203 research outputs found

    First-Principles Study of the Site Occupancy and Magnetic Properties of Zinc-Tin-Substituted Strontium Hexaferrite

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    I performed first principles studies of the site occupancy and magnetic properties of zinc-tin-substituted strontium hexaferrite by using density functional theory. In this study, I determined the site preference of zinc and tin atoms when they are restricted to occupy the same sublattice in strontium-hexaferrite. I found that Zn and Sn atoms prefer to replace Fe ions at 2a sublattice under this restriction and caused the saturation magnetization to decrease


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    The aim of this research is to examine the comparison of the aerobic and anaerobic capacity relationship according to positions of the professional football players (FP). The participants in this study were male FP (n = 32, Mage = 22.19, SD = 2.33, Mheight = 178 cm, SD = 0.04, Mweight = 73.05 kg, SD = 7.39, Mbodyfat %  = 9.01,  SD = 3.43, Mbodymasindex = 23.25,  SD = 2.23,) who professional trained regularly. They participated WAnT and shuttle run tests in order to measure anaerobic power (AnP) (MAnP = 14.31 watt/kg, SD = 1.57), anaerobic capacity (AnC) (MAnC = 7.5 watt/kg, SD = 0.4), maximal heart rate (HRmax ) (MHRmax = 179 beat per minute,  SD = 16.8) and maximal oxygen consumpt (VO2max ) (MVO’max = 51.8 ml/kg/min,  SD = 4.25). According the positions (defence – midfield and forward) of the FP, there isn't a statistical difference among HRmax, VO2max, AnP and AnC (p>0.05). There is no longer the concept of classical position in today's football so the features specific to classical position change. All of the footballers perform in both attack and defense. In accordance with the coach tactics, midfielder and striker blocks are constantly moving back and forth as the field is shrinks and so each player is about the same distances.  Article visualizations

    Which noncognitive features provide more information about reading performance? A data-mining approach to big educational data

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    The purpose of this study is to discover which noncognitive variables provide more information about reading performance. To answer this question, data mining based on information gain, decision tree and random forest methods were utilized in the study. The participants of the study consisted of 606,627 15-year-old students (49.8% female) in a total of 78 countries or economies, 37 of which are OECD members. Reading performance and plausible values of reading, the Student, ICT Familiarity, Financial Literacy, Educational Career, Well-Being and Parent Questionnaire data in PISA 2018 were analyzed to answer the research questions. When 108 features were analyzed as independent variables, it was found that SES (home possessions, cultural possessions, and ICT resources at home), metacognitive skills (assessing credibility and summarizing), and liking/enjoying reading were major variables predicting reading performance. The path analysis revealed that these variables explain 53.3% of the variability in reading performance. It is also remarkable that the decision tree model has a 74.61% accuracy value in estimating the reading performance

    Economic and Social Impacts by Agricultural Irrigations in Turkey

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    In this study, we examined the Asartepe dam in Ankara province. We evaluated the economic and social effects of agricultural irrigation and selected main variables are determined as a agricultural usage of water, agricultural production, agricultural productivity, income and environment effects, social-cultural design, migration, economical conditions and etc. A significant portion of the material used in the survey, which was composed of any farming in the area of agriculture to data obtained by the enterprise survey. Survey by interviewing enterprises questionnaire forms have been filled out by going into enterprise. Data for the period from 2015 and 2016 production of agricultural enterprises are collected by questionnaire. In addition to the primary data obtained well as research findings that are previously made on the subject, which has benefited from the secondary data records and published by various organizations. Studies and surveys identified and then a set of selected enterprises are to be implemented by the Simple Random Sampling method (SRS). The information in the questionnaire data entry is made in the MS Office environment. The primary data analysis using SPSS and Eviews entered into the computer program and evaluated in the process of statistical tables are prepared. Keywords: Irrigation, Economic and Social effects, Turke

    Kostnadsutvikling og potensiale for toveis veggladere og V2G-teknologi: En analyse av komponentene og mulig kostnadsutviklingen og potensialet for bidrag til strømforsyningen fra elbilparken

