48 research outputs found

    32-Channel silicon strip detection module for combined X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and X-ray diffractometry analysis

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    A compact detection module for the simultaneous measurement of XRF and XRD in portable analytical applications, in particular in the mining sector, is presented. The detector head is based on 32 silicon strip detectors, fabricated with a low-leakage technology by FBK and readout by two 16-channel low-noise CUBE charge-sensitive amplifiers. The design of the module and its characterization are reported. Multiple configurations are experimentally compared in terms of strip length, spacing, collimation and charge sharing effects. The optimal configuration for a strip length of 6 mm and pitch 0.2 mm is thus identified. It offers an energy resolution of better than 200 eV at 5.9 keV with moderate cooling (−10°C) and peaking time of 14 μs

    Il rischio di saturnismo negli uccelli necrofagi in relazione alle attuali modalità di caccia degli ungulati

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    Summary Wildlife may be exposed to lead contamination as a consequence of hunting activities. Waterfowls and grouses may directly assume lead from the ground (primary assumption), while in raptors lead intoxication may be due to the ingestion of preys with elevated lead concentrations in their tissues (secondary assumption). Recent studies demonstrated that viscera of shot ungulates are quite often directly contaminated with lead due to bullet fragmentation after the shot. If released on the ground, viscera represent a threat for scavenger species. In Europe, saturnism in birds of prey has been quite rarely described and some reports are available for large raptors as griffon vulture Gyps fulvus, golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos and bearded vulture Gypaetus barbatus. In the Alps this problem affects the abundant population of golden eagle and the recently re-introduced population of bearded vulture that is still considered as vulnerable. For the bearded vulture two cases of lead intoxication have already been described in dispersing juveniles. The most viable nucleus of bearded vultures is distributed in the central Alps, between Italy and Switzerland and is characterized by the highest reproductive rates. Hunting management of ungulates is here commonly performed with lead ammunition. The practice of leaving on the ground the ungulate viscera after the shot is still frequent. Hunting season partially overlaps with the most limiting season, in terms of food availability, for birds. The extraordinary conservation value of this bearded vulture population led the Stelvio National Park and the Sondrio Province to implement a study for monitoring the potential risk of lead intoxication for raptors tied to the practice of ungulate viscera deposition after the shot. The viscera of 153 ungulates shot in the Sondrio Province during hunting season 2009-2010 have been collected and examined to detect and quantify lead presence. Information regarding the hunted animal, the type of ammunition, the condition and the outcome of the shot have been collected as ancillary data. Lead fragments in the samples have been investigated through CAT (computed axial tomography) and digital radiography and subsequently manually collected. Overall, in 62.1% of samples lead fragments have been detected. Preliminary results refer to a partial sample of 147 viscera of roe deer, red deer, chamois, wild boar and mouflon. Higher frequencies have been recorded in roe deer (77.7%), chamois (69.6%) while lower in red deer (50%). The highest frequencies of lead in viscera have been detected in ungulates shot in the thorax or in the thigh and hind parts. These first preliminary outcomes confirm the high risk of lead intoxication for large raptors in areas where ungulates are commonly hunted and demonstrate the need of more sustainable hunting practices as the substitution of lead ammunition with non-toxic bullets or concealing under the ground the viscera of the shot ungulates

    Characterization measurements of the TRISTAN multi-pixel silicon drift detector

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    Sterile neutrinos are a minimal extension of the Standard Model of Particle Physics. A laboratory-based approach to search for this particle is via tritium beta-decay, where a sterile neutrino would cause a kink-like spectral distortion. The Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino (KATRIN) experiment extended by a multi-pixel Silicon Drift Detector system has the potential to reach an unprecedented sensitivity to the keV-scale sterile neutrino in a lab-based experiment. The new detector system combines good spectroscopic performance with a high rate capability. In this work, we report about the characterization of charge-sharing between pixels and the commissioning of a 47-pixel prototype detector in a MAC-E filte

    Characterization measurements of the TRISTAN multi-pixel silicon drift detector

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    Sterile neutrinos are a minimal extension of the standard model of particle physics. A laboratory-based approach to search for this particle is via tritium β-decay, where a sterile neutrino would cause a kink-like spectral distortion. The Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino (KATRIN) experiment extended by a multi-pixel Silicon Drift Detector system has the potential to reach an unprecedented sensitivity to the keV-scale sterile neutrino in a lab-based experiment. The new detector system combines good spectroscopic performance with a high rate capability. In this work, we report about the characterization of charge-sharing between pixels and the commissioning of a 47-pixel prototype detector in a MAC-E filter

