16 research outputs found

    Regionalization of the Q90 Steady Flows for the Japaratuba River Basin in the State of Sergipe according to its climatic regions

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    The reduction and resolution of conflicts involving the use of water, as well as the guarantee of compliance with its various uses, require the appropriate management of water resources, using the instruments foreseen in the pertinent legislation. Among the legal instruments used for the distribution of water, among the different uses and users, the granting of right of use stands out, which is provided as a function of demand and water availability in the requested water body. For the establishment of water availability in a river basin it is necessary to quantify the flows, which is done from the data collected in the fluviométricas stations. However, the Brazilian hydrometric network does not fully cover all hydrography, leaving parts of it without the necessary data for the estimation of flows. The regionalization of flows has been carried out with the objective of providing hydrological information in places with no data or with little information available, as long as they share similar characteristics. The hydrographic basin of the Japaratuba River, which is the object of the study, although it has the most complete hydrological monitoring network in the State of Sergipe, is characterized by great climatic variability (Tropical Humid, Agreste and Semi-Arid), resulting in a different hydrological behavior throughout this basin. Thus, the objective of this work is to determine the regionalization equations of the Q90 residence flow for this basin, which best fit its climatic hydro behavior, in order to obtain a small variation between the actual and the calculated regionalization flow. In the determination of the Q90 permanence flow, the Traditional Method of regionalization was applied, having as independent variables the drainage area of the fluviometric station and its accumulated mean precipitation. The results show that the regionalization of the permanence flow when considering the average monthly precipitation characteristics to define the homogeneous regions presented results consistent with the hydrological reality of the basin rivers and good statistical adjustments to the flows observed in the fluviometric stations

    The use of conflict mediation by the Sergipe River Basin Committee as a tool for implementing decentralised water resource management

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    Parallel to the growing demand for multiple uses of water, conflicts between its users appear, contributing to the increase in the number of cases submitted to the Judiciary. This study aimed at analyzing the existence of mediation as a method of resolving possible conflicts related to water resources in the Sergipe River Basin. The qualitative approach research was developed based on a bibliographic survey, by means of consultations with books, pertinent legislation, articles in scientific and non-scientific journals and, documental, through the analysis of the minutes of the meetings of the Sergipe River Basin Committee, its Internal Regulations and the Climatological Report that analyses the rainfall variability by regions in Sergipe, from 2000 to 2017. The results revealed that despite moving towards recognizing mediation as a method for resolving conflicts, the Committee faced several difficulties in carrying out decentralized management of water resources, especially with regard to the resolution of water disputes. Possible solutions to some of the problems faced by the Committee can be pointed out, such as training its members in water resource management and conflict management, in addition to making them aware of participating frequently in Committee meetings and also stimulating the participation of the population in these meetings

    Thermal Comfort in Swine: Basic Concepts for Better Production

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    Com o crescimento do mercado consumidor, diversos países vêm desenvolvendo tecnologias de gestão mais eficientes e sustentáveis para reduzir os efeitos nocivos do estresse térmico na produção de suínos, fato ainda mais importante em países com climas tropicais como o Brasil. O suíno produzido no Brasil é um animal que, de diferentes formas, foi importado de outros países relativamente frios. Portanto, eles foram geneticamente adaptados ao clima tropical. Assim, devido aos efeitos nocivos das altas temperaturas, melhorar o ambiente de produção é a forma mais eficiente de mitigar o estresse térmico. Esta revisão tem como objetivo abordar as principais complicações que o estresse térmico pode causar aos suínos e identificar abordagens de manejo adequadas para reduzir a suscetibilidade a curto prazo ao desconforto. Tais informações buscam incentivar práticas de manejo sadio voltadas para o conforto térmico dos animais e consequente ganho de eficiência produtiva