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    Løsninger som både reduserer CO2-utslipp og optimaliserer ressursutnyttelsen er ettertraktet. Behov for å fordele fornybar energiproduksjon utover døgnet og særlig til de tidene når etterspørselen er høyest, øker. Det samme gjør behovet for et strømnett som kan tåle påkjenningene med høy produksjon av kraft og høyt uttak av effekt. V2G teknologi har blitt diskutert de siste 10 – 20 årene som en potensiell bidragsyter. Biler står for det meste i ro 90 % av tiden og kan dermed både lagre energi og levere energi ut på nettet uten at det behøver å påvirke tilgangen til bilen for eieren av bilen. Denne masteroppgaven drøfter kostnadsutviklingen og potensialet for å ta i bruk toveis veggladere og til å legge til rette for elbilmodeller med V2G. Diskusjonen setter søkelys på usikkerhet knyttet til kostnadsutviklingen og bruker ombordladere for elbiler som proxy for å beregne potensialet ut ifra antagelser om at komponentene til begge typer ladere ligner på hverandre. Faktorer som påvirker salget av toveis veggladere, har fellestrekk med faktorer som påvirker salget av ombordladere. Salget av ombordladere er i dag direkte forbundet med salget av elbiler. V2G og V2G-teknologi har også særegne faktorer som påvirker utviklingen på dette området. Hvilke komponenter toveis veggladeren er bygget opp av, undersøkes ved å se på hvordan ombordladerens komponenter konverterer strøm. Det gjøres en antagelse om at de to typene ladere må ha mange av de samme komponentene til felles dersom alle funksjonene til en toveis vegglader i dag skal kunne oppfylles. Det konkluderes med at toveis veggladere har potensial for å bli billigere, men at det forutsetter en kraftig økning i antall solgte ladere og at toveis veggladere blir den foretrukne løsningen for V2G. Kostnaden vil falle raskt, men begynne å flate ut når den nærmer seg 20 000 NOK. Videre konkluderes det med at videre forskning og undersøkelser er nødvendig for å nyansere bildet av toveis ladere og deres potensiale som kilde til leveranse av kraft og effekt til strømforsyningen for fremtiden. Videre viser denne studien at dersom V2G-teknologien vinner fram i bilmarkedet kan elbilparken gi et lite, men nyttig bidrag i kraftmarkedet. Dette må likevel ikke overvurderes. Selv med et stort antall ladere solgt, vil fortsatt den totale ytelsen som alle med mulighet til å tilby balanseregulering gjennom V2G-tjenester har, være liten i forhold til teknologier som vannkraft hvor ett kraftverk alene kan tilby like stor effekt som hele bilparken kan bidra med. Til slutt pekes det på behovet for videre forskning og undersøkelser som kan nyansere bildet av toveis ladere og deres potensiale som kilde til leveranse av kraft og effekt til strømforsyningen for fremtiden.Solutions that both cut CO2-emissions and optimalizes the use of power-resources are in high demand. The need to distribute renewable energy-production to all times of day and especially to periods of peak demand, increases. The same need applies to the powergrid that must be able to work under the pressure from high energy input and high demand for effect. The vehicle to grid (V2G)-technology have been considered a potential contributor over the last two decades. Cars typically are out of use around 90 % of the time. In that time they might serve both as a storage and and a supplier of energy to the grid without any disconvenience to the owner. This thesis discusses the developments in costs for bidirectional wallchargers and furthermore the potential for these chargers for being taken into use and for being facilitated in electric cars comercially. The discussion highlights the uncertainties linked to developments in production costs and uses onboard chargers for elctric cars as proxy to calculate the potential based on the assumption that the components in both types of chargers to a large extent are similar. The factors influencing the sales of bidirectional wall chargers has a lot in common with the factors influencing the sale of onboard chargers. The sales of onboard chargers is currently directly related to the sales of electric cars. The V2G and V2G-technology also have distinctive characteristics which influences the development in this field. The components of which the bidirectional wall charger are assembled are being excamined by studying the way the onboard chargers components are converting electricity. The assumption is made that several components installed in an onboard charger also must be present in the bidirectional wall charger in order to allow all functions in a bidirectional wall charger to work to full potential. It is conluded that bidirectional wallchargers has a potential to become cheaper under the presumption that they become the favoured solution in the market and that this followed by a steep growth in sales. Production costs will drop quickly, but start stabilizing when it comes down towards 20 000 Norwegian crowns. Furthermore this study shows that the V2G-technology can offer a small but still valuable contribution to the power market if it becomes the preferred solution in charging electric cars. Still, this must not be overstated as the study shows that for instance an average Norwegian hydroelectricity power plant supplies as much power to the grid as all V2G-chargers combined would do even if they grab the dominant spot in the charger-market in the future. Finally the study underscores the need for more research in the field in order to paint a more complete picture of two-way chargers and their potential as source of power and effect in the power market of the future

