17 research outputs found

    Innovation ecosystems for industry 4.0 : a collaborative perspective for the provision of digital technologies and platforms

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    Industry 4.0 considers complex interrelated IoT-based technologies for the provision of digital solutions. This complexity demands a vast set of capabilities that are hard to be found in a single technology provider, especially in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Innovation ecosystems allow SMEs to integrate resources and cocreate Industry 4.0 solutions. This thesis investigates the role of collaboration for the development of technologies and solutions in the Industry 4.0 context. To this end, this thesis was organized into three papers, which objectives are: (i) to verify if collaboration through inbound Open Innovation activities with different actors in the supply chain positively moderates the relationship between Industry 4.0 technologies and their expected benefits; (ii) to identify how the characteristics of an innovation ecosystem focused on solutions for Industry 4.0 change at each evolutionary lifecycle stage using elements from social exchange theory; and (iii) to identify which technologies can be configured as platforms through boundary-spanning activities and how they operate collaboratively to develop solutions for Industry 4.0. As a result, this thesis proposes a model that explains the role of collaboration at different levels (supply chains, ecosystems, and platforms) for the development of solutions in the Industry 4.0 context. This research approach combines both qualitative (i.e., focus group, interviews, and case studies) and quantitative (i.e., survey research with multivariate data analysis) aspects. The main results obtained are: (i) we show how collaboration with different actors in the supply chain through Open Innovation strategy has both positive and negative impacts on three strategies associated with product development (cost reduction, focalization, and innovation); (ii) we define the main characteristics of innovation ecosystems focused on the provision of Industry 4.0 solutions, considering an evolutionary lifecycles perspective and a Social Exchange view (iii) we define which are the different technology platforms of the Industry 4.0 context at different operation levels using Boundary-Spanning view. As remarking conclusions, from an academic perspective, these results help to understand how collaboration for the development of new solutions in Industry 4.0 can be analyzed under different perspectives (Open Innovation, Social Exchange Theory, and Boundary-Spanning) and in different contexts of integration (supply chains, ecosystems, and platforms). From a practical perspective, the results help to enlighten a trending business topic by showing how the collaboration among technology providers for Industry 4.0 should be fostered and developed


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    The research aims to structure hierarchically an approach about the importance in decision making processes in the organizational environment, facilitating the applicability of Lean principles. The proposal was carried out using the Fuzzy - Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP). We used the parity and individual matrices between three managers and nine supervisor’s experts in production through individual questionnaire application and focal group. The answers were collected through the categorical application, where the moderator role was conducted by the researchers themselves with six constructs and 33 subconstructs in three companies from different branches, having characteristics closely related in the manufacturing sector. As results about the companies’ operations and processes, the values that obtained the highest degree of importance were the management construct (23%); capacity (22%) and costs (20%). We conclude for Lean principles these three factors have a 65% impact degree on decisions.Keywords: FAHP. Lean. Manufacturing. Decision Making Processes. Production.RESUMOA pesquisa buscou estruturar hierarquicamente uma abordagem sobre a importância em processos decisórios no âmbito organizacional, facilitando a aplicabilidade dos princípios Lean. A proposta transcorreu com o auxílio analítico de Fuzzy – Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP). Desse modo, utilizou-se das matrizes paritárias e individuais entre três gestores e nove supervisores especialistas em produção utilizando técnicas de aplicação de questionário individual e grupo focal respectivamente. As respostas foram coletadas por meio da aplicação categórica, no qual o papel de moderador foi realizado pelos pesquisadores, com seis constructos e 33 subconstructos em três empresas de ramos diferentes, mas com características do setor manufatureiras fortemente relacionadas. Como respostas sobre as operações e processos das indústrias no âmbito atual, os valores que obtiveram maior grau de importância foram o constructo gestão (23%); capacidade (22%) e custos (20%). Conclui-se que, para princípios Lean, estes três fatores engajados impactam em um grau de 65% nas decisões.Palavras-chave: FAHP. Lean. Manufatureiras. Processos Decisórios. Produção