    Reuse of treated domestic sewage for biquinho pepper cultivation

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    This study aimed to evaluate the reuse of treated domestic sewage in biquinho pepper (Capsicum chinense L.) cultivation under different irrigation regimes. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, in a randomised block design with a 3 x 4 factorial scheme, with four replications. Forty-eight pepper plants were subjected to three treated domestic sewage concentrations (0, 50, and 100%) and four irrigation depths (75, 100, 125, and 150% of the crop evapotranspiration - ETc). Data for ETc estimation were obtained from an automatic meteorological station, which was installed in the greenhouse. The results showed that irrigation depths corresponding to 125 and 150% of the ETc at a concentration of 100% treated domestic sewage resulted in higher plants. Moreover, longer fruits were obtained when plants were subjected to 100% ETc at 100% treated domestic sewage. The studied irrigation depths influenced pepper fruit total weight and yield. No treated domestic sewage concentrations significantly influenced the variables analysed. Treated domestic sewage reuse can constitute an alternative for quality water saving and for chemical fertilisation of biquinho pepper crop. Highlights: The growing of beak pepper with domestic sewage treated can bring benefits in terms of providing nutrients to the crops; Adequate levels of water replacement with domestic sewage treated may promote good crop development. The use of treated domestic sewage can be an alternative to reduce the use of better quality water and chemical fertilization in the growing of beak pepper. Reduction of environmental impact may be possible with the replacement of chemical fertilizer by domestic sewage treated in the growing of beak pepper.This study aimed to evaluate the reuse of treated domestic sewage in biquinho pepper (Capsicum chinense L.) cultivation under different irrigation regimes. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, in a randomised block design with a 3 x 4 factorial scheme, with four replications. Forty-eight pepper plants were subjected to three treated domestic sewage concentrations (0, 50, and 100%) and four irrigation depths (75, 100, 125, and 150% of the crop evapotranspiration - ETc). Data for ETc estimation were obtained from an automatic meteorological station, which was installed in the greenhouse. The results showed that irrigation depths corresponding to 125 and 150% of the ETc at a concentration of 100% treated domestic sewage resulted in higher plants. Moreover, longer fruits were obtained when plants were subjected to 100% ETc at 100% treated domestic sewage. The studied irrigation depths influenced pepper fruit total weight and yield. No treated domestic sewage concentrations significantly influenced the variables analysed. Treated domestic sewage reuse can constitute an alternative for quality water saving and for chemical fertilisation of biquinho pepper crop. Highlights: The growing of beak pepper with domestic sewage treated can bring benefits in terms of providing nutrients to the crops; Adequate levels of water replacement with domestic sewage treated may promote good crop development. The use of treated domestic sewage can be an alternative to reduce the use of better quality water and chemical fertilization in the growing of beak pepper. Reduction of environmental impact may be possible with the replacement of chemical fertilizer by domestic sewage treated in the growing of beak pepper

    Utilização do biocarvão de bagaço de laranja na remoção de tetraciclina em água residuária

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    Diversos estudos têm relatado a presença de micropoluentes emergentes em níveis de traços em diversas partes do mundo, sendo encontrados em esgotos sanitários, efluentes hospitalares, efluentes industriais, águas superficiais, ambientes marinhos e sedimentos. Neste contexto, o presente artigo se baseou no estudo da capacidade de remoção da tetraciclina nos efluentes utilizando um tratamento terciário à base de biocarvão de bagaço de laranja. A metodologia foi baseada no estudo das interações com o fármaco e na aplicação em efluentes domésticos. O modelo de Langmuir foi o que melhor se adaptou ao biocarvão, configurando adsorção de natureza física, favorável para o processo de dessorção. O modelo cinético que mais se ajustou foi o de pseudo-segunda ordem e o tempo de equilíbrio estimado para o biocarvão foi de oito minutos. O método espectrofotométrico apresentou-se seguro, econômico e viável para monitoramento do processo adsortivo. O biocarvão teve capacidade de adsorção da tetraciclina de 100% em águas residuárias domésticas e a eficiência da filtração com biocarvão foi em média 25% maior do que com o carvão comercial. Diante do exposto conclui-se a possibilidade de conversão de um resíduo da agroindústria de baixo valor e sem destinação apropriada, em um produto de valor agregado, o biocarvão do bagaço da laranja, a ser utilizado como tratamento terciário para o reuso de efluentes na irrigação de culturas e como adsorvente para remoção da tetraciclina em águas residuárias domésticas.Palavras-chave: Biochar. Efluentes. Fármacos.

