8 research outputs found

    Applicability of bioengineered human skin: from preclinical skin humanized mouse models to clinical regenerative therapies

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    Ongoing progress in the field of regenerative medicine, in combination with the development of tissue-engineered skin products, has opened new possibilities for the treatment of certain diseases in which current treatments are aimed at alleviating symptoms but are not able to get a permanent cure. Our laboratory has developed a fibrin-based bioengineered human skin that has been successfully used for permanent regenerative therapies in different situations in the clinic. Moreover, we have been able to stably regenerate human skin by orthotopic grafting of this skin equivalent onto the back of immunodeficient mice. The so-called skin-humanized mouse model system has permitted us to model several monogenic skin diseases, when keratinocytes and fibroblasts harboring the genetic defect were used. In most cases different gene therapy approaches for ex vivo correction of cells have proved effective in reverting the phenotype using this model. More importantly, the feasibility of the system has allowed us to generate a skin humanized mouse model for psoriasis, a common chronic inflammatory disease where the immune component has