    Understanding industry 4.0 : definitions and insights from a cognitive map analysis

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    Goal: The purpose of this paper is to present an analysis of Industry 4.0 concepts and technologies through the lens of practitioners and scholars with considerable expertise in this field. Design / Methodology / Approach: A qualitative research was conducted based on seven semi-structured interviews guided by an open questionnaire, which was developed with the main goal of understanding the concept of Industry 4.0 and the technologies that compose this industrial phenomenon. Results: Based on this methodology, a cognitive map is presented as the result and final product of this study. This cognitive map is composed of five different clusters, each one represented by different colors, which relate to each of the questions in the questionnaire. Our analysis provides a better understanding of (i) the main concepts of Industry 4.0; (ii) the implementation stages for companies; (iii) the main enabling technologies; (iv) the concept of M2M (machine-to-machine); and (v) the scenario in Brazil. Each one of the clusters enables a discussion by bringing what is in the literature on the topic. Limitations of the investigation: The main limitations of the article are found in the subjectivity of the results and also in the scarcity in the literature related to some topics covered in the clusters. Practical implications: This research can be potentially useful for practitioners, since it sheds light on the Industry 4.0 concept and how technologies are used to integrate processes. Originality / Value: The clusters answers of the cognitive map allowed comparisons with the literature and a discussion about Industry 4.0, making it possible to direct and check gaps in the research

    Comparative analysis between transportation modes for sustainability perspective in one metropolitan region of southern Brazil

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    Paper aims: The objective is to make a comparative analysis between different transportation modes used in the Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre and to analyze its performance in relation to time, cost and carbon emissions. Originality: Investigation of the urban mobility situation on the perspective of sustainability in a Latin American city, including the analysis of Uber pool, implemented in November 2018 in the metropolitan region analyzed. Research method: A case study was carried out in the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre, as well as the definition of 4 different routes used as unit of analysis for different types of transportation modes. Main findings: Riding bicycle is a very convenient transportation mode in terms of its environmental perspectives and costs. However, the time of locomotion using bicycle is superior in relation to other modes of transportation. Therefore, riding a private car still stands out in the comparisons between different types of transport, since it is a faster mode of transportation. Implications for theory and practice: As riding bicycle is a very convenient transportation mode, we highlight the importance of encouraging its use. People can benefit from practicing physical exercise while moving from one place to another and also benefit the environment from lowering carbon emissions

    Sustainable conditions for the development of renewable energy systems : a triple bottom line perspective

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    Renewable energy systems (RES) have been proposed as an effective solution for sustainable development. However, the impact of municipal contextual conditions on the development of RES is still unclear. One of the literature gaps is the lack of understanding of whether the balanced development of economic, social, and environmental aspects of sustainability – the triple bottom line (TBL) perspective – can support RES policy. We conducted a quantitative analysis of 727 medium- and large-sized German municipalities to understand whether municipalities should create contextual conditions around the TBL dimensions to support RES policy. Furthermore, we applied a cluster analysis to establish the patterns of RES adoption supported by the TBL. Our results document that advanced adopters of RES are more advanced regarding the economic and environmental aspects of the TBL, and their RES development outperforms in the development of a knowledge-base and social cooperation. In contrast, regions with less RES development primarily emphasize reducing energy dependency and increasing social acceptance. As the main contribution, the study provides a novel view on how sustainability and RES development work together by providing details about the connection between specific TBL dimensions and elements with different maturity levels of RES policy implementation


