405 research outputs found

    Mitochondrial Thioredoxin-Glutathione Reductase from Larval Taenia crassiceps (Cysticerci)

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    Mitochondrial thioredoxin-glutathione reductase was purified from larval Taenia crassiceps (cysticerci). The preparation showed NADPH-dependent reductase activity with either thioredoxin or GSSG, and was able to perform thiol/disulfide exchange reactions. At 25°C specific activities were 437 ± 27 mU mg−1 and 840 ± 49 mU mg−1 with thioredoxin and GSSG, respectively. Apparent Km values were 0.87 ± 0.04 μM, 41 ± 6 μM and 19 ± 10 μM for thioredoxin, GSSG and NADPH, respectively. Thioredoxin from eukaryotic sources was accepted as substrate. The enzyme reduced H2O2 in a NADPH-dependent manner, although with low catalytic efficiency. In the presence of thioredoxin, mitochondrial TGR showed a thioredoxin peroxidase-like activity. All disulfide reductase activities were inhibited by auranofin, suggesting mTGR is dependent on selenocysteine. The reductase activity with GSSG showed a higher dependence on temperature as compared with the DTNB reductase activity. The variation of the GSSG- and DTNB reductase activities on pH was dependent on the disulfide substrate. Like the cytosolic isoform, mTGR showed a hysteretic kinetic behavior at moderate or high GSSG concentrations, but it was less sensitive to calcium. The enzyme was able to protect glutamine synthetase from oxidative inactivation, suggesting that mTGR is competent to contend with oxidative stress


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    The aim of this study was to analyze the possible presence of Trichinella spiralis in non-technified pig farms of Lima, Peru. Samples of blood and diaphragm muscle from 185 pigs were collected from two slaughterhouses. Muscles samples were evaluated using the trichinoscopy and blood samples by the use of an indirect ELISA commercial kit to detect the presence of antibodies against T. spiralis. All samples were negative to both tests. The Monte Carlo simulation (@ Risk) showed that the probability of finding T. spiralis in Lima was 0.53%.El objetivo del presente estudio fue evidenciar la posible presencia de infecciones por Trichinella spiralis en cerdos procedentes de granjas de crianza no tecnificada en Lima y beneficiados en dos mataderos autorizados. Se tomaron muestras de sangre y del diafragma de 185 cerdos. Las muestras de músculo se analizaron con el triquinoscopio y las muestras de sangre con un kit comercial de ELISA indirecto para detectar la presencia de anticuerpos contra T. spiralis. Todas las muestras fueron negativas a las dos pruebas. Mediante la simulación Montecarlo (@Risk) se determinó que la probabilidad de encontrar T. spiralis en Lima sería de 0.53%


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    En este artículo se describe un sistema multiagente capaz de detectar operaciones de consulta, envío y borrado de correos en un sistema de correo electrónico. El trabajo implicó el montaje y configuración del sistema de correo electrónico Exchange, la creación de un sistema multiagente —siguiendo la metodología AOPOA con agentes en los clientes y el servidor, de tal forma que permitieran detectar las operaciones de consulta—, envío y borrado de correos no autorizados, la definición de un protocolo de prueba del sistema y el análisis de los resultados, obtenidos de la aplicación del sistema multiagente. Adicionalmente, se creó un firewall que permitiera registrar las mismas operaciones de detección y comprobar el funcionamiento del sistema multiagente

    Efecto antimicrobiano del aceite esencial de orégano (Origanum vulgare) frente a Staphylococcus aureus en carne de pollo

