232 research outputs found

    Una visión de futuro de las políticas de salud

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    Data aproximada entre els anys 1998 a 2000Primer pla d'un bloc d'habitatges al carrer Baluard, 6 amb el carrer Monjo, 5. El seu nivell de catalogació és el C

    Listas de espera

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    Els Serveis avançats "de persona a persona" per a la millora de la competitivitat de l'economia catalana

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    En aquesta conferència es tracta l'efecte de la globalització dels mercats dins dels sectors tradicionals que ara tenim en crisi. La innovació i la productivitat són paraules clau per a entendre una profunda transformació de l'economia tradicional i, en conseqüència, acabar en una posició millor. No obstant això, podrem veure com l'especialització en un context de crisi funcionarà millor cap al mitjà termini. Els serveis i la construcció són els dos factors responsables per a la creació de llocs de treball a Catalunya. És per això que, segons les paraules de l'autor, amb el desenvolupament industrial n'hi haurà prou per a millorar el treball en una situació futura.This lecture deals with the effect of market globalization on the traditional economic sectors which are in the throes of crisis. Innovation and productivity are key words in understanding and driving the traditional economy towards a major transformation in order to end up in a better position. Hence, the aim of this paper is to ascertain whether specialization in a framework setting will work in the medium term. Services and construction are the two factors responsible for creating employment in Catalonia. However, according to the author, and as we will see in this article, industrial development alone will not suffice to improve employment in the future

    Els reptes del finançament de la sanitat del futur

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    Per un nou pacte fiscal

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    Aquest text és una invitació a reflexionar sobre el que ha de ser el nou pacte fiscal que reguli les relacions financeres entre Espanya i Catalunya, d’acord amb el propòsit de l’actual Govern de la Generalitat de Catalunya.  L’autor reflexiona, per tant, sobre quelcom inespecífic, del que no se’n coneix encara un redactat concret.  Es diu però que es vol configurar com a model ‘basat en el concert’. En referiré per tant al model (i no només a les conseqüències financeres que d’aquest se’n derivin): és a dir, valoraré així de la qüestió suscitada tant el ‘fur’ (els pilars jurídics que el fonamentin) com l’’ou’ (la capacitat financera que pugui atorgar)

    La calidad del gasto público y su influencia en el desarrollo económico: una validación empírica para los países de la OCDE 1970-2005.

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    The assessment on the relevance of public spending on economic growth has deserved an important attention in the economic literature. However its empirical approach by testing the effects by an aggregate production function may mislead the results since the composition of public expenditure, more than its level, is crucial. In this paper, after surveying of the current state of affairs on the topic, we estimate for the OECD countries, and a period which extends from 1970 to 2005, a panel data regression on the level of growth and its rate, and on some proxy for the income inequality. We take as regressors the detailed composition of public expenditure according to functional categories (health, education, economic services…) and its economic classification (public consumption versus transfers –as a proxy of in-kind versus money transfers–; public production –chapter 1– against purchases and contracting out –chapter 2–, current versus capital expenditure).composition of public expenditure; economic growth; public finances, efficiency, OECD.

    Llistes d'espera

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    La Provisió pública de béns privats al tombant del segle : la sanitat a Catalunya

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    The health system is not immune to the public sector crisis, in fact it is the fastest growing expenditure. Nothing is free. A public system requires no opting out. This does not mean a monopoly. Redistribution is on ideological issue. Matte compensatory policies carry a moral risk that favours a lack of healthy habits. Equity means a fair innings. Everything is reformable except opting out: the mixture between private and public institutions, rationing, and health production. Efficience validates any redistribution objective. Government and markets are not ends, rather instruments to attain objectives. Catalonia has a tradition of 50% private medicine, the result of historical discrimination by the Spanish government. Mortality is among the best in the world. 81% of men and 75% of women consider their health good or excellent. However there are problems for the future because of growing cancer, aids and accident costs. Little has been done to apply antismoking laws. Finance is a big problem because the Spanish government pays per head while expenditure is by income level, which is higher in Catalonia. The resulting deficit must be,financed in an undercover way. More descentralization is required. Although the English model cannot he applied, there is leeway for more competition. The health system should stay above politics