12 research outputs found

    Pregnancy outcomes in antiphospholipid antibody positive patients: prospective results from the AntiPhospholipid Syndrome Alliance for Clinical Trials and InternatiOnal Networking (APS ACTION) Clinical Database and Repository ('Registry').

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    Objectives: To describe the outcomes of pregnancies in antiphospholipid antibody (aPL)-positive patients since the inception of the AntiPhospholipid Syndrome Alliance for Clinical Trials and InternatiOnal Networking Registry. Methods: We identified persistently aPL-positive patients recorded as 'pregnant' during prospective follow-up, and defined 'aPL-related outcome' as a composite of: (1) Preterm live delivery (PTLD) at or before 37th week due to pre-eclampsia (PEC), eclampsia, small-for-gestational age (SGA) and/or placental insufficiency (PI); or (2) Otherwise unexplained fetal death after the 10th week of gestation. The primary objective was to describe the characteristics of patients with and without aPL-related composite outcomes based on their first observed pregnancies following registry recruitment. Results: Of the 55 first pregnancies observed after registry recruitment among nulliparous and multiparous participants, 15 (27%) resulted in early pregnancy loss <10 weeks gestation. Of the remaining 40 pregnancies: (1) 26 (65%) resulted in term live delivery (TLD), 4 (10%) in PTLD between 34.0 weeks and 36.6 weeks, 5 (12.5%) in PTLD before 34th week, and 5 (12.5%) in fetal death (two associated with genetic anomalies); and (2) The aPL-related composite outcome occurred in 9 (23%). One of 26 (4%) pregnancies with TLD, 3/4 (75%) with PTLD between 34.0 weeks and 36.6 weeks, and 3/5 (60%) with PTLD before 34th week were complicated with PEC, SGA and/or PI. Fifty of 55 (91%) pregnancies were in lupus anticoagulant positive subjects, as well as all pregnancies with aPL-related composite outcome. Conclusion: In our multicentre, international, aPL-positive cohort, of 55 first pregnancies observed prospectively, 15 (27%) were complicated by early pregnancy loss. Of the remaining 40 pregnancies, composite pregnancy morbidity was observed in 9 (23%) pregnancies

    The adjusted global antiphospholipid syndrome score (aGAPSS) and the risk of recurrent thrombosis: Results from the APS ACTION cohort

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    Objectives: To assess whether patients with antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) and history of recurrent thrombosis have higher levels of adjusted Global AntiphosPholipid Syndrome Score (aGAPSS) when compared to patients without recurrent thrombosis. Methods: In this cross-sectional study of antiphospholipid antibody (aPL)-positive patients, we identified APS patients with a history of documented thrombosis from the AntiPhospholipid Syndrome Alliance For Clinical Trials and InternatiOnal Networking (APS ACTION) Clinical Database and Repository (“Registry”). Data on aPL-related medical history and cardiovascular risk factors were retrospectively collected. The aGAPSS was calculated at Registry entry by adding the points corresponding to the risk factors: three for hyperlipidemia, one for arterial hypertension, five for positive anticardiolipin antibodies, four for positive anti-ÎČ2 glycoprotein-I antibodies and four for positive lupus anticoagulant test. Results: The analysis included 379 APS patients who presented with arterial and/or venous thrombosis. Overall, significantly higher aGAPSS were seen in patients with recurrent thrombosis (arterial or venous) compared to those without recurrence (7.8 ± 3.3 vs. 6 ± 3.9, p<0.05). When analyzed based on the site of the recurrence, patients with recurrent arterial, but not venous, thrombosis had higher aGAPSS (8.1 ± SD 2.9 vs. 6 ± 3.9; p<0.05). Conclusions: Based on analysis of our international large-scale Registry of aPL-positive patients, the aGAPSS might help risk stratifying patients based on the likelihood of developing recurrent thrombosis in APS

    Evaluation of angiogenic and antiangiogenic factors in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus

