566 research outputs found

    Layer degradation triggers an abrupt structural transition in multiplex networks

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    Network robustness is a central point in network science, both from a theoretical and a practical point of view. In this paper, we show that layer degradation, understood as the continuous or discrete loss of links' weight, triggers a structural transition revealed by an abrupt change in the algebraic connectivity of the graph. Unlike traditional single layer networks, multiplex networks exist in two phases, one in which the system is protected from link failures in some of its layers and one in which all the system senses the failure happening in one single layer. We also give the exact critical value of the weight of the intra-layer links at which the transition occurs for continuous layer degradation and its relation to the value of the coupling between layers. This relation allows us to reveal the connection between the transition observed under layer degradation and the one observed under the variation of the coupling between layers.Comment: 8 pages, and 8 figures in Revtex style. Submitted for publicatio

    A polynomial eigenvalue approach for multiplex networks

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    We explore the block nature of the matrix representation of multiplex networks, introducing a new formalism to deal with its spectral properties as a function of the inter-layer coupling parameter. This approach allows us to derive interesting results based on an interpretation of the traditional eigenvalue problem. More specifically, we reduce the dimensionality of our matrices but increase the power of the characteristic polynomial, i.e, a polynomial eigenvalue problem. Such an approach may sound counterintuitive at first glance, but it allows us to relate the quadratic problem for a 2-Layer multiplex system with the spectra of the aggregated network and to derive bounds for the spectra, among many other interesting analytical insights. Furthermore, it also permits to directly obtain analytical and numerical insights on the eigenvalue behavior as a function of the coupling between layers. Our study includes the supra-adjacency, supra-Laplacian, and the probability transition matrices, which enable us to put our results under the perspective of structural phases in multiplex networks. We believe that this formalism and the results reported will make it possible to derive new results for multiplex networks in the future.Comment: 15 pages including figures. Submitted for publicatio

    On degree-degree correlations in multilayer networks

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    We propose a generalization of the concept of assortativity based on the tensorial representation of multilayer networks, covering the definitions given in terms of Pearson and Spearman coefficients. Our approach can also be applied to weighted networks and provides information about correlations considering pairs of layers. By analyzing the multilayer representation of the airport transportation network, we show that contrasting results are obtained when the layers are analyzed independently or as an interconnected system. Finally, we study the impact of the level of assortativity and heterogeneity between layers on the spreading of diseases. Our results highlight the need of studying degree-degree correlations on multilayer systems, instead of on aggregated networks.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    A process of rumor scotching on finite populations

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    Rumor spreading is a ubiquitous phenomenon in social and technological networks. Traditional models consider that the rumor is propagated by pairwise interactions between spreaders and ignorants. Spreaders can become stiflers only after contacting spreaders or stiflers. Here we propose a model that considers the traditional assumptions, but stiflers are active and try to scotch the rumor to the spreaders. An analytical treatment based on the theory of convergence of density dependent Markov chains is developed to analyze how the final proportion of ignorants behaves asymptotically in a finite homogeneously mixing population. We perform Monte Carlo simulations in random graphs and scale-free networks and verify that the results obtained for homogeneously mixing populations can be approximated for random graphs, but are not suitable for scale-free networks. Furthermore, regarding the process on a heterogeneous mixing population, we obtain a set of differential equations that describes the time evolution of the probability that an individual is in each state. Our model can be applied to study systems in which informed agents try to stop the rumor propagation. In addition, our results can be considered to develop optimal information dissemination strategies and approaches to control rumor propagation.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    The flying man’s journey : evolution of the multimedia market

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    In the year 1999 and 2000, Nikon and Canon launched the first digital single-lens reflex camera (DSLR’s), and some years later the first DSRL shooting full high definition (HD) video was on the market at an extremely affordable price. Along with the Internet boom and the era of social networks, the multimedia market suffered a dramatic change. Knowledge and equipment became much more accessible, and companies started to see innovative and creative multimedia projects done by individual young enthusiasts that reached larger audiences with extremely low budgets, through the electronic word of mouth on the Internet. Web Marketing became one of the most important marketing tools available for companies. This dissertation focuses on the evolution of the multimedia market, and how Internet and technology affected it, by creating a new market for online content. By making a parallel of a young business student’s path and his market research efforts, the study concludes that there is an open space on Web marketing market and investigates how can the student capitalize on his skills by properly introducing a new brand and concept into the market.No ano de 1999 e 2000, a marca Nikon e Canon lançam no mercado a primeira câmara digital reflex de lente única ( DSLR’s ), e uns anos mais tarde é lançada a primeira DSLR a filmar em alta definição (HD) a um preço extremamente acessível. A era da Internet e das redes sócias veio revolucionar o mercado multimédia. O equipamento e o “know-how”, que eram anteriormente difíceis de obter, tornaram-se baratos e acessíveis, e as empresas começaram a ver projetos inovadores no mercado produzidos por jovens criativos com poucos meios, mas que se tornavam extremamente eficazes atingindo um público enorme e com orçamentos baixos devido à estrutura dos produtores. No entanto mostravam-se eficientes e eficazes parte devido a partilhas e a boca a boca electrónica nas redes sociais. O Web marketing tornou-se uma das ferramentas de marketing mais importantes e utilizadas pelas empresas Esta dissertação centra-se na evolução do mercado de multimédia, e como a Internet e evolução da tecnologia o afetou , através da criação de um novo mercado de conteúdos online. Utilizando o exemplo do progresso de um jovem estudante de gestão como metáfora e fazendo um paralelo com o seu estudo de mercado, a tese visa encontrar a melhor maneira de capitalizar as habilitações do jovem com uma devida introdução da sua marca e conceito no mercado

