29 research outputs found

    Losone: un edificio esencial

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    Analisi di stabilità di un pendio detritico montano tramite impiego di georadar installato su drone

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    Il presente lavoro descrive le attività svolte in merito alla verifica della stabilità di un pendio detritico naturale posto in zona montana di difficile accesso nella catena delle Alpi Occidentali. I dati necessari alle analisi sono stati raccolti ed elaborati attraverso tecniche geomatiche quali, in particolare, rilievi fotogrammetrici con drone con lo scopo di acquisire delle foto prospettiche dalle quali produrre una nuvola di punti georeferenziata e successivamente un ortofotomosaico. Il rilievo è stato eseguito con un drone tipo DJI Mavic 2 Pro. Contestualmente ai rilievi fotogrammetrici sono stati eseguiti rilievi topografici di Ground Control Points necessari nella fase di orientamento esterno dei fotogrammi. I fotogrammi sono stati elaborati utilizzando il software Agisoft Metashape. La nuvola 3D densa prodotta è stata successivamente interpolata in modo da generare un modello digitale denso della superficie (DDSM) in formato raster. Sulla base del DDSM sono state ortocorrette le immagini fotografiche ottenendo degli ortofotomosaici. Allo scopo di determinare lo spessore della coltre detritica naturale al di sopra del bedrock, sono stati eseguiti 2 rilievi geofisici utilizzando lo strumento COBRA Plug‐In GPR Model SE-150, installato su drone DJI M600Pro. L’indagine si è svolta sorvolandolo direttamente l’area di interesse a circa 1.5 metri dalla superficie e raggiungendo aree altrimenti non investigabili per motivi di sicurezza. I dati del rilievo georadar sono stati elaborati con l’ausilio dell’applicativo PRISM® 2.6. La nuvola di punti 3D ottenuta dal rilievo fotogrammetrico ha permesso la ricostruzione delle corrette geometrie del corpo detritico naturale. Tramite il software open source CloudCompare Omnia, sono stati selezionati profili rappresentativi dell’area di interesse in seguito importati all’interno del software RocScience Slide2. La ricostruzione della profondità del contatto tra la copertura detritica e il bedrock è stata eseguita estrapolando le informazioni ricavate dalle tracce georadar più prossime al profilo di interesse. Le verifiche sono state effettuate valutando diversi scenari quali: condizioni statiche, dinamiche con presenza di sisma, condizioni statiche con presenza di neve e dinamiche con presenza contemporanea di neve e sisma. L’impiego del georadar installato su un drone si è dimostrato un ottimo metodo di indagine in situazioni in cui l’area di studio risulta essere inaccessibile alle classiche analisi geofisiche per motivi morfologici e di sicurezza. La combinazione quindi di dati ottenuti tramite rilievi topo-cartografici e areofotogrammetrici con rilievo geofisico da drone ha permesso lo studio della stabilità di un versante naturale in area critica

    Overcoming treatment-resistant depression with machine-learning based tools: a study protocol combining EEG and clinical data to personalize glutamatergic and brain stimulation interventions (SelecTool Project)

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    © 2024 The Authors. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Treatment-Resistant Depression (TRD) poses a substantial health and economic challenge, persisting as a major concern despite decades of extensive research into novel treatment modalities. The considerable heterogeneity in TRD’s clinical manifestations and neurobiological bases has complicated efforts toward effective interventions. Recognizing the need for precise biomarkers to guide treatment choices in TRD, herein we introduce the SelecTool Project. This initiative focuses on developing (WorkPlane 1/WP1) and conducting preliminary validation (WorkPlane 2/WP2) of a computational tool (SelecTool) that integrates clinical data, neurophysiological (EEG) and peripheral (blood sample) biomarkers through a machine-learning framework designed to optimize TRD treatment protocols. The SelecTool project aims to enhance clinical decision-making by enabling the selection of personalized interventions. It leverages multi-modal data analysis to navigate treatment choices towards two validated therapeutic options for TRD: esketamine nasal spray (ESK-NS) and accelerated repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (arTMS). In WP1, 100 subjects with TRD will be randomized to receive either ESK-NS or arTMS, with comprehensive evaluations encompassing neurophysiological (EEG), clinical (psychometric scales), and peripheral (blood samples) assessments both at baseline (T0) and one month post-treatment initiation (T1). WP2 will utilize the data collected in WP1 to train the SelecTool algorithm, followed by its application in a second, out-of-sample cohort of 20 TRD subjects, assigning treatments based on the tool’s recommendations. Ultimately, this research seeks to revolutionize the treatment of TRD by employing advanced machine learning strategies and thorough data analysis, aimed at unraveling the complex neurobiological landscape of depression. This effort is expected to provide pivotal insights that will promote the development of more effective and individually tailored treatment strategies, thus addressing a significant void in current TRD management and potentially reducing its profound societal and economic burdens.Peer reviewe

    Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 12

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    In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions. Nomenclatural and distribution updates published elsewhere are provided as Suppl. material 1

    Losone: un edificio esencial

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    Un centre d'oenologie, entre tradition et technologie (Conthey, VS)

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    Revalorisation du site de la Tour Lombarde par le centre valaisan d'oenologie

    Approccio multidisciplinare per la valutazione della pericolosità di frana: indagini geologico-tecniche, idrogeologiche, geochimiche e isotopiche per la determinazione degli apporti idrici sotterranei nella frana di Cassana in Val di Magra (Massa-Carrara, Italia)

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    Cassana is placed in the Magra River Valley (Tuscany, Italy). A large and slow complex landslide involves the ancient village and causes severe damage and high risk. Many investigations were performed, aiming at gathering data and information and developing methodologies, in order to realize countermeasures and mitigate the risk. Geological and geomorphological investigations, subsurface exploration (core drillings, seismic refraction survey), geotechnical analysis, deformation and piezometer monitoring were carried out. Moreover, chemical and isotopic analyses on the underground waters were performed, aiming at identifying their intake areas and underground ways in the landslide bodies close to the village. The geochemical and isotopic investigations gave a meaningful contribution in reconstructing a geometric, kinematic and hydrogeological model of the Cassana landslide. This allowed the elaboration of a hypothetical outline of the underground water circulation and the individuation of some intake areas and preferential ways of the underground waters, greatly influencing the landslide and village instability. In conclusion, the geochemical and isotopic approach to the slope instability represents a possible and innovatory application of the chemical-isotopic technique in investigating the landslide causes

    Reducing time delays in the management of ischemic stroke patients in Northern Italy

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    Background and purpose Thrombolysis represents the best therapy for ischemic stroke but the main limitation of its administration is time. The avoidable delay is a concept reflecting the effectiveness of management pathway. For this reason, we projected a study concerning the detection of main delays with following introduction of corrective factors. In this paper we describe the results after these corrections. Materials and methods Consecutive patients admitted for ischemic stroke during a 3-months period to 35 hospitals of a macro-area of Northern Italy were enrolled. Each time of management was registered, identifying three main intervals: pre-hospital, in-hospital and total times. Previous corrective interventions were: 1.increasing of population awareness to use the Emergency Medical Service (EMS); 2.pre-notification of Emergency Department; 3.use of high urgency codes; 4.use of standardised operational algorithm. Statistical analysis was conducted using time-to-event analysis and Cox proportional hazard regression. Results 1084 patients were enrolled. EMS was alerted for 56.3% of subjects, mainly in females and severe strokes (p < 0.001). Thrombolytic treatment was performed in 4.7% of patients. Median pre-hospital and in-hospital times were 113 and 105 min, while total time was 240. High urgency codes at transport contributed to reduce pre-hospital and in-hospital time (p < 0.05). EMS use and high urgency codes promoted thrombolysis. Treatment within 4.5 hours from symptom onset was performed in 14% of patients more than the first phase of study. Conclusions The implementation of an organizational system based on EMS and concomitant high urgency codes use was effective to reduce avoidable delay and to increase thrombolysis

    Medications mostly associated with hematuria: assessment of the EudraVigilance and Food and Drug Administration pharmacovigilance databases entries

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    Background: Drugs may have a direct causative role in triggering hematuria. The range of medications which may be responsible for hematuria is wide, but little is known on those which are most frequently involved. The aim of our study was to identify and compare drugs mostly related with hematuria. Methods: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) database and the EudraVigilance (EV) database were queried to identify the drugs which were associated the most with hematuria individual reports till 30 September 2021. Rivaroxaban, aspirin, warfarin sodium, clopidogrel bisulfate, dabigatran etexilate mesylate, apixaban, warfarin, cyclophosphamide, lansoprazole, enoxaparin sodium, and ibuprofen were analyzed. Analysis per gender, age and severity was performed. Disproportional analysis was performed to compare drugs. Results: Overall, 15,687 reports of hematuria were recorded in the FDA database and 15 007 in the EV database. Rivaroxaban and Warfarin appear to be the most dangerous medications in terms of hematuria when compared to the other medications (PRR&gt;1, P&lt;0.05) while apixaban is the safest one (PRR&lt;1, P&lt;0.05) when compared to the other medications. In terms of severity only 162/15 007 (1.08%) were fatal. Between the drugs analyzed cyclophosphamide 7.2%, enoxaparin (3%) and dabigatran (2.5%) presented a higher number of fatal hematuria episodes when compared to the other drugs (&lt;1%). Conclusions: Anticoagulants and antiplatelets are more frequently related to hematuria episodes however some differences exist between them. Particularly warfarin and rivaroxaban should be prescribed with caution in patients at increased risk of hematuria. Prescribers should inform those treated with these medications about the risk of hematuria and its sequelae