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of essential oil of oregano (Origanum vulgare) against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 in chicken meat. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) was determined by the microdilution method in wells and the Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) to determine the survival of bacteria exposed to different concentrations of essential oil. In addition, the ability of oregano essential oil to inhibit the growth of S. aureus in chicken fillets was evaluated. A MIC of 0.5% and a CMB of 4% were obtained. Concentrations ≥1% of oregano essential oil significantly (p<0.05) reduced S. aureus counts in chicken meat at levels directly related to the applied concentration. The results showed that oregano oil has an antimicrobial effect against S. aureus ATCC 25923.El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la actividad antimicrobiana del aceite esencial de orégano (Origanum vulgare) frente a Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 en carne de pollo. Se determinó la concentración mínima inhibitoria (CMI) mediante el método de microdilución en pocillos y la concentración mínima bactericida (CMB) para determinar la supervivencia de las bacterias expuestas a diferentes concentraciones del aceite esencial. Además, se evaluó la capacidad del aceite esencial de orégano de inhibir el crecimiento de S. aureus en filetes de pollo. Se obtuvo una CMI de 0.5% y una CMB de 4%. Las concentraciones ≥1% de aceite esencial de orégano redujeron significativamente (p<0.05) los recuentos de S. aureus en la carne de pollo, en niveles relacionados directamente con la concentración aplicada. Los resultados demostraron que el aceite de orégano posee un efecto antimicrobiano contra S. aureus ATCC 25923


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    El género Orthokarstenia se considera un microfósil guía para las edades del periodo Cretácico. La especie característica de la Formación Los Pinos correspondiente al Periodo Cretácico y la edad Maastrichtiana se ajusta a la descripción morfológica de Orthokarstenia ewaldi. De la matriz silícea se extrajeron varios especímenes y se maceraron para realizar pruebas de Espectroscopía de Infrarrojos por la transformada de Fourier (FTIR) utilizando como base KBr. Se colectaron especímenes de tres niveles de una roca. Se tomaron imágenes tridimensionales con un video-microscopio para detallar la forma y organización de los minerales.Un fragmento de la roca se utilizó para llevar a cabo pruebas con Espectroscopia de plasma inducida por laser(LIBS) y determinar la presencia de los elementos Ca, Fe y Mg. También se elaboraron y describieron secciones delgadas. Los espectros de FTIR de los foraminíferos fueron similares en los tres niveles donde se tomaron las muestras aunque presentaron diferencias con el espectro de la matriz de sílice. Los análisis de LIBS confirmaron la presencia de Ca y de Fe en las muestras. En las secciones delgadas se pudo determinar que el relleno de las conchas, está constituido por sílice amorfo apreciándose además una débil traza de la concha original como un sedimento fino. Las trazas de Ca encontradas confirman el reemplazo de aragonito a calcita magnesiana y finalmente a sílice. Utilizando el método de la relación entre la varianza y la media en tres tamaños de cuadrantes se determinó la dispersión de los especímenes. Los valores obtenidos indicaron una distribución de tipo agrupado. Este tipo de distribución es un indicativo de las condiciones de recursos en el hábitat, del modo de reproducción y dispersión. Se puede inferir que el sistema reproductivo dominante de O. ewaldi fue el asexual predominando las formas megalosféricas. Palabras clave: Bentónico, Cretácico superior, Foraminífera,    The Orthokarstenia genus is considered a microfossil guide to the ages of the Cretaceous period. Thecharacteristic species of Los Pinos Formation corresponding to Cretaceous Period and Maastrichtian age and fitsto the morphological description of Orthokarstenia ewaldi species. From the siliceous matrix several specimenswere taken and macerated for Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) testing with KBr base. Specimenswere collected from three levels of a rock. Three-dimensional images were taken with a video-microscopes to detail the form and structure of minerals. A fragment of rock was used to perform Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) tests and to establish the presence of the elements Ca, Fe and Mg. Thin sections were also made and described. FTIR spectra of for aminifera were similar in the three levels where the samples were taken but showed differences with the spectrum of the silica matrix. LIBS analysis confirmed the presence of Ca and Fe in the samples. In thin sections, amorphous silica filling the shell was observed, and also a faint. trace of the original shell as a fine sediment. Traces of Ca found with LIBS analysis confirm the replacement of aragonite to magnesian calcite and finally to silica. Using the relationship between the variance and the mean of three sizes of squares was determined the dispersion of the specimens. The values obtained indicated a clustered distribution type. This type of distribution is indicative of the conditions of resources in the habitat, reproduction and dispersal mode. It is possible to infer that the dominant reproductive system of O. ewaldi was megalospheric, being the asexual forms more common. Keywords: Benthic, Foraminifera, FTIR, LIBS, Upper Cretaceous


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    El género Orthokarstenia se considera un microfósil guía para las edades del periodo Cretácico. La especie característica de la Formación Los Pinos correspondiente al Periodo Cretácico y la edad Maastrichtiana se ajusta a la descripción morfológica de Orthokarstenia ewaldi. De la matriz silícea se extrajeron varios especímenes y se maceraron para realizar pruebas de Espectroscopía de Infrarrojos por la transformada de Fourier (FTIR) utilizando como base KBr. Se colectaron especímenes de tres niveles de una roca. Se tomaron imágenes tridimensionales con un video-microscopio para detallar la forma y organización de los minerales.Un fragmento de la roca se utilizó para llevar a cabo pruebas con Espectroscopia de plasma inducida por laser(LIBS) y determinar la presencia de los elementos Ca, Fe y Mg. También se elaboraron y describieron secciones delgadas. Los espectros de FTIR de los foraminíferos fueron similares en los tres niveles donde se tomaron las muestras aunque presentaron diferencias con el espectro de la matriz de sílice. Los análisis de LIBS confirmaron la presencia de Ca y de Fe en las muestras. En las secciones delgadas se pudo determinar que el relleno de las conchas, está constituido por sílice amorfo apreciándose además una débil traza de la concha original como un sedimento fino. Las trazas de Ca encontradas confirman el reemplazo de aragonito a calcita magnesiana y finalmente a sílice. Utilizando el método de la relación entre la varianza y la media en tres tamaños de cuadrantes se determinó la dispersión de los especímenes. Los valores obtenidos indicaron una distribución de tipo agrupado. Este tipo de distribución es un indicativo de las condiciones de recursos en el hábitat, del modo de reproducción y dispersión. Se puede inferir que el sistema reproductivo dominante de O. ewaldi fue el asexual predominando las formas megalosféricas. Palabras clave: Bentónico, Cretácico superior, Foraminífera,    The Orthokarstenia genus is considered a microfossil guide to the ages of the Cretaceous period. Thecharacteristic species of Los Pinos Formation corresponding to Cretaceous Period and Maastrichtian age and fitsto the morphological description of Orthokarstenia ewaldi species. From the siliceous matrix several specimenswere taken and macerated for Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) testing with KBr base. Specimenswere collected from three levels of a rock. Three-dimensional images were taken with a video-microscopes to detail the form and structure of minerals. A fragment of rock was used to perform Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) tests and to establish the presence of the elements Ca, Fe and Mg. Thin sections were also made and described. FTIR spectra of for aminifera were similar in the three levels where the samples were taken but showed differences with the spectrum of the silica matrix. LIBS analysis confirmed the presence of Ca and Fe in the samples. In thin sections, amorphous silica filling the shell was observed, and also a faint. trace of the original shell as a fine sediment. Traces of Ca found with LIBS analysis confirm the replacement of aragonite to magnesian calcite and finally to silica. Using the relationship between the variance and the mean of three sizes of squares was determined the dispersion of the specimens. The values obtained indicated a clustered distribution type. This type of distribution is indicative of the conditions of resources in the habitat, reproduction and dispersal mode. It is possible to infer that the dominant reproductive system of O. ewaldi was megalospheric, being the asexual forms more common. Keywords: Benthic, Foraminifera, FTIR, LIBS, Upper Cretaceous


