28 research outputs found

    Bibliometric analysis of studies on whole body electromyostimulation

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    Whole Body Electromyostimulation [WB-EMS] is a training methodology that applies electrostimulation in the main muscle groups of the human body superimposed with active training exercises. This study aims to carry out a bibliometric analysis on WB-EMS to provide an overview of the state of research and provide new insights for research in the field. Method: One hundred and two citations extracted were examined using a bibliometric approach based on data stored in the Web of Science Core Collection, applying traditional bibliometric laws, and using VOSviewer and excel for data and metadata processing. Results: Among the results, this study points out that Germany is the country that produces more scientific knowledge on WB-EMS. Wolfgang Kemmler is the most relevant author in this field. Moreover, Frontier of Physiology is the journal where the authors publish the most. Conclusion: Research on WB-EMS has been growing in recent years. German and Spanish researchers lead two clusters where most studies and collaborations in this field are carried out. These findings will provide a better understanding of the state of WB-EMS research and may guide the emergence of new lines of investigation and research ideas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluación del impacto económico, del programa de apoyo al emprendimiento étnico originario en una zona de rezago de Chile

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    Aquesta investigació comença des d'una visió local definint les zones que es troben sota el programa de Zones Retardades, l'objectiu de les quals és disminuir les diferències socioeconòmiques en aquests territoris. Les zones decretades són el Territori Lafkenche (Regió de l'Araucania), Secano Maule Sud (Regió del Maule), Província d'Arauco (Regió del Biobío), Vall de l'Itata (Regió del Ñuble), Choapa-Limarí (Regió de Coquimbo) i la Província del Ranco (Regió dels Rius) (Salazar-Sepúlveda & Vega-Muñoz, 2018). Respecte a la seva situació les tres primeres presenten un major nivell de pobresa per ingressos que la resta del país, concentrant població principalment indígena (mapuche) a les regions de l'Araucania (44,35%), els Ríos (14,41%) i del Biobío (13.35%) i presentant una millor condició econòmica a la població no indígena, i distingint focus d'inversió en: desenvolupament econòmic local en àmbits de l'agricultura, turisme, vitivinícola, entre d'altres, infraestructura habilitant, desenvolupament sustentable, medi ambient i capital humà (Salazar-Sepúlveda & Vega-Muñoz, 2018). Posteriorment un marc teòric des de l'emprenedoria, les seves tres línies de recerca principals, relacionant aquestes amb el concepte d'impacte econòmic i la importància en el seu mesurament. Dins la rellevància per a l'avaluació de l'impacte econòmic hi ha els projectes beneficiats pel Centre de Desenvolupament de Negocis (CDN), com l'estimació entre la relació entre el nombre de llocs de treball generats, millora d'ingressos, negocis que es van veure beneficiats entre d'altres . Aquesta creació d'emprenedoria és vista des del reconeixement d'una oportunitat versus l'autoocupació, considerant la innovació com una variable clau a l'hora de proposar un valor agregat diferenciador (Porter, 1985). Posteriorment es treballa des de l'Etnicitat del públic objectiu a estudiar des de la seva etapa colonial fins als nostres dies, assenyalant la bretxa que s'ha produït en no considerar-ne la cosmovisió i la cultura en els models negocis que s'apliquen actualment. En això el foment Productiu i la creació de xarxes a través dels centres de desenvolupament de negocis, els quals tenen com a objectiu contribuir al desenvolupament de les empreses i l'obtenció d'impacte econòmic (Sercotec, 2018). En una tercera etapa, una sèrie d'elements per considerar la província d'Arauco com la unitat d'estudi, atès el temps que porta el centre de negocis, la població objectiu que atén i la condició de endarreriment que presenta. En això s'efectua una caracterització econòmica destacant que, en comunes amb alt percentatge de població Mapuches, el seu creixement ha estat marcat en empreses petites i mitjanes i en sectors de l'economia com són agricultura, ramaderia, silvicultura i pesca. En una quarta etapa una anàlisi del programa de suport a l'emprenedoria a través dels centres de negocis a través de teoria fonamentada i entrevistes semiestructurades, tenint com a resultats: una descripció de les microempreses les habilitats emprenedores i empresarials adquirides a l'assessoria tècnica, la motivació aconseguida donat un acompanyament empàtic i compromès i l'impacte econòmic reflectit en l'acceleració de vendes i augment de llocs de treball tot això des del punt de vista qualitatiu (Vega et al., 2018). Finalment, els principals resultats basats en l'enquesta de Chrisman, 1991 per a l'avaluació de l'impacte econòmic obtenint quins sectors contribueixen a l'increment dels llocs de treball i l'augment dels ingressos, a més s'obtenen experiències positives d'aquests emprenedors i micro-empresaris en optar per aquesta classe serveis per accedir a capacitacions, assessories i postulacions a línies de finançament.Esta investigación comienza desde una visión local definiendo las zonas que se encuentran bajo el programa de Zonas Rezagadas, cuyo objetivo es disminuir las diferencias socioeconómicas en estos territorios. Las zonas decretadas son el Territorio Lafkenche (Región de la Araucanía), Secano Maule Sur (Región del Maule), Provincia de Arauco (Región del Biobío), Valle del Itata (Región del Ñuble), Choapa-Limarí (Región de Coquimbo) y la Provincia del Ranco (Región de los Ríos) (Salazar-Sepúlveda & Vega-Muñoz, 2018). Respecto a su situación las tres primeras presentan un mayor nivel de pobreza por ingresos que el resto del país, concentrando población principalmente indígena (mapuche) en las regiones de la Araucanía (44,35%), los Ríos (14,41%) y del Biobío (13.35%) y presentando una mejor condición económica en la población no indígena, y distinguiendo focos de inversión en: desarrollo económico local en ámbitos de la agricultura, turismo, vitivinícola, entre otros, infraestructura