    Modeling the uniformity and the irrigation depth in productivity of the beans plant

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo modelar e avaliar a influência da uniformidade de distribuição de água e de várias lâminas de irrigação sobre os componentes de produção da cultura do feijão. O experimento foi instalado com delineamento estatístico em blocos ao acaso, na Estação Experimental de Coimbra da UFV e conduzido o período de julho a dezembro de 2000. Os tratamentos constaram de três lâminas de irrigação (L1, L2 e L3) e dois níveis de uniformidade de distribuição de água, alto (A) e baixo (B). Nos tratamentos L1, L2 e L3, foram aplicadas lâminas adequadas (100% da demanda), baixa (50% da demanda) e alta (150% da demanda), totalizando seis tratamentos (L1A, L1B, L2A, L2B, L3A, L3B). Os resultados experimentais foram comparados com aqueles obtidos através da simulação, utilizando-se um modelo que incorpora os efeitos da uniformidade de distribuição de água e utiliza os coeficientes de déficit (Cd) para distribuições uniforme e normal. As funções de produção para o feijoeiro foram geradas, considerando-se três níveis de uniformidade de distribuição de água (65, 80, 95%) e cinco níveis da fração da evapotranspiração máxima da cultura reposta por outras fontes (0, 25, 50, 75 e 95%) utilizando-se o modelo com o Cd para as distribuições da água uniforme e normal. Baseados nos resultados obtidos e nas condições sob as quais o trabalho foi realizado, pode-se concluir que o delineamento experimental utilizado proporcionou valores de uniformidade altos e baixos, para todas as irrigações realizadas. Os resultados de produtividade obtidos nos tratamentos L3A, L3B e L1A foram semelhantes entre si e superiores aos demais. As diferenças de uniformidade não afetaram significativamente a produtividade em razão, possivelmente de terem sido realizadas somente cinco irrigações, assim como as precipitações observadas durante o ciclo da cultura foram bem distribuídas. A produtividade simulada ajustou-se melhor para os tratamentos L1A, L1B e L2B, quando foi utilizado o Cd com distribuição normal, e L3A e L3B quando se utilizou a distribuição uniforme. Para o tratamento L2A, observaram-se superestimativas de 99,5 e 98,4%, respectivamente, com o Cd com distribuições normal e uniforme. Observou-se que a maior diferença entre os valores de produtividade relativa simulada com o Cd com distribuições uniforme e normal ocorreu, quando o valor do CUC foi 65% e a fração da evapotranspiração máxima da cultura reposta por outras fontes foi igual a zero. Nessas condições os valores de produtividade relativa simulada com o modelo de distribuições uniforme e normal estiveram muito próximas, apresentando diferença de 1,8%. Conclui -se que a utilização do Cd com distribuições uniforme e normal apresenta resultados similares, sendo que, no primeiro caso há a vantagem de se utilizar soluções matemáticas mais simples.The present study aimed at modeling and evaluating the influence of the water distribution uniformity and several irrigation depths upon the production components in beans cropping. The experiment was set up on a randomized block statistical design at the Coimbra Experimental Station pertaining to UFV, and was carried out over the period from July to December 2000. The treatments consisted of three irrigation depths (L1, L2 and L3) and two levels of water distribution uniformity, that is, high (A) and low (B). The treatments L1, L2 and L3 were applied with: appropriate irrigation depths (100% of the demand), low (50% of the demand) and high (150% of the demand), so totalizing six treatments (L1A, L1B, L2A, L2B, L3A, L3B). The experimental results were compared to those obtained through simulation, by using a model that incorporates the effect from the water distribution uniformity with the deficit coefficients (Cd) for the uniform and normal distributions. The production functions were generated for beans plant, by considering three levels of water distribution uniformity (65, 80, 95%), as well as five levels of the maximum evapotranspiration fraction in the crop restored by other sources (0, 25, 50, 75 and 95%) by applying the model with de deficit coefficient for the uniform and normal water distributions. Based on the obtained results and the conditions under which this study was carried out, it may be concluded that the used experimental design provided high and low uniformity values for all applied irrigations. The productivity results obtained in treatments L3A, L3B and L1A were similar to each other and superior those obtained in the other treatments. The uniformity differences did not significantly affect the productivity, probably because only five irrigations were applied and the rainfall precipitations observed during the crop cycle were well distributed. The simulated productivity was better adjusted for the treatments L1A, L1B and L2B, when the Cd with normal distribution was used, and for L3A and L3B when the Cd with uniform distribution was used. For the treatment L2A, overestimates of 99.5 and 98.4% were observed for Cd with normal and uniform distributions, respectively. The highest difference among the values of the relative productivity simulated with the Cd with both uniform and normal distributions occurred when the Christiansen’s uniformity coefficient (CUC) was 65% and the fraction of the maximum evapotranspiration of the crop restored by other sources equaled zero. Under this condition, the values of the relative productivity simulated by the model with uniform and normal distributions were very close, so presenting a difference as low as 1.8%. Thus, using the Cd with uniform and normal distributions led to similar results, but the Cd with uniform distribution shows the advantage of using simpler mathematical solutions.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível SuperiorTese importada do Alexandri

