15 research outputs found

    Efficient pattern matching in degenerate strings with the Burrows–Wheeler transform

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    International audienceA degenerate or indeterminate string on an alphabet Σ is a sequence of non-empty subsets of Σ. Given a degenerate string t of length n, we present a new method based on the Burrows--Wheeler transform for searching for a degenerate pattern of length m in t running in O(mn) time on a constant size alphabet Σ. Furthermore, it is a hybrid pattern-matching technique that works on both regular and degenerate strings. A degenerate string is said to be conservative if its number of non-solid letters is upper-bounded by a fixed positive constant q; in this case we show that the search complexity time is O(qm2). Experimental results show that our method performs well in practice

    On codes with finite interpreting delay: a defect theorem

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    We introduce two new classes of codes, namely adjacent codes and codes with finite interpreting delay. For each class, we establish an extension of the defect theorem

    Maximal circular codes

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    We answer to a question of De Luca and Restivo whether there exists a circular code which is maximal as circular code and not as code