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    O lĂșpus eritematoso sistĂȘmico (LES) Ă© uma doença autoimune cuja fisiopatologia envolve mecanismos imunolĂłgicos, incluindo distĂșrbios nos processos de morte celular e nos mecanismos de eliminação de autoantĂ­genos e de tolerĂąncia, acompanhados da formação de autoanticorpos patogĂȘnicos. Ele acomete principalmente mulheres jovens e a gestação nestas pacientes apresenta significativa morbimortalidade. Os achados clĂ­nicos e laboratoriais na nefrite lĂșpica sĂŁo semelhantes Ă queles encontrados em pacientes com prĂ©-eclĂąmpsia (PE), especificamente hipertensĂŁo arterial, proteinĂșria e edema. Foi proposto o uso de fatores angiogĂȘnicos, como o fator de crescimento vascular endotelial (VEGF) e o fator de crescimento placentĂĄrio (PlGF), e antiangiogĂȘnicos, como o receptor Fms-like tirosina quinase 1 solĂșvel (sFlt-1), para o diagnĂłstico diferencial entre estas duas condiçÔes, no entanto os dados disponĂ­veis na literatura sobre estas citocinas em pacientes nĂŁo gestantes com LES sĂŁo inconsistentes. Este estudo foi desenhado para avaliar se existe diferença entre os nĂ­veis sĂ©ricos de VEGF, PlGF e sFlt-1 em pacientes com LES com e sem atividade sistĂȘmica da doença e se existe diferença nesses fatores quando comparamos pacientes com LES e mulheres saudĂĄveis. Foram incluĂ­das 54 mulheres com diagnĂłstico de LES em acompanhamento no ambulatĂłrio de Reumatologia do HUPE-UERJ, sem outra doença autoimune diagnosticada, e divididas de acordo com a atividade da doença. 30 pacientes tinham doença inativa (SLEDAI mĂ©dio: 0,7) e 24 tinham doença ativa (SLEDAI mĂ©dio: 11,6). 23 mulheres deste Ășltimo grupo possuĂ­am nefrite ativa, enquanto 20 das pacientes com doença em remissĂŁo jĂĄ haviam apresentado nefrite ao longo da evolução do LES. O grupo controle foi formado por 34 mulheres hĂ­gidas atendidas no ambulatĂłrio de ginecologia da PoliclĂ­nica Piquet Carneiro-UERJ. Considerando as trĂȘs citocinas estudadas, as pacientes com LES apresentaram valores sĂ©ricos mĂ©dios superiores Ă s mulheres do grupo controle (VEGF: 319,0 + 226,0 x 206,2 + 119,4, p=0,02; PlGF: 42,2 + 54,1 x 13,6 + 21,6, p=0,02; sFlt-1: 107,9 + 49,2 x 70,2 + 95,0, p=0,01). O grupo de pacientes com doença ativa tambĂ©m apresentou mĂ©dia superior ao controle nos trĂȘs fatores (VEGF: 331,0 + 216,8 x 206,2 + 119,4, p=0,02; PlGF: 41,2 + 47,3 x 13,6 + 21,6, p=0,02; sFlt-1: 120,5 + 42,4 x 70,2 + 95,0, p=0,02), enquanto nĂŁo foi encontrada diferença estatĂ­stica entre o grupo de LES inativo e o controle. A mĂ©dia do sFlt-1 sĂ©rico foi maior nas pacientes com LES ativo do que a mĂ©dia das pacientes com a doença em remissĂŁo (120,5 + 54,9 x 97,8 + 42,4, p=0,02), mas nĂŁo houve diferença significativa da mĂ©dia do VEGF e PlGF sĂ©ricos entre os dois grupos. O melhor entendimento dos fatores angiogĂȘnicos e antiangiogĂȘnicos em pacientes com LES proporcionado por este estudo nos permite a anĂĄlise dessas citocinas em gestantes com LES e, possivelmente, sua posterior aplicação como mĂ©todo diferencial entre nefrite lĂșpica e PE.Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease which pathophysiology involves immunological mechanisms including disturbances in the processes of cell death and mechanisms of elimination of autoantigens and tolerance, accompanied by formation of pathogenic autoantibodies. It mainly affects young women and pregnancy in these patients have significant morbidity and mortality. Clinical and laboratory findings in lupus nephritis are similar to those found in patients with preeclampsia (PE), specifically hypertension, proteinuria and edema. It has been proposed the use of angiogenic factors, such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and placental growth factor (PlGF), and antiangiogenic factors, as soluble Fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1), for the differential diagnosis between these two conditions, however available data in the literature about these cytokines in non-pregnant SLE patients are inconsistent. This study was designed to evaluate whether there are differences between serum levels of VEGF, PlGF and sFlt-1 in SLE patients with and without systemic disease activity and whether there are differences in these factors when comparing SLE patients with healthy women. 54 women with SLE followed at outpatient clinic of Rheumatology HUPE - UERJ were included. They had no other autoimmune disease diagnosed and were divided according to disease activity. 30 patients had inactive disease (mean SLEDAI: 0.7), and 24 had active disease (mean SLEDAI: 11.6). 23 women in this latter group had active nephritis, while 20 patients with inactive disease had history of lupus nephritis. The control group consisted of 34 healthy women who attended the Gynecology outpatient clinic at PoliclĂ­nica Piquet Carneiro - UERJ. Considering the three studied cytokines, the SLE patients had higher mean serum levels than the control group (VEGF: 319.0 + 226.0 x 206.2 + 119.4, p=0.02; PlGF: 42.2 + 54.1 x 13.6 + 21.6, p=0.02; sFlt-1: 107.9 + 49.2 x 70.2 + 95.0, p=0.01). The group of patients with active disease also had higher mean levels of all three factors than controls (VEGF: 331.0 + 216.8 x 206.2 + 119.4, p=0.02; PlGF: 41.2 + 47.3 x 13.6 + 21.6, p=0.02; sFlt-1: 120.5 + 42.4 x 70.2 + 95.0, p=0.02), whereas no statistical difference was found between the group with inactive SLE and the control group. The mean sFlt-1 levels were higher in patients with active SLE than the mean levels of patients with inactive disease (120.5 + 54.9 x 97.8 + 42.4, p=0.02), but there was no significant difference in mean serum of VEGF and PlGF levels between these two groups. A better understanding of angiogenic and antiangiogenic factors in patients with SLE provided by this study allows the analysis of these cytokines in pregnant woman with SLE and possibly their subsequent application as differential method between PE and lupus nephritis

