698 research outputs found


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    Objectives to be achieved in this research To understand and analyze the National Social Security System Construction of Health Sector in the current positive law, to understand and analyze the weaknesses of the National Social Security System in the Field of Health today and to analyze and reconstruct the National Social Security System for Health Based on the value of welfare Research is expected to have both theoretical and practical uses that researchers use is socio legal research, this research approach is chosen to see how far the effectiveness of law in the prosperity of the community especially in health insurance coverage, here the law is not only seen in terms of its effectiveness but Also related to non-legal factors such as institutions related to the welfare of the community. The Legal System of the Health Insurance Program with the participation of BPJS is still very weak both in terms of the legal substance component, in providing equitable welfare in obtaining health services through the Health Insurance Program with. Strengthening Components of Legal Substances by changing Article 39 Paragraphs (1), (3) and (4) of Presidential Regulation No. 12 of 2013, Strengthening Legal Structure Components by Strengthening FKTP I on the regulation of Government Regulation, Strengthening Legal Culture Component by developing Culture of community law through continuous education to the community so that the community, the Government is not responsible for providing funds for Beneficiaries of Contribution (PBI)

    General Election Law Position In The Enforcement Of Criminal Law

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    The aim in this study, to find out and analyze the mechanism for law enforcement of election criminal acts based on the General Election Law. In this research, the writer used sociological juridical method with the research specification in the form of descriptive analysis. The data used for this research are primary and secondary data. Based on the results of research that concludes, namely the mechanisms in the election criminal justice process based on Act No. 7 of 2017 concerning Elections through investigations in Article 479, investigations in Article 480 paragraph 1, prosecution in Article 480 paragraph 4, and court in Article 481 paragraph 1 The District Court exercises the authority to examine, adjudicate, and decide on cases where the process is carried out in a special court which still refers to the stages of the general criminal justice process in the Criminal Procedure Code

    Model Matematika dan Simulasi Untuk Non-Idealitas Reaktor Alir Pipa

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    This paper presents a mathematical model for the performance of a non-ìdeality plugflow reactor. An analytical technique used was the residence time distribution (RTD) involving tracer component. This model can give a prediction of the number of the ideal continuous stirred tank reactors that could represent the non-ideal plug flow reactor. Regardíng to the literature, the result obtained is 9 continuous stirred tank reactors in series would represent the performance of non-ideal plugflow reactor that was analyze

    Legal Form of Relief Is Free Of Charge by the Person or Group of Advocate for the Poor (Study at Jurisdiction in Ex Residency of Cirebon)

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    The problems of this study are: 1) forms of legal assistance free of charge given to the person or group of poor people in the Ex Residency of Cirebon, 2) challenges and solutions lawyers to provide legal assistance free of charge at the Ex Residency of Cirebon, 3) forms of legal protection given for free of charge that given to the person or group of poor people in the Ex Residency of Cirebon in the future.The method used by researchers is legal approach empirically and specification in this study were included descriptive analysis. Even sources and types of data in this study are primary data obtained from interviews with field studies members of the Police of the Police Ciwaringin and Secretary Untag Jaya, And secondary data obtained from the study of literature relating to the theory of justice and progressive law.Based on the results of research that form of legal aid free of charge is given to a person or a group of poor people in the Ex Residency of Cirebon, have been met by providing a list of advocates in the district police or through the Legal Aid Post (ZIP Bankum) in each court both the General and courts that exist in the jurisdiction of the Ex Residency of Cirebon. Problems were found in providing legal assistance free of charge to the poor, is not all lawyers enrolled in Posbakum and district police to and willing to help to the poor who need legal help; The solution needed is a regulation that requires all lawyers who have permits proceedings to register and willing to help the poor who need legal aid, and the obligation to serve as a form of professional advocate obligation to perform community service.Keywords: Legal Assistance Free of Charge; Advocate, Poor

    Analysis Of Handling Practices On Corruption Crime By Police (Case Study In Special Criminal Investigation Police Directorate Of Central Java)

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    Corruption is categorized as an extraordinary crime are not only a disaster for the national economy, but also a violation of the rights of social and economic rights of the people. Police officers as part of the legal system, the role is very particularly important in law enforcement anti-corruption law enforcement. Police as a sub-system of the Criminal Justice System, authorized to perform the duties of investigation of all criminal offenses in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Law and the regulations of other legislation including corruption cases, in addition to law enforcement agencies such as the Attorney and the Corruption Eradication Commission. The problem in this paper is handling practices of corruption by Indonesian National Police (INP) as the law enforcement sector which has authority in law enforcement against those specific criminal offense. The role of the police in handling corruption is a duty of inquiry and investigation against corruption by the Criminal Code, Act No. 2 of 2002, Act No. 31 of 1999 jo. Act No. 20 of 2001 and Presidential Instruction No. 5 of 2004. The function and authority of the Police in the investigation of corruption cases, the police play a very large in the case of law enforcement corruption. One of the functions of the Police in the investigation is the arrest, detention, search, and seizure. Keywords: Management; Crime; Corruptio; Police

    The Role of Conveyancer in Resolving Disputes against the Deed

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    Dispute and land conflict is a form of problems that are complex and multi-dimensional. In such disputes often involve the Land Deed Official to account for the deed he made, the National Land Agency as a Facilitator in the handling of land disputes involving land deed. Research method used is empirical juridical, the specification of this research uses descriptive method of analysis, the method of data analysis used is using the method of literature research, based on research concluded so that conveyancer can apply the principle of prudence by conducting field checks, that in handling land disputes it takes good faith and each party must be cooperative in the course of mediation

