320 research outputs found
Analisa Tingkat Kesehatan Keuangan pada Bank Pembangunan Daerah Kalimantan Timur
Adanya bank yang dilikuidasi atau dalam kondisi bank yang tidak diperbolehkan beroperasi oleh pemerintah dikarenakan kondisi dan keadaan bank menurut penilaian BI telah membahayakan bagi kepentingan masyarakat dan perekonomian nasional khususnya pada sektor perbankan nasional. Bank yang telah tidak beroperasi atau bahkan dicabut izin USAhanya adalah bank yang dinyatakan tidak sehat, sedangkan PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah (BPD) Kalimantan Timur Kantor Pusat Samarinda perlu menerapkan prinsip kehati-hatian oleh pengelola dan pemecahan masalah segera mungkin sehingga tidak menghambat pada kegiatan lainnya. Perlunya melakukan kajian atas tingkat kesehatan bank yang dilakukan setiap saat agar kekurangan yang didapat segera diatasi serta menentukan arah untuk kemajuan bank. Untuk menilai kesehatab Bank maka penelitian ini menggunakan Analisa CAMEL yang digunakan untuk menjawab hipotesis penelitian yang diajukan.Hasil dari penelitian ini pada hipotesis pertama diketahui Perkembangan kinerja PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Kalimantan Timur Tbk di Samarinda tahun 2010-2012 ditinjau dari rasio Capital Adquecy Sehat dengan nilai CAR >8%. Kemudian hasil dari penelitian ini pada hipotesis kedua diketahui Perkembangan kinerja PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Kalimantan Timur Tbk di Samarinda tahun 2010-2012 ditinjau dari rasio Asset Quality Sehat dengan nilai KAP antara 0-10,35%. Kemudian hasil dari penelitian ini pada hipotesis ketiga diketahui Perkembangan kinerja PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Kalimantan Timur Tbk di Samarinda tahun 2010-2012 ditinjau dari rasio Management Sehat dengan nilai NPM antara 33 – 40.Hasil dari penelitian ini pada hipotesis keempat diketahui Perkembangan kinerja PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Kalimantan Timur Tbk di Samarinda tahun 2010-2012 ditinjau dari rasio Earning's Sehat dan nilai ROA > 1,215%.dan nilai BOPO < 93,52%. Kemudian hasil dari penelitian ini pada hipotesis kelima diketahui Perkembangan kinerja PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Kalimantan Timur Tbk di Samarinda tahun 2010-2012 ditinjau dari rasio Liquidity Sehat dengan nilai LDR < 94,75
Kampanye Stop Melawan Arus Kendaraan Melalui Media Game Telepon Cerdas
Traffic violation against the flow on Jl. Cihaliwung to Jl. Raya Purwakarta is very difficult to stop, even though raids are often held by the police, violations still continue to this day. Long one-way traffic forces motorists to demand efficiency for shorter travel times, so they are willing to go against the flow of the road. The large number of regional roads that are not touched by the police is also the reason for many motorists not meeting the correct driving equipment. This traffic problem which has not been resolved for more than 10 years needs to be stopped, bearing in mind that the road is often passed by large trucks and often causes traffic accidents. The suggested design solution is a traffic police simulation game, in which there is a story that contains campaign messages, a police ticketing game that can provide a police experience to players that shows how stubborn motorists are violating, and the results of the police ticketing game are also campaign messages. It is hoped that this design can make people understand the importance of obeying traffic rules, especially for teenagers and early adults.Pelanggaran lalu lintas melawan arus di Jl. Cihaliwung sampai Jl. Raya Purwakarta sangat sulit untuk diberhentikan, meskipun sering diadakan razia oleh kepolisan, tetapi pelanggaran masih berlanjut sampai sekarang. Arus jalan satu arah yang panjang membuat para pengendara menuntut keefisienan waktu perjalanan yang lebih pendek, sehingga mereka rela untuk melawan arus jalan. Banyaknya jalan daerah yang tidak terjamah oleh polisi juga menjadi alasan banyaknya pengendara yang tidak memenuhi perlengkapan berkendara yang benar. Persoalan lalu lintas yang tidak terselesaikan