148 research outputs found

    Two-dimensional Mellin and mel-cepstrum for image feature extraction

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    An image feature extraction method based on two-dimensional (2D)Mellin cepstrum is introduced. The concept of one-dimensional (1D) melcepstrum which is widely used in speech recognition is extended to two-dimensions both using the ordinary 2D Fourier Transform and the Mellin transform in this article. The resultant feature matrices are applied to two different classifiers (Common Matrix Approach and Support Vector Machine) to test the performance of the melcepstrum and Mellincepstrum based features. Experimental studies indicate that recognition rates obtained by the 2D melcepstrum based method are superior to the recognition rates obtained using 2D PCA and ordinary image matrix based face recognition in both classifiers. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media B.V

    Do high fetal catecholamine levels affect heart rate variability and tneconiutn passage during labour?

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    Objectives. To deternrine the relationship between Umbilical arterial catecholamine levels and fetal heart rate variability and meconium passage.Study design. A prospective descriptive study was perfonned. Umbilical artery catecholamine levels were measured in 55 newborns and correlated with fetal heart rate before delivery, Umbilical arterial pH, base excess and the presence of meconum-stained liquor.Results and conclusion. The range of catecholanrine levels was enonnous, with very high epinephrine or norepinephrine levels in several fetuses. We were unable to demonstrate an association between high catecholamine levels and the presence of nonnal fetal heart rate variability despite acidaemia. We postulate that high catecholamine levels may inhibit fetal meconiUITl passage

    Low-Dose CT Image Enhancement Using Deep Learning

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    The application of ionizing radiation for diagnostic imaging is common around the globe. However, the process of imaging, itself, remains to be a relatively hazardous operation. Therefore, it is preferable to use as low a dose of ionizing radiation as possible, particularly in computed tomography (CT) imaging systems, where multiple x-ray operations are performed for the reconstruction of slices of body tissues. A popular method for radiation dose reduction in CT imaging is known as the quarter-dose technique, which reduces the x-ray dose but can cause a loss of image sharpness. Since CT image reconstruction from directional x-rays is a nonlinear process, it is analytically difficult to correct the effect of dose reduction on image quality. Recent and popular deep-learning approaches provide an intriguing possibility of image enhancement for low-dose artifacts. Some recent works propose combinations of multiple deep-learning and classical methods for this purpose, which over-complicate the process. However, it is observed here that the straight utilization of the well-known U-NET provides very successful results for the correction of low-dose artifacts. Blind tests with actual radiologists reveal that the U-NET enhanced quarter-dose CT images not only provide an immense visual improvement over the low-dose versions, but also become diagnostically preferable images, even when compared to their full-dose CT versions

    WHO Statement on Caesarean Section Rates

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    In 1985 when a group of experts convened by the World Health Organization in Fortaleza, Brazil, met to discuss the appropriate technology for birth, they echoed what at that moment was considered an unjustified and remarkable increase of caesarean section (CS) rates worldwide.1 Based on the evidence available at that time, the experts in Fortaleza concluded: ‘there is no justification for any region to have a caesarean section rate higher than 10–15%’.1 Over the years, this quote has become ubiquitous in scientific literature, being interpreted as the ideal CS rate. Although this reference range was intended for ‘populations’, which are defined by geopolitical boundaries, in many instances it has been mistakenly used as the measurement for healthcare facilities regardless of their complexity or other characteristics. In addition to the case mix of the obstetric population served, the use of CS at healthcare facilities is also affected by factors such as their capacity to handle cases, availability of resource and the clinical management protocols used locally

    Are Deep Learning Classification Results Obtained on CT Scans Fair and Interpretable?

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    Following the great success of various deep learning methods in image and object classification, the biomedical image processing society is also overwhelmed with their applications to various automatic diagnosis cases. Unfortunately, most of the deep learning-based classification attempts in the literature solely focus on the aim of extreme accuracy scores, without considering interpretability, or patient-wise separation of training and test data. For example, most lung nodule classification papers using deep learning randomly shuffle data and split it into training, validation, and test sets, causing certain images from the CT scan of a person to be in the training set, while other images of the exact same person to be in the validation or testing image sets. This can result in reporting misleading accuracy rates and the learning of irrelevant features, ultimately reducing the real-life usability of these models. When the deep neural networks trained on the traditional, unfair data shuffling method are challenged with new patient images, it is observed that the trained models perform poorly. In contrast, deep neural networks trained with strict patient-level separation maintain their accuracy rates even when new patient images are tested. Heat-map visualizations of the activations of the deep neural networks trained with strict patient-level separation indicate a higher degree of focus on the relevant nodules. We argue that the research question posed in the title has a positive answer only if the deep neural networks are trained with images of patients that are strictly isolated from the validation and testing patient sets.Comment: This version has been submitted to CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology. 202

    Quality of care for pregnant women and newborns—the WHO vision

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    In 2015, as we review progress towards Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), despite significant progress in reduction of mortality, we still have unacceptably high numbers of maternal and newborn deaths globally. Efforts over the past decade to reduce adverse outcomes for pregnant women and newborns have been directed at increasing skilled birth attendance.1,2 This has resulted in higher rates of births in health facilities in all regions.3 The proportion of deliveries reportedly attended by skilled health personnel in developing countries rose from 56% in 1990 to 68% in 2012.4 With increasing utilisation of health services, a higher proportion of avoidable maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity have moved to health facilities. In this context, poor quality of care (QoC) in many facilities becomes a paramount roadblock in our quest to end preventable mortality and morbidity