    Mining Investment Legal Certainty Under The Terms of Act No. 4 Of 2009 Concerning Mineral and Coal Mining and Act No. 25 of 2007 on Investment

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    In this study the issues to be discussed in are: Mining Investment Legal Certainty According to provisions of Act No. 4 of 2009 on Mineral and Coal and Act No. 25 of 2007 on Investment. Based on the results of this study are Legality exploitation of minerals statutory number number 4 Legality exploitation of minerals statutory number number 4 of 2009 substantially only in a form that permit, in contrast to the legality of the concession at the time of the enactment of Act No. 1, 1967, consists of a wide variety of forms namely mining Authority (KP) contract of work (COW), mineral and agreements coal mining works (PKP2B) and SIPDs for extractive industry and artisanal mining licenses for artisanal mining. Various legality at the time of the enactment of Act No. 11 of 1967, led to the coordination, supervision and control of less than the maximum, because every legality issued to a mining business activity carried out not in a good coordination. Prior to the issuance of Act No. 25 of 2007 is still a very significant difference between foreign investors and domestic investors. This is evident from the provisions of legislation. Foreign investment is regulated in Act No. 1 of 1967 concerning Foreign Investment whereas domestic investment stipulated in Act No. 6 of 1968 on Domestic Investment.Keywords: Rule of Law; Mining; Investment

    The Law Application of Land Procurement for Development in Public Interest

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    Implementation of the application of Article 35 of Act No. 2 of 2012 concerning Land Acquisition for the Development of Toll Roads in the Public Interest. The value of compensation based on the results of the Appraiser's assessment becomes the basis for deliberation to determine compensation. In Article 35 of Act No. 2 of 2012 it is stated that if in the case of certain land parcels that are affected by land acquisition there are remnants that can no longer be functioned according to their designation and use, the entitled Party may request a complete replacement of the parcel of land. What is meant by "no longer able to function" is a parcel of land that can no longer be used according to its original designation and use, for example a residential house that is divided so that some of it cannot be used as a residential house. The objectives of this research are as follows: 1) To examine the implementation of the application of Article 35 of Act No. 2 of 2012 concerning Land Procurement for the Development of Toll Roads in the Public Interest. 2) Knowing the problems faced in the implementation of the application of article 35 of Act No. 2 of 2012 concerning Land Procurement for the Development of the Public Interest of Toll Roads. 3) Assessing the legal impact of the implementation of article 35 of Act No. 2 of 2012 concerning Land Procurement for the Development of Toll Road Public Interest. The approach method in this writing uses a doctrinal method or what is called normative legal research and qualitative descriptive analysis, namely by aligning and describing the real situation. By answering the main problems in this journal research, namely 1) How to implement article 35 of Act No. 2 of 2012 concerning Land Acquisition for the Development of Toll Road Public Interest. 2) What are the problems faced in the implementation of article 35 of Act No. 2 of 2012 concerning Land Procurement for the Development of Toll Road Public Interest. 3) What are the legal implications of the implementation of Article 35 of Act No. 2 of 2012 concerning Land Acquisition for the Development of Toll Roads in the Public Interest

    Peran Dan Tanggung Jawab Polri Sebagai Penegak Hukum Dalam Melaksanaan Restorative Justice Untuk Keadilan Dan Kemanfaatan Masyarakat

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    ABSTRAKPeran dan tanggung jawab Polri sebagai Penegak Hukum dalam melaksanaan restorative justice untuk keadilan dan kemanfaatan masyarakat sangat diharapkan implementasinya, karena Polri menjadi ujung tombak dalam penegakan hukum, sehingga dituntut optimal dalam penanganannya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dengan menggunakan metode yuridis normatif dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan menjadikan restorative justice sebagai pendekatan maka ada beberapa keuntungan yang didapatkan. Pertama, masyarakat diberikan ruang untuk menangani sendiri permasalahan hukumnya yang dirasakan lebih adil. Kedua, beban negara dalam beberapa hal menjadi berkurang. Penyidik Satreskrim Polres Rembang dapat melaksanakan mekanisme restorative justice melalui diskresi yang dimilikinya karena hal itu merupakan kelengkapan sistem, hukum nasional dapat diterima apabila dilaksanakan berdasarkan falsafah negara Pancasila, menjamin keadilan serta perlindungan hukum terhadap Hak Asasi Manusia. Untuk menjamin keseragaman dalam implementasinya, diperlukan suatu norma dan payung hukum untuk memberikan legitimasi agar tindakan yang dilakukan Penyidik Satreskrim Polres Rembang dalam implementasi restorative justice tidak dianggap ilegal.Kata Kunci : Keadilan, kemanfaatan , musyawarah. ABSTRACTThe role and responsibility of the Police as Law Enforcement in the implementation of restorative justice for justice and the benefit of society is expected to be implemented, because the Police become the spearhead in law enforcement, so it is demanded optimal in handling it.The result of this research is by using normative juridical method can be concluded that by making restorative justice as approach then there are some advantages obtained. First, the community is given space to handle its own legal problems that are felt more just. Second, the burden of the state is in some cases reduced. Police criminal detective Rembang can implement restorative justice mechanism through its discretion because it is a complete system, national law can be accepted if implemented based on Pancasila state philosophy, guarantee justice and legal protection to human rights. To ensure uniformity in its implementation, a legal norm and umbrella is required to provide legitimacy to ensure that actions carried out by the Police criminal detective Rembang in the implementation of restorative justice are not considered ellegal.Keywords: Justice, benefit, discussion