    Knowledge and attitudes towards complementary and alternative medicine among medical students in Turkey

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    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to examine knowledge and attitudes towards Complementary and Alternative Medicine among medical students in Turkey, and find out whether they want to be trained in Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out between October and December 2010 among medical students. Data were collected from a total of seven medical schools. FINDINGS: The study included 943 medical students. The most well known methods among the students were herbal treatment (81.2 %), acupuncture (80.8 %), hypnosis (78.8 %), body-based practices including massage (77 %) and meditation (65.2 %), respectively. Acupuncture, aromatherapy, herbal treatment and meditation were better known among female participants compared to males (p < 0.05). Females and first year students, generally had more positive attitudes. A larger proportion of female students compared to male students reported that a doctor should be knowledgeable about CAM (p = 0.001), and this knowledge would be helpful in their future professional lives (p = 0.015). Positive attitudes towards and willingness to receive training declined as the number of years spent in the faculty of medicine increased. CONCLUSIONS: Majority of the medical students were familiar with the CAM methods widely used in Turkey, while most of them had positive attitudes towards CAM as well as willingness to receive training on the subject, and they were likely to recommend CAM methods to their patients in their future professional lives. With its gradual scientific development and increasing popularity, there appears a need for a coordinated policy in integrating CAM into the medical curriculum, by taking expectations of and feedback from medical students into consideration in setting educational standards

    What was retained? The assessment of the training for the peer trainers' course on short and long term basis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In Turkey, the studies have reported that the age at which sexual intercourse and sexual activity starts has been steadily declining. There is an urgent need to increase social and health services for young people in order to provide them with a healthy life by changing their risky behaviors, avoiding unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Sexual and reproductive health training particularly for adolescents warrants special attention and consideration.</p> <p>The objective of our study is to find out the short and long term effectiveness of a training course on peer education.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study was conducted on 237 students who participated in a 40 hour Peer Trainer Training course. We utilized two types of evaluation methods to measure the effectiveness of the training on students' knowledge and attitude. The first method consisted of administering 3 tests comprised of the same 45 questions at 3 separate time intervals. Prior to the training a pre-test was given to obtain a measurement of base knowledge, and then an immediate post-test was given to evaluate the change in the knowledge and opinion of the participants.</p> <p>Finally, 6 months later the same test was administered to measure the retention of knowledge by the students. In the second type of evaluation, the participants' assessment of the training itself was sought by asking them to complete a Short Course Evaluation Form. We utilized SPSS 12.0 for descriptive analysis, and the Wilcoxon two related sample t-test were run.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>According to the pre and immediate post-test results, the training resulted in an increase in knowledge learned by an average of 21.6% (p < 0.05). Whereas, according to the immediate post test and the late post-test which was given six month later, there was a 1.8% decrease in the knowledge and attitude of the participants (p > 0.05). Participants thought that they had fun during training, and they became aware of what they knew and what they did not know.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Peer trainers with the training methods utilized, the knowledge and counseling acquired during training sessions will be able to provide counseling to their peers on reproductive health.</p