    Pregnancy outcomes in antiphospholipid antibody positive patients: prospective results from the AntiPhospholipid Syndrome Alliance for Clinical Trials and InternatiOnal Networking (APS ACTION) Clinical Database and Repository ('Registry').

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    To describe the outcomes of pregnancies in antiphospholipid antibody (aPL)-positive patients since the inception of the AntiPhospholipid Syndrome Alliance for Clinical Trials and InternatiOnal Networking Registry. We identified persistently aPL-positive patients recorded as 'pregnant' during prospective follow-up, and defined 'aPL-related outcome' as a composite of: (1) Preterm live delivery (PTLD) at or before 37th week due to pre-eclampsia (PEC), eclampsia, small-for-gestational age (SGA) and/or placental insufficiency (PI); or (2) Otherwise unexplained fetal death after the 10th week of gestation. The primary objective was to describe the characteristics of patients with and without aPL-related composite outcomes based on their first observed pregnancies following registry recruitment. Of the 55 first pregnancies observed after registry recruitment among nulliparous and multiparous participants, 15 (27%) resulted in early pregnancy loss In our multicentre, international, aPL-positive cohort, of 55 first pregnancies observed prospectively, 15 (27%) were complicated by early pregnancy loss. Of the remaining 40 pregnancies, composite pregnancy morbidity was observed in 9 (23%) pregnancies

    Patient Care Pathways for Pregnancy in Rare and Complex Rheumatic Diseases:Results From an International Survey

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    OBJECTIVE: To map existing organizational care pathways in clinical centers of expertise that care for pregnant women affected by rare and complex connective tissue diseases (rcCTDs). METHODS: An international working group composed of experts in the field of pregnancy in rcCTDs co-designed a survey focused on organizational aspects related to the patient's pathway before, during, and after pregnancy. The survey was distributed to subject experts through referral sampling. RESULTS: Answers were collected from 69 centers in 21 countries. Patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and/or antiphospholipid syndrome were followed by more than 90% of centers, whereas those with disorders such as IgG4-related diseases were rarely covered. In the majority of centers, a multidisciplinary team was involved, including an obstetrician/gynecologist in 91.3% of cases and other healthcare professionals less frequently. Respondents indicated that 96% of the centers provided routine pre-pregnancy care, whereas the number of patient visits during pregnancy varied across centers. A formalized care pathway was described in 49.2% of centers, and 20.3% of centers had a predefined protocol for the monitoring of pregnant patients. Access to therapies during pregnancy also was heterogeneous among different centers. CONCLUSION: In international referral centers, a high level of care is provided to patients with rcCTDs before, during, and after pregnancy. No significant discrepancies were found between European and non-European countries. However, this work highlights a potential benefit to streamlining the care approaches across countries to optimize pregnancy and perinatal outcomes among patients with rcCTDs.</p

