11 research outputs found


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    The democracy of the Third Millennium is in debate about following the model of universal suffrage as a validation of the sovereignty of the population or its original substrate: which is to make oneself felt under all its forms of passive and active communication. However, this rejuvenated democracy is attacked by a new form of domination by the tools of neoliberalism, such as the game and fun, not in the desire for leisure and distraction, but as a new opium for the people, through the creation of a true and dangerous arcadecrac

    About Fascism, Neoliberalism and Ultra-Right. Analytical Problems in the Open Society

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    After the appearance in the XXI century of political formations that claim as 'Nationalists', 'Neofascists', 'Ultra-Right', with a strong anti-immigration component and that come to further complicate the problems of democracy and the open society, it is worthwhile carrying out a revision of some concepts that the 'use' and 'abuse' of them has distorted almost completely. In the present investigation, we will try to carry out this task analytically, from the perspective, to determine, as clearly as possible, what we are talking about when we refer to concepts such as: 'fascism', 'ultra right' and 'neoliberalism'; notions that are used so vaguely that sometimes they become synonymous or adjective for the disqualification of the adversary. But nevertheless, they maintain a fundamental cultural and historical heritage, to try to understand what horizons our societies are heading towards


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    The life of Hans Steffen is framed in the history of the geography of Chile. His description of Southern Patagonia forms part of the geographical foundations of any study carried out on this southern part of the South American country

    Development of methods and tools of the commercialization of high-tech projects on the example of Moscow Aviation institute (National Research University)

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    Building an economy with a reduction in the innovation cycle, i.e. in complex of works, which includes the stages and results of the innovation process, now is one of the main features of the modern development of the world economy. This is a new stage in the formation of an innovative society. One of the key tasks of the state Customer of the program, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, is to obtain the final product as a result of applied scientific research and experimental development. The article discusses the toolkit for management monitoring of the commercialization of high-tech projects, which is relevant at the moment. The necessity of introducing innovations in the field of control over the fulfillment of obligations under scientific and technical projects has been substantiated

    Defense of metaphysical realism in the work of Sir Karl R. Popper

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    After the appearance of quantum mechanics in the first half of the twentieth century, wich meant a huge advance in science and particularly in physics, with a radiation above all the task of the scientific communities of the world. It has been one of the most successful theories in the history of scientific thought. However, their problems of interpretation were and are very complex. Sir Karl R. Popper attempted to defend the position of the 'metaphysical realism' in the face of this true Tsunami, produced by quantum theory. In this text, we review this situation carried out by Popper in front of the quantum interpretation of the world. For its part, the objective of this article is related to exploring the importance of metaphysical realism in the work of science. While the methodology used would be related to taking a great scientific fact, as was the case with quantum theory, and carrying out an analysis around the various interpretations of it that they imply, finally the discussion about metaphysical realism as a assumption that gives meaning to scientific work


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    Is there a democratic conscience in Latin America? It is a question that starts from a premise alien to everything that Latin Americans seek, namely, their own identity. Democracy is not a Latin American creation, but of a Western Europe represented from the V century before our era in Classical Athens, with all its ups and downs through time. There is no contradiction between a Latin American philosophy and a conception of government from the Old World, rather, it is a complement and deepening of a creation that we made ours, as ours is also the search for an identity, a conscience and a refounded and deepened democracy. In this sense, the great Latin American thinker sheds light on that Latin American democracy that really reaches everyone on a continent in search of its future


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    The purpose is to examine professional relevance in the formation of migration policy in the dimensions of social geography and social-psychological determinants of emigrants' behavior. We conducted empirical research involving people who applied for consultation to official institutions, agencies and economic entities dealing with search for job vacancies and employment of Ukrainian citizens abroad

    Neurocracy: Democracy of the Third Millennium

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    Democracy is a chimera for many who feel that she will never knock on her doors. But that democracy is already part of a past when it comes to seeing science move forward and the world begins a gap between those who have and those who do not have in every sense of thinking and acting of the human. In these new times of social media-fed cyber millennialism on the one hand and laboratories on the other hand, the new war for those who master thought will be fought at the bit level and Artificial Intelligence. This is where neurocracy begins its journey as -perhaps- the new way of living and living together. The objective of this essay is to make known how this new way of thinking, feeling, and acting of human coexistence is entering into our daily work. The results obtained when thinking about the work, is of having shown that the middle maas and AI have arrived to stay in an increasingly dystopian planetary scenario

    The second plane of democracy and the open society, in the first quarter of the 21st Century

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    The 21st Century presents a new way for the world to begin to regulate, after the violent Unipolar order that affected humanity, particularly in the nineties of the last century and in the first eight years of our current century. The United States dominated the world in the last 40 years and today, the first symptoms of its decline as an empire are beginning to be observed. The geopolitical turn, should bring an opportunity for democracy and open society, so that they can be better reflected in the diverse populations of the world. However, democracy must resist a stormy period, which marks the end of an era, in a situation of much loss of prestige that suffers as a political regime and also must, at the same time, cease to be a set of rules to start government over the market. Not easy. The objective of the article, along with glimpsing the decline of the United States as a hegemonic power, seeks to show how democracy remains in the background of importance to the real struggle for political, economic and geopolitical power


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    This text seeks to reflect on the effect of neoliberalism on people's lives. How it manages to mutate and access new ways to capture democracies through social media and digital information, no longer through restrictions, but rather to encourage voluntary delivery of information that is available for human behavior analysis. These new ways of maintaining control of citizens and the environment have serious effects on the deterioration of the environment and people's health, but it rarely receives a sanction. In this sense, we are talking about a neoliberalicide, because the model remains more relevant than life and maintaining a balance with the environment