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    Buscou-se com esta pesquisa o desenvolvimento de uma nova metodologia de implantação que interaja com a tecnologia de informação e a flexibilização da manufatura através das metodologias de gerenciamento: gestão por processo e manufatura enxuta. A análise destas metodologias deu-se por dois aspectos: em quais aspectos elas são complementares e que pontos elas são compatíveis. Para o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa foram utilizados métodos quantitativos e qualitativas. Com relação à forma de levantamento de dados pode-se classificar esta pesquisa como exploratória e um estudo de caso. Para esta aplicação foi realizado um estudo de caso em uma empresa de médio porte que atua no ramo de embalagens plásticas. Com o resultado da pesquisa foi possível identificar a compatibilidade e complementariedade entre as duas ferramentas de gerenciamento: gestão por processos e manufatura enxuta e a partir deste ponto o resultado da pesquisa foi desenvolvido uma nova metodologia, onde foi identificado alguns pontos onde a informação ainda é ineficiente e o desperdício de matéria-prima e de tempo é alto

    Estudo de layout e avaliação de desempenho na área hospitalar

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    Esta dissertação apresenta o uso de técnicas para o estudo de layout e avaliação de desempenho do setor de radiologia de um hospital universitário. A dissertação foi elaborada em formato de três artigos científicos, cujos temas e objetivos são: (i) aplicar a análise de conglomerados como etapa preliminar do planejamento sistemático de layout (Systematic Layout Planning – SLP) para planejar o layout do setor de radiologia de um hospital universitário; (ii) realizar uma revisão sistemática das técnicas e conceitos adotados para planejar layouts em ambientes hospitalares; e (iii) usar cartas de controle para avaliar o desempenho dos médicos do setor de radiologia de um hospital universitário. Os métodos desenvolvidos para os itens (i) e (iii) foram avaliados através da aplicação de estudos de caso, em exemplos com dados reais. Os métodos propostos para o item (i) foram adaptados especificamente para este caso. Para o item (ii) a metodologia proposta foi de pesquisa exploratória e descritiva, buscando referências na literatura para estudar e discorrer acerca do tema. Para o item (iii), o método foi implementado na prática em um ambiente onde existem apenas estudos de caráter conceitual. Os métodos apresentaram resultados satisfatórios em todos os casos. No primeiro artigo, chegou-se a um layout considerado ideal, separando zonas de ruído e de silêncio, e potencialmente melhorando a produtividade do setor de radiologia. Já no segundo artigo, conceitos, premissas e técnicas sobre o planejamento de layout em hospitais foram apresentados e difundidos, e lacunas e direcionamentos da pesquisa foram apontados. No terceiro artigo, foi possível avaliar o desempenho dos radiologistas através das cartas de controle e calcular a capacidade do processo usando os índices Cp e Cpk.This study presents the use of techniques for the layout study and performance evaluation in a radiology sector of an university hospital. The study was performed in the form of three scientific articles, whose themes and objectives are: (i) to apply clustering analisys as the preliminary step of Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) to plan the layout of the radiology sector of a universitary hospital; (ii) to carry out a systematic review of the techniques and concepts adopted to plan layouts in hospital settings; and (iii) to use control charts to evaluate the performance of radiologists in a university hospital. The methods developed for items (i) and (iii) were evaluated through the application of case studies in examples with real data. The proposed methods for item (i) were adapted specifically for this case. For item (ii), the methodology proposed was exploratory and descriptive, seeking references in the literature to study and discuss the subject. For item (iii), the method was performed in a case study in an environment where there are only conceptual studies. The methods presented satisfactory results in all cases. In the first article, we reached an ideal layout, separating zones by noise and silence, and potentially improving the productivity of the radiology sector. In the second article, concepts, premises and techniques about layout planning in healthcare were presented and disseminated, gaps and directions of the research were pointed out. In the third article, it was possible to evaluate the performance of the radiologists through the control charts and to calculate the capacity of the process using the indexes Cp and Cpk

