12 research outputs found

    One Year of Vertical Wind Profiles Measurements at a Mediterranean Coastal Site of South Italy

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    To exploit wind energy both onshore and offshore in coastal area the effect of the coastal discontinuity is important. The shape of the vertical wind profiles and the related c parameter of the Weibull distribution are impacted by the atmospheric internal boundary layers developing from the coast along the wind direction. Here, we present first results: one year of vertical wind speed and direction profiles, monitoring programme at a South Mediterranean coastal site with a wind Lidar ZephIr (ltd). Daily variation of wind speed and direction vertical profiles, vertical Weibull wind distribution c parameter and wind rose are here showed

    Five Years of Dust Episodes at the Southern Italy GAW Regional Coastal Mediterranean Observatory: Multisensors and Modeling Analysis

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    The Mediterranean area is a climate-change hotspot because of the natural and anthropogenic pollution pressure. The presence of natural aerosols, such as dust, influences solar radiation and contributes to the detection, in storm episodes, of significant concentrations of PM10 in Southern Italy, where generally fresh and clean air is due to local circulation, and particulate matter concentrations are very low. We present the results of medium-term observations (2015–2019) at Lamezia Terme GAW (Global Atmospheric Watch) Regional Observatory, with the purpose of identifying the dust incursion events by studying the aerosol properties in the site. To achieve this goal, the experimental data, collected by several instruments, have been also correlated with the large-scale atmospheric patterns derived by the ERA5 reanalysis dataset, in order to study the meteorological conditions that strongly influence dust outbreaks and their spatio-temporal behavior. An intense dust-outbreak episode, which occurred on 23–27 April 2019, was chosen as a case study; a detailed analysis was carried out considering surface and column optical properties, chemical properties, large-scale pattern circulation, air-quality modeling/satellite products, and back-trajectory analysis, to confirm the capability of the modeled large-scale atmospheric fields to correctly simulate the conditions mainly related to the desert dust-outbreak events

    Comparison of Hourly Solar Radiation from a Ground–Based Station, Remote Sensing and Weather Forecast Models at a Coastal Site of South Italy (Lamezia Terme)

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    AbstractThe solar radiation is a critical input parameter when working with solar energy and radiation dependent surface processes. In this study, we present preliminary results from an inter-comparison between hourly values from a pyranometer, MSG-SEVIRI sensor and two meso-scale models, WRF and RAMS, in clear and cloudy sky conditions. Cloudy sky condition is the most important because the attenuation of solar radiation in the atmosphere is strongly dependent on the cloud variability. Bias and RMSE errors are evaluated at a coastal site in the Mediterranean area. These statistics show the tendency of both models to overestimate short-wave radiation

    A multi-element psychosocial intervention for early psychosis (GET UP PIANO TRIAL) conducted in a catchment area of 10 million inhabitants: study protocol for a pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial

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    Multi-element interventions for first-episode psychosis (FEP) are promising, but have mostly been conducted in non-epidemiologically representative samples, thereby raising the risk of underestimating the complexities involved in treating FEP in 'real-world' services

    Integrazione di metaeuristiche con ambienti stocastici per l'ottimizzazione della logica portuale e retro portuale

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    Dottorato di Ricerca in: Ricerca Operativa, XXIV Ciclo SSD, a.a. 2008-2011Università della Calabri

    Five Years of Dust Episodes at the Southern Italy GAW Regional Coastal Mediterranean Observatory: Multisensors and Modeling Analysis

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    The Mediterranean area is a climate-change hotspot because of the natural and anthropogenic pollution pressure. The presence of natural aerosols, such as dust, influences solar radiation and contributes to the detection, in storm episodes, of significant concentrations of PM10 in Southern Italy, where generally fresh and clean air is due to local circulation, and particulate matter concentrations are very low. We present the results of medium-term observations (2015–2019) at Lamezia Terme GAW (Global Atmospheric Watch) Regional Observatory, with the purpose of identifying the dust incursion events by studying the aerosol properties in the site. To achieve this goal, the experimental data, collected by several instruments, have been also correlated with the large-scale atmospheric patterns derived by the ERA5 reanalysis dataset, in order to study the meteorological conditions that strongly influence dust outbreaks and their spatio-temporal behavior. An intense dust-outbreak episode, which occurred on 23–27 April 2019, was chosen as a case study; a detailed analysis was carried out considering surface and column optical properties, chemical properties, large-scale pattern circulation, air-quality modeling/satellite products, and back-trajectory analysis, to confirm the capability of the modeled large-scale atmospheric fields to correctly simulate the conditions mainly related to the desert dust-outbreak events

    Multiparameter Detection of Summer Open Fire Emissions: The Case Study of GAW Regional Observatory of Lamezia Terme (Southern Italy)

