1,056 research outputs found

    A Scalable Strategy for Open Loop Magnetic Control of Microrobots Using Critical Points

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    A novel scalable strategy for open loop control of ferromagnetic microrobots on a plane using a scalable array of electromagnets is presented. Instead of controlling the microrobot directly, we create equilibrium points in the magnetic force field that are stable and attractive on the plane in which the microrobot is to be controlled. The microrobot moves into these equilibrium points rapidly in presence of low viscous forces, and thus controlling the equilibrium points let us control the microrobot precisely. An unit/cell in the array of electromagnets allows precise control of the microrobot in the unit/cell’s domain. Motion synthesis across multiple overlapping domains allows control of the microrobot in large regions across the array. We perform numerical analysis and demonstrate the control of the ferromagnetic microrobot using the proposed method through simulations

    Development of a portable system for detection of leaf area in plants

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    Recently, the determination of leaf area and growth rates in plants through portable devices has become popular due to the advantages offered by artificial vision systems to identify and classify objects using images. The purpose of the research was to develop a portable system for measuring leaf area through image recognition. The methodology includes 3D designs, acrylic device building, determining the area in pixels by the technique of radial basis neural networks (RBFN) directly in the RGB color space and pixel conversion to cm2. The results obtained by analysis of variance for each species showed that the p-value was greater than 0.86 for each class of plants. Moreover, the system obtained coefficients of determination higher to 0.90 for Orange leaves, coefficients of determination higher to 0.95 for Patevaca leaves and coefficients of determination higher to 0.99 for Chirimoya leaves from a set of 30 leaves belonging to 3 species of plants with different sizes and areas compared to manual analysis. This system is a useful tool for the objective determination of leaf area in plants and becomes a nationwide alternative compared to existing expensive systems. Furthermore, the system is reprogrammable, flexible, not destructive and low cost

    Digital and Social-Civic Skills in Future Primary Education Teachers: A Study from the Didactics of Social Sciences for the Improvement of Teacher Training in Competences

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    The use of technology, especially among young people, is providing new possibilities, including in the academic field, and requires teacher training through the development of skills and competences. At this point, Social Science Didactics plays a fundamental role, as it prepares future teachers to teach social knowledge in order to achieve useful and meaningful learning for students and society. Using an online questionnaire, structured with the Likert scale, which had previously been validated and published by Professors Peart, Gutiérrez-Esteban, and Cubo-Delgado, 156 students of the Degree in Primary Education of the subject Didactics of Social Sciences at the University of Granada (Spain) participated (academic year 2023–2024), with the aim of investigating the digital and socio-civic competences of trainee teachers in order to seek ways to improve their training. The results were processed in the IBM SPSS Statistics 25 programme, carrying out a descriptive statistical analysis, considering the mode and the variance ratio. The participating students mainly use digital environments to communicate with acquaintances and, although they know and value a democratic society, they do not exercise their citizenship on the Internet. This makes it even more necessary to train future teachers in digital competences, based on digital and socio-civic skills, as only in this way will they be able to train citizens capable of facing the challenges of the knowledge society

    Gastronomía de la Provincia de Imbabura como Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial del Ecuador Parroquia El Sagrario de Cotacachi

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    Valorar la Gastronomía de la Provincia de Imbabura como Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial Del Ecuador Parroquia El Sagrario de Cotacachi.El cantón Cotacachi perteneciente a la provincia de Imbabura se encuentra ubicado en el centro de la misma y como uno de los más ricos en aspectos de manifestación cultural, turística, gastronómica, artística y manufacturera; erguido a cantón el 6 de julio de 1861 en la presidencia del Dr. Gabriel García Moreno; es un pueblo con trascendencia que ha estado presente desde la época colonial, en la república y en la independencia. La presente investigación tiene como finalidad valorar la gastronomía como un patrimonio inmaterial a través de la recolección de recetas para luego diseñar una ruta turismo gastronómica la cual permitirá afianzar el rescate, fortalecimiento y difusión de la gastronomía en esta parroquia. La propuesta es diseñar una ruta turismo gastronómica, que se enmarque en el desarrollo de un turismo más sostenible, más ecológico pero sobre todo que respete la biodiversidad y permita dar una mayor competitividad a la comunidad por medio del ecoturismo y así lograr identificar a este pedacito de tierra como un sector con identidad cultural, gastronómica y turística. Para la recolección de los distintos datos se tomara en cuenta la metodología que se plantea en el Capítulo III la cual nos permitirá conocer el legado gastronómico alimenticio que posee la parroquia y que está ligado a las diferentes manifestaciones culturales y que se están perdiendo por cuestiones comerciales. La gastronomía no ha sido vista como un posible aspecto potencial de economía; más bien ha sido delegada a planos secundarios sin darse cuenta que es parte fundamental y complemento de la actividad turística, de ahí que se requiere rescatar, inventariar, promover, fortalecer y difundirá la gastronomía de esta parroquia como un sello de identidad y muestra de su riqueza gastronómica