    Is the use of videotape recording superior to verbal feedback alone in the teaching of clinical skills?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In recent times, medical schools have committed to developing good communication and history taking skills in students. However, there remains an unresolved question as to which constitutes the best educational method. Our study aims to investigate whether the use of videotape recording is superior to verbal feedback alone in the teaching of clinical skills and the role of student self-assessment on history taking and communication skills.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A randomized controlled trial was designed. The study was conducted with 52 of the Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine second year students. All students' performances of communication and history taking skills were assessed twice. Between these assessments, the study group had received both verbal and visual feedback by watching their video recordings on patient interview; the control group received only verbal feedback from the teacher.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Although the self-assessment of the students did not change significantly, assessors' ratings increased significantly for videotaped interviews at the second time.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Feedback based on videotaped interviews is superior to the feedback given solely based on the observation of assessors.</p

    Exploring the training and scope of practice of GPs in England, Germany and Spain

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    OBJECTIVE: To explore general practitioner (GP) training, continuing professional development, scope of practice, ethical issues and challenges in the working environment in three European countries. METHOD: Qualitative study of 35 GPs from England, Germany and Spain working in urban primary care practices. Participants were recruited using convenience and snowball sampling techniques. Semi-structured interviews were recorded, transcribed and analysed by four independent researchers adopting a thematic approach. RESULTS: Entrance to and length of GP training differ between the three countries, while continuing professional development is required in all three, although with different characteristics. Key variations in the scope of practice include whether there is a gatekeeping role, whether GPs work in multidisciplinary teams or singlehandedly, the existence of appraisal processes, and the balance between administrative and clinical tasks. However, similar challenges, including the need to adapt to an ageing population, end-of-life care, ethical dilemmas, the impact of austerity measures, limited time for patients and gaps in coordination between primary and secondary care are experienced by GPs in all three countries. CONCLUSION: Primary health care variations have strong historical roots, derived from the different national experiences and the range of clinical services delivered by GPs. There is a need for an accessible source of information for GPs themselves and those responsible for safety and quality standards of the healthcare workforce. This paper maps out the current situation before Brexit is being implemented in the UK which could see many of the current EU arrangements and legislation to assure professional mobility between the UK and the rest of Europe dismantled

    Knowledge and attitudes of university students toward pandemic influenza: a cross-sectional study from Turkey

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>During an influenza pandemic, higher education institutions with large populations of young adults can become serious outbreak centers. Since outbreak management is essential to disease control, we aimed to examine university students' knowledge of and attitudes toward the pandemic influenza A/H1N1 and vaccination and other preventive measures.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional study was conducted among 402 first year university students at Yeditepe University in Istanbul, Turkey between 1<sup>st </sup>and 30<sup>th </sup>of November 2009. Data regarding socio-demographic characteristics of the students, perceptions, level of knowledge and attitudes toward influenza pandemic and prevention measures were collected by means of a self-administered questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed by the students affiliated with SANITAS, a university club of students in health related sciences.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>25.1% (101/402) of the study group perceived their personal risk of influenza as "high", while 40.5% (163/402) perceived it as "moderate", 20.6% (107/402) viewed it as "low" and 7.7% (31/402) indicated that it was "unknown". The risk perception of males was significantly lower than that of females (p = 0.004) and the risk perception among the students of health sciences was significantly lower than that of students of other sciences (p = 0.037). Within the study group, 72.1% (290/402) indicated that their main information source regarding H1N1 was the mass media. Health sciences students tended to rely more on the internet as an information source than other students (p = 0.015). The vast majority (92.8%; 373/402) of those interviewed indicated that they would not be vaccinated. The major concerns regarding vaccination had to do with the safety and side effects of the vaccine. Most of the participants (343/402, 85.3%) were carrying out one of prevention measures and the vast majority believed that hand washing, face mask and quarantina were effective measures for prevention.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The participants had enough knowledge about H1N1 pandemic about the disease although there were still gaps and confusions in some areas. In the future, when planning management strategies regarding pandemics or outbreaks in higher education institutions, new strategies should be developed to promote positive health behaviour among university students compatible with the international guidelines. Main information source is mass media, so it seems that new policies must be developed to attract attention of students to use different and more scientific-based information sources.</p