7 research outputs found

    Universal prevention programs on disordered eating: Assessment methodologies, results and future lines / Programas de prevención universal de las alteraciones alimentarias: Metodologías de evaluación, resultados y líneas de futuro

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    Abstract. n this paper are reviewed 47 universal prevention programs on eating disorders and disordered eating published in the period 1993-2011, mainly administered in schools and aimed at children and adolescents. In each program have been revised the elements linked to the design (methodological rigor, follow-up, control group, specificity, covert approach, replication, effectiveness, areas of application and measures). This review allows analyze the evolution of this field of study in the specified period. Progressively has been increased the rigor and methodological sophistication of designs, but they are still with some major problems, such as the absence of a set of agreed measures, among others. Finally, we suggest some elements of debate on the future direction to be taken by the development of new prevention programs in this area. Among others, the need to adapt to male population, ideal characteristics of target population in age and level of risk, the specific content that should be worked, the theoretical approach which should be based, about the intensity and duration, and the need to integrate the prevention of eating disorders and obesity. Key words: Universal prevention, eating disorders, disordered eating, adolescent.   Resumen. En este trabajo se revisan los 47 programas de prevención universal de las alteraciones alimentarias publicados en el período 1993-2011, administrados principal- mente en el ámbito escolar y dirigido a población infantil y adolescente. Cada programa ha sido revisado atendiendo a elementos relacionados con el diseño (rigor metodológico, seguimiento, grupo control, especificidad, encubrimiento, replicación, efectividad, ámbitos de aplicación e instrumentos de evaluación). Esta revisión permite analizar la evolución de este campo de estudio en el período especificado. Progresivamente se ha incrementado el rigor y sofisticación metodológica de los diseños, pero todavía permanecen sin resolver problemas importantes, como la ausencia de un conjunto consensuado de medidas de eficacia de calidad, entre otros. A modo de conclusión, se sugieren elementos de debate sobre la orientación futura que debería adoptar el desarrollo de nuevos programas de prevención en este ámbito. Entre otros, la necesidad de adaptarlos a la población masculina, las características idóneas de la población diana en cuanto a edad y nivel de riesgo, los con- tenidos específicos que deberían tener, la aproximación teórica en la que deberían fundamentarse, su intensidad y duración, y la necesidad de integrar la prevención de los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria y de la obesidad. Palabras clave: Prevención universal, trastornos del comportamiento alimentario, alimentación alterada, adolescentes

    Characterization of deposits on double J stents

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    We have characterized the types of encrustations that form on ureteral stents. The deposit that generates blocks is composed of hydroxyapatite/magnesium ammonium phosphate (44%). Calcium oxalate dihydrate was also detected at a high degree of encrustation (13%). Hydroxyapatite deposits, also of high degree of encrustation (13%) are generated due to their formation as a consequence of persistently high urinary pH values. The formation of large uric acid deposits (31%) must be attributed to the persistence of urinary pH<5.5\mathrm{pH} < 5.5. To avoid development of encrustations of ureteral stents, urinary calcium levels and urinary pH control should be carried out, avoiding urinary infections

    Characterization of deposits on double J stents

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    We have characterized the types of encrustations that form on ureteral stents. The deposit that generates blocks is composed of hydroxyapatite/magnesium ammonium phosphate (44%). Calcium oxalate dihydrate was also detected at a high degree of encrustation (13%). Hydroxyapatite deposits, also of high degree of encrustation (13%) are generated due to their formation as a consequence of persistently high urinary pH values. The formation of large uric acid deposits (31%) must be attributed to the persistence of urinary pH<5.5\mathrm{pH} < 5.5. To avoid development of encrustations of ureteral stents, urinary calcium levels and urinary pH control should be carried out, avoiding urinary infections

    The physiological cost of male-biased parasitism in a nearly monomorphic mammal

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    Background: Even though male-biased parasitism is common in mammals, little effort has been made to evaluate whether higher parasitic burden in males results in an extra biological cost, and thus a decrease in fitness. Body condition impairment and the augmentation of oxidative stress can be used as indicators of the cost of parasite infections. Here, we examined relationships between gastrointestinal and respiratory helminths, body condition and oxidative stress markers (glutathione peroxidase, paraoxonase-1) in 28 Pyrenean chamois (Rupicapra p. pyrenaica) sampled in autumn. Results: Only male chamois showed a reduction in body condition and higher oxidative stress due to parasite infection, likely because of the extremely high parasite burdens observed in males. Conclusions: This study made evident a disparity in the physiological cost of multiple parasitism between sexes in a wild mammal, mainly due to parasitic richness. Because of the similar life expectancy in male and female chamois, we suggest that males may have developed natural mechanisms to compensate for higher parasite loads during the rut

    The physiological cost of male-biased parasitism in a nearly monomorphic mammal

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    [Background]: Even though male-biased parasitism is common in mammals, little effort has been made to evaluate whether higher parasitic burden in males results in an extra biological cost, and thus a decrease in fitness. Body condition impairment and the augmentation of oxidative stress can be used as indicators of the cost of parasite infections. Here, we examined relationships between gastrointestinal and respiratory helminths, body condition and oxidative stress markers (glutathione peroxidase, paraoxonase-1) in 28 Pyrenean chamois (Rupicapra p. pyrenaica) sampled in autumn. [Results]: Only male chamois showed a reduction in body condition and higher oxidative stress due to parasite infection, likely because of the extremely high parasite burdens observed in males. [Conclusions]: This study made evident a disparity in the physiological cost of multiple parasitism between sexes in a wild mammal, mainly due to parasitic richness. Because of the similar life expectancy in male and female chamois, we suggest that males may have developed natural mechanisms to compensate for higher parasite loads during the rut.JMG holds a FPI pre-doctoral scholarship (BES-2015-072206), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. ES was supported by the postdoctoral programme (SFRH/BPD/96637/2013) of the Fundação para a Ciência ea Tecnologia, Portugal. We would like to thank the University of Aveiro (Department of Biology) and FCT/MEC for the financial support to CESAM RU (UID/AMB/50017) through national funds and, where applicable, co-financed by the FEDER, within the PT2020 Partnership Agreement. This study was partly funded by the scientific programme “Approche Intégrée de la Démographie des Populations d’Isard” sponsored by the ONCFS and the SEFaS.Peer Reviewe