142 research outputs found

    Some Paradoxes on the Rates of Certain Currencies and Gold in Time of Crisis

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    In time of crisis, surprising developments: changes in currency rates can be observed; the large countries which are suffering the most see their respective currencies appreciate while at the same time the gold price decreases. There is an explanation for these paradoxes!

    An Ever-Rebounding Crisis

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    The current crisis is spreading from the rich countries to those which surround them respectively, countries wherein its degree of gravity is even greater; in turn, that effect sets off a yet stronger backwash in those countries in the Centre, which further aggravates the situation. This reaction is particularly true of the relations between Western and Eastern Europe.Crisis, Protectionism, Change, Countries in the East Europe, Risk, Default in payment

    Degradation of higher education in Kazakhstan as an example of post-transitional crisis

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    It is shown, that objectives of degradation of Higher Education in most part of post-soviet countries are connected with the specific factors appeared at the economical situation appeared at the end of transitional period (transition from planned economy to market one). Decreasing of quality of higher education in such countries as Kazakhstan may be interpreted in frameworks of Baudrillard’s concept of evolution of connection between "The Sign" and "The Reality"; such interpretation directly shows that overcoming of negative trends in post-soviet countries education cannot be realized by traditional administrative instruments. The problem may be solved by taking into account concepts of institutional economy

    Insights into spatial configuration of a galactosylated epitope required to trigger arthritogenic T-cell receptors specific for the sugar moiety

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    The immunodominant epitope of bovine type II collagen (CII256–270) in Aq mice carries a hydroxylysine-264 linked galactose (Gal-Hyl264), the recognition of which is central to the development of collagen-induced arthritis. This study explores the molecular interactions involved in the engagement of T-cell receptors (TCRs) with such epitopes. Responses of three anti-CII T-cell hybridomas and clone A9.2 (all sharing close TCR sequences) to a panel of CII256–270 analogues incorporating Gal-Hyl264 with a modified side chain were determined. Recognition of naturally occurring CII256–270 peptides by either group of T cells depended strictly upon the presence of the carbohydrate and, more precisely, its intact HO-4 group. Modifications of primary amino group on the hydroxylysine side chain eliminated T-cell reactivity, notwithstanding the presence of the galactosyl moiety. Moderate stereochemical changes, such as altered sugar orientation and methylation at the galactose anchor position, were still permissive. Conversely, robust transformations affecting the relative positions of the key elements were detrimental to TCR recognition. To conclude, these data provide strong new experimental evidence that integrity of both galactose HO-4 and hydroxylysine side chain primary amino groups are mandatory for activation of anti-Gal-Hyl264 TCRs. They also indicate that there is a certain degree of TCR plasticity in peptide-TCR interactions

    Suppression of Tumor Growth and Angiogenesis by a Specific Antagonist of the Cell-Surface Expressed Nucleolin

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    BACKGROUND: Emerging evidences suggest that nucleolin expressed on the cell surface is implicated in growth of tumor cells and angiogenesis. Nucleolin is one of the major proteins of the nucleolus, but it is also expressed on the cell surface where is serves as a binding protein for variety of ligands implicated in cell proliferation, differentiation, adhesion, mitogenesis and angiogenesis. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: By using a specific antagonist that binds the C-terminal tail of nucleolin, the HB-19 pseudopeptide, here we show that the growth of tumor cells and angiogenesis are suppressed in various in vitro and in vivo experimental models. HB-19 inhibited colony formation in soft agar of tumor cell lines, impaired migration of endothelial cells and formation of capillary-like structures in collagen gel, and reduced blood vessel branching in the chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane. In athymic nude mice, HB-19 treatment markedly suppressed the progression of established human breast tumor cell xenografts in nude mice, and in some cases eliminated measurable tumors while displaying no toxicity to normal tissue. This potent antitumoral effect is attributed to the direct inhibitory action of HB-19 on both tumor and endothelial cells by blocking and down regulating surface nucleolin, but without any apparent effect on nucleolar nucleolin. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results illustrate the dual inhibitory action of HB-19 on the tumor development and the neovascularization process, thus validating the cell-surface expressed nucleolin as a strategic target for an effective cancer drug. Consequently, the HB-19 pseudopeptide provides a unique candidate to consider for innovative cancer therapy

    Combining ecophysiological modelling and quantitative trait locus analysis to identify key elementary processes underlying tomato fruit sugar concentration

