5,483 research outputs found

    Entangled photons from a strongly coupled quantum dot-cavity system

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    A quantum dot strongly coupled to a photonic crystal has been recently proposed as a source of entangled photon pairs [R. Johne et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 240404 (2008)]. The biexction decay via intermediate polariton states can be used to overcome the natural splitting between the exciton states coupled to the horizontally and vertically polarized light modes, so that high degrees of entanglement can be expected. We investigate theoretically the features of realistic dot-cavity systems, including the effect of the different oscillator strength of excitons resonances coupled to the different polarizations of light. We show that in this case, an independent adjustment of the cavity resonances is needed in order to keep a high entanglement degree. We also consider the case when the biexciton-exciton transition is also strongly coupled to a cavity mode. We show that a very fast emission rate can be achieved allowing the repetition rates in the THz range. Such fast emission should however be paid for by a very complex tuning of the many strongly coupled resonances involved and by a loss of quantum efficiency. Altogether a strongly coupled dot-cavity system seems to be very promising as a source of entangled photon pairs.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Getting the Measure of the Flatness Problem

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    The problem of estimating cosmological parameters such as Ω\Omega from noisy or incomplete data is an example of an inverse problem and, as such, generally requires a probablistic approach. We adopt the Bayesian interpretation of probability for such problems and stress the connection between probability and information which this approach makes explicit. This connection is important even when information is ``minimal'' or, in other words, when we need to argue from a state of maximum ignorance. We use the transformation group method of Jaynes to assign minimally--informative prior probability measure for cosmological parameters in the simple example of a dust Friedman model, showing that the usual statements of the cosmological flatness problem are based on an inappropriate choice of prior. We further demonstrate that, in the framework of a classical cosmological model, there is no flatness problem.Comment: 11 pages, submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravity, Tex source file, no figur

    The cell of origin dictates the temporal course of neurofibromatosis-1 (Nf1) low-grade glioma formation.

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    Low-grade gliomas are one of the most common brain tumors in children, where they frequently form within the optic pathway (optic pathway gliomas; OPGs). Since many OPGs occur in the context of the Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) cancer predisposition syndrome, we have previously employed Nf1 genetically-engineered mouse (GEM) strains to study the pathogenesis of these low-grade glial neoplasms. In the light of the finding that human and mouse low-grade gliomas are composed of Olig2+ cells and that Olig2+ oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) give rise to murine high-grade gliomas, we sought to determine whether Olig2+ OPCs could be tumor-initiating cells for Nf1 optic glioma. Similar to the GFAP-Cre transgenic strain previously employed to generate Nf1 optic gliomas, Olig2+ cells also give rise to astrocytes in the murine optic nerve in vivo. However, in contrast to the GFAP-Cre strain where somatic Nf1 inactivation in embryonic neural progenitor/stem cells (Nf1flox/mut; GFAP-Cre mice) results in optic gliomas by 3 months of age in vivo, mice with Nf1 gene inactivation in Olig2+ OPCs (Nf1flox/mut; Olig2-Cre mice) do not form optic gliomas until 6 months of age. These distinct patterns of glioma latency do not reflect differences in the timing or brain location of somatic Nf1 loss. Instead, they most likely reflect the cell of origin, as somatic Nf1 loss in CD133+ neural progenitor/stem cells during late embryogenesis results in optic gliomas at 3 months of age. Collectively, these data demonstrate that the cell of origin dictates the time to tumorigenesis in murine optic glioma

    Universal topological phase of 2D stabilizer codes

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    Two topological phases are equivalent if they are connected by a local unitary transformation. In this sense, classifying topological phases amounts to classifying long-range entanglement patterns. We show that all 2D topological stabilizer codes are equivalent to several copies of one universal phase: Kitaev's topological code. Error correction benefits from the corresponding local mappings.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    The deuterium-to-oxygen ratio in the interstellar medium

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    Because the ionization balances for HI, OI, and DI are locked together by charge exchange, D/O is an important tracer for the value of the D/H ratio and for potential spatial variations in the ratio. As the DI and OI column densities are of similar orders of magnitude for a given sight line, comparisons of the two values will generally be less subject to systematic errors than comparisons of DI and HI, which differ by about five orders of magnitude. Moreover, D/O is additionally sensitive to astration, because as stars destroy deuterium, they should produce oxygen. We report here the results of a survey of D/O in the interstellar medium performed with FUSE. We also compare these results with those for D/N. Together with a few results from previous missions, the sample totals 24 lines of sight. The distances range from a few pc to ~2000 pc and log N(DI) from ~13 to ~16 (cm-2). The D/O ratio is constant in the local interstellar medium out to distances of ~150 pc and N(DI) ~ 1x10^15 cm-2, i.e. within the Local Bubble. In this region of the interstellar space, we find D/O = (3.84+/-0.16)x10^-2 (1 sigma in the mean). The homogeneity of the local D/O measurements shows that the spatial variations in the local D/H and O/H must be extremely small, if any. A comparison of the Local Bubble mean value with the few D/O measurements available for low metallicity quasar sight lines shows that the D/O ratio decreases with cosmic evolution, as expected. Beyond the Local Bubble we detected significant spatial variations in the value of D/O. This likely implies a variation in D/H, as O/H is known to not vary significantly over the distances covered in this study. Our dataset suggests a present-epoch deuterium abundance below 1x10^-5, i.e. lower than the value usually assumed, around 1.5x10^-5.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    The D/H Ratio in the Interstellar Medium toward the White Dwarf PG0038+199