lebih dari 10 tahun ini perlu diberhentikan, mengingat jalan tersebut sering dilewati oleh kendaraan truk besar dan tidak jarang menimbulkan kecelakaan lalu lintas. Solusi perancangan yang disarankan adalah sebuah game simulasi polisi lalu lintas, yang dimana didalamnya terdapat cerita yang berisi pesan kampanye, game tilang polisi yang dapat memberikan pengalaman polisi kepada pemain yang menampilkan seberapa keras kepalanya pengendara yang melanggar, dan hasil dari permaian tilang polisi tersebut yang juga pesan kampanye. Diharapkan perancangan ini dapat membuat masyarakat mengerti akan pentingnya mematuhi peraturan lalu lintas, khusus nya kepada remaja dan dewasa awal
Analisis Kinerja Organisasi Kelurahan Gedawang Kota Semarang
The purpose of this study is to; 1) to analyze the performance of Kelurahan Gedawang; 2) to know the inhibiting factors of organization performance of Gedawang Urban Village; and 3) to know the supporting factor of organizational performance of Kelurahan Gedawang Kota Semarang.This research uses qualitative approach with in-depth interview method. The theory used to describe the performance of the Kelurahan Gedawang organization is from Bernardin, which divides the performance based on 6 (six) criteria, namely; Quality, Quantity, Timeliness, Cost-effectiveness, Need for supervision, and Interpersonal impact. While narasumner used as many as 5 (five) people, namely Head of Kelurahan Gedawang; Secretary of Kelurahan Gedawang; Head of Public Service Section of Kelurahan Gedawang; Head of Community Welfare Section of Kelurahan Gedawang; and Head of Community Empowerment and Development Section of Kelurahan Gedawang. The finding of this research is that in doing service to society, can be seen from 6 (six) dimension of performance used by measure. From the quality dimension, the performance of the apparatus has not met the target. The quantity dimension shows that of the 43 planned activities, there are 37 activities that have been realized. The dimension of timeliness shows some of the programs already and is still ongoing, such as the making of tourist forests equipped with mushala, tennis and volleyball courts, tool warehouses, and workhouses; from the visible dimension of the lack of signage (guided explanation of the place) in Gedawang Village, making it difficult for people outside Gedawang to find the location in question. From the dimension of Need for supervision, it appears that the funds already allocated and already spent on tourism forests have turned out to be ambiguous due to the decline of Forestry Minister Regulation which prohibits that forests and zoos are managed by the government, even though they have absorbed substantial funds. From the dimensions of Interpersonal impact looks pretty good because it is able to attract private parties to help build a playground in the Village Gedawang. The existence of corporations in Semarang city that quite a lot, especially in Kelurahan Gedawang, has contributed positively to improving the performance of Kelurahan Gedawang. CSR assistance from the company proved to be very helpful in the construction of facilities and infrastructure in Gedawang Urban Village, specifically related to the protection of nature and the environment. The support also comes from the potential of Gedawang Urban Village, which still upholds mutual cooperation in doing all aspects and areas
Modeling of Tree Growth After Forest Fire in Mount Ciremai National Park, Indonesia
Forest fire is a massive threat towards tropical forest causing various negative impacts to nature and human being. Forest fire often leads to alteration of forest structure and its functions. This study of tree growth after forest fire was conducted using a model simulation. The model was performed at the individual level of plant community and built to analyze the potential of tree growth and its scenario for post-fire recovery. Five important tree species from montane forest of Mount Ciremai were chosen to build the model based on four main parameters i.e. plant growth rate, diameter at breast height (DBH), tree-to-grass competition and tree-to-tree competition. The scenario of post-fire recovery was performed by replanting similar species with 5 cm DBH seedling. Prediction from our model showed that most of the chosen species would recover to its pre-fire condition after 37 - 50 years. Considering the limitation of competition after re-planting, it was suggested to minimize tree to tree competition and applied silvicultural treatments to maximize tree growth and tree community recovery