    The Flying Monkey: a Mesoscale Robot that can Run, Fly, and Grasp

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    The agility and ease of control make a quadrotor aircraft an attractive platform for studying swarm behavior, modeling, and control. The energetics of sustained flight for small aircraft, however, limit typical applications to only a few minutes. Adding payloads – and the mechanisms used to manipulate them – reduces this flight time even further. In this paper we present the flying monkey, a novel robot platform having three main capabilities: walking, grasping, and flight. This new robotic platform merges one of the world’s smallest quadrotor aircraft with a lightweight, single-degree-of-freedom walking mechanism and an SMA-actuated gripper to enable all three functions in a 30 g package. The main goal and key contribution of this paper is to design and prototype the flying monkey that has increased mission life and capabilities through the combination of the functionalities of legged and aerial roots.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (IIS-1138847)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (EFRI-124038)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CCF-1138967)United States. Army Research Laboratory (W911NF-08-2-0004)Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineerin

    Propuesta de Supply Chain Management y Logística para la empresa Agroindustrias del Cauca S.A

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    Esta investigación se realizó con el fin de identificar la integración y estructura de Supply Chain Management y logística en la empresa Agroindustrias del Cauca S.A con el propósito de analizar la situación actual de la empresa y las principales barreras que afronta en sus procesos y en la gestión de la cadena de suministro, identificando oportunidades de mejora que se tendrán en cuenta para realizar una propuesta de Supply Chain Management y Logística, evaluando los modelos más adecuados a implementar o reforzar de acuerdo a la actividad económica de la empresa, los procesos logísticos y de aprovisionamiento, entendiendo que la gestión de la cadena de suministro y la logística influye significativamente en la calidad, la gestión del producto y la Cadena de valor de las empresas que permite ser más competitivos. Agroindustrias del Cauca, es una empresa de Colombia productora de azúcar y todos sus derivados en la cual se desarrollan todos los procesos productivos desde la cosecha hasta su distribución, y de la cual se adelantó el estudio de SCM y la logística, partiendo del análisis cada uno de los conceptos en estudio tales como la red de clientes y proveedores en todos sus niveles, los cuales se encargan de suplir las necesidades de materia prima y materiales para iniciar el proceso productivo, luego el almacenamiento y distribución de productos, reconociendo como cada proceso se integra con el sistema organizacional permitiendo lograr eficiencia y eficacia; otro concepto importante que se estudió, es la administración de relación con los clientes, que permite administrar la información entrante y saliente para lograr una adecuada comunicación entre las dos partes y que las solicitudes generadas sean resueltas de manera rápida y oportuna, para luego ejecutar un plan de producción basado en una planeación de demanda y de aprovisionamiento que logre fortalecer los procesos productivos de forma sostenible, que permita contar con una cantidad adecuada de inventarios controlando y minimizando el costo, controlando la calidad y la distribución oportunamente, así como enfocar los esfuerzos en mejorar los procesos invirtiendo en nuevas tecnologías y formas de producción, basadas en las megatendencias del SCM que a pesar de los costos de inversión permite que la empresa crezca constantemente y logre ser competitiva en el mercado nacional e internacional.This research was carried out in order to identify the integration and structure of Supply Chain Management and logistics in the company Agroindustrias del Cauca S.A with the purpose of analyzing the current situation of the company and the main barriers it faces in its processes and the supply chain management, identifying opportunities for improvement that will be taken into account to make a proposal for Supply Chain Management and Logistics, evaluating the most appropriate models to implement or reinforce according to the economic activity of the company, the logistics processes and procurement, understanding that the management of the supply chain and logistics has a significant influence on quality, product management and the value chain of companies that allows them to be more competitive. Agroindustrias del Cauca, is a Colombian company that produces sugar and all its derivatives in which all production processes are developed from harvest to distribution, and from which the study of SCM and logistics was carried out, based on the analysis of each one of the concepts under study such as the network of customers and suppliers at all levels, which are responsible for supplying the needs of raw materials and materials to start the production process, then the storage and distribution of products, recognizing how each process it integrates with the organizational system allowing efficiency and effectiveness to be achieved; Another important concept that was studied is customer relationship management, which allows managing incoming and outgoing information to achieve adequate communication between the two parties and that the requests generated are resolved quickly and in a timely manner, and then execute a production plan based on demand and supply planning that manages to strengthen the production processes in a sustainable way, that allows having an adequate amount of inventories controlling and minimizing the cost, controlling the quality and distribution in a timely manner, as well as focusing the efforts in improving processes by investing in new technologies and forms of production, based on the SCM megatrends that, despite the investment costs, allow the company to grow constantly and become competitive in the national and international market

    Efecto de retardantes de crecimiento en la disminución del volcamiento de sorgo dulce forrajero

