193 research outputs found

    Intercultural management on the basis of a sports club

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    W dobie globalizacji coraz częściej odnajdujemy się w sytuacji konieczności współpracy z przedstawicielami najróżniejszych kultur. Nie zawsze mamy wpływ na wybór współpracowników, jednak aby relacje układały się poprawnie konieczna jest znajomość i respektowanie różnic kulturowych które nas odróżniają i dzielą. W sporcie efekt globalizacji jest bardzo widoczny gdyż zasięg sportu nie zna granic. W Polsce przejawia się to dużo większą ilością i różnorodnością cudzoziemców zatrudnianych w polskich klubach. Brak świadomości różnic kulturowych, niedostateczne przygotowanie, ogólna niewiedza, a przy tym bardzo często brak pokory, prowadzą do załamywania się komunikacji wewnątrz organizacji sportowej i ogólne utrudnienie współpracy. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie zależności jakie występują podczas realizacji zadań delegowanych przez trenera wśród zawodników pochodzących z krajów o kulturze niskokontekstowej i wysokokontekstowej. W niniejszym artykule przedstawione zostaną podstawowe problemy, które dotykają polskie kluby profesjonalne. Dodatkowo szczegółowa analiza jednego z polskich klubów koszykówki żeńskiej pokaże jak zmieniała się międzynarodowa struktura zatrudnienia w tym klubie oraz jakie to miało skutki dla jego funkcjonowania

    The Role of Trust for Leadership in Team Sports

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    Today’s sport in many ways is like business. Numerous con­cepts as well as characteristics are adequate for both. The role of leaders in sports and business is invaluable when it comes to reaching goals or creating positive work environment. The aim of the paper is to identify the role of trust in relationships within a sport team, particularly between the leader and the rest of the group (trust in leader), and to highlight the impact of trust on the effectiveness of leaders’ work and successes achieved by a team

    Corporate social responsibility in Poland by sectors of economy

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    The primary objective of this article is to determine the level of social responsibility among Polish companies with regard to the sectors they represent, and then determine which areas of the company are at the highest level of CSR implementation. For the research objectives, the authors of the article used the results of studies on enterprises supported by a grant from the National Science Centre awarded on the basis of decision number DEC-2011/01/B/HS4/00835

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    O uso de medidas fracas ópticas no estudo de fenômenos associados a desvios de feixes gaussianos

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    Orientadores: Stefano de Leo, Marcelo Moraes GuzzoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Física Gleb WataghinResumo: É sabido que a introdução de feixes finitos na descrição da interação da luz com estruturas dielétricas leva a modificações dos caminhos ópticos previstos pela Óptica Geométrica. Tais interações são governadas pelos coeficientes de Fresnel e devido ao fato de que feixes podem ser descritos como pacotes de ondas planas, cada onda tendo seu próprio conjunto de coeficientes, efeitos interessantes são verificados. Neste trabalho, estudamos desvios de feixes ópticos Gaussianos interagindo com um prisma dielétrico triangular de ângulo reto. No regime de Reflexão Parcial, os coeficientes de Fresnel introduzem uma quebra de simetria nos, de outro modo simétricos, feixes Gaussianos, mudando sua direção de propagação e causando desvios angulares da Lei de Reflexão. No regime de Reflexão Interna Total, o coeficiente de reflexão de Fresnel se torna complexo, e a presença desta nova fase gera um deslocamento lateral da trajetória do vetor de onda refletido, conhecido como Deslocamento de Goos-Hänchen. Na vizinhança do ângulo crítico, entretanto, devido ao fato de que o feixe possui uma abertura angular finita, parte do feixe está no regime de Reflexão Parcial e parte no de Reflexão Interna Total, e ambos os fenômenos são verificados, dando origem ao efeito conhecido como Deslocamento de Goos-Hänchen Composto. Este deslocamento é caracterizado por sua dependência com a coordenada axial do feixe e por sua natureza oscilatória. Fórmulas analíticas foram obtidas para o Deslocamento de Goos-Hänchen dos pontos de intensidade máxima e média do feixe, assim como para os desvios angulares. Na região crítica, uma análise numérica foi realizada para o deslocamento de Goos-Hänchen Composto, baseando-se em uma simplificação analítica da intensidade do campo elétrico na região. Devido à natureza diminuta destes fenômenos, a técnica de Medidas Fracas Ópticas foi empregada como método de amplificação. Para o deslocamento de Goos-Hänchen, uma dependência axial é também verificada em tais medidas, e o efeito destrutivo da Fase de Goos-Hänchen sobre a técnica foi descrito formalmente. Para os desvios angulares, um estudo comparativo foi realizado da região de Brewster à região crítica entre medidas fracas e diretas, mostrando que, enquanto o método é uma ferramenta poderosa na proximidade de incidências críticas, ele quebra a amplificação natural proporcionada pelo ângulo de Brewster para medidas diretasAbstract: It is well known that the introduction of finite beams in the description of light¿s interaction with dielectric structures yields modifications to the optical paths predicted by Geometrical Optics. Such interactions are governed by the Fresnel¿s coefficients and because beams can be thought of as packets of plane waves, each wave having its own set of coefficients, interesting effects occur. In this work, we study beam shifts for Gaussian optical beams interacting with a dielectric right angle triangular prism. In the regime of partial reflection, the Fresnel¿s coefficients introduce a breaking of symmetry in the, otherwise symmetric, Gaussian beam, changing its propagation direction and causing an angular deviation from the Reflection Law. In the Total Internal Reflection regime, the Fresnel¿s reflection coefficient becomes complex. The presence of this new phase generates a lateral displacement of the reflected wave vector¿s trajectory, known as the Goos-Hänchen shift. In the vicinity of the critical angle, however, because the beam has an angular aperture which makes part of it to be in the Partial Reflection regime and part in the Total Internal Reflection regime, both these phenomena are present, originating the phenomenon known as the Composite Goos-Hänchen shift. This shift is characterised by its dependence on the axial coordinate of the beam and by its oscillatory behaviour. Analytical formulae are found for the Goos-Hänchen shift of the mean and maximum intensity points of a beam, as well as for the angular deviations. In the critical region, a numerical analysis is made for the Composite Goos-Hänchen shift based on an analytical simplification of the electric field intensity in the region. Due to the minute nature of these phenomena, the Optical Weak Measurement technique is employed as an amplification method. For the Composite Goos-Hänchen shift, an axial dependence is still verified in such measurements, and the destructive effect of the Goos-Hänchen phase on such measurements is formally described. For the angular deviations, a comparative study is made from the Brewster to the critical region between direct and weak measurements, showing that while the technique is a powerful tool near critical incidence, it actually breaks the natural amplification give by the Brewster angle for direct measurementsDoutoradoFísicaDoutor em Ciências1369136/2014151647/2014-3CAPESCNP

