima nego apsolutnim i zatvorenim utopijama. U radu se nastoji preusmjeriti pitanja koja povezuju utopiju i prostorni determinizam na pitanja koja se bave utopijskim metodologijama koje postaju poligoni za vježbanje arhitektonske imaginacije

    QN-302 demonstrates opposing effects between i-motif and G-quadruplex DNA structures in the promoter of the S100P gene

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    GC-rich sequences can fold into G-quadruplexes and i-motifs and are known to control gene expression in many organisms. The potent G-quadruplex experimental anticancer drug QN-302 down-regulates a number of cancer-related genes, in particular S100P. Here we show this ligand has strong opposing effects with i-motif DNA structures and is one of the most potent i-motif destabilising agents reported to date. QN-302 down-regulates the expression of numerous cancer-related genes by pan-quadruplex targeting. QN-302 exhibits exceptional combined synergistic effects compared to many other G-quadruplex and i-motif interacting compounds. This work further emphasises the importance of considering G-quadruplex and i-motif DNA structures as one dynamic system

    The role of various social support variables on Turkish children's anxiety level

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    This study investigated the role of various social support variables on the state and trait anxiety levels of elementary school children. The subjects were 196 4th and 5th graders. The data were collected by the Social Support Form, State Anxiety Inventory, and Trait Anxiety Inventory. Results revealed a significant effect of living together with parents on state and trait anxiety levels: Furthermore, a positive correlation between state anxiety and love and affection for the teacher was explored. No significant difference on the state and trait anxiety levels of children was another finding of the study. The effects of the nature and continuity of home and school environments on the anxiety levels of children were discussed in relation to these variables.peer-reviewe
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