98 research outputs found


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    INTRODUCTION: Taijiquan actions are required to be steady, smooth and continuous. A detailed kinetic analysis was chosen in order to provide clarification of these features. For this study, the movement of Yemafenzong was analyzed and some significant results were obtained

    Strip-MLP: Efficient Token Interaction for Vision MLP

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    Token interaction operation is one of the core modules in MLP-based models to exchange and aggregate information between different spatial locations. However, the power of token interaction on the spatial dimension is highly dependent on the spatial resolution of the feature maps, which limits the model's expressive ability, especially in deep layers where the feature are down-sampled to a small spatial size. To address this issue, we present a novel method called \textbf{Strip-MLP} to enrich the token interaction power in three ways. Firstly, we introduce a new MLP paradigm called Strip MLP layer that allows the token to interact with other tokens in a cross-strip manner, enabling the tokens in a row (or column) to contribute to the information aggregations in adjacent but different strips of rows (or columns). Secondly, a \textbf{C}ascade \textbf{G}roup \textbf{S}trip \textbf{M}ixing \textbf{M}odule (CGSMM) is proposed to overcome the performance degradation caused by small spatial feature size. The module allows tokens to interact more effectively in the manners of within-patch and cross-patch, which is independent to the feature spatial size. Finally, based on the Strip MLP layer, we propose a novel \textbf{L}ocal \textbf{S}trip \textbf{M}ixing \textbf{M}odule (LSMM) to boost the token interaction power in the local region. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Strip-MLP significantly improves the performance of MLP-based models on small datasets and obtains comparable or even better results on ImageNet. In particular, Strip-MLP models achieve higher average Top-1 accuracy than existing MLP-based models by +2.44\% on Caltech-101 and +2.16\% on CIFAR-100. The source codes will be available at~\href{https://github.com/Med-Process/Strip_MLP{https://github.com/Med-Process/Strip\_MLP}

    A systematic review of studies on stress during the COVID-19 pandemic by visualizing their structure through COOC, VOS viewer, and Cite Space software

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    BackgroundThe COVID-19 epidemic generated different forms of stress. From this period, there has been a remarkable increase in the quantity of studies on stress conducted by scholars. However, few used bibliometric analyses to focus on overall trends in the field.PurposeThis study sought to understand the current status and trends in stress development during COVID-19, as well as the main research drives and themes in this field.Methods2719 publications from the Web of Science(WOS) core repository on stress during COVID-19 were analyzed by utilizing Co-Occurrence (COOC), VOS viewer, and Cite Space bibliometric software. The overall features of research on stress during COVID-19 were concluded by analyzing the quantity of publications, keywords, countries, and institutions.ResultsThe results indicated that the United States had the largest number of publications and collaborated closely with other countries with each other. University of Toronto was the most prolific institution worldwide. Visualization and analysis demonstrated that the influence of stress during COVID-19 on the work, life, mental and spiritual dimensions is a hot research topic. Among other things, the frequency of each keyword in research on stress during COVID-19 increased from 2021 to 2022, and the researchers expanded their scope and study population; the range of subjects included children, nurses, and college students, as well as studies focusing on different types of stress, and emphasizing the handling of stress.ConclusionOur findings reveal that the heat of stress research during COVID-19 has declined, and the main research forces come from the United States and China. Additionally, subsequent research should concern more on coping methods with stress, while using more quantitative and qualitative studies in the future

    Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals distinct tumor microenvironment of ground glass nodules and solid nodules in lung adenocarcinoma

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    Introduction: Lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) is the most prevalent lung cancer. LUAD presents as ground glass nodules (GGN) and solid nodules (SN) in imaging studies. GGN is an early type of LUAD with good prognosis. However, SN exhibits a more malignant behavior than GGN, including worse pathological staging and tumor prognosis. The mechanism leading to the different malignancy levels of GGN and SN remains elusive.Methods: Three patients with GGN and three patients with SN diagnosed with early LUAD were enrolled. The tumor samples were digested to a single-cell suspension and analyzed using 10× Genomic Single-cell ribonucleic acid sequences (scRNA-seq) techniques.Results: A total of 15,902 cells were obtained and classified into nine major types. The tumor microenvironment (TME) was subsequently described in detail. ScRNA-seq revealed that ribosome-related pathways and cell adhesion played similar but distinct roles in the two groups. SN also had more active cell proliferation, enriched cell cycle regulatory pathways, and severe inflammatory responses.Conclusion: We observed changes in the cellular composition and transcriptomic profile of GGN and SN. The study improved the understanding of the underlying mechanisms of lung carcinogenesis and contributed to lung cancer prevention and treatment

