29 research outputs found

    Caractérisation cytogénétique et moléculaire des tumeurs radio-induites

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    On sait aujourd'hui qu'une signature désignant l'origine radio-induite d'un cancer ne sera pas fournie par les observations macro- et/ou microscopiques des tumeurs. Comme cela a été montré avec des carcinogÚnes chimiques, les altérations génétiques détectées dans les tumeurs peuvent refléter leur étiologie et le rÎle spécifique des événements précoces dans le développement de celles-ci. Le séquençage des organismes et les progrÚs considérables réalisés en biologie moléculaire ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives pour rechercher des marqueurs biologiques permettant de suspecter/déterminer si une tumeur est radio-induite ou non

    Cytogenetic and molecular characterization of plutonium-induced rat osteosarcomas

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    The association between ionizing radiation and the subsequent development of osteosarcoma has been well described, but little is known about the cytogenetic and molecular events, which could be involved in the formation of radiation-induced osteosarcomas. Here, we performed comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) to detect chromosomal copy number changes in a series of 16 rat osteosarcomas induced by injection of plutonium-238. Recurrent gains/amplifications were observed at chromosomal regions 3p12-q12, 3q41-qter, 4q41-qter, 6q12-q16, 7q22-q34, 8q11-q23, 9q11-q22, 10q32.1-qter, and 12q, whereas recurrent losses were observed at 1p, 1q, 3q23-q35, 5q21-q33, 8q24-q31, 10q22-q25, 15p, 15q, and 18q. The gained region at 7q22-q34 was homologous to human chromosome bands 12q13-q15/8q24/22q11-q13, including the loci of Mdm2, Cdk4, c-Myc and Pdgf-b genes. The lost regions at 5q21-q33, 10q22-q25 and 15q contained tumor suppressor genes such as p16INK4a/p19ARF, Tp53 and Rb1. To identify potential target gene(s) for the chromosomal aberrations, we compared the expression levels of several candidate genes, located within the regions of frequent chromosomal aberrations, between the tumors and normal osteoblasts by using quantitative RT-PCR analysis. The Cdk4, c-Myc, Pdgf-b and p57KIP2 genes were thought to be possible target genes for the frequent chromosomal gain at 7q22-34 and loss at 1q in the tumors, respectively. In addition, mutations of the Tp53 gene were found in 27% (4 of 15) osteosarcomas. Our data may contribute to further understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying osteosarcomas induced by ionizing radiation in human

    Allelic loss of chromosomes 8 and 19 in MENX-associated rat pheochromocytoma.

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    Pheochromocytomas are neoplasias of neural crest origin that arise from the chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla. Pheochromocytomas arise with complete penetrance in rats homozygous for a germ-line frameshift mutation of Cdkn1b, encoding the cell cycle inhibitor p27KIP1 (MENX syndrome). We performed a genome-wide scan for allelic imbalance comparing 20 rat pheochromocytoma DNAs with normal rat DNA to better understand the pathobiology of the tumors and to correlate the findings with human pheochromocytoma. We identified allelic imbalance (AI) at candidate regions on rat chromosomes 8 and 19. Interestingly, the regions often lost in rat tumors are syntenic to regions involved in human pheochromocytomas. Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis further validated the AI data. Sdhd and Rassf1a were analyzed in detail as they map to regions of AI on chromosome 8 and their homologues are implicated in human pheochromocytoma: we found no genetic mutations nor decreased expression. We also analyzed additional candidate genes, that is, rat homologues of genes predisposing to human pheochromocytoma and known tumor-suppressor genes, but we found no AI. In contrast, we observed frequent overexpression of Cdkn2a and Cdkn2c, encoding the cell cycle inhibitors p16INK4a and p18INK4c, respectively. The relative small number of allelic changes we found in rat pheochromocytoma might be related to their nonmalignant status and losses at chromosomes 8 and 19 are events that precede malignancy. Because of the high concordance of affected loci between rat and human tumors, studies of the MENX-associated pheochromocytomas should facilitate the identification of novel candidate genes implicated in their human counterpart

    Increasing the diversity of dietary fibers in a daily-consumed bread modifies gut microbiota and metabolic profile in subjects at cardiometabolic risk

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    International audienceSome cardiometabolic risk factors such as dyslipidemia and insulin resistance are known to be associated with low gut microbiota richness. A link between gut microbiota richness and the diversity of consumed dietary fibers (DF) has also been reported. We introduced a larger diversity of consumed DF by using a daily consumed bread in subjects at cardiometabolic risk and assessed the impacts on the composition and functions of gut microbiota as well as on cardiometabolic profile. Thirty-nine subjects at cardiometabolic risk were included in a double-blind, randomized, cross-over, twice 8-week study, and consumed daily 150 g of standard bread or enriched with a 7-dietary fiber mixture (5.55 g and 16.05 g of fibers, respectively). Before and after intervention, stool samples were collected for gut microbiota analysis from species determination down to gene-level abundance using shotgun metagenomics, and cardiometabolic profile was assessed. Multi-fiber bread consumption significantly decreased Bacteroides vulgatus, whereas it increased Parabacteroides distasonis, Fusicatenibacter saccharivorans, an unclassified Acutalibacteraceae and an unclassified Eisenbergiella (q \textless 0.1). The fraction of gut microbiota carrying the gene coding for five families/subfamilies of glycoside hydrolases (CAZymes) were also increased and negatively correlated with peaks and total/incremental area under curve (tAUC/iAUC) of postprandial glycemia and insulinemia. Compared to control bread, multi-fiber bread decreased total cholesterol (-0.42 mM; q \textless 0.01), LDL cholesterol (-0.36 mM; q \textless 0.01), insulin (-2.77 mIU/l; q \textless 0.05), and HOMA (-0.78; q \textless 0.05). In conclusion, increasing the diversity of DF in a daily consumed product modifies gut microbiota composition and function and could be a relevant nutritional tool to improve cardiometabolic profile