171 research outputs found

    Infrastructure water supply in Bauru: historical reflections

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    Abstracts aceptados sin presentacion / Accepted abstracts without presentatio

    Prevalência de tabagismo em indivíduos com transtornos mentais graves, São Paulo, Brasil

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the prevalence of cigarette smoking in individuals with severe mental illnesses in a large urban centre of a middle income country. METHODS: Cross-sectional study carried out in São Paulo. The sample (N=192) comprised individuals diagnosed with severe mental illnesses who had contact with public psychiatric care services from September to November 1997 and were aged between 18 and 65 years. Prevalence of daily tobacco smoking in the 12 months previous to the interview and characteristics associated were studied. RESULTS: Out of 192 subjects with severe mental illnesses interviewed, 115 (59.9%; 95% CI: 52.6%; 66.9%) reported smoking cigarettes on a daily basis. Male gender, marital status separated or widowed, irregular use of neuroleptic drugs and history of ten or more psychiatric admissions were independently associated with cigarette smoking. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of cigarette smoking in the present sample was higher than that found in the general Brazilian population. Mental care services should implement non-smoking policies and mental health providers need to help patients with severe mental illness who want to quit smoking.OBJETIVO: Analisar a prevalência de tabagismo em amostra de indivíduos com transtornos mentais graves em um grande centro urbano de um país emergente. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado no município de São Paulo. A amostra (N=192) foi composta por indivíduos com diagnóstico de transtorno mental grave que tiveram contato com serviços psiquiátricos do setor público de setembro a novembro de 1997 e tinham idade entre 18 e 65 anos. O uso diário de cigarro nos 12 meses anteriores à entrevista e as características associadas a esse consumo foram investigados. RESULTADOS: Dos 192 indivíduos com transtornos mentais graves entrevistados, 115 (59,9%; IC 95%: 52,6%;66,9%) referiram ter feito uso diário de cigarros. Ser do sexo masculino, ser separado ou viúvo, fazer uso irregular de neurolépticos e ter história de dez ou mais internações anteriores mostraram-se independentemente associados ao tabagismo. CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de tabagismo na amostra de indivíduos com transtornos mentais graves foi maior que a encontrada na população geral brasileira. Serviços de saúde mental devem promover políticas anti-fumo e profissionais de saúde mental devem ajudar os portadores de transtornos mentais graves que desejarem parar de fumar

    What Can Be the Best Corporate Governance Reform?

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    In that paper I start to define that Corporate governance issues have attracted considerable attention not only in Europe but also in UK, , and research worldwide in recent decades. Internationally, corporate governance norms have been initiated through a judicious mix of the three available routes: legislation, regulation and self discipline. A world class corporate governance system is where values are as important as rules

    Corporate Governance and Economic Performance: The Limit of Short Termism

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    This article includes exploring arguments and counterarguments in the context of conducting a scientific discussion on the impact of corporate governance on a company's financial and economic performance. The main purpose of this paper is to determine the nature of the impact of corporate governance policy on the activities of economic entities

    Parasternum pleural-cutaneous fistula in a severely immunosuppressed HIV-positive patient

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    AbstractPleural tuberculosis occurs in 30% of patients with tuberculosis, and the percentage of patients with tuberculosis pleural effusions is comparable to human immunodeficiency virus HIV-positive and HIV-negative individuals, although pleural tuberculosis is rare in HIV-positive patients with CD4+ counts < 200 cells/mm3. Pleural tuberculosis in HIV-positive patients is likely to happen in young patients, and is more frequent in intravenous drug abusers, with more acid-fast bacilli identifiable in pleural tissue. We report a rare case of pleural tuberculosis in a severely immunosuppressed HIV-positive patient, presented as two parasternum pleural-cutaneous fistula

    Sistema studio bond

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    Orientador: Jaime WojciechowskiMonografia (Graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação Profissional e Tecnológica, Curso de Graduação em Análise e Desenvolvimento de SistemasAtualmente o Studio Suzana Bond Pilates realiza seus controles através de planilhas ou até mesmo de papéis, resultando num processo moroso e com possibilidades de perda de informações. A proposta deste projeto é o desenvolvimento e implementação de um sistema web para o Studio, com o objetivo de otimizar grande parte dos processos realizados atualmente, como controle de agenda, controle financeiro, cadastros de avalições e alunos. O projeto abordará também as necessidades dos alunos, como visualização da agenda de aulas, avaliações, avisos de promoções e notícias, com o objetivo de fidelização dos mesmos. O Sistema Studio Bond foi desenvolvido com a linguagem de programação C# com ASP.NET e para o layout foi utilizado o framework Brootstrap para que o sistema seja responsivo, ou seja, visualizado tanto em computadores, notebooks, smatphones e tablet