    VLBI detection of the AE Aqr twin, LAMOST J024048.51+195226.9

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    LAMOST J024048.51+195226.9 (J0240+1952) was recently identified as the second AE Aquarii (AE Aqr)-type cataclysmic variable, possessing the fastest known rotating white dwarf. We performed a Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observation of J0240+1952 utilizing the European VLBI Network at 1.7\,GHz, to obtain the first view of the radio morphology on mas scale. Our high-resolution VLBI image clearly shows that the radio emission is compact on mas scale (≲2\lesssim2\,AU), with no evidence for a radio jet or extended emission. The compact radio source has an average flux density of ∼0.37\sim0.37\,mJy, and its brightness temperature is given at ≳2.3×107\gtrsim2.3\times10^{7}\,K, confirming a non-thermal origin. The emission exhibits irregular variations on a time-scale of tens of minutes, similar to the radio flares seen in AE Aqr. The measured VLBI position of J0240+1952 is consistent with that derived from \textit{Gaia}. Our results favour the model in which the radio emission is attributed to a superposition of synchrotron radiation from expanding magnetized blobs of this system

    Fibroblast Growth Factor–21 ameliorates hepatic encephalopathy by activating the STAT3-SOCS3 pathway to inhibit activated hepatic stellate cells

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    Neurological dysfunction, one of the consequences of acute liver failure (ALF), and also referred to as hepatic encephalopathy (HE), contributes to mortality posing challenges for clinical management. FGF21 has been implicated in the inhibition of cognitive decline and fibrogenesis. However, the effects of FGF21 on the clinical and molecular presentations of HE has not been elucidated. HE was induced by fulminant hepatic failure using thioacetamide (TAA) in male C57BL/6J mice while controls were injected with saline. For two consecutive weeks, mice were treated intraperitoneally with FGF21 (3 mg/kg) while controls were treated with saline. Cognitive, neurological, and activity function scores were recorded. Serum, liver, and brain samples were taken for analysis of CCL5 and GABA by ELISA, and RT qPCR was used to measure the expressions of fibrotic and pro-inflammatory markers. We report significant improvement in both cognitive and neurological scores by FGF21 treatment after impairment by TAA. GABA and CCL5, key factors in the progression of HE were also significantly reduced in the treatment group. Furthermore, the expression of fibrotic markers such as TGFβ and Col1 were also significantly downregulated after FGF21 treatment. TNFα and IL-6 were significantly reduced in the liver while in the brain, TNFα and IL-1 were downregulated. However, both in the liver and the brain, IL-10 was significantly upregulated. FGF21 inhibits CXCR4/CCL5 activation and upregulates the production of IL-10 in the damaged liver stimulating the production pro-inflammatory cytokines and apoptosis of hepatic stellate cells through the STAT3-SOCS3 pathway terminating the underlying fibrosis in HE

    Effect of non-condensable gas on the startup of a loop heat pipe

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    It is essential to address the startup issues prior to the wide application of loop heat pipes (LHPs) in both space and terrestrial surroundings. As non-condensable gas (NCG) is an important factor affecting the startup behavior, its effects on the startup performance of an ammonia-stainless steel LHP with and without preconditioning were experimentally investigated in this work. Nitrogen with controlled amounts was used to simulate the NCG, and the temperature overshoot, liquid superheat and startup time were employed as the evaluation criteria. Four situations relating to initial liquid/vapor distribution in the evaporator were examined: (1) both evaporator core and vapor grooves are filled with liquid, (2) vapor exists in vapor grooves and the evaporator core is filled by liquid, (3) vapor grooves are filled by liquid and vapor exists in the evaporator core, and (4) vapor exists in both evaporator core and vapor grooves. Experimental results showed that with NCG presence in the LHP, the startup could only proceed in situation 1 with preconditioning, while it could proceed in situations 1, 3 or 4 without preconditioning. For the startup in situation 1, a larger NCG inventory led to much degraded startup performance, and a higher startup heat load could benefit the startup. For the startup in situation 3, the most difficult startup situation, NCG resulted in a very high temperature overshoot, which may even exceed the maximum allowable value. For the startup in situation 4, the existence of NCG in the vapor grooves could facilitate the evaporation there, leading to a very desirable startup

    Prevalent presence of periodic actin-spectrin-based membrane skeleton in a broad range of neuronal cell types and animal species

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    Actin, spectrin, and associated molecules form a periodic, submembrane cytoskeleton in the axons of neurons. For a better understanding of this membrane-associated periodic skeleton (MPS), it is important to address how prevalent this structure is in different neuronal types, different subcellular compartments, and across different animal species. Here, we investigated the organization of spectrin in a variety of neuronal- and glial-cell types. We observed the presence of MPS in all of the tested neuronal types cultured from mouse central and peripheral nervous systems, including excitatory and inhibitory neurons from several brain regions, as well as sensory and motor neurons. Quantitative analyses show that MPS is preferentially formed in axons in all neuronal types tested here: Spectrin shows a long-range, periodic distribution throughout all axons but appears periodic only in a small fraction of dendrites, typically in the form of isolated patches in subregions of these dendrites. As in dendrites, we also observed patches of periodic spectrin structures in a small fraction of glial-cell processes in four types of glial cells cultured from rodent tissues. Interestingly, despite its strong presence in the axonal shaft, MPS is disrupted in most presynaptic boutons but is present in an appreciable fraction of dendritic spine necks, including some projecting from dendrites where such a periodic structure is not observed in the shaft. Finally, we found that spectrin is capable of adopting a similar periodic organization in neurons of a variety of animal species, including Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila, Gallus gallus, Mus musculus, and Homo sapiens
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