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    In Southern Mediterranean regions, the issue of summer fires related to agriculture practices is a periodic recurrence. It implies a significant increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and other combustion-related gaseous and particles compounds emitted into the atmosphere with potential impacts on air quality and global climate. In this work, we performed an analysis of summer fire events that occurred on August 2021. Measurements were carried out at the permanent World Meteorological Organization (WMO)/Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) station of Lamezia Terme (Code: LMT) in Calabria, Southern Italy. The observatory is equipped with greenhouse gases and black carbon analyzers, an atmospheric particulate impactor system, and a meteo-station for atmospheric parameters to characterize atmospheric mechanisms and transport for land and sea breezes occurrences. High mole fractions of carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) coming from quadrants of inland areas were correlated with fire counts detected via the MODIS satellite (GFED-Global Fire Emissions Database) at 1 km of spatial resolution. In comparison with the typical summer values, higher CO and CO2 were observed in August 2021. Furthermore, the growth in CO concentration values in the tropospheric column was also highlighted by the analyses of the L2 products of the Copernicus SP5 satellite. Wind fields were reconstructed via a Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) output, the latter suggesting a possible contribution from open fire events observed at the inland region near the observatory. So far, there have been no documented estimates of the effect of prescribed burning on carbon emissions in this region. This study suggested that data collected at the LMT station can be useful in recognizing and consequently quantifying emission sources related to open fires

    Inter-comparison of carbon content in PM2.5and PM10collected at five measurement sites in Southern Italy

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    A field campaign was performed simultaneously at five measurement sites, having different characteristics, to characterize the spatial distribution of the carbonaceous content in atmospheric aerosol in Southern Italy during the winter season. Organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) were measured at urban (Naples), suburban (Lecce), coastal/marine (Lamezia Terme and Capo Granitola), and remote (Monte Curcio) locations. OC and EC mass concentrations were quantified by the thermal-optical transmission (TOT) method, in 24-h PM10and PM2.5samples collected on quartz fiber filters, from 25 November 2015 to 1 January 2016. The different sites showed marked differences in the average concentrations of both carbonaceous species. Typically, OC average levels (±standard deviation) were higher at the sites of Naples (12.8 ± 5.1 and 11.8 ± 4.6 μg/m3) and Lecce (10.7 ± 5.8 and 9.0 ± 4.7 μg/m3), followed by Lamezia Terme (4.3 ± 2.0 and 4.0 ± 1.9 μg/m3), Capo Granitola (2.3 ± 1.2 and 1.7 ± 1.1 μg/m3), and Monte Curcio (0.9 ± 0.3 and 0.9 ± 0.3 μg/m3) in PM10and PM2.5, respectively. Similarly, EC average levels (±standard deviation) were higher at the urban sites of Naples (2.3 ± 1.1 and 1.8 ± 0.5 μg/m3) and Lecce (1.5 ± 0.8 and 1.4 ± 0.7 μg/m3), followed by Lamezia Terme (0.6 ± 0.3 and 0.6 ± 0.3 μg/m3), Capo Granitola (0.3 ± 0.3 and 0.3 ± 0.2 μg/m3), and Monte Curcio (0.06 ± 0.04 and 0.05 ± 0.03 μg/m3) in PM10and PM2.5, respectively. An opposite trend was observed for the OC/EC ratios ranging from 6.4 to 15.9 in PM10and from 6.4 to 15.5 in PM2.5with lower values in urban sites compared to remote sites. Different OC-EC correlations, 0.36 < R2< 0.90, were found in four observation sites. This behavior suggests the contributions of similar sources and common atmospheric processes in both fractions. No correlations were observed between OC and EC at the site of Naples. The average secondary organic carbon (SOC) concentrations, quantified using the minimum OC/EC ratio method, ranged from 0.4 to 7.6 μg/m3in PM10and from 0.4 to 7.2 μg/m3in PM2.5, accounting from 37 to 59% of total OC in PM10and from 40 to 57% in PM2.5with higher percentages in the urban and suburban sites of Naples and Lecce

    Particulate Matter Ionic and Elemental Composition during the Winter Season: A Comparative Study among Rural, Urban and Remote Sites in Southern Italy

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    We present an overview of the concentrations and distributions of water-soluble ion species and elemental components in ambient particulate matter for five measurement sites in southern Italy with the aim of investigating the influence of the different site characteristics on PM levels. The sites encompass different characteristics, ranging from urban to coastal and high-altitude remote areas. PM10 and PM2.5 fractions were collected simultaneously using dual channel samplers during the winter period from November 2015 to January 2016 and analyzed for water-soluble ion species, using ion chromatography, and elemental composition, using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). In all sites, PM2.5 represented the higher contribution to particulate mass, usually more than two times that of the coarse fraction (PM2.5−10). At the coastal site in Capo Granitola (Western Sicily), sea salts constituted about 30% of total PM10 mass. On average, ion species accounted for 30% to 60% of total PM10 mass and 15% to 50% of PM2.5 mass. We found that secondary ion species, i.e., SO2−4, NO−3 and NH+4 dominated the identifiable components within both PM2.5 and PM10 fractions. The chlorine–sodium ratio was usually lower than that expected from the natural level in sea salt, evidencing aged air masses. At the monitoring site in Naples, a highly urbanized area affected by high levels of anthropogenic source emissions, an increased contribution of ammonium was found, which was imputed to the increased ammonia emissions from industrial combustion sources and road traffic. The concentrations of the investigated elements showed noteworthy differences from one site to another. The PM10 fraction was highly enriched by sources of anthropogenic origin in the samples from the most urbanized areas. In general, the enrichment factors of the elements were similar between the PM10 and PM2.5 fractions, confirming common sources for all element