    Estudo de layout e avaliação de desempenho na área hospitalar

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    Esta dissertação apresenta o uso de técnicas para o estudo de layout e avaliação de desempenho do setor de radiologia de um hospital universitário. A dissertação foi elaborada em formato de três artigos científicos, cujos temas e objetivos são: (i) aplicar a análise de conglomerados como etapa preliminar do planejamento sistemático de layout (Systematic Layout Planning – SLP) para planejar o layout do setor de radiologia de um hospital universitário; (ii) realizar uma revisão sistemática das técnicas e conceitos adotados para planejar layouts em ambientes hospitalares; e (iii) usar cartas de controle para avaliar o desempenho dos médicos do setor de radiologia de um hospital universitário. Os métodos desenvolvidos para os itens (i) e (iii) foram avaliados através da aplicação de estudos de caso, em exemplos com dados reais. Os métodos propostos para o item (i) foram adaptados especificamente para este caso. Para o item (ii) a metodologia proposta foi de pesquisa exploratória e descritiva, buscando referências na literatura para estudar e discorrer acerca do tema. Para o item (iii), o método foi implementado na prática em um ambiente onde existem apenas estudos de caráter conceitual. Os métodos apresentaram resultados satisfatórios em todos os casos. No primeiro artigo, chegou-se a um layout considerado ideal, separando zonas de ruído e de silêncio, e potencialmente melhorando a produtividade do setor de radiologia. Já no segundo artigo, conceitos, premissas e técnicas sobre o planejamento de layout em hospitais foram apresentados e difundidos, e lacunas e direcionamentos da pesquisa foram apontados. No terceiro artigo, foi possível avaliar o desempenho dos radiologistas através das cartas de controle e calcular a capacidade do processo usando os índices Cp e Cpk.This study presents the use of techniques for the layout study and performance evaluation in a radiology sector of an university hospital. The study was performed in the form of three scientific articles, whose themes and objectives are: (i) to apply clustering analisys as the preliminary step of Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) to plan the layout of the radiology sector of a universitary hospital; (ii) to carry out a systematic review of the techniques and concepts adopted to plan layouts in hospital settings; and (iii) to use control charts to evaluate the performance of radiologists in a university hospital. The methods developed for items (i) and (iii) were evaluated through the application of case studies in examples with real data. The proposed methods for item (i) were adapted specifically for this case. For item (ii), the methodology proposed was exploratory and descriptive, seeking references in the literature to study and discuss the subject. For item (iii), the method was performed in a case study in an environment where there are only conceptual studies. The methods presented satisfactory results in all cases. In the first article, we reached an ideal layout, separating zones by noise and silence, and potentially improving the productivity of the radiology sector. In the second article, concepts, premises and techniques about layout planning in healthcare were presented and disseminated, gaps and directions of the research were pointed out. In the third article, it was possible to evaluate the performance of the radiologists through the control charts and to calculate the capacity of the process using the indexes Cp and Cpk

    How can SMEs participate successfully in Industry 4.0 ecosystems?

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    Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) may find it challenging to acquire the technologies and capabilities associated with Industry 4.0. This chapter investigates the role of collaboration within supply chains for the development of technologies and solutions in Industry 4.0, with a specific focus on SMEs. We explore collaboration in the digital era through three lenses: (i) Open Innovation; (ii) Social Exchange Theory; and (iii) Boundary-Spanning. We show how horizontal and vertical collaboration in supply chains support Industry 4.0 technology development and explain how these relationships can create innovation ecosystems for Industry 4.0 solution development. We base our findings on a longitudinal study of a Brazilian ecosystem. We mapped the relationships and technologies offered by 87 SMEs and interviewed 37 stakeholders of this ecosystem. We also followed a testbed project for 2.5 years to collect observational data and interviewed 40 enterprises. We discuss how relationships evolve in an innovation ecosystem oriented to Industry 4.0 technology solution provision and how technology platforms emerge within the ecosystem. The findings show how collaboration in such ecosystems can support technology development for SMEs in the Industry 4.0 context. Based on the findings we present a threestage collaboration model to support SME engagement in Industry 4.0