    Complications of zygomatic implants: a review of scientific evidence

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    Background: Despite the technological advances the zygomatic implants (ZI) and its proven success, this rehabilitation option is sensitive, not a routine in dental practice, requiring technical mastery, surgical experience, and in-depth anatomical knowledge, which makes it quite susceptible to complications. In addition, little is discussed about these disorders, whether immediate or late, although they are essential knowledge for the surgeons who perform this procedure. Aim: The objective of the study was to answer the question through literature review: "Are there surgical complications in zygomatic implants?" As well as to argue the main intercurrences found. Material and Methods: The review of the literature was conducted on PubMed/Medline, Cochrane and SciELO using the descriptors: “Complications” or “Failure” and “Zygomatic Implants”. The included articles were observational studies that related ZI and complications. The initial research identified 448 articles, but 42 of them that mentioned complications associated with ZI were considered in this study.  Results: The most common complication is sinusitis followed by peri-implantitis, problems with the prosthetic connection, fistula towards the implant, paresthesia, hematoma, lip laceration, ecchymosis, penetration of the orbital cavity, aspergillosis, intracranial penetration, and intraorbital hemorrhage. 44 out of 2835 ZIs placed in immediate or late loading were lost (1.5%). There were 223 minor or major complications in the 2827 implants (7.86%).  Conclusions: The low morbidity of this treatment for maxillary atrophy, there are some immediate and late complications to be considered in the choice of rehabilitation treatment and that these should be reported preoperatively to the patients. Apesar dos avanços tecnológicos dos implantes zigomáticos (ZI) e de seu sucesso comprovado, essa opção de reabilitação é sensível, não uma rotina na prática odontológica, exigindo domínio técnico, experiência cirúrgica e conhecimento anatômico profundo, o que a torna bastante suscetível a complicações. Além disso, pouco se discute sobre essas complicações, imediatas ou tardias, embora sejam conhecimentos essenciais para os cirurgiões que realizam esse procedimento. Objetivo: Responder à questão através de revisão da literatura: "Existem complicações cirúrgicas nos implantes zigomáticos?" Além de discutir as principais intercorrências encontradas. Material e Métodos: A revisão da literatura foi realizada no PubMed / Medline, Cochrane e SciELO usando os descritores: “Complications” or “Failure” and “Zygomatic Implants”. Os artigos incluídos foram estudos observacionais que relacionaram ZI e complicações. A pesquisa inicial identificou 448 artigos, mas 42 deles que mencionaram complicações associadas à ZI foram considerados neste estudo. Resultados: A complicação mais comum é sinusite seguida de peri-implantite, problemas na conexão protética, fístula em direção ao implante, parestesia, hematoma, laceração labial, equimoses, penetração da cavidade orbital, aspergilose, penetração intracraniana e hemorragia intraorbital. 44 de 2835 ZIs colocados em carregamento imediato ou tardio foram perdidos (1,5%). Houve 223 complicações menores ou maiores nos 2827 implantes (7,86%). Conclusões: A baixa morbidade deste tratamento para atrofia maxilar, existem algumas complicações imediatas e tardias a serem consideradas na escolha do tratamento de reabilitação e que devem ser relatadas no pré-operatório aos pacientes

    Bone Substitutes for Peri-Implant Defects of Postextraction Implants

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    Placement of implants in fresh sockets is an alternative to try to reduce physiological resorption of alveolar ridge after tooth extraction. This surgery can be used to preserve the bone architecture and also accelerate the restorative procedure. However, the diastasis observed between bone and implant may influence osseointegration. So, autogenous bone graft and/or biomaterials have been used to fill this gap. Considering the importance of bone repair for treatment with implants placed immediately after tooth extraction, this study aimed to present a literature review about biomaterials surrounding immediate dental implants. The search included 56 articles published from 1969 to 2012. The results were based on data analysis and discussion. It was observed that implant fixation immediately after extraction is a reliable alternative to reduce the treatment length of prosthetic restoration. In general, the biomaterial should be used to increase bone/implant contact and enhance osseointegration