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    A mechanistic model predicting the accumulation of tomato fruit sugars was developed in order (i) to dissect the relative influence of three underlying processes: assimilate supply (S), metabolic transformation of sugars into other compounds (M), and dilution by water uptake (D); and (ii) to estimate the genetic variability of S, M, and D. The latter was estimated in a population of 20 introgression lines derived from the introgression of a wild tomato species (Solanum chmielewskii) into S. lycopersicum, grown under two contrasted fruit load conditions. Low load systematically decreased D in the whole population, while S and M were targets of genotype×fruit load interactions. The sugar concentration positively correlated to S and D when the variation was due to genetic introgressions, while it positively correlated to S and M when the variation was due to changes in fruit load. Co-localizations between quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for sugar concentration and QTLs for S, M, and D allowed hypotheses to be proposed on the processes putatively involved at the QTLs. Among the five QTLs for sugar concentration, four co-localized with QTLs for S, M, and D with similar allele effects. Moreover, the processes underlying QTLs for sugar accumulation changed according to the fruit load condition. Finally, for some genotypes, the processes underlying sugar concentration compensated in such a way that they did not modify the sugar concentration. By uncoupling genetic from physiological relationships between processes, these results provide new insights into further understanding of tomato fruit sugar accumulation


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    L'écriture constitue-t-elle le trait d'union entre technique et culture, et par là entre science et culture ? Cet ouvrage donne des éléments de réponse à cette double question, à l'acuité renouvelée par le numérique. il fait donc appel aux anthropologues et philosophes (Jack Goody, Jens Brockmeier, David Olson…), aux spécialistes des pratiques lettrées de l'antiquité (Christophe Batsch, Flavia Carraro), de l'internet (Paul Mathias, Henri Desbois, Michael Heim…), de la physique et des mathématiques (Jean Dhombres, Patrick Flandrin, Cédric Villani). En ce sens, cet ouvrage poursuit les réflexions largement entamées avec Regards croisés sur l'internet (enssib, 2011). Mais en explorant des voies nouvelles : les relations particulières qu'entretiennent les mathématiciens, et, plus largement les scientifiques, avec l'écriture. Cette publication est issue d'un colloque international consacré à Jack Goody, qui s'est tenu à l'enssib du 24 au 26 janvier 2008, auquel il a contribué et qu'il a conclu

    Simulation of spirits distillation for a better understanding of volatile aroma compounds behavior: Application to Armagnac production

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    A methodology for the simulation of spirits continuous distillation was developed and applied to the analysis of an Armagnac unit, using the software ProSimPlus®. Distillation data for 66 aroma compounds were acquired during an experimental campaign and 32 of these species were simulated with the NRTL model, using interaction parameters estimated from equilibria data at high dilution. Validation of static simulations against reconciled experimental data showed that the recovery of aroma compounds from wine to distillate can be predicted with good precision. Considering relative volatilities and composition profiles, three main groups of aroma compounds were proposed: (I) light compounds (recovered in distillate), (II) intermediary compounds (distributed between distillate and vinasse) and (III) heavy compounds (recovered in vinasse). After validation of the nominal point, the influence of some operating parameters was investigated. According to simulation, three parameters, namely, tails extractions, ethanol concentration in distillate and distillate temperature, have a real impact on Spirit composition. They permit a preferential reduction of intermediary and heavy species with respect to ethanol. Comparison with experimental and literature data confirms that simulation is a powerful and reliable approach to analyze the synergy between process operation, its performance and Spirit composition

    La Goutte d’or, une imagerie française ?

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    Lors de sa publication durant l’hiver 1985-1986, La Goutte d’or reçut de la part de la critique un accueil contrasté. Ce sera le cas, dix ans plus tard, d’Éléazar ou la source et le buisson. Peut-être faut-il y voir la déception de ceux qui attendaient un nouveau « grand roman » dans la lignée de Vendredi ou les limbes du Pacifique, du Roi des aulnes ou encore des Météores, et qui n’avaient pas retrouvé dans les œuvres de la décennie écoulée, à l’exception de Gaspard, Melchior et Balthazar le..

    Indebtedness and mercantilism

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    In a closed economy, the growth of the GDP is equal to the net indebtedness (the increase of indebtedness) of it agents from one period to another, which allows current demand to be greater than the income of the preceding quarter. In an open economy, we must add to that the net indebtedness of the totality of foreign agents in operation: the currencies corresponding to the foreign trade balance. Depending on the sign of these two kinds of net indebtedness, positive or negative, a classification of countries can be made: mainly mercantilist countries that enjoy a foreign surplus, on the one hand, and 'Keynesian' countries running a deficit, whose growth is founded upon domestic demand, on the other hand