11 research outputs found

    Study on the β- decay of Os-193

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    Neste trabalho foram estudados os níveis excitados do 193Ir produzidos a partir do decaimento β do 193Os (T1/2 ~ 30h). Para a obtenção das amostras radioativas, ~ 5mg de Ósmio metálico (99% enriquecido em 192Os) foram irradiados no reator IEA-R1, sob um fluxo de nêutrons da ordem de 1012cm2 s1 e depois analisadas, empregando-se a técnica de espectroscopia γ simples (unidimensional) com espectrômetro γ de alta resolução, bem como as técnicas de espectroscopia de coincidência γγ e de correlação angular direcional γγ (θ) usando um sistema de aquisição multiparamétrica composto por 4 detectores HPGe. A partir destes dados, foi possível adicionar 28 transições a este esquema de decaimento, 11 das quais já eram conhecidas de outros estudos envolvendo reações nucleares, além de 17 observadas pela primeira vez. Também foram acrescentados 8 níveis excitados ao esquema de decaimento, sendo 3 conhecidos por outras reações e 5 completamente novos. Além disso, foi possível confirmar a suspeita encontrada na literatura de que os níveis a 848,93keV e 849,093keV são o mesmo, além de confirmar a existência de um nível excitado a 806,9keV. A análise de correlação angular direcional permitiu a definição do spin de do nível excitado a 874kev (5/2+), além de propor uma probabilidade de 79% do nível a 1078keV ter spin 5/2, e de restringir as possibilidades de spin para o nível novo a 960keV para duas (1/2 ou 3/2). Também foi possível determinar a razão de mistura multipolar (δLn+1/Ln) para 43 transições, sendo 19 pela primeira vez e praticamente todas as restantes com precisão melhor que a encontrada na literatura. Finalmente, foi feita uma tentativa de compreender o núcleo através de um modelo teórico, o qual reproduziu muito bem o estado fundamental e os dois primeiros estados excitados do 193Ir.In this work, the excited levels of 193Ir populated by the β decay of 193Os (T1/2 30h) were investigated. For that purpose, 5mg samples of 99%-enriched 192Os were irradiated under a thermal neutron flux of 1012s1 and then analysed both using single gamma spectroscopy and a 4-detector multiparametric acquisition facility, which provided data for both a γγ coincidence analysis and a directional angular correlation γγ (θ) study. From these data, 28 transitions were added to this decay scheme, 11 of which were previously known from nuclear reactions and 17 observed for the first time. Eight excited levels were also added to the decay scheme, 3 of which were known from nuclear reaction studies the remaining 5 are suggested for the first time. Moreover, it was possible to confirm suspicions found in reference that the levels at 848.93keV and 849.093keV are indeed the same; it was also possible to confirm the existence of an excited level at 806.9keV, which had been inferred, but not experimentally confirmed in β decay studies to date. The angular correlation analysis allowed for the definition of the spin of the excited level at 874keV as 5/2+; moreover, the results showed a 79% probability that the spin of the 1078keV level is 5/2, and also restricted the spin possibilities for the new excited level at 960keV to two values (1/2 or 3/2). It was also possible to measure the multipolarity mixing ratio (δLn+1/Ln) for 43 transitions 19 of them for the first time and most of the others with a better precision than previously known. Finally, an attempt was made to understand the low-lying levels structure for this nucleus using a theoretical model, which reproduced the ground state and the two lowest-lying excited levels in 193Ir

    Study on the β- decay of Os-193

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    Neste trabalho foram estudados os níveis excitados do 193Ir produzidos a partir do decaimento β do 193Os (T1/2 ~ 30h). Para a obtenção das amostras radioativas, ~ 5mg de Ósmio metálico (99% enriquecido em 192Os) foram irradiados no reator IEA-R1, sob um fluxo de nêutrons da ordem de 1012cm2 s1 e depois analisadas, empregando-se a técnica de espectroscopia γ simples (unidimensional) com espectrômetro γ de alta resolução, bem como as técnicas de espectroscopia de coincidência γγ e de correlação angular direcional γγ (θ) usando um sistema de aquisição multiparamétrica composto por 4 detectores HPGe. A partir destes dados, foi possível adicionar 28 transições a este esquema de decaimento, 11 das quais já eram conhecidas de outros estudos envolvendo reações nucleares, além de 17 observadas pela primeira vez. Também foram acrescentados 8 níveis excitados ao esquema de decaimento, sendo 3 conhecidos por outras reações e 5 completamente novos. Além disso, foi possível confirmar a suspeita encontrada na literatura de que os níveis a 848,93keV e 849,093keV são o mesmo, além de confirmar a existência de um nível excitado a 806,9keV. A análise de correlação angular direcional permitiu a definição do spin de do nível excitado a 874kev (5/2+), além de propor uma probabilidade de 79% do nível a 1078keV ter spin 5/2, e de restringir as possibilidades de spin para o nível novo a 960keV para duas (1/2 ou 3/2). Também foi possível determinar a razão de mistura multipolar (δLn+1/Ln) para 43 transições, sendo 19 pela primeira vez e praticamente todas as restantes com precisão melhor que a encontrada na literatura. Finalmente, foi feita uma tentativa de compreender o núcleo através de um modelo teórico, o qual reproduziu muito bem o estado fundamental e os dois primeiros estados excitados do 193Ir.In this work, the excited levels of 193Ir populated by the β decay of 193Os (T1/2 30h) were investigated. For that purpose, 5mg samples of 99%-enriched 192Os were irradiated under a thermal neutron flux of 1012s1 and then analysed both using single gamma spectroscopy and a 4-detector multiparametric acquisition facility, which provided data for both a γγ coincidence analysis and a directional angular correlation γγ (θ) study. From these data, 28 transitions were added to this decay scheme, 11 of which were previously known from nuclear reactions and 17 observed for the first time. Eight excited levels were also added to the decay scheme, 3 of which were known from nuclear reaction studies the remaining 5 are suggested for the first time. Moreover, it was possible to confirm suspicions found in reference that the levels at 848.93keV and 849.093keV are indeed the same; it was also possible to confirm the existence of an excited level at 806.9keV, which had been inferred, but not experimentally confirmed in β decay studies to date. The angular correlation analysis allowed for the definition of the spin of the excited level at 874keV as 5/2+; moreover, the results showed a 79% probability that the spin of the 1078keV level is 5/2, and also restricted the spin possibilities for the new excited level at 960keV to two values (1/2 or 3/2). It was also possible to measure the multipolarity mixing ratio (δLn+1/Ln) for 43 transitions 19 of them for the first time and most of the others with a better precision than previously known. Finally, an attempt was made to understand the low-lying levels structure for this nucleus using a theoretical model, which reproduced the ground state and the two lowest-lying excited levels in 193Ir