    Gamification Design with a Domain-Driven Engineering Approach

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    Companies use a variety of methods and processes to improve the quality of their services, which, in turn, would increase the satisfaction of their users and hence their popularity. One of the enhancements that have been used in recent years is known as gamification. With the benefit of being virtually independent of business types, one of the goals of gamification is to solve user engagement issues. Even so, companies fail to achieve their goals after instantiating gamification into their services, and one cause is related to poor gamification design. The main objective of the developed project was to acquire and develop a possible solution to this problem through the use of a specific set of methods, technologies and the Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) approach. In this sense, in-depth research was done into previous gamification applications and other previous attempts to solve the problem at hand. Several gamification concepts were analyzed, gathering as much data as possible about the subject before the conceptualization of the solution’s domain through an MDE approach.As empresas usam uma variedade de métodos e processos para melhorar a qualidade dos seus serviços, o que por sua vez aumentaria a satisfação de seus utilizadores e, consequentemente, sua popularidade. Um exemplo do mesmo que tem sido utilizado nos últimos anos é conhecido como gamification. Com o benefício de ser praticamente independente dos tipos de negócios, um dos objetivos de gamification é resolver problemas relacionados com a interação entre o serviço e o utilizador. Mesmo assim, as empresas não conseguem atingir os seus objetivos após a adição de gamification nos seus serviços, e uma das causas está relacionada a mau design de gamification. O principal objetivo do projeto é desenvolver uma possível solução para o problema através do uso de um conjunto específico de métodos, tecnologias e da abordagem Model-Driven Engineering (MDE). Nesse sentido, uma pesquisa rigorosa foi realizada sobre aplicações existentes de gamification, como também sobre outras tentativas de resolver o problema em questão. Vários conceitos de gamification foram analisados, de forma a reunir o máximo de informação possível sobre o assunto antes da conceituação do domínio para a solução através da abordagem MDE

    On the temporal resolution limits of numerical simulations in complex systems

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    In this paper we formalize, using the Nyquist-Shannon theorem, a fundamental temporal resolution limit for numerical experiments in complex systems. A consequence of this limit is aliasing, the introduction of spurious frequencies due to sampling. By imposing these limits on the uncertainty principle in harmonic analysis, we show that by increasing the sampling interval Δt\Delta t, we can also artificially stretch the temporal behavior of our numerical experiment. Importantly, in limiting cases, we could even observe a new artificially created absorbing state. Our findings are validated in deterministic and stochastic simulations. In deterministic systems, we analyzed the Kuramoto model in which aliasing could be observed. In stochastic simulations, we formalized and compared different simulation approaches and showed their temporal limits. Gillespie-like simulations fully capture the continuous-time Markov chain processes, being lossless. Asynchronous cellular automata methods capture the same transitions as the continuous-time process but lose the temporal information about the process. Finally, synchronous cellular automata simulations solve a sampled chain. By comparing these methods, we show that if Δt\Delta t is not small enough, the cellular automata approach fails to capture the original continuous-time Markov chain since the sampling is already built into the simulation method. Our results point to a fundamental limitation that cannot be overcome by traditional methods of numerical simulations

    The 2011 Tohoku earthquake : the impact on the energy sector

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    The purpose of this paper is to study the impact caused by the Tohoku 2011 earthquake, within the energy sector across the World. In order to measure results, a couple of methodologies that resorted to abnormal returns were undertaken and multiple significance tests were made to verify statistical relevancy on the findings. It has been possible to observe a positive reaction on the “Nuclear Energy” companies, as well as a negative impact on the “Renewable Energy” group, with the most prominent results coming from the second methodology. However, due to the lack of statistical significance across most of the data under study, conclusions tend to be inevitably limited

    Disease Localization in Multilayer Networks

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    We present a continuous formulation of epidemic spreading on multilayer networks using a tensorial representation, extending the models of monoplex networks to this context. We derive analytical expressions for the epidemic threshold of the SIS and SIR dynamics, as well as upper and lower bounds for the disease prevalence in the steady state for the SIS scenario. Using the quasi-stationary state method we numerically show the existence of disease localization and the emergence of two or more susceptibility peaks, which are characterized analytically and numerically through the inverse participation ratio. Furthermore, when mapping the critical dynamics to an eigenvalue problem, we observe a characteristic transition in the eigenvalue spectra of the supra-contact tensor as a function of the ratio of two spreading rates: if the rate at which the disease spreads within a layer is comparable to the spreading rate across layers, the individual spectra of each layer merge with the coupling between layers. Finally, we verified the barrier effect, i.e., for three-layer configuration, when the layer with the largest eigenvalue is located at the center of the line, it can effectively act as a barrier to the disease. The formalism introduced here provides a unifying mathematical approach to disease contagion in multiplex systems opening new possibilities for the study of spreading processes.Comment: Revised version. 25 pages and 18 figure