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    El avance de las nuevas tecnologías en la actualidad ha traído el desarrollo de la realidad aumentada, entendida como una técnica para visualizar en un entorno simulado construcciones del medio físico y generar experiencias interactivas a través de dispositivos que manejan información gráfica. Uno de los campos de implementación que vale la pena resaltar, está relacionado con la educación; en donde se pretende generar habilidades y destrezas en diversas actividades de alto impacto en el hacer laboral que conllevan gran riesgo en la formación de capital humano, situación que se presenta en la soldadura convencional. Los problemas existentes en la actualidad están relacionados con los riesgos del personal, los costos elevados de inversión, impacto económico dado por el consumo de materiales en prácticas de entrenamiento, impacto generado por la cantidad alta de material desecho y los gases perjudiciales, tanto para el ambiente, como para las personas. Por lo tanto, el presente documento pretende realizar un an´alisis del efecto económico, ambiental, social y las tendencias de la realidad aumentada asociada a la soldadura multiprocesos. A través de una revisión de los avances tecnológicos a nivel mundial, en revistas indexadas, bases de datos, páginas web de empresas que se dedican a la fabricación de equipos e implementación de estas tecnologías, se identifican las tecnologías, los beneficios, el impacto favorable de la implementación y las tendencias en el uso de la soldadura multiprocesos y de la realidad aumentada

    Burden of Respiratory Failure in Pediatric Patients: Analysis of a Prospective Multicenter Cohort in Bogotá, Colombia

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The approach to the burden of disease is a demographic, economic, and a health problem, which requires the design and application of specific measures of cost of the disease, such as disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), to establish better public health policies in the pediatric population. The aim of this study is to approach the burden of disease in children with acute respiratory failure (ARF) through the calculation of DALYs. METHODS: This study was conducted in the framework of a prospective, multicenter cohort in Bogotá, Colombia. Inclusion criteria were all pediatric patients admitted to the emergency department, hospitalization, and intensive care unit with respiratory distress; eligible patients were all those who developed ARF between April 2020 and December 2021. They were followed-up during hospitalization, at 30 and 60 days after admission. The Infant/Toddler Quality of Life Questionnaire and KIDSCREEN quality of life scales were applied for follow-up according to the age group. The results were used to calculate DALYs. RESULTS: Six hundred and eighty-five eligible patients, 296 (43.08%) developed ARF, of these 22 (6.08%) patients died (mortality rate = 7.43%). The total DALYs was 277.164 years. For younger than 9 years, the DALYs were 302.64 years, while for older than 10 years were 40.49 years. CONCLUSION: ARF is one of the main causes of preventable mortality in pediatrics, its progression to respiratory failure is a highly prevalent condition in pediatric age, a condition that has a great impact on mortality, morbidity, and disability in our patients

    Use of High-Flow Cannula in Pediatric Patients With Respiratory Failure: A Prospective Cohort Study in Three High-Altitude Hospitals

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Acute respiratory failure (ARF) is a common cause of morbimortality, and a frequent reason for admission to the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). It requires a high-flow oxygen device as treatment. Our aim is to determine the frequency and main indications for the use of high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC), and the prevalence of HFNC failure and its main causes, in three hospitals. METHODS: It is a multicenter prospective cohort study, developed in three hospitals in Bogota. Eligible patients were children older than 1 month and younger than 18 years who presented ARF and required management with an HFNC. The study was carried out between April 2020 and December 2021. The follow-up was carried out at 1, 6, and 48 h after starting the management. RESULTS: Of 685 patients included in the study, 296 developed ARF. The prevalence of patients with ARF who required management with HFNC was 48%. The frequency of the pathologies that cause the ARF was: Bronchiolitis was the most frequent pathology (34.5%), followed by asthmatic crisis (15.5%) and pneumonia (12.7%). The average time of use of HFNC was 81.6 h. Regarding treatment failure with HFNC, 15 patients presented torpid evolution and required invasive mechanical ventilation, with a prevalence of therapeutic failure of the HFNC of 10.6%. CONCLUSION: The use of HFNC is more frequent in patients with bronchiolitis, in children under 2 years of age and in males, which is in line with what has been reported in the literature. In addition, the failure rate of HFNC is low (10.6%), and it may be useful in other pathologies besides bronchiolitis, such as asthma, pneumonia, among others. It opens the possibility to continue evaluating the role of HFNC in pediatric pathology in new studies