    Functional structure of benthic community in a tropical stream in northeast Brazil: seasonal variation

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    The aim of this study was to describe the functional structure of the benthic community and how these patterns vary among the rainy and dry season. The study site is the Salvia stream, a second order tributary of Mundaú River, Rio Largo–AL. This stream drains a fragment of Atlantic forest and does not have any direct anthropic activity. The macroinvertebrates were collected using a D net of 0,25mm mesh, during the rainy season (August) of 2010 and the dry season (March) of 2011. The macroinvertebrates were identified and classified as one of the following functional feeding groups: Shredders, Gathering Collectors, Filtering Collectors, Scrapers or Predators. The results showed a clear distinction among the two seasons, the rainy season, dominated by Shredders, and the dry season, dominated by the Gathering Collectors, suggesting a difference between the quality of the food available for the benthic community on the seasons. On the other hand, since both of the dominant functional groups are dependent on allocthonous organic matter, its shows that the stream is highly heterotrophic on both seasons. The study shows that the functional organization of the benthic macroinvertebrates in Salvia stream has clear seasonal patterns and also reinforces the importance of the season to biomonitorng studies for this region

    Benthic macroinvertebrate community structure and seasonal variation in a neotropical stream in the State of Alagoas, Brazil

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    This paper presents a study on the macrobenthic community in the Salvia stream, a headwater stream that runs through a conserved Atlantic forest fragment in the state of Alagoas, Brazil, and identifies the environmental factors that most influence the community structure. Ten sampling sites were chosen, conducting each collection during the rainy season of 2010 and the dry season of 2011. At each site the macroinvertebrates were collected using a D net (0.250 mm mesh). Water samples were collected and taken to the laboratory to analyze Dissolved Oxygen, Conductivity, pH and Alkalinity. Water temperature, surface current speed and depth were measured at the site. Canonical Correspondence was used to analyze the effect of environmental factors on the macroinvertebrate community. All the environmental factors measured showed significant variation between seasons, showing the seasonality effects on the stream environment. Eighteen taxa were identified, with predominance of Palaemonidae (Decapoda) and Chironomidae (Diptera), respectively, during the rainy and dry season. The results showed that the macroinvertebrates were more correlated to pH, Alkalinity and Dissolved Oxygen, indicating that this ecosystem variation is mainly based on the organic matter decomposition process

    Lettuce Fertigation with Domestic Effluent Treated with Orange Pomace Biochar

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the adsorption capacity of orange pomace biochar, applying its benefits in irrigated agriculture. For this, a low-cost system for tertiary treatment using biochar was developed. The objective was also to compare the physicochemical and microbiological attributes of irrigation water with the limits established by the legislation. The impacts of wastewater from the filtration system on the soil and on the agronomic and biological characteristics of the lettuce crop were assessed. Biochar was produced in a muffle furnace and characterized by thermogravimetry and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The experimental design was randomized blocks, in a 5 (irrigation depths) × 5 (combinations of water sources and fertilization) factorial arrangement, with three replicates. It was found that the use of biochar as a filter material improved the microbiological quality of wastewater. The water sources used in irrigation did not cause changes in soil salinity. Fertigation using wastewater that passed through the filtration system positively affected the agronomic characteristics of lettuce, with no need for top-dressing fertilization. Lettuce leaves produced in the experiment were acceptable for human consumption, according to the standards of Resolution-RDC No. 12, of 2 January 2001, of the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA)