138 research outputs found

    Puerperal uterine inversion managed by the uterine balloon tamponade

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    The uterine inversion is a rare and severe puerperal complication. Uncontrolled cord traction and uterine  expression are the common causes described.We report a case of uterine inversion stage III caused by poor management of the third stage of labor. It was about a 20 years old primigravida referred in our unit for postpartum hemorrhage due to uterine atony. After manual reduction of the uterus, the use of intra uterine balloon tamponade helped to stop the hemorrhage. The uterine inversion is a rare complication that may cause maternel death. The diagnosis is clinical and its management must be immediate to avoid maternal complications.Key words: Uterine inversion, postpartum hemorrhage, uterine balloon tamponad

    Genetic diversity and demographic evolution of baobab (Adansonia digitata L., Bombacoideae, Malvaceae) populations in Senegalese Sahelian areas

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    This study evaluated the spatial genetic structure of baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) populations from three agroecological sites located in sahelian zone of Senegal using ITS1, 5.8S rDNA and ITS2 gene sequences. To determine the extent of isolation, gene sequences were analyzed between and among three sahelian baobab populations. At least 25 haplotypes of baobab (A. digitata L.) were revealed in Senegal (6, 9 and 10, respectively in Dakar, Bandia and Widou Thiengoly). Private haplotypes found in each locality show that there is an adaptation of the plant to environmental conditions prevailing in each site. Indeed, nucleotide diversity was more important in Dakar (0.00527); it ranges from 0.00483 to 0.00060 for Bandia and Widou populations, respectively. Curves of mismatch distribution show that the population of Ferlo has undergone a recent demographic expansion. Although Bandia and Dakar populations were polyphyletic; each shows a balanced expansion. Fst values ranging from 0.62946 to 0.90712 correlates a strong genetic differentiation between sites. A correlation between geographic and genetic distances was not highlighted by the Mantel’s test but phylogenetic trees of maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference have assigned two clades demonstrating that population of Ferlo (Widou) form a different ecotype from those of Bandia and Dakar.Keywords: ITS1, 5.8S, ITS2, Adansonia digitata, haplotype, genetic diversity, demographic evolutionAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(38), pp. 5627-563

    Bowel Anastomoses: Manual or Mechanical

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    An anastomosis is a connection between two tubular anatomical structures. Anastomoses have been a great surgical challenge from antiquities to modern times. Main research on the manual techniques and healing processes of digestive anastomoses took place during the 19th century. They were later improved by the advent of mechanical devices in the early 20th century. For both types of anastomoses, local and general conditions required for a good healing are the same. Many devices, both for manual and mechanical anastomoses have been developed. The devices’ uses depend on their availability, surgeons usual practice and the relative difficulty of the anastomosis. The debate is still lively about the advantages and the potential inconveniences of one technique versus the other in regards to many parameters such as operating time and the incidence of anastomotic leakage

    Dyslipidemia, obesity and other cardiovascular risk factors in the adult population in Senegal

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    Introduction: According to the WHO, 50% of deaths worldwide (40.1% in developing countries) are due to chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Of these chronic NCDs, cardiovascular diseases remain the leading cause of death and disability in developed countries. The Framingham study has shown the importance of hypercholesterolemia as a primary risk factor. In Senegal, the epidemiology of  dyslipidemia and obesity are still poorly understood due to the lack of comprehensive studies on their  impact on the general population. This motivated this study to look into the key epidemiologic and socio-demographic determinants of these risk factors. Methods: It was a cross-sectional descriptive epidemiological survey which included 1037 individuals selected by cluster sampling. Data were collected using a questionnaire following the WHO STEPwise approach. Socio-demographic, health and biomedical variables were collected. P value Results: The average age was 48 years with a female predominance (M: F of 0.6). The literacy rate was 65.2% and 44.7% of participants were from rural areas. The prevalence of hypercholesterolemia, hyperLDLemia, hypoHDLemia, hypertriglyceridemia and mixed hyperlipidemia were 56%, 22.5%, 12.4%, 7.11% and 1.9% respectively. One in four was obese (BMI> 30kg/m2) and 34.8% had abdominal obesity. The main factors significantly associated with dyslipidemia were obesity, urban dwelling, physical inactivity and a family history of dyslipidemia. Conclusion: The prevalence of dyslipidemia, obesity and other risk factors in the population was high needing immediate care for those affected and implementation of prevention strategies.Key words: Dyslipidemia, obesity, cardiovascular, risk factors, Saint Loui

    Cervical cancer screening in pregnancy at the maternity clinics of Nabil Choucair health center and the Institute of Social Hygiene of Dakar, Senegal: a study on 67 cases

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    Background: This study aims were to develop the epidemiological profile of patients who received Pap smears during pregnancy, to describe aspects of cytological smears performed in pregnant women and to describe the therapeutic management in case of anomalies in the cervical smear during pregnancy.Methods: This was a prospective, descriptive and analytical study conducted from January 15, 2015 to June 31, 2015 at maternity of Nabil Choucair Health Centre and the Institute of Social Hygiene in Dakar. The Pap smear was performed in all patients who had given their consent to the experience. The parameters studied concerned socio-demographic aspects, gynecological and obstetric background, gestational age at the time of collection, cervico-vaginal smear results, diagnostic and therapeutic management of cytological and histological abnormalities. The data collected on a survey sheet prepared for this purpose were entered and analyzed through the version 3.5.3 of Epi info software.Results: During the study period, 67 pregnant women had received a Pap smear. The epidemiological profile of our patient was a paucipare gestity with an average of 3 with extremes ranging from 1 to 7, an average parity of 2.4 with extremes ranging from 1 to 7. The mean age of pregnancy was 15.4 weeks of amenorrhea (range of 6 and 32 weeks). Only 5 patients (7.4%) had already received a cervical-vaginal swab before the study. The smear was normal in 88.7% of the cases but got abnormalities in 11.3% of the cases. The abnormalities were mainly found in squamous cells and were divided into low-grade lesions (57.1%) and skew-cell abnormalities whose meaning was undetermined (42.1%). Colposcopy was performed in 8 patients. Colposcopy was normal and satisfactory in 4 patients (50%) and identified as atypical grade 1 transformation in 2 patients (25%) and an atypical grade 2 transformation in 2 patients (25%). From a therapeutic point of view, diathermic loop conduction associated with strapping was performed in one patient (12.5%) for severe dysplasia. In postpartum, all dysplastic cervical lesions diagnosed during pregnancy had declined.Conclusions: In the context of our study, where there is no organized screening policy for cervical cancer, antenatal clinics are an excellent screening opportunity to seize

    In vitro vasorelaxation mechanisms of bioactive compounds extracted from Hibiscus sabdariffa on rat thoracic aorta

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In this study, we suggested characterizing the vasodilator effects and the phytochemical characteristics of a plant with food usage also used in traditional treatment of arterial high blood pressure in Senegal.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Vascular effects of crude extract of dried and powdered calyces of <it>Hibiscus sabdariffa </it>were evaluated on isolated thoracic aorta of male Wistar rats on organ chambers. The crude extract was also enriched by liquid-liquid extraction. The various cyclohexane, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, butanol extracts obtained as well as the residual marc were subjected to Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography. The different methanolic eluate fractions were then analyzed by Thin Layer (TLC) and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and their vascular effects also evaluated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The H. Sabdariffa crude extract induced mainly endothelium-dependent relaxant effects. The endothelium-dependent relaxations result from NOS activation and those who not dependent to endothelium from activation of smooth muscle potassium channels. The phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of phenolic acids in the ethyl acetate extract and anthocyans in the butanolic extract. The biological efficiency of the various studied extracts, in term of vasorelaxant capacity, showed that: Butanol extract > Crude extract > Residual marc > Ethyl acetate extract. These results suggest that the strong activity of the butanolic extract is essentially due to the presence of anthocyans found in its fractions 43-67.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results demonstrate the vasodilator potential of <it>hibiscus sabdariffa </it>and contribute to his valuation as therapeutic alternative.</p

    Dilatation aigue de l’estomac: à propos de 02 cas et revue de la literature

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    La dilatation aiguë de l'estomac est une pathologie rare. Elle est classiquement observée en psychiatrie dans les troubles du comportement alimentaire. Le diagnostic préopératoire est difficile et fait appel à la radiologie. La mortalité liée aux complications varie entre 80% et 100%. Nous rapportons 2cas de dilatation aiguë de l'estomac prises en charge au service de Chirurgie Générale de l'Hôpital Aristide Le Dantec de Dakar dont l'une était compliquée de nécrose et l'autre d'une rupture gastrique. Il s'agissait de 2 patients dont l'un était de sexe masculin âgé de 32 ans et l'autre de sexe féminin âgée de 36 ans. Ils étaient reçus dans un tableau de douleurs abdominales aiguës et un état de collapsus cardiovasculaire. L'examen avait retrouvé un syndrome d'irritation péritonéale chez les 2 patients. A la biologie, on notait une anémie chez tous les patients. A la radiographie de l'abdomen sans préparation, on notait un pneumopéritoine massif chez le patient et un gros niveau hydro-aérique chez la patiente. Le diagnostic préopératoire était une péritonite par perforation d'organe creux chez le patient et une occlusion intestinale aiguë chez la patiente. Après une réanimation, la laparotomie avait permis de retrouver une dilatation énorme de l'estomac avec une large rupture au niveau de la petite courbure chez le patient et une dilatation importante de l'estomac avec une nécrose du fundus chez la patiente. Une suture de la petite courbure était réalisée chez le patient et une gastrectomie atypique fundique chez la patiente. Les suites opératoires étaient marquées par un décès chez le patient au deuxième jour post-opératoire et une sténose gastrique chez la patiente nécessitant une gastrectomie totale.La dilatation aiguë de l'estomac est une pathologie rare. Son diagnostic aux urgences est difficile car les signes ne sont pas spécifiques. Les formes compliquées donnent un tableau d'abdomen chirurgical aigu. L'exploration chirurgicale pose le diagnostic. Le traitement des complications va de la suture à la gastrectomie. La mortalité dans les formes compliquées est élevée.Pan African Medical Journal 2015; 2