1,425 research outputs found

    Symmetries and exact solutions of the BPS Skyrme model

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    The BPS Skyrme model is a specific subclass of Skyrme-type field theories which possesses both a BPS bound and infinitely many soliton solutions (skyrmions) saturating that bound, a property that makes the model a very convenient first approximation to the study of some properties of nuclei and hadrons. A related property, the existence of a large group of symmetry transformations, allows for solutions of rather general shapes, among which some of them will be relevant to the description of physical nuclei. We study here the classical symmetries of the BPS Skyrme model, applying them to construct soliton solutions with some prescribed shapes, what constitutes a further important step for the reliable application of the model to strong interaction physics.Comment: Latex, 17 page

    An uncommon clinical presentation of relapsing dilated cardiomyopathy with identification of sequence variations in MYNPC3, KCNH2 and mitochondrial tRNA cysteine

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    We describe a young girl with dilated cardiomyopathy, long QT syndrome, and possible energy deficiency. Two major sequence changes were identified by whole exome sequencing (WES) and mitochondrial DNA analysis that were interpreted as potentially causative. Changes were identified in the KCNH2 gene and mitochondrial tRNA for cysteine. A variation was also seen in MYPBC3. Since the launch of WES as a clinically available technology in 2010, there has been concern regarding the identification of variants unrelated to the patient\u27s phenotype. However, in cases where targeted sequencing fails to explain the clinical presentation, the underlying etiology could be more complex than anticipated. In this situation, the extensive reach of this tool helped explain both her phenotype and family history

    Physical activity, fitness and adiposity: immigrants versus spanish scholars (Actividad física, condición física y adiposidad: inmigrantes versus escolares españoles)

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    The objective was to analyse the associations of physical fitness and patterns of physical activity with adiposity in native and foreign. This study was performed with 612 school students (8-10 years). Anthropometric measurements, physical fitness and activity patterns were studied. The results showed that students who practiced more physical activity had lower body mass index and higher levels of fitness. Immigrants had lower adiposity and higher participation in sport activities than native students. No differences between native and foreing students in levels were found, except for immigrant girls, who showed greater lower body strengh than the natives ones. In conclusion, immigrants from this study appear to have a healthier fitness, physical activity and adiposity than natives. El objetivo fue analizar las asociaciones entre los niveles de condición física, patrones de actividad física y adiposidad del alumnado nativo e inmigrante. Se estudiaron 612 niños (8-10 años) de colegios públicos, valorándose mediante pruebas antropométricas, condición física y cuestionario de hábitos de actividad física. Se observó que el alumnado que realizaba mayor actividad física presentaba menor índice de masa corporal y mayor condición física. El alumnado inmigrante presentó menor adiposidad y mayor participación en actividades deportivas. No encontramos diferencias en condición física, salvo en chicas inmigrantes, con mayor fuerza del tren inferior. En conclusión, los inmigrantes del presente estudio parecen poseer un perfil más saludable de condición física, actividad física y adiposidad que los nativos

    Manejo De Residuos Sólidos Hospitalarios En La Unidad Oncológica Solca-Chimborazo

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    It was determined that the handling of the solid waste generated by the SOLCA – Chimborazo cancer hospital was not appropriate, both internally and externally. Because of that, the classification, transport, storage, deactivation, and intermediate disposition are inconvenient. Thus, it was realized that it is important to have the requirements and documents to follow and comply the objectives that are specified within the management, focusing on feedback and continuous improvement. To learn about the nature of the generated residuals, they were characterized in the hospital. Common, infectious, radioactive, organic and sharp residuals were found during the months of September, November and December. The common waste is comprised of cardboard, paper and plastic. The per-capita production of residuals was 0.76 kg/patient/day. The environmental impact caused by the generation of hospital solid waste was 56% severe impacts and 44% moderate impacts, which could elicit health problems in the population surrounding the hospital. For this reason, the appropriate management of solid waste allowed to obtain large environmental benefits and reduce the pollution generated by the hospital solid waste. It is recommended to SOLCA-Chimborazo and other health institutions the implementation of an adequate solid waste management, which will allow them to comply with all the requirements enforced by the environmental regulations

    Integrated Structure and Semantics for Reo Connectors and Petri Nets

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    In this paper, we present an integrated structural and behavioral model of Reo connectors and Petri nets, allowing a direct comparison of the two concurrency models. For this purpose, we introduce a notion of connectors which consist of a number of interconnected, user-defined primitives with fixed behavior. While the structure of connectors resembles hypergraphs, their semantics is given in terms of so-called port automata. We define both models in a categorical setting where composition operations can be elegantly defined and integrated. Specifically, we formalize structural gluings of connectors as pushouts, and joins of port automata as pullbacks. We then define a semantical functor from the connector to the port automata category which preserves this composition. We further show how to encode Reo connectors and Petri nets into this model and indicate applications to dynamic reconfigurations modeled using double pushout graph transformation