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    This issue of the Journal of Corporate Responsibility and Leadership (JCR&L) integrates theoretical, research, educational and practical aspects associated with the ideas of corporate social responsibility. It includes the papers dealing with the development of the CSR concept and theories, theoretical assumptions and practical implementation of the concept of Creating Shared Value, state of the art in the research field related to the idea of a sustainable enterprise/organisation, non-financial reporting of Warsaw Stock Exchange indexed companies and postgraduate CSR education in Poland

    Irish-Potato Farming in Plateau State, Nigeria: A Profitability Analysis

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    Notable efforts are on-going to improve Irish potato production in Plateau State, the major producer of the crop in Nigeria. However, little attention has been given to the profitability of the enterprise while the determinants of profitability level are scanty in the literature. Thus, paper analyses the profitability of Irish-potato farming using primary data from 252 Irish potato farmers in Plateau State, Nigeria. Cost structure and profitability level of Irish potato farming were investigated using farm budgeting technique while probit regression model was used to examine the determinants of profitability level of Irish potato farms. Irish potato farming was found to be profitable with most (53.97%) farmers at high profitability level. The net farm income was ₦604, 245.81 per hectare with returns per naira spent of ₦1.70. The cost structure showed that costs of seeds, labour and fertilizer made up the largest share of the total cost of production per hectare. The probability that a farm will be at high profitability level was determined by agrochemicals, sex, farm size and labour at 1% level, respectively. It was concluded that increasing agrochemicals, reducing farm size and labour and being a male farmer will improve profitability level of Irish potato farms. This study recommended that increased use of agrochemicals and more efficient use of labour and farm land be encouraged among potato farmers increase their profitability level

    Balanced scorecard decomposition in teams sports federations

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    In sports organizations, once adapted strategy needs to evolve along with the changes occurring in the sports market. The same applies to goals of the organization or sport discipline as well as indicators that help measure organization’s activities. Performance and overall effectiveness in sports is considered vital on many different levels and in different areas, thus the application of tools supporting various processes is highly recommended. Previous studies suggested and proved that BSC is suitable tool supporting management and strategic processes. This study presents piece of research performed on polish sports associations, focusing on team sports associations: soccer, basketball and volleyball. Data were collected by survey provided to top managers of sports federations in Poland. Methodology of the research was based on Likert scale in order to assess importance of key performance drivers and management areas in sports federations. The main goal of the research was to attain information about key areas which relate to organization’s strategy as well as to identify key performance measures that best help monitor progress of strategy implementation in sport organizations. The research was partially triangulated with management goals chosen by the federation. The study implies that key performance indicators should measure effectiveness, from the resources themselves to the value expected by the stakeholders and show if chosen key performance indicators can support main goals of the federations. In the same time balanced scorecard should include some sports discipline features and it means its implementation would differ between sports disciplines

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    SHIELD: Scalable Homomorphic Implementation of Encrypted Data-Classifiers

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    Homomorphic encryption (HE) systems enable computations on encrypted data, without decrypting and without knowledge of the secret key. In this work, we describe an optimized Ring Learning With Errors (RLWE) based implementation of a variant of the HE system recently proposed by Gentry, Sahai and Waters (GSW). Although this system was widely believed to be less efficient than its contemporaries, we demonstrate quite the opposite behavior for a large class of applications. We first highlight and carefully exploit the algebraic features of the system to achieve significant speedup over the state-of-the-art HE implementation, namely the IBM homomorphic encryption library (HElib). We introduce several optimizations on top of our HE implementation, and use the resulting scheme to construct a homomorphic Bayesian spam filter, secure multiple keyword search, and a homomorphic evaluator for binary decision trees. Our results show a factor of 10× improvement in performance (under the same security settings and CPU platforms) compared to IBM HElib for these applications. Our system is built to be easily portable to GPUs (unlike IBM HElib) which results in an additional speedup of up to a factor of 103.5× to offer an overall speedup of 1,035×