habilitante, desarrollo sustentable, medio ambiente y capital humano (Salazar-Sepúlveda & Vega-Muñoz, 2018). Posteriormente un marco teórico desde el emprendimiento, sus tres principales líneas de investigación, relacionando estas con el concepto de Impacto económico y la importancia en su medición. Dentro de la relevancia para la evaluación del impacto económico se encuentra los proyectos beneficiados por el Centro de Desarrollo de Negocios (CDN), como la estimación entre la relación entre el número de empleos generados, mejora de ingresos, negocios que se vieron beneficiados entre otros. Esta creación de emprendimientos es vista desde el reconocimiento de una oportunidad versus el autoempleo, considerando la innovación como una variable clave a la hora de proponer un valor agregado diferenciador (Porter, 1985). Posteriormente se trabaja desde la Etnicidad del público objetivo a estudiar desde su etapa colonial hasta nuestros días, señalando la brecha que se ha producido al no considerar su cosmovisión y su cultura en los modelos negocios que se aplican actualmente. En ello el fomento Productivo y la creación de redes a través de los centros de desarrollo de negocios, los cuales tienen como objetivo el contribuir al desarrollo de las empresas y la obtención de impacto económico (Sercotec, 2018). En una tercera etapa una serie de elementos para considerar la provincia de Arauco como la unidad de estudio, dado el tiempo que lleva el centro de negocios, la población objetivo que atiende y la condición de rezago que presenta. En ello se efectúa una caracterización económica destacando que, en comunas con alto porcentaje de población Mapuches, su crecimiento ha estado marcado en empresas pequeñas y medianas y en sectores de la economía como lo son agricultura, ganadería, silvicultura y pesca. En una cuarta etapa un análisis del programa de apoyo al emprendimiento a través de los centros de negocios a través de teoría fundamentada y entrevistas semiestructuradas, teniendo como resultados: una descripción de las microempresas las habilidades emprendedoras y empresariales adquiridas en la asesoría técnica, la motivación alcanzada dado un acompañamiento empático y comprometido y el impacto económico reflejado en la aceleración de ventas y aumento de empleos todo esto desde el punto de vista cualitativo (Vega et al., 2018). Finalmente, los principales resultados en base a la encuesta de Chrisman, 1991 para la evaluación del impacto económico obteniendo que sectores contribuyen al incremento de los puestos de trabajo y el aumento de los ingresos, además se obtienen positivas experiencias de estos emprendedores y microempresarios al optar por esta clase servicios para acceder a capacitaciones, asesorías y postulaciones a líneas de financiamiento.This research begins from a local perspective by defining the zones that are under the Lagging Zones program, whose objective is to reduce the socioeconomic differences in these territories. The decreed zones are the Lafkenche Territory (Araucanía Region), Secano Maule Sur (Maule Region), Arauco Province (Biobío Region), Itata Valley (Ñuble Region), Choapa-Limarí (Coquimbo Region) and Ranco Province (Los Ríos Region) (Salazar-Sepúlveda & Vega-Muñoz, 2018). Regarding their situation the first three present a higher level of income poverty than the rest of the country, concentrating mainly indigenous (Mapuche) population in the regions of Araucanía (44.35%), Los Ríos (14.41%) and Biobío (13. 35%) and presenting a better economic condition in the non-indigenous population, and distinguishing investment focuses in: local economic development in areas of agriculture, tourism, wine, among others, enabling infrastructure, sustainable development, environment and human capital (Salazar-Sepúlveda & Vega-Muñoz, 2018). Subsequently, a theoretical framework from entrepreneurship, its three main lines of research, relating these with the concept of economic impact and the importance in its measurement. Within the relevance for the evaluation of the economic impact are the projects benefited by the Business Development Center (BDC), such as the estimation between the relationship between the number of jobs generated, income improvement, businesses that benefited among others. This creation of enterprises is seen from the recognition of an opportunity versus self-employment, considering innovation as a key variable when proposing a differentiating added value (Porter, 1985). Subsequently, we work from the Ethnicity of the target public to be studied from its colonial stage to the present day, pointing out the gap that has been produced by not considering its worldview and culture in the business models that are currently applied. In this, the Productive promotion and the creation of networks through business development centers, which aim to contribute to the development of companies and the achievement of economic impact (Sercotec, 2018). In the third stage, a series of elements to consider the province of Arauco as the unit of study, given the length of time the business center has been operating, the target population it serves and the lagging condition it presents. An economic characterization is made highlighting that, in communes with a high percentage of Mapuche population, its growth has been marked in small and medium enterprises and in sectors of the economy such as agriculture, livestock, forestry and fishing. In a fourth stage an analysis of the entrepreneurship support program through the business centers through grounded theory and semi-structured interviews, having as results: a description of the microenterprises the entrepreneurial and business skills acquired in the technical advice, the motivation achieved given an empathetic and committed accompaniment and the economic impact reflected in the acceleration of sales and increase of jobs all this from a qualitative point of view (Vega et al., 2018). Finally, the main results based on the survey of Chrisman, 1991 for the evaluation of the economic impact obtaining that sectors contribute to the increase of jobs and the increase of income, in addition, positive experiences of these entrepreneurs and microentrepreneurs are obtained when opting for this kind of services to access training, consulting and applications to lines of financing