Synthesis of Bio-hexane and Bio-Hexene from Sorbitol Using Formic Acid as Reducing Agent
Sorbitol (C6H14O6) is a sugar alcohol that can be synthesized from cellulose and has a similar skeletal structure as hexane (C6H14) so that it can straightforwardly be converted to hexane through deoxygenation. The bio-hydrocarbon synthesis from sorbitol in this investigation consisted of two main processes, namely synthesis of 2-iodohexane and deiodization of 2-iodohexane. The synthesis of 2-iodohexane from sorbitol and hydroiodic acid (HI) was conducted in a reflux system, to which formic acid as reducing agent was added gradually during the reaction to regenerate the iodine back to HI. The HI/sorbitol ratio (2:1 and 5:1), reaction temperature (90 °C, 105 °C, and 120 °C), and reaction time (between 2 and 6 hours) were varied throughout the experiment. Deiodization of 2-iodohexane was conducted via gas phase pyrolysis at various temperatures (265 °C to 285 °C) and reaction times (30 and 45 minutes). The sorbitol was effectively converted to a mixture of 2-iodohexane, hexane and other bio-hydrocarbons, with a 2-iodohexane yield of 23.15%. In the optimal reaction condition, pyrolysis of 2-iodohexane resulted in bio-hydrocarbon with a yield of 77.52%. The resulted hydrocarbon products were mixtures consisting of alkanes and alkenes
Uji Fitokimia Dan Aktivitas Antijamur Ekstrak Teripang Keling (Holoturia Atra) Dari Pantai Bandengan Jepara Terhadap Jamur Candida Albicans
Holothuria atra is one of the marine lifes that lives at the bottom of the substrate, and able to adapt to its environment. Several previous studies showed that extracts of H. atra from different waters have activity as an antifungal. Fungus Candida albicans is one of human pathogens that attack on the mucosa of the mouth, skin and vagina. The purpose of this study were to identify the compounds contained in the extracts of H.atra and examine the effect of extracts concentration against C. albicans. The process of extraction was done by maceration with solvent n-hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol. Testing of secondary metabolites was carried out using phytochemical screening methods while testing antifungal activity was using agar diffusion test. The results showed that the extracts of H.atra contained saponins, alkaloids, steroids and triterpenoids. Antifungal activity assays showed that the n-hexane extract did not show any inhibition zone, while the ethyl acetate and methanol extracts showed inhibition zone at a concentration of 1 mg / disk with a large zone of inhibition of 8.27 ± 0.06 and 8.07 ± 0 , 12 mm, respectively based on these results it can be concluded that the extract of ethyl acetate solvent H.atra has strong potential as antifungal
Forest fire is a massive threat towards tropical forest causing various negative impacts to nature and human being. Forest fire often leads to alteration of forest structure and its functions. This study of tree growth after forest fire was conducted using a model simulation. The model was performed at the individual level of plant community and built to analyze the potential of tree growth and its scenario for post-fire recovery. Five important tree species from montane forest of Mount Ciremai were chosen to build the model based on four main parameters i.e. plant growth rate, diameter at breast height (DBH), tree-to-grass competition and tree-to-tree competition. The scenario of post-fire recovery was performed by replanting similar species with 5 cm DBH seedling. Prediction from our model showed that most of the chosen species would recover to its pre-fire condition after 37 - 50 years. Considering the limitation of competition after re-planting, it was suggested to minimize tree to tree competition and applied silvicultural treatments to maximize tree growth and tree community recovery