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    We determine the D/H ratio in the interstellar medium toward the DO white dwarf PG0038+199 using spectra from the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE), with ground-based support from Keck HIRES. We employ curve of growth, apparent optical depth and profile fitting techniques to measure column densities and limits of many other species (H2, NaI, CI, CII, CIII, NI, NII, OI, SiII, PII, SIII, ArI and FeII) which allow us to determine related ratios such as D/O, D/N and the H2 fraction. Our efforts are concentrated on measuring gas-phase D/H, which is key to understanding Galactic chemical evolution and comparing it to predictions from Big Bang nucleosynthesis. We find column densities log N(HI) = 20.41+-0.08, log N(DI)=15.75+-0.08 and log N(H2) = 19.33+-0.04, yielding a molecular hydrogen fraction of 0.14+-0.02 (2 sigma errors), with an excitation temperature of 143+-5K. The high HI column density implies that PG0038+199 lies outside of the Local Bubble; we estimate its distance to be 297 (+164,-104)pc (1 sigma). D/[HI+2H2] toward PG0038+199 is 1.91(+0.52,-0.42) e-5 (2 sigma). There is no evidence of component structure on the scale of Delta v > 8 km/s based on NaI, but there is marginal evidence for structure on smaller scales. The D/H value is high compared to the majority of recent D/H measurements, but consistent with the values for two other measurements at similar distances. D/O is in agreement with other distant measurements. The scatter in D/H values beyond ~100pc remains a challenge for Galactic chemical evolution.Comment: 59 pages, 7 tables, 18 figures (1 standalone), accepted by ApJ v2 minor typos correcte

    Українська шляхта між польським та українським етносами

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    Appearance and existence of the Ukrainian gentry relates to the traditions of Polish political culture, so during the whole period of its life it was between the Ukrainian and the Polish ethnic groups. Polanisation of the Ukrainian gentry begins at the date when some of the Ukrainian territories become a part of Poland and strengthens after Cossack revolution in the middle and at the end of the 16th century. Especially this process becomes effective at the beginning of the 18th century when a great part of gentry from other Polish lands migrates to Pravoberezhia (right-banked Ukraine). Nevertheless, having captured upper class and partially middle class of the Ukrainian gentry, polanisation mainly influenced consciousness and less religion of the lower class of the Ukrainian gentry. As for ethnoculture and language local gentry was mostly Ukrainian and it assimilated numerous Polish gentlemen-immigrants

    Local Leaders in Random Networks

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    We consider local leaders in random uncorrelated networks, i.e. nodes whose degree is higher or equal than the degree of all of their neighbors. An analytical expression is found for the probability of a node of degree kk to be a local leader. This quantity is shown to exhibit a transition from a situation where high degree nodes are local leaders to a situation where they are not when the tail of the degree distribution behaves like the power-law kγc\sim k^{-\gamma_c} with γc=3\gamma_c=3. Theoretical results are verified by computer simulations and the importance of finite-size effects is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Statistics of excitons in quantum dots and the resulting microcavity emission spectra

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    A theoretical investigation is presented of the statistics of excitons in quantum dots (QDs) of different sizes. A formalism is developed to build the exciton creation operator in a dot from the single exciton wavefunction and it is shown how this operator evolves from purely fermionic, in case of a small QD, to purely bosonic, in case of large QDs. Nonlinear optical emission spectra of semiconductor microcavities containing single QDs are found to exhibit a peculiar multiplet structure which reduces to Mollow triplet and Rabi doublet in fermionic and bosonic limits, respectively.Comment: Extensively expanded revision, 14 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Ethnic differences in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest among Middle Eastern Arabs and North African populations living in Qatar

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    Aims: There are very few studies comparing epidemiology and outcomes of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) in different ethnic groups. Previous ethnicity studies have mostly determined OHCA differences between African American and Caucasian populations. The aim of this study was to compare epidemiology, clinical presentation, and outcomes of OHCA between the local Middle Eastern Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Arab and the migrant North African populations living in Qatar. Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study of Middle Eastern GCC Arabs and migrant North African patients with presumed cardiac origin OHCA resuscitated by Emergency Medical Services (EMS) in Qatar, between June 2012 and May 2015. Results: There were 285 Middle Eastern GCC Arabs and 112 North African OHCA patients enrolled during the study period. Compared with the local GCC Arabs, univariate analysis showed that the migrant North African OHCA patients were younger and had higher odds of initial shockable rhythm, pre-hospital interventions (defibrillation and amioderone), pre-hospital scene time, and decreased odds of risk factors (hypertension, respiratory disease, and diabetes) and pre-hospital response time. The survival to hospital discharge had greater odds for North African OHCA patients which did not persist after adjustment. Multivariable logistic regression showed that North Africans were associated with lower odds of diabetes (OR 0.48, 95% CI 0.25–0.91, p = 0.03), and higher odds of initial shockable rhythm (OR 2.86, 95% CI 1.30–6.33, p = 0.01) and greater scene time (OR 1.02 95% CI 1.0–1.04, p = 0.02). Conclusions: North African migrant OHCA patients were younger, had decreased risk factors and favourable OHCA rhythm and received greater ACLS interventions with shorter pre-hospital response times and longer scene times leading to better survival.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio