180 research outputs found

    Representations of sport in the revolutionary socialist press in Britain, 1988–2012

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    This paper considers how sport presents a dualism to those on the far left of the political spectrum. A long-standing, passionate debate has existed on the contradictory role played by sport, polarised between those who reject it as a bourgeois capitalist plague and those who argue for its reclamation and reformation. A case study is offered of a political party that has consistently used revolutionary Marxism as the basis for its activity and how this party, the largest in Britain, addresses sport in its publications. The study draws on empirical data to illustrate this debate by reporting findings from three socialist publications. When sport did feature it was often in relation to high profile sporting events with a critical tone adopted and typically focused on issues of commodification, exploitation and alienation of athletes and supporters. However, readers’ letters, printed in the same publications, revealed how this interpretation was not universally accepted, thus illustrating the contradictory nature of sport for those on the far left

    (EIN)FACH? : Komplexität, Wissen, Fortschritt und die Grenzen der Germanistik

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    Spätestens seit den gesellschaftlichen Modernisierungsschüben in den sechziger Jahren identifiziert auch die Germanistik Erkenntnis- und Wissenszuwachs, ja allgemeiner den "Fortschritt" ihres Fachs, mit Komplexitätserhöhung. Vor diesem Hintergrund erscheint es mir wenig plausibel, die seitdem erfolgten inneren Ausdifferenzierungen und interdisziplinären Grenzüberschreitungen als durch Identitätsverlust, Zerstreuung und Desintegration gekennzeichnete Niedergangsszenarien zu beschreiben. Die Veränderungen gehorchen der immanenten Logik germanistischer Forschung, einer "disziplinierten", auf Leistung ausgerichteten, an kooperativen Großforschungsvorhaben partizipierenden Wissensproduktion

    The role of neuronavigation in intracranial endoscopic procedures

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    In occlusive hydrocephalus, cysts and some ventricular tumours, neuroendoscopy has replaced shunt operations and microsurgery. There is an ongoing discussion if neuronavigation should routinely accompany neuroendoscopy or if its use should be limited to selected cases. In this prospective clinical series, the role of neuronavigation during intracranial endoscopic procedures was investigated. In 126 consecutive endoscopic procedures (endoscopic third ventriculostomy, ETV, n = 65; tumour biopsy/resection, n = 36; non-tumourous cyst fenestration, n = 23; abscess aspiration and hematoma removal, n = 1 each), performed in 121 patients, neuronavigation was made available. After operation and videotape review, the surgeon had to categorize the role of neuronavigation: not beneficial; beneficial, but not essential; essential. Overall, neuronavigation was of value in more than 50% of the operations, but its value depended on the type of the procedure. Neuronavigation was beneficial, but not essential in 16 ETVs (24.6%), 19 tumour biopsies/resections (52.7%) and 14 cyst fenestrations (60.9%). Neuronavigation was essential in 1 ETV (2%), 11 tumour biopsies/resections (30.6%) and 8 cyst fenestrations (34.8%). Neuronavigation was not needed/not used in 48 ETVs (73.9%), 6 endoscopic tumour operations (16.7%) and 1 cyst fenestration (4.3%). For ETV, neuronavigation mostly is not required. In the majority of the remaining endoscopic procedures, however, neuronavigation is at least beneficial. This finding suggests integrating neuronavigation into the operative routine in endoscopic tumour operations and cyst fenestrations

    A sensual philology for Anglo-Saxon England

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    What forgotten forms can philology assume anew? Reassessing how early medieval writers loved words differently than we do reveals significant gaps between past and presence senses of the physical phenomena words can index. In the early medieval language of Old English texts there remains a largely uncharted capacity for less linguistically driven aspects of expression, formed through a network of words, sounds, bodies and media: how the mute sound of a bell and the crook of a silent finger come together in medieval sign language, or how the Old English word for ring becomes a weeping, poetic gasp within a heaving breast. Such early medieval moments of communication survive because of language and in spite of language, and qualify the visualist framework through which we predictably reconstitute the medieval past, calling, /sotto voce/, for more than lovely words

    Transportations of space, time and self: the role of reading groups in managing mental distress in the community

