6 research outputs found

    Microplastics in arctic invertebrates- Status on occurrence and recommendations for future monitoring

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    Few studies have been published on occurrence and distribution on microplastics (MPs) in invertebrates from the Arctic. We still need to develop harmonised methods to enable good comparison between studies taking into account recovery rates, size ranges, shapes and polymer types. Here, we review studies on MPs in invertebrates from the Arctic and present suggestions on sampling protocols and potential indicator species. Since information on MPs in Arctic invertebrates is vastly lacking, we recommend to at least include suspension feeding bivalves like mussels in monitoring programmes to function as indicator species in the Arctic. Mussels have also been suggested as indicator species for MP monitoring in coastal regions further south. Although we recognise the challenge with particle selection and egestion in mussels as well as the relatively low concentrations of MPs in Arctic waters, uptake levels seem to represent recent exposures. More research is needed to understand these selection processes and how they affect the bioaccumulation processes. Future research should include studies on whether different functional groups of invertebrates have different exposures to MPs, e.g., if there are differences between sessile versus motile species or different feeding strategies. More knowledge on monitoring strategies for pelagic and benthic species is needed.Microplastics in arctic invertebrates- Status on occurrence and recommendations for future monitoringpublishedVersio

    Accumulation and biomarker responses in the Atlantic rock crab (Cancer irroratus) exposed to Benzo(a)Pyrene through ingestion of contaminated mussels (Mytilus edulis)

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    The aims of this study were to estimate suitability of the Atlantic rock crab (Cancer irroratus) for environmental monitoring through investigation of 7-ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and glutathione (GSH) biomarker responses to Benzo(a)Pyrene (BaP) exposure through ingestion, i.e. as potential monitoring tool for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) through a laboratory exposure to contaminated prey items. Biomarker responses were measured in hepatopancreas tissue shortly after starvation period as well as after long-term exposure. Blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) were exposed to 2, 20 and 50 μg BaP/L for 14 days after which they had accumulated 11.5, 192 and 417 μg BaP/g tissue dw., respectively. Subsequently, mussels were fed to crabs for 21 days in daily portions of about 4.7 g soft tissue ww. per crab. Assimilation rate of BaP through ingestion in crabs was estimated at < 1%. Biomarker responses were measured at days 3 and 21 of the experiment. Biomarker values were generally lower than their relative control levels on day 3, likely reflecting degradation of xenobiotic defence systems induced by prolonged starvation. After 21 day of exposure the crabs exhibited significant biomarker response in the highest exposure group, where significantly higher EROD activity and GSH content as well as significantly lower protein content were observed. Biomarker responses proved insufficiently sensitive for implementation in environmental monitoring. This study provides first insight into physiological responses of Cancer irroratus to PAH induced stress post starvation and during long-term exposure.Markmið verkefnisins var að meta notagildi grjótkrabbans (Cancer irroratus) við mengunarrannsóknir og umhverfisvöktun á fjölhringa vetniskolefni (PAH) þar sem viðbrögð dýranna gagnvart fæðuborinni Benzo(a)Pyrene (BaP) mengun voru mæld með bíómarkerunum 7-ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) og glutathione (GSH) í meltingarkirtli krabbans. Kræklingur (Mytilus edulis) var mengaður með mismunandi styrk BaP í sjó í 14 daga (2, 20 og 50 μg/L) sem skilaði sér í 11,5, 192 og 417 μg BaP/g þurrvigt í vef kræklings. Krabbarnir voru fóðraðir daglega í 21 dag með menguðum kræklingi og fékk hver krabbi ca. 4,7 g (votvigt) af kræklingavef á dag. Uppsöfnun og niðurbrot (e. assimilation) BaP í kröbbunum var áætlað < 1%. Bíómarkerarnir voru mældir í kröbbunum eftir 3 og 21 dag. Eftir 3 daga voru flest gildin lægri í menguðum kröbbum í samanburði við viðmiðunarhópana. Það er líklega vegna sveltis krabbanna í upphafi, sem þá endurspeglast í minni virkni ensímakerfa/afeitrunarferla og lakari varnarkerfum. Eftir 21 dag kom fram marktæk hækkun í EROD virkni og GSH magni hjá kröbbum sem fengu menguðustu fæðuna og jafnframt höfðu þeir marktækt minna prótínmagn. Næmni bíómarkeranna reyndist ekki nægjanleg gagnvart BaP mengun í grjótkröbbum til að hægt sé að mæla með þessum aðferðum fyrir þessa tegund til vöktunar á slíkri mengun. Hins vegar koma hér fram í fyrsta skipti niðurstöður mælinga á lífeðlisfræðilegum viðbrögðum grjótkrabba gagnvart PAH efninu B(a)P, annars vegar eftir svelti og hins vegar eftir viðvarandi mengunarálag (21 dagur) í gegnum fæðu

    Pollutants from shipping - new environmental challenges in the subarctic and the Arctic Ocean

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    Maritime activities in the subarctic and Arctic Ocean are predicted to substantially increase in the future due to climate change and declining sea ice cover. Inevitably, the consequences will be seen in impacts on marine ecosystems in this region at many different levels, such as increased pollution load due to antifouling biocides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, metals and pharmaceuticals. Here we discuss the current situation and evaluate the effect of increased shipping on the environmental status of subarctic and Arctic waters, in relation to elevated loads of both legacy and emerging pollutants in the region. It is of high importance to evaluate the current levels of selected pollutants, which will most likely rise in near future. Furthermore, it is important to improve our understanding of the effects of these pollutants on marine organisms at high latitudes, as the pollutants may behave differently in cold environments compared to organisms at lower latitudes, due to dissimilar physiological responses and adaptations of the cold-water organisms. Integrative studies are needed to better understand the impact of pollutants on the marine fauna while monitoring programmes and research should be continued, with an increased capacity for emerging pollutants of concern