    Challenging cases in rheumatic pregnancies

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    This article describes three complicated cases in rheumatology and pregnancy. The first case elucidates the challenges in treating SLE in conjunction with pulmonary arterial hypertension, while the second case features an SLE-affected pregnancy with development of portal hypertension secondary to portal vein thrombosis related to APS. The third case is a pregnant woman with stable SLE who developed thrombotic microangiopathy caused by atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome, and failed to improve despite multiple measures including biopsy and elective preterm delivery. There are grave and unique challenges for women with autoimmune disease, but adverse outcomes can sometimes be avoided with careful and multidisciplinary medical management. Pre-conception counselling with regard to medications and disease treatment should also include discussion of the advisability of pregnancy, which may be difficult for a patient, but present the best course for optimizing health outcomes

    Patient care pathways for pregnancy in rare and complex rheumatic diseases: results from an international survey

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    OBJECTIVE: To map existing organizational care pathways in clinical centers of expertise that care for pregnant women affected by rare and complex connective tissue diseases (rcCTDs). METHODS: An international working group composed of experts in the field of pregnancy in rcCTDs co-designed a survey focused on organizational aspects related to the patient's pathway before, during and after pregnancy. The survey was deployed to subject experts via referral sampling. RESULTS: Answers were collected from 69 centers in 21 countries. Patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and/or antiphospholipid syndrome were followed by more than 90% of centers, while diseases such as IgG4-related diseases were rarely covered. In the majority of centers, a multidisciplinary team was involved, including an obstetrician/gynaecologist in 91.3% of cases and other healthcare professionals less frequently. Respondents indicated that 96.0% of the centers provided routine pre-pregnancy care, while the number of patient visits during pregnancy varied across centers. A formalized care-pathway was described in 49.2% of centers, and 20.3% of centers had a pre-defined protocol for the monitoring of pregnant patients. Access to therapies during pregnancy also was heterogeneous among different centers. CONCLUSION: In international referral centers, a high level of care is provided to patients with rcCTDs before, during and after pregnancy. No significant discrepancies were found between European and non-European countries. However, this work highlights a potential benefit to streamline the care approaches across countries in order to optimize pregnancy and perinatal outcomes among patients with rcCTDs

    Clinical and laboratory characteristics of Brazilian versus non-Brazilian primary antiphospholipid syndrome patients in AntiPhospholipid Syndrome Alliance for Clinical Trials and InternatiOnal Networking (APS ACTION) clinical database and repository

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    Abstract Background Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is characterized by episodes of thrombosis, obstetric morbidity or both, associated with persistently positive antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL). Studying the profile of a rare disease in an admixed population is important as it can provide new insights for understanding an autoimmune disease. In this sense of miscegenation, Brazil is characterized by one of the most heterogeneous populations in the world, which is the result of five centuries of interethnic crosses of people from three continents. The objective of this study was to compare the clinical and laboratory characteristics of Brazilian vs. non-Brazilian primary antiphospholipid syndrome (PAPS) patients. Methods We classified PAPS patients into 2 groups: Brazilian PAPS patients (BPAPS) and PAPS patients from other countries (non-BPAPS). They were compared regarding demographic characteristics, criteria and non-criteria APS manifestations, antiphospholipid antibody (aPL) profile, and the adjusted Global Antiphospholipid Syndrome Score (aGAPSS). Results We included 415 PAPS patients (88 [21%] BPAPS and 327 [79%] non-BPAPS). Brazilian patients were significantly younger, more frequently female, sedentary, obese, non-white, and had a higher frequency of livedo (25% vs. 10%, p < 0.001), cognitive dysfunction (21% vs. 8%, p = 0.001) and seizures (16% vs. 7%, p = 0.007), and a lower frequency of thrombocytopenia (9% vs. 18%, p = 0.037). Additionally, they were more frequently positive for lupus anticoagulant (87.5% vs. 74.6%, p = 0.01), and less frequently positive to anticardiolipin (46.6% vs. 73.7%, p < 0.001) and anti-ß2-glycoprotein-I (13.6% vs. 62.7%, p < 0.001) antibodies. Triple aPL positivity was also less frequent (8% vs. 41.6%, p < 0.001) in Brazilian patients. Median aGAPSS was lower in the Brazilian group (8 vs. 10, p < 0.0001). In the multivariate analysis, BPAPS patients still presented more frequently with livedo, cognitive dysfunction and sedentary lifestyle, and less frequently with thrombocytopenia and triple positivity to aPL. They were also less often white. Conclusions Our study suggests a specific profile of PAPS in Brazil with higher frequency of selected non-criteria manifestations and lupus anticoagulant positivity. Lupus anticoagulant (not triple positivity) was the major aPL predictor of a classification criteria event.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/174072/1/42358_2021_Article_222.pd