Intention to Stay or Return? Motivation and Factors Influencing Indonesian Nurses Working in Japan
In 2008, Japan agreed to recruit Indonesian nurses to work as nurses as a part of the Indonesia-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (IJEPA). This study aimed to explore the motivation behind working in Japan and factors behind the Indonesian nurses' intention to stay in Japan or return to Indonesia after the contract is terminated. This descriptive quantitative study used an online survey involving 103 respondents. Results revealed that a high rate of remuneration and better working environment were the pull factors whereas low salarie, and poor working conditions in Indonesia were the major reasons why Indonesian nurses wanted to work in Japan. Â Of the 103 respondents, 71 % stated that they intended to remain in Japan, whereas 29 % preferred to return to Indonesia after the contract is terminated. The research only focused on one framework of Indonesian migrant workers (nurse). At the end, hopefully this research can be a comprehensive discussion of Indonesian nurse workers and enrich the study of international migration
PT. ABC merupakan produsen dari berbagai jenis produk rumah tangga yang salah satu pruduknya adalah Regalator Gas Tekanan Tinggi. Untuk menjaga kepercayaan konsumen maka perusahaan akan selalu memperhatikan kualitas dari produknya. Dalam proses produksi khususnya pada departemen perakitan, terdapat permasalahan yang muncul terutama pada saat dilakukanya proses penyatuan berbagai Part hingga menjadi produk siap jual. Permasalahan yang timbul berkaitan dengan kecacatan fungsi dan kecacatan Outlook dari produk yang dihasilkan. Agar tujuan tersebut dapat tercapai maka dalam penelitian ini penulis berupaya untuk menganalisa secara detail menggunakan metode Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA). Berdasarkan pengolahan data dengan menentukan nilai RPN dari masing-masing kegagalan fungsi didapatkan empat defect tertinggi yaitu: Output pressure tidak standar, Body regulator kotor tatal, Ulir outlet nipple longgar dan Pemasangan handle sesak, maka empat jenis defect tersebut yang akan di prioritaskan penulis untuk dilakukan langkah lebih lanjut yaitu membuat usulan perbaikan Dari hasil penelitian setelah tindakan perbaikan dapat diketahui tgerjadinya penurunan yang apat dilihat dari turunnya Tingkat RPN defect Output Pressure Tidak Standar dari 420 menjadi 35, Body Regulator Kotor Tatal dari 150 menjadi 30, Ulir Outlet Nipple Longgar dari 140 jadi 30 dan Pasang Handle Keras dari 100 jadi 35 Sehingga target menurunkan defect untuk empet besar dapat tercapai setelah dilakukan tindakan perbaikan dan terjadi penurunan sebesar 80%.Â
Teknologi informasi dimasa sekarang ini semakin berkembang dengan cepat. Teknologi informasi mempunyai peranan penting dalam kehidupan masyarakat , terutama dalam hal bisnis. Proses bisnis mampu berjalan baik dan tersistematis dengan teknologi informasi yang canggih. Penerapan teknologi informasi menjadikan salah satu solusi dalam menunjang kegiatan harian perusahaaan agar lebih efisien dan juga sebagai solusi menangani berbagai permasalahan dalam mencapai tujuan perusahaan yang lebih baik. Teknologi komputer mampu menjadi solusi dalam pemecah masalah dari tingkat yang ringan sampai yang rumit sekalipun. Sistem informasi dan teknologi tersebut menghasilkan suatu proses pengambilan keputusan , perencanaan, dan strategi bisnis perusahaan. CV Nadya Printing merupakan perusahaan jasa percetakan. Sistem penggajian yang digunakan pada CV Nadya Printing masih menggunakan cara konvensional. Penulis mencoba merancang aplikasi berbasis Web dengan menerapkan model waterfall. Aplikasi tersebut digunakan untuk mempermudah sistem penggajian dan mengakuratkan perhitungan gaji pokok, lembur dan pembuatan laporannya bulanan
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