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    Background: The practice of reading and discussing literature in groups is long established, stretching back into classical antiquity. Although benefits of therapeutic reading groups have been highlighted, research into participants’ perceptions of these groups has been limited. Aims: To explore the experiences of those attending therapeutic reading groups, considering the role of both the group, and the literature itself, in participants’ ongoing experiences of distress. Method: Eleven participants were recruited from two reading groups in the South-East of England. One focus group was run, and eight individuals self-selected for individual interviews. The data were analysed together using a thematic analysis drawing on dialogical theories. Results: Participants described the group as an anchor, which enabled them to use fiction to facilitate the discussion of difficult emotional topics, without referring directly to personal experience. Two aspects of this process are explored in detail: the use of narratives as transportation, helping to mitigate the intensity of distress; and using fiction to explore possibilities, alternative selves and lives. Conclusions: For those who are interested and able, reading groups offer a relatively de-stigmatised route to exploring and mediating experiences of distress. Implications in the present UK funding environment are discussed

    The effects of RF coils and SAR supervision strategies for clinically applicable nonselective parallel-transmit pulses at 7 T

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    Purpose: To investigate the effects of using different parallel-transmit (pTx) head coils and specific absorption rate (SAR) supervision strategies on pTx pulse design for ultrahigh-field MRI using a 3D-MPRAGE sequence. Methods: The PTx universal pulses (UPs) and fast online-customized (FOCUS) pulses were designed with pre-acquired data sets (B0, B1+ maps, specific absorption rate [SAR] supervision data) from two different 8 transmit/32 receive head coils on two 7T whole-body MR systems. For one coil, the SAR supervision model consisted of per-channel RF power limits. In the other coil, SAR estimations were done with both per-channel RF power limits as well as virtual observation points (VOPs) derived from electromagnetic field (EMF) simulations using three virtual human body models at three different positions. All pulses were made for nonselective excitation and inversion and evaluated on 132 B0, B1+, and SAR supervision datasets obtained with one coil and 12 from the other. At both sites, 3 subjects were examined using MPRAGE sequences that used UP/FOCUS pulses generated for both coils. Results: For some subjects, the UPs underperformed when simulated on a different coil from which they were derived, whereas FOCUS pulses still showed acceptable performance in that case. FOCUS inversion pulses outperformed adiabatic pulses when scaled to the same local SAR level. For the self-built coil, the use of VOPs showed reliable overestimation compared with the ground-truth EMF simulations, predicting about 52% lower local SAR for inversion pulses compared with per-channel power limits. Conclusion: FOCUS inversion pulses offer a low-SAR alternative to adiabatic pulses and benefit from using EMF-based VOPs for SAR estimation

    Um dia todos seremos Montag

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    Partindo de conversa comum em que a menção de Guernica causou constrangimento, pois as pessoas não conheciam o quadro, discutimos o caráter educacional especializado, em que os campos gerais do conhecimento não são valorizados. Isto denota falta de leitura que, quando praticada, é mero consumo. A escola tenta desenvolver esta prática, mas erra na concepção do ler e no não atendimento às necessidades do aluno. O professor não cumpre o papel de mediador, nem mostra a leitura como superação de dogmas. É urgente rever a política curricular, presa à cultura hegemônica. Assim, a escola deve abrir-se ao multiculturalismo, revelar a flutuação dos conceitos culturais. Na arte, tem de ensinar como esta não se faz cumprindo regras, mas rompendo-as, ao lado do que, o aluno aprenderá que cultura é crise. Percebendo isso, terá conhecimento de sua subjetividade como processo em construção e cultura como interdependência. Arte não é sagrada. Desmistificando mitos, o aluno está em condições de ser o modelador de sua história, não apenas consumidor de alheias. Verá a angústia como deflagradora de criatividade, impulso à superação de limites. Como a literatura perde espaço na sociedade, torna-se esotérica, recomendamos seu abandono, em nome de outras narrativas que ensinarão a sociedade como trançado de discursos. Sensibilizado e consciente disto, o aluno então pode trabalhar o literário como relação especial entre os discursos sociais