    Analysis of Hospitality, Leisure, and Tourism Studies in Chile

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    This article provides a scientific production overview of hospitality, leisure, and tourism studies in Chile, including key factors of interest regarding this social science subdiscipline. The fundamental knowledge contributions are examined using a scientometric approach (spatial, productive, of impact, and relational) based on data from records stored in the Web of Science (JCR and ESCI). This approach aims to critically analyze the scientific production on hospitality, leisure, and tourism (HLT) with contributions from authors affiliated with Chile, to respond to the connection between this research, the sectoral education, and sustainable development of the HLT industry. At the results level, an increase in scientific production in the last decade, a breadth revealed in publications’ quality terms, insertion in worldwide relevance co-authorship networks, an evolution from general issues to those of the discipline itself (cultural tourism, wine tourism, tourism marketing, hospitality industry, and sustainable tourism), a concentration on ecotourism education, and a disconnection between the diverse knowledge-producing centers and those of sectoral training were identified

    Global panel data on World governance and state fragility from 2006 to 2022

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    This global panel dataset contains information collected from two different sources (The Fund for Peace and World Bank), on the governance and stability levels of 178 countries be tween 2006 and 2022. The dataset includes information on 1) Cohesion (security apparatus (C1), factionalized elites (C2), and group grievance (C3)), 2) Economic (economy (E1), eco nomic inequality (E2), and human flight and brain drain (E3)), 3) Political (state legitimacy (P1), public services (P2), and human rights (P3)) indicators, 4) Social and cross-cutting (demographic pressures (S1), refugees and internally dis placed persons (S2), and external intervention (X1)), and 5) Governance (voice and accountability (G1), political stability and absence of violence/terrorism (G2), government effec tiveness (G3), regulatory quality (G4), rule of law (G5), and control of corruption (G6)). Data analysis was carried out us ing SPSS version 29 software to ensure a complete descrip tion of the data (labels, type and measure of variables, and uniformity of decimals), as well as the imputation possibility of missing data, which will allow future researchers to study both cross-sectional and longitudinal relationships between the five types of indicators and the eighteen indicators reported.Depto. de Relaciones Internacionales e Historia GlobalFac. de Ciencias Políticas y SociologíaTRUEpu

