43 research outputs found

    Predictors of positive health in disability pensioners: a population-based questionnaire study using Positive Odds Ratio

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    BACKGROUND: Determinants of ill-health have been studied far more than determinants of good and improving health. Health promotion measures are important even among individuals with chronic diseases. The aim of this study was to find predictors of positive subjective health among disability pensioners (DPs) with musculoskeletal disorders. METHODS: Two questionnaire surveys were performed among 352 DPs with musculoskeletal disorders. Two groups were defined: DPs with positive health and negative health, respectively. In consequence with the health perspective in this study the conception Positive Odds Ratio was defined and used in the logistic regression analyses instead of the commonly used odds ratio. RESULTS: Positive health was associated with age ≥ 55 years, not being an immigrant, not having fibromyalgia as the main diagnosis for granting an early retirement, no regular use of analgesics, a high ADL capacity, a positive subjective health preceding the study period, and good quality of life. CONCLUSION: Positive odds ratio is a concept well adapted to theories of health promotion. It can be used in relation to positive outcomes instead of risks. Suggested health promotion and secondary prevention efforts among individuals with musculoskeletal disorders are 1) to avoid a disability pension for individuals <55 years of age; if necessary, to make sure rehabilitation actions continue, 2) to increase efforts to support immigrants to adjust to circumstances connected to ill-health and retirement, 3) to pay special attention to individuals with fibromyalgia and other general pain disorders, and 4) to strengthen ADL activities to support an independent active life among disability pensioners

    Ageing with a unique impairment: a systematically conducted review of older deafblind people's experiences

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    Little is known about the experiences of people ageing with impairments; social gerontology has largely focused on those ageing into disability rather than those ageing with disability. This paper synthesises existing knowledge to determine what is known about the experiences of those ageing with deafblindness. A comprehensive literature search was undertaken between April 2013 and May 2014. The review method was informed by systematic review principles. A total of 24 references were identified for inclusion. No studies examining deafblind people's experience of ageing and old age specifically were found, suggesting that those ageing with deafblindness are an under-studied sub-group within the deafblind population. However, deafblind people describe ageing experiences in studies exploring their lives generally, and in personal accounts of living with the impairment. Practitioner-authored material also explores the topic. Similarities in experience were identified between those ageing with deafblindness and those ageing with other impairments: ongoing change and consequent need for adaptation; a particular relationship between ageing and impairment; a sense that whilst one can learn adaptive strategies having lived with impairment for many years, it does not necessarily get easier; and a particular relationship with care and support services. These experiences illustrate the unique nature of ageing with impairment, and challenge gerontologists to engage in further research and theorising in the field of disability in later life

    När smärtan blir en del av livet: livsomställning vid kronisk sjukdom och funktionshinder

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    The aim of this thesis is to study the life-changing processes necessary when a person is faced with the demands caused by chronic illness or disability. As subjects for the study, women with chronic pain (fibromyalgi and myofascial pain syndrome), were chosen. Eighteen women active in working life were interviewed on two occasions, with an interval of two months. The women have been living with their pain for various periods of time and had reached different points in their life adjustment process. Their life stories have shown how they reason in order to create meaning and coherence in the new life conditions imposed by the pain. The result is summed up in the Life Adjustment Model, which is described in three stages. The model reflects a biographical perspective, i.e. the changing relationship to the past, the present, and the future. Stage I is the period when the self image is seen as threatened and is defended, among other things, by denying the problems. Getting a medical explanation for the state of pain becomes very important in order to proceed with the adjustment work. In Stage II, the pain as a chronic condition has been acknowledged, and the emotional process becomes obvious. Coping strategies are activated. Later in this stage, the self- confidence is restored and strategies are developed to manage to live with the pain. In Stage III, the coping strategies which have been tried in order to handle the psychological stress caused by the pain are stabilised, and they turn into routine adaptation. A maintenance work is developed, which becomes a companion in life in order to tackle and integrate the pain. By thus regarding life adjustment as a long-term process, the meaning of living with one's illness or disability is made clear. It should not be regarded as a finished event. Instead it will become a potential stress factor for the rest of the life. Since these women are active workers, the importance of the rehabilitation situation for the life adjustment process is given special attention in the study. One conclusion is that a holistic rehabilitation (the personal working through process, medical and vocational measures) must be taken into account and co- ordinated in order to make it possible for the life adjustment to proceed

    Funktionshindrade som brukare av socialtjänst och LSS

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    Delaktighetsmodellen - En väg mot empowerment

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    Delaktighetsmodellen skapar en dialog på lika villkor mellan personal och brukare. I boken görs en genomgång av centrala begrepp för självbestämmande, delaktighet, empowerment och inflytande utifrån teoretisk och vardagsnära kunskap

    Livsomställning och kronisk smärta

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    Examples of the journey through hearing loss

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    Hearing loss is a common chronic condition which is often poorly recognized but can have multiple negative impacts, not just on the lives of those directly affected, but also those living with them. People with impaired hearing may begin a long and uncertain journey involving a number of key stages, from emerging awerness and help-seeking, to diagnosis, adjustment, and self-evaluation. The book contributes to improve evudence-based practice in the field of audiological rehabilitatiion