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    Introducción. Las plantas de sorgo dulce forrajero (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) se caracterizan por presentar un porte alto, sin embargo, este atributo, junto con las condiciones variables del clima, favorecen el volcamiento de las plantas y dificulta la cosecha mecanizada de los lotes de producción de semilla certificada, lo que conlleva a la baja disponibilidad de semilla de calidad de esta especie. Objetivo. Como alternativa a esta problemática, se probó el efecto de 3 retardantes de crecimiento sobre la producción de semilla de calidad en condiciones experimentales en campo. Materiales y métodos. Se evaluaron parámetros de crecimiento, volcamiento de las plantas y el rendimiento a semilla. La investigación se llevó a cabo en 2 localidades ubicadas en el valle cálido alto del Magdalena y el Caribe seco colombiano. Se empleó un diseño de bloques completos al azar con 3 repeticiones y 6 tratamientos, conformados por la aplicación de dosis variables de etefón, cloruro de mepiquat y trinexapac-etil, en 2 estados de desarrollo de la planta (1 y 3). Resultados. En los 2 ambientes, la aplicación de trinexapac-etil a razón de 200 g i.a.ha-1 tuvo un mayor efecto en la reducción de la altura de la planta y una reducción del 89,2 en el porcentaje de volcamiento respecto al testigo en la localidad del Caribe seco colombiano, lo que incrementó el rendimiento de semilla aproximadamente 3 veces respecto al testigo en esta localidad y sin diferencias significativas en comparación con el control en la localidad del Valle Cálido del alto del Magdalena. Conclusión. Los resultados de esta evaluación permiten concluir que el uso de trinexapac-etil es una alternativa para mejorar la producción de semilla de calidad de sorgo dulce forrajero al reducir el porte de las plantas y con ello el volcamiento. La respuesta es dependiente del tipo de retardante y las condiciones edafoclimáticas

    Synthesis, Experimental and Theoretical Study of Azidochromones

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    A series of 2-(haloalkyl)-3-azidomethyl and 6-azido chromones has been synthetized, characterized and studied by theoretical (DFT calculations) and spectroscopic methods (UV-Vis, NMR). The crystal structure of 3-azidomethyl-2-difluoromethyl chromone, determined by X-ray diffraction methods, shows a planar framework due to extended π-bond delocalization. Its molecular packing is stabilized by F∙∙∙H, N∙∙∙H and O∙∙∙H hydrogen bonds, π∙∙∙π stacking and C–O∙∙∙π intermolecular interactions. Moreover, AIM, NCI and Hirshfeld analysis evidenced that azido moiety has a significant role in the stabilization of crystal packing through weak intermolecular interactions, where analysis of electronic density suggested closed-shell (CS) interatomic interactions.Centro de Química InorgánicaInstituto de Física La Plat


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    La literatura como escudo de la caverna: a propósito de La Virgen de los sicarios. / The analysis and use of financial Statements. / El capital intelectual: cómo identificar y calcular el valor inexplotado de los recursos intangibles de su empresa. / Klaus Meyer (1998), Direct investment in economies in transition, serie new horizons in international business. / Administración de operaciones y producción: calidad total y respuesta sensible rápida. / Las políticas públicas. Segunda edición adicionada con el concepto de "think thanks". / Diseño de organizaciones: tensiones y paradojas. / El marketing de las naciones: una aproximación estratégica a la creación de la riqueza nacional. / Compañía ilimitada: reportaje a los grandes grupos económicos. / Effective coaching. / Ingeniería industrial y administración: una nueva perspectiva. / The global agenda (issues and perspectives). / Administración de organizaciones: productividad y eficacia. / Moral para el siglo XXI

    RICORS2040 : The need for collaborative research in chronic kidney disease

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a silent and poorly known killer. The current concept of CKD is relatively young and uptake by the public, physicians and health authorities is not widespread. Physicians still confuse CKD with chronic kidney insufficiency or failure. For the wider public and health authorities, CKD evokes kidney replacement therapy (KRT). In Spain, the prevalence of KRT is 0.13%. Thus health authorities may consider CKD a non-issue: very few persons eventually need KRT and, for those in whom kidneys fail, the problem is 'solved' by dialysis or kidney transplantation. However, KRT is the tip of the iceberg in the burden of CKD. The main burden of CKD is accelerated ageing and premature death. The cut-off points for kidney function and kidney damage indexes that define CKD also mark an increased risk for all-cause premature death. CKD is the most prevalent risk factor for lethal coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the factor that most increases the risk of death in COVID-19, after old age. Men and women undergoing KRT still have an annual mortality that is 10- to 100-fold higher than similar-age peers, and life expectancy is shortened by ~40 years for young persons on dialysis and by 15 years for young persons with a functioning kidney graft. CKD is expected to become the fifth greatest global cause of death by 2040 and the second greatest cause of death in Spain before the end of the century, a time when one in four Spaniards will have CKD. However, by 2022, CKD will become the only top-15 global predicted cause of death that is not supported by a dedicated well-funded Centres for Biomedical Research (CIBER) network structure in Spain. Realizing the underestimation of the CKD burden of disease by health authorities, the Decade of the Kidney initiative for 2020-2030 was launched by the American Association of Kidney Patients and the European Kidney Health Alliance. Leading Spanish kidney researchers grouped in the kidney collaborative research network Red de Investigación Renal have now applied for the Redes de Investigación Cooperativa Orientadas a Resultados en Salud (RICORS) call for collaborative research in Spain with the support of the Spanish Society of Nephrology, Federación Nacional de Asociaciones para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades del Riñón and ONT: RICORS2040 aims to prevent the dire predictions for the global 2040 burden of CKD from becoming true