    Alternative Magnesium Sulfate Dosing Regimens for Women With Preeclampsia: A Population Pharmacokinetic Exposure-Response Modeling and Simulation Study

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    Magnesium sulfate is the anticonvulsant of choice for eclampsia prophylaxis and treatment; however, the recommended dosing regimens are costly and cumbersome and can be administered only by skilled health professionals. The objectives of this study were to develop a robust exposure-response model for the relationship between serum magnesium exposure and eclampsia using data from large studies of women with preeclampsia who received magnesium sulfate, and to predict eclampsia probabilities for standard and alternative (shorter treatment duration and/or fewer intramuscular injections) regimens. Exposure-response modeling and simulation were applied to existing data. A total of 10 280 women with preeclampsia who received magnesium sulfate or placebo were evaluated. An existing population pharmacokinetic model was used to estimate individual serum magnesium exposure. Logistic regression was applied to quantify the serum magnesium area under the curve-eclampsia rate relationship. Our exposure-response model-estimated eclampsia rates were comparable to observed rates. Several alternative regimens predicted magnesium peak concentration < 3.5 mmol/L (empiric safety threshold) and eclampsia rate ≤ 0.7% (observed response threshold), including 4 g intravenously plus 10 g intramuscularly followed by either 8 g intramuscularly every 6 hours × 3 doses or 10 g intramuscularly every 8 hours × 2 doses and 10 g intramuscularly every 8 hours × 3 doses. Several alternative magnesium sulfate regimens with comparable model-predicted efficacy and safety were identified that merit evaluation in confirmatory clinical trials

    Cluster randomized trial of an active, multifaceted information dissemination intervention based on The WHO Reproductive health library to change obstetric practices: methods and design issues [ISRCTN14055385]

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    BACKGROUND: Effective strategies for implementing best practices in low and middle income countries are needed. RHL is an annually updated electronic publication containing Cochrane systematic reviews, commentaries and practical recommendations on how to implement evidence-based practices. We are conducting a trial to evaluate the improvement in obstetric practices using an active dissemination strategy to promote uptake of recommendations in The WHO Reproductive Health Library (RHL). METHODS: A cluster randomized trial to improve obstetric practices in 40 hospitals in Mexico and Thailand is conducted. The trial uses a stratified random allocation based on country, size and type of hospitals. The core intervention consists of three interactive workshops delivered over a period of six months. The main outcome measures are changes in clinical practices that are recommended in RHL measured approximately a year after the first workshop. RESULTS: The design and implementation of a complex intervention using a cluster randomized trial design are presented. CONCLUSION: Designing the intervention, choosing outcome variables and implementing the protocol in two diverse settings has been a time-consuming and challenging process. We hope that sharing this experience will help others planning similar projects and improve our ability to implement change

    Duration of third stage labour and postpartum blood loss: a secondary analysis of the WHO CHAMPION trial data

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    Background: Obstetric haemorrhage continues to be a leading cause of maternal mortality, contributing to more than a quarter of the 2,443,000 maternal deaths reported between 2003 and 2009. During this period, about 70% of the haemorrhagic deaths occurred postpartum. In addition to other identifiable risk factors for greater postpartum blood loss, the duration of the third stage of labour (TSL) seems to be important, as literature shows that a longer TSL can be associated with more blood loss. To better describe the association between the duration of TSL and postpartum blood loss in women receiving active management of third stage of labour (AMTSL), this secondary analysis of the WHO CHAMPION trial data has been conducted. Methods: This was a secondary analysis of the WHO CHAMPION trial conducted in twenty-three sites in ten countries. We studied the association between the TSL duration and blood loss in the sub cohort of women from the CHAMPION trial (all of whom received AMTSL), with TSL upto 60 min and no interventions for postpartum haemorrhage. We used a general linear model to fit blood loss as a function of TSL duration on the log scale, arm and center, using a normal distribution and the log link function. We showed this association separately for oxytocin and for Heat stable (HS) carbetocin. Results: For the 10,040 women analysed, blood loss rose steeply with third stage duration in the first 10 min, but more slowly after 10 min. This trend was observed for both Oxytocin and HS carbetocin and the difference in the trends for both drugs was not statistically significant (p-value = 0.2070). Conclusions: There was a positive association between postpartum blood loss and TSL duration with either uterotonic. Blood loss rose steeply with TSL duration until 10 min, and more slowly after 10 min.Fil: Chikkamath, Sumangala B.. S. Nijalingappa Medical College; IndiaFil: Katageri, Geetanjali M.. S. Nijalingappa Medical College; IndiaFil: Mallapur, Ashalata A.. S. Nijalingappa Medical College; IndiaFil: Vernekar, Sunil S.. Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College Belgaum; IndiaFil: Somannavar, Manjunath S.. Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College Belgaum; IndiaFil: Piaggio, Gilda. No especifíca;Fil: Carroli, Guillermo. Centro Rosarino de Estudios Perinatales; ArgentinaFil: de Carvalho, José Ferreira. No especifíca;Fil: Althabe, Fernando. Organizacion Mundial de la Salud; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Centro de Investigaciones en Epidemiología y Salud Pública. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria. Centro de Investigaciones en Epidemiología y Salud Pública; ArgentinaFil: Hofmeyr, G. Justus. University of Botswana; Estados Unidos. University of the Witwatersrand; SudáfricaFil: Widmer, Mariana. Organizacion Mundial de la Salud; ArgentinaFil: Gulmezoglu, Ahmet Metin. No especifíca;Fil: Goudar, Shivaprasad S.. Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College Belgaum; Indi