    Hunting keV sterile neutrinos with KATRIN: Building the first TRISTAN module

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    The KATRIN (Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino) experiment investigates the energetic endpoint of the tritium beta-decay spectrum to determine the effective mass of the electron anti-neutrino. The collaboration has reported a first mass measurement result at this TAUP-2019 conference. The TRISTAN project aims at detecting a keV-sterile neutrino signature by measuring the entire tritium beta-decay spectrum with an upgraded KATRIN system. One of the greatest challenges is to handle the high signal rates generated by the strong activity of the KATRIN tritium source while maintaining a good energy resolution. Therefore, a novel multi-pixel silicon drift detector and read-out system are being designed to handle rates of about 100 Mcps with an energy resolution better than 300 eV (FWHM). This report presents succinctly the KATRIN experiment, the TRISTAN project, then the results of the first 7-pixels prototype measurement campaign and finally describes the construction of the first TRISTAN module composed of 166 SDD-pixels as well as its implementation in KATRIN experiment

    Characterization of silicon drift detectors with electrons for the TRISTAN project

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    Sterile neutrinos are a minimal extension of the standard model of particle physics. A promising model-independent way to search for sterile neutrinos is via high-precision β-spectroscopy. The Karlsruhe tritium neutrino (KATRIN) experiment, equipped with a novel multi-pixel silicon drift detector focal plane array and read-out system, named the TRISTAN detector, has the potential to supersede the sensitivity of previous laboratory-based searches. In this work we present the characterization of the first silicon drift detector prototypes with electrons and we investigate the impact of uncertainties of the detector\u27s response to electrons on the final sterile neutrino sensitivity

    Characterization of Silicon Drift Detectors with Electrons for the TRISTAN Project

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    Sterile neutrinos are a minimal extension of the Standard Model of Particle Physics. A promising model-independent way to search for sterile neutrinos is via high-precision beta spectroscopy. The Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino (KATRIN) experiment, equipped with a novel multi-pixel silicon drift detector focal plane array and read-out system, named the TRISTAN detector, has the potential to supersede the sensitivity of previous laboratory-based searches. In this work we present the characterization of the first silicon drift detector prototypes with electrons and we investigate the impact of uncertainties of the detector's response to electrons on the final sterile neutrino sensitivity.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures. J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 48 01500

    KATRIN: status and prospects for the neutrino mass and beyond

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    The Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino (KATRIN) experiment is designed to measure a high-precision integral spectrum of the endpoint region of T2_{2} β decay, with the primary goal of probing the absolute mass scale of the neutrino. After a first tritium commissioning campaign in 2018, the experiment has been regularly running since 2019, and in its first two measurement campaigns has already achieved a sub-eV sensitivity. After 1000 days of data-taking, KATRIN\u27s design sensitivity is 0.2 eV at the 90% confidence level. In this white paper we describe the current status of KATRIN; explore prospects for measuring the neutrino mass and other physics observables, including sterile neutrinos and other beyond-Standard-Model hypotheses; and discuss research-and-development projects that may further improve the KATRIN sensitivity

    A Geant4-based model for the TRISTAN detector

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    The TRISTAN project is the upgrade of the KATRIN experiment designed for the search of sterile neutrinos by replacing the current KATRIN detector with a multipixel SDD (Silicon Drift Detector) matrix. We have characterized SDDs response to electrons using a SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) as an electron source and a Geant4-based simulation whose output is processed with an empirical function to reproduce data. We have crosschecked this model by reconstructing backscattering measurements obtained using a radioactive electron source

    Management of technological innovations in health care: Analysis and comparison of some regional policies in Italy

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    The increasing availability of health technologies to the NHS raises questions about the sustainability and govern of innovative technologies' entry into clinical practice. The relevance of the issue has been recognized at local, regional and central level thus enabling initiatives and tools for managing selection, evaluation, procurement and reimbursement of health technologies. Health technology assessment (HTA) is a rapidly evolving process, embracing different types of assessments about the value of new and existing technologies. Increasingly organizations are undertaking HTA in Italy. The objective of this work is describing and analyzing some recent HTA regional experiences in five Italian Regions: Campania, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lombardy, Veneto. The comparison focuses on programs' structure, methods, future development and engagement of all stakeholders