4 research outputs found

    Hofteleddsdysplasi hos spedbarn – screening, behandling og oppfølging

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    Hofteleddsdysplasi forkommer hos opptil 3 % av nyfødte og kan ubehandlet føre til luksert hofteledd, osteoartritt og behov for hofteprotese. Målet med studien var å kartlegge rutiner for ultralydscreening, behandling og oppfølging av hofteleddsdysplasi ved norske sykehus

    Integrating complementary survey methods to estimate catches in Norway’s complex marine recreational hook-and-line fishery

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    Marine recreational fishing is popular in Norway, but current estimates of the catches by resident and tourist anglers are lacking due to several challenges, in particular Norway’s long and intricate coastline with no defined access points and the large tourist fishery. To test methods for long-term monitoring of boat-based marine recreational anglers, estimate their catches, and characterize the fishery, we conducted a roving creel survey based on a novel spatial sampling frame and a survey of tourist fishing businesses in Troms and Hordaland County. These surveys showed that cod (Gadus morhua) and saithe (Pollachius virens) dominated the catches in Troms, while mackerel (Scomber scombrus) and saithe dominated the catches in Hordaland. The estimated total annual harvest of cod by all marine recreational anglers was 2 160 tonnes (relative standard error, or RSE 44%) in Troms and 73 tonnes (RSE 29%) in Hordaland, of which ∼40% (in weight) were landed in registered tourist fishing businesses, based on data from the tourist fishing survey. The results indicate that recreational anglers in Hordaland harvest more cod in coastal waters than commercial fishers. This study provides information for developing marine recreational fisheries monitoring in challenging survey situations to support science-based fisheries management.publishedVersio

    Kvinners opplevelse av selvbildet etter mastektomi

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    Bakgrunn: Brystkreft er den kreftformen med hyppigst forekomst på verdensbasis. Forekomsten øker for hvert år, og omtrent 1 av 12 norske kvinner vil få diagnosen. Mastektomi benyttes som behandlingsmetode hos 45% av alle som opereres for brystkreft. Mange av disse kvinnene blir sittende igjen med vanskelige tanker og følelser omkring sitt eget selvbilde i etterkant av det kirurgiske inngrepet. Hensikt: Hensikten er å belyse kvinners opplevelse av eget selvbilde etter gjennomført mastektomi grunnet brystkreft. Metode: Dette er en systematisk litteraturstudie basert på 7 kvalitative og 1 kvantitativ forskningsartikkel. Resultat: Mastektomi hadde en stor innvirkning på kvinners selvbilde, og derav kvinnenes personlige og fysiske selv. De har opplevd objektivisering, fysisk ubalanse og tap. Et slikt tap og en slik endring av kroppen fikk følger for kvinnenes identitet, deres relasjoner til andre, samt ga en følelse av å være annerledes. Et redusert selvbilde resulterte i at kvinnene distanserte seg fra partneren sin og de andre nære relasjonene sine. Konklusjon: Mastektomi har hatt stor innvirkning på kvinnenes selvbilde hvor de har måttet kjempe for å akseptere den varige endringen. Nøkkelord: Selvbilde, Kroppsbilde, Mastektomi, Opplevelse, Brystkreft, Cancer mammae, Bryst neoplasmer

    COL11A1 is associated with developmental dysplasia of the hip and secondary osteoarthritis in the HUNT study

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    Objective: Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is a congenital condition affecting 2–3% of all infants. DDH increases the risk of osteoarthritis, is the cause of 30 ​% of all total hip arthroplasties (THAs) in adults <40 years of age and can result in loss of life quality. Our aim was to explore the genetic background of DDH in order to improve diagnosis, management and longterm outcome. Design: We used the large, ongoing, longitudinal Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT) database. Case definition was based on ICD-9/-10 diagnoses of DDH, or osteoarthritis secondary to DDH. Analyses were performed using SAIGE software, with covariates including sex, batch, birth year and principal components. We included only single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with minor allele frequency (MAF) ≥ 0.01, R2 ≥ 0.8 and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) P-value ≥ 0.0001. Significance level was set at p ​< ​5 ​× ​10−8. Meta-analysis using data from DDH and primary osteoarthritis genome-wide association studies (GWASs) was done using METAL software. The study was approved by the regional ethical committee. Results: Analysis included 69,500 individuals, of which 408 cases, and 8,531,386 SNPs. Two SNPs near COL11A1 were significantly associated with DDH; rs713162 (β ​= ​−0.43, SE ​= ​0.07, p ​= ​8.4 ​× ​10−9) and rs6577334 (β ​= ​−0.43, SE ​= ​0.08, p ​= ​8.9 ​× ​10−9). COL11A1 has previously been associated with acetabular dysplasia and osteoarthritis. Meta-analysis supported previous GWAS findings of both DDH and primary osteoarthritis. Conclusions: This large, genome-wide case-control study indicates an association between COL11A1 and DDH and is an important contribution to investigating the etiology of DDH, with further research needed