    Microplastics in arctic invertebrates- Status on occurrence and recommendations for future monitoring

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    Few studies have been published on occurrence and distribution on microplastics (MPs) in invertebrates from the Arctic. We still need to develop harmonised methods to enable good comparison between studies taking into account recovery rates, size ranges, shapes and polymer types. Here, we review studies on MPs in invertebrates from the Arctic and present suggestions on sampling protocols and potential indicator species. Since information on MPs in Arctic invertebrates is vastly lacking, we recommend to at least include suspension feeding bivalves like mussels in monitoring programmes to function as indicator species in the Arctic. Mussels have also been suggested as indicator species for MP monitoring in coastal regions further south. Although we recognise the challenge with particle selection and egestion in mussels as well as the relatively low concentrations of MPs in Arctic waters, uptake levels seem to represent recent exposures. More research is needed to understand these selection processes and how they affect the bioaccumulation processes. Future research should include studies on whether different functional groups of invertebrates have different exposures to MPs, e.g., if there are differences between sessile versus motile species or different feeding strategies. More knowledge on monitoring strategies for pelagic and benthic species is needed.publishedVersio

    Understanding microplastic pollution in the Nordic marine environment – knowledge gaps and suggested approaches

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    This paper examines a number of specific, practical recommendations to advance knowledge and move towards evidence-based solutions to microplastic (MP) pollution in the Nordic marine environment. The paper approaches the subject of MPs holistically, emphasises the knowledge gaps and challenges in answering pressing questions, discusses the limitations that so far have prevented these questions from being solved, and suggests approaches for answering them. The Nordic context is chosen due to the global importance of its ecosystem that is threatened by MP pollution, exacerbated by climate change. The research questions discussed pick up knowledge gaps identified in attempts to answer the most pressing questions of our time regarding marine MP pollution and are applicable to some or all seas of the Nordic region, from the Baltic and North Seas in the south to the Arctic in the north. The research questions relate to sources, sinks and transport of MPs, and how food webs are potentially impacted in Nordic marine environments. In addition, we point out the relevance for stakeholders expected to use the emerging knowledge. Through this exercise, using concrete examples, we aim to invite discussions on how a concerted effort by the Nordic countries can bring MP research to a higher level of understanding needed to address the MP pollution problem in Nordic marine habitats.publishedVersio

    AMAP Litter and Microplastics Monitoring Guidelines. Version 1.0. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme

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    The purpose of the guidelines is to review existing knowledge and provide guidance for designing an Arctic monitoring program that will track litter and MP. The topics of litter, plastic pollution, and MP are addressed in many fora, including several of the Arctic Council working groups: Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP; https://www.amap.no/documents/doc/amap-assessment-2016-chemicals-of-emerging-arctic-concern/1624), Protection of the Marine Environment (PAME, 2019), and Conservation of the Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF). The development of an Arctic monitoring program and its technical approaches will be based on the work that already exists in other programs such as those of OSPAR, the Helsinki Commission (HELCOM), the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Plastic pollution is typically categorized into items and particles of macro-, micro-, and nano-sizes. These guidelines address macrosized litter as well as MP (1 µm). However, determination of nanoplastic (< 1 µm) particles is still hampered by technical challenges, as addressed in Section 4.3 Analytical methods, and thus not currently considered in the current recommendations. Although most studies have addressed marine litter and MP, these guidelines also comprise the Arctic’s terrestrial and freshwater environments. Thus, the objectives of the guidelines are to: 1) support litter and MP baseline mapping in the Arctic across a wide range of environmental compartments to allow spatial and temporal comparisons in the coming years; 2) initiate monitoring to generate data to assess temporal and spatial trends; 3) recommend that Arctic countries develop and implement monitoring nationally via community-based programs and other mechanisms, in the context of a pan-Arctic program; 4) provide data that can be used with the Marine Litter Regional Action Plan (ML-RAP) to assess the effectiveness of mitigation strategies; 5) act as a catalyst for future work in the Arctic related to biological effects of plastics, including determining environmentally relevant concentrations and informing cumulative effects assessments; 6) identify areas in which research and development are needed from an Arctic perspective; and 7) provide recommendations for monitoring programs whose data will feed into future global assessments to track litter and MP in the environment. To achieve these objectives, the guidelines present indicators (with limitations) of litter and MP pollution to be applied throughout the Arctic, and thus, form the basis for circumpolar comparability of approaches and data. In addition, the guidelines present technical details for sampling, sample treatment, and plastic determination, with harmonized and potentially standardized approaches. Furthermore, recommendations are given on sampling locations and sampling frequency based on best available science to provide a sound basis for spatial and temporal trend monitoring. As new data are gathered, and appropriate power analyses can be undertaken, a review of the sampling sizes, locations, and frequencies should be initiated. Plastic pollution is a local problem in Arctic communities, and thus, guidelines and references need to include community-based monitoring projects to empower communities to establish plastics monitoring with comparable results across the Arctic. Community-based monitoring is an integrated part of the objectives of this report. The monitoring program design and guidelines for its implementation are the necessary first steps for monitoring and assessment of litter and MP in the Arctic. The work under the AMAP LMEG is taking a phased approach under this new expert group. The first phase (which included the development of these Monitoring Guidelines) focuses on a monitoring framework and set of techniques for physical plastics. Later phases of the work will extend to assessments of levels, trends, and effects of litter and MP in the Arctic environment. The guidelines strictly cover environmental monitoring of litter and MP. This does not include drinking water or indoor air quality tests. Additionally, although there is an emphasis on examining litter and MP in biota that are consumed by humans, and thus of interest to human-health questions, the guidelines do not consider MP ingestion by humans