    Thermal neutron activation cross section for 48Ca

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    In this work several certified standard samples with very well-determined Calcium amounts were irradiated in the IEA-R1 nuclear reactor, under a thermal neutron flux of ~1012 n.cm-2.s-1. The samples were then analyzed in a high-resolution gamma spectrometer in order to determine the amount of 49Ca produced in the sample which, in turn, is directly proportional to the thermal neutron absorption cross section for 48Ca. These results allowed the determination of this cross section with an uncertainty that's 6 × lower than the compiled value and approximately half the uncertainty of the best value found in the literature, thus improving the results that can be obtained when measuring Calcium via semi-parametric Neutron Activation Analysis

    Decay of 155 Sm

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    The beta decay of 155 Sm (T 1/2 ∼ 22min) has been investigated by gamma spectroscopy measurements. The single and coincidence spectra were taken using HPGe detectors with high energy resolution. The energy and relative intensities of 42 γ-rays have been determined, most of them with a better precision than previously. The γ-transitions at 205.7keV and 224.8keV were observed for the first time and 40 of them were confirmed and 39 of them placed in the decay scheme. The present results, together with the results of earlier studies, allows to confirm the energy levels, in the energy range 0.05-1.6MeV, as well as the assignments of spin for most of them

    Gamma transition intensity determination using multidetector coincidence data

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    This work describes two similar methods for calculating gamma transition intensities from multidetector coincidence measurements. In the first one, applicable to experiments where the angular correlation function is explicitly fitted, the normalization parameter from this fit is used to determine the gamma transition intensities. In the second, that can be used both in angular correlation or DCO measurements, the spectra obtained for all the detector pairs are summed up, in order to get the best detection statistics possible, and the analysis of the resulting bidimensional spectrum is used to calculate the transition intensities; in this method, the summation of data corresponding to different angles minimizes the influence of the angular correlation coefficient. Both methods are then tested in the calculation of intensities for well-known transitions from a (152)Eu standard source, as well as in the calculation of intensities obtained in beta-decay experiments with (193)Os and (155)Sm sources, yielding excellent results in all these cases. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    A new procedure to analyze angular correlation experimental data

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    In this work an approach is proposed to the analysis of directional angular correlation data in which the function W(θ) used to fit the experimental data already includes the relations between the Akk parameters and the mixing ratios (δ), so that the angular correlation function is fitted explicitly in terms of the mixing ratio of the transition of interest; the normalization factor that arises from the fit can also be used, under certain situations, to determine the intensity of one of the transitions. In order to verify the usability and consistence of this method, some well-determined cascades from 152Eu and 60Co standard sources, as well as from the β- decay of 193Os, were analyzed, and the results compared to the literature values, allowing for a discussion of the performance of this approach

    Metals and semi-metals in street soils of So Paulo city, Brazil

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    So Paulo is the largest city in Brazil and South America with about 20 million inhabitants in the metropolitan area, more than nine million motor vehicles and intense industrial activity, which are responsible for increasing pollution in the region. Nevertheless, little is known concerning metal and semi-metal content in the soils of this metropolitan region. This type of information could be extremely useful as a fingerprint of environmental pollution. The present study determined the elements As, Ba, Co, Cr, Sb, and Zn concentrations in soils adjacent to avenues of highly dense traffic in So Paulo city to assess their levels and possible sources. The analytical technique employed was Instrumental neutron activation analysis. The results showed, except for Co, concentration levels higher than the reference values for soils of So Paulo, according to the Environmental Protection Agency of the State of So Paulo guidelines. When compared to similar studies in other cities around the world, So Paulo soils presented higher levels, probably due to its high density traffic and industrial activity. The concentrations obtained for As and Cr indicate anthropogenic origin. The high levels of the traffic-related elements Ba, Sb, and Zn in soils nearby high density traffic avenues indicate they may originate from vehicular exhausts.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP