43 research outputs found

    Physics-informed laboratory estimation of Sargassum windage

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    A recent Maxey--Riley theory for \sarg raft motion, which models a raft as a network of elastically interacting finite-size, buoyant particles, predicts the carrying flow velocity to be given by the weighted sum of the water and air velocities (1−α)v+αw(1-\alpha)\mathbf{v} + \alpha \mathbf w. The theory provides a closed formula for parameter α\alpha, referred to as \emph{windage}, depending on water-to-particle-density ratio or buoyancy (δ\delta). From a series of laboratory experiments in an air--water stream flume facility under controlled conditions, we estimate α\alpha ranging from 0.02 to 0.96\pct. On average, our windage estimates can be up to 9 times smaller than considered in conventional \emph{Sargassum} raft transport modeling, wherein it is customary to add a fraction of w\mathbf w to v\mathbf{v} chosen in an ad-hoc piecemeal manner. Using the formula provided by the Maxey--Riley theory, we estimate δ\delta ranging from 1.00 to 1.49. This is consistent with direct δ\delta measurements, ranging from 0.9 to 1.25, which provide support for our α\alpha estimation

    Ocean convergence and the dispersion of flotsam

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    Floating oil, plastics, and marine organisms are continually redistributed by ocean surface currents. Prediction of their resulting distribution on the surface is a fundamental, long-standing, and practically important problem. The dominant paradigm is dispersion within the dynamical context of a nondivergent flow: objects initially close together will on average spread apart but the area of surface patches of material does not change. Although this paradigm is likely valid at mesoscales, larger than 100 km in horizontal scale, recent theoretical studies of submesoscales (less than ∼10 km) predict strong surface convergences and downwelling associated with horizontal density fronts and cyclonic vortices. Here we show that such structures can dramatically concentrate floating material. More than half of an array of ∼200 surface drifters covering ∼20 × 20 km2 converged into a 60 × 60 m region within a week, a factor of more than 105 decrease in area, before slowly dispersing. As predicted, the convergence occurred at density fronts and with cyclonic vorticity. A zipperlike structure may play an important role. Cyclonic vorticity and vertical velocity reached 0.001 s−1 and 0.01 ms−1, respectively, which is much larger than usually inferred. This suggests a paradigm in which nearby objects form submesoscale clusters, and these clusters then spread apart. Together, these effects set both the overall extent and the finescale texture of a patch of floating material. Material concentrated at submesoscale convergences can create unique communities of organisms, amplify impacts of toxic material, and create opportunities to more efficiently recover such material

    Ocean convergence and the dispersion of flotsam

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    Floating oil, plastics, and marine organisms are continually redistributed by ocean surface currents. Prediction of their resulting distribution on the surface is a fundamental, long-standing, and practically important problem. The dominant paradigm is dispersion within the dynamical context of a nondivergent flow: objects initially close together will on average spread apart but the area of surface patches of material does not change. Although this paradigm is likely valid at mesoscales, larger than 100 km in horizontal scale, recent theoretical studies of submesoscales (less than ∼10 km) predict strong surface convergences and downwelling associated with horizontal density fronts and cyclonic vortices. Here we show that such structures can dramatically concentrate floating material. More than half of an array of ∼200 surface drifters covering ∼20 × 20 km2 converged into a 60 × 60 m region within a week, a factor of more than 105 decrease in area, before slowly dispersing. As predicted, the convergence occurred at density fronts and with cyclonic vorticity. A zipperlike structure may play an important role. Cyclonic vorticity and vertical velocity reached 0.001 s−1 and 0.01 ms−1, respectively, which is much larger than usually inferred. This suggests a paradigm in which nearby objects form submesoscale clusters, and these clusters then spread apart. Together, these effects set both the overall extent and the finescale texture of a patch of floating material. Material concentrated at submesoscale convergences can create unique communities of organisms, amplify impacts of toxic material, and create opportunities to more efficiently recover such material

    Larval Fishes Utilize Batesian Mimicry as a Survival Strategy in the Plankton

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    Marine teleost fishes often experience over 99% mortality in the early life stages (eggs and larvae), yet larval survival is essential to population sustainability. Marine fish larvae from a wide range of families display elaborate, delicate features that bear little resemblance to adult forms and hinder their swimming escape ability by increasing drag. Here, we systematically examine the criteria needed for Batesian mimicry to evolve as a survival strategy and present new evidence from in situ imaging technology and simulation modelling to support the hypothesis that many larval morphological features (particularly long, delicate fin rays) and behaviors evolved at least in part through Batesian mimicry of less palatable or noxious gelatinous zooplankton. Many of these organisms (e.g. hydromedusae, ctenophores, and siphonophores) are much more abundant than previously recognized. The high predation mortality during the larval phase provides strong potential for selection in favor of maintaining complex and metabolically costly features that mimic gelatinous zooplankton, provided that larger fishes, as selective visual predators, can occasionally be fooled. We conclude that recent advances in our understanding of mimicry combined with information obtained from plankton imaging supports the hypothesis that Batesian mimicry is a widespread survival strategy for larval fishes, which could have broad implications for fish population dynamics. However, further research is needed in the areas of predator cognition and larval fish behavior in the presence of different predators and models to elucidate the circumstances in which the larval fish mimicry hypothesis may apply