    Scientific Mapping of Coastal Governance: Global Benchmarks and Trends

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    This research panoramically and empirically reviews the scientific production on coastal governance studies, mapping global networks of countries, organizations, authors, themes, and journals as referents for this topic. The articles were examined through a bibliometric/scientometric approach based on 2043 articles corpus stored in the Web of Science (JCR), applying the bibliometric laws of Price, Lotka, and Zipf to add further validity to the use of VOSviewer for data and metadata processing. The results highlight an uninterrupted exponential increase in publications since 1991, with a high concentration in 29 countries (21%), 461 organizations (18%), 99 authors (1.45%), and 4 growing journals (1%). The emerging topics observed in the literature are related to coastal sustainability and coastal management. Complementing previous studies on coastal zone management and marine territorial planning, we add coastal systems governance as a topic

    Scientific Mapping of Coastal Governance: Global Benchmarks and Trends

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    This research panoramically and empirically reviews the scientific production on coastal governance studies, mapping global networks of countries, organizations, authors, themes, and journals as referents for this topic. The articles were examined through a bibliometric/scientometric approach based on 2043 articles corpus stored in the Web of Science (JCR), applying the bibliometric laws of Price, Lotka, and Zipf to add further validity to the use of VOSviewer for data and metadata processing. The results highlight an uninterrupted exponential increase in publications since 1991, with a high concentration in 29 countries (21%), 461 organizations (18%), 99 authors (1.45%), and 4 growing journals (1%). The emerging topics observed in the literature are related to coastal sustainability and coastal management. Complementing previous studies on coastal zone management and marine territorial planning, we add coastal systems governance as a topic

    Port Governance and Cruise Tourism

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    Cruise activities, until 2020, have presented a significant increase in revenue, as well as number of cruises and passengers transported, and it has become a challenge for ports to respond to this demand for services. In response to this, the world’s ports have implemented different governance models. In this context, in this paper, we aim to review the different governance models, as well as port cooperation, competition, and stakeholders. For this purpose, using science metric meta-analysis, an article set is extracted that strictly refers to the governance model of two databases integrated into the Core Collection Web of Science, whose selection process is polished with the PRISMA guidelines, establishing the eligibility criteria of studies using PICOS tool, to which a qualitative meta-analysis is applied. A limited studies set is identified, that includes governance model implementations, private strategies and internalization patterns in the port sector and cruise ships, patterns of port cooperation and governance, governance models in cruise ports, structures and strategies, and changes in the cruise market. Finally, various governance model forms are determined, all documented in the scientific research worldwide, discussing the various components of study topics

    Indigenous Forestry Tourism Dimensions: A Systematic Review

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    Tourism activities developed in forested areas are a non-wood forest exploitation method that contributes to sustainability objectives, even more so when they consider the participation of the community and the government in favor of its conservation. Under this context, this article will review the different investigations that relate to indigenous tourism, the conservation of the ecosystem and what attributes are important when measuring them. To do this, a scientometric meta-analysis was carried out, which extracts a set of articles that strictly refer to the themes of indigenous tourism in forests, considering two databases integrated into the Core Collection Web of Science, the selection process of which is aligned with the guidelines of the PRISMA methodology, establishing, with the PICOS tool, the eligibility criteria of the articles, which were applied to a qualitative systematic review. Finally, a model for measuring attributes in levels on indigenous tourism stands out, which incorporates the limit between the number of visitors to the tourist destination; the incorporation of tourists guides the identification of the necessary infrastructure facilities for an adequate experience and environmental conservation

    The Wine Effects in Tourism Studies: Mapping the Research Referents

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    This research provides an empirical overview of articles and authors referring to research on wine tourism, analyzed from 2000 to 2021, and what they contribute to deepening the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 8. The articles were examined through a bibliometric approach based on data from 199 records stored in the Web of Science (JCR), applying traditional bibliometric laws, and using VOSviewer for data processing and metadata. The results highlight an exponential increase in scientific production without interruptions between 2005 and 2020, with a concentration in only 35 highly cited authors, where the hegemony is held by Australia, among the co-authorship networks of worldwide relevance. The main topics observed in the literature are local development through wine tourism, sustainability and nature conservation, and strategies for sustainable development. Finally, there are six articles with great worldwide influence in wine tourism studies that maintain in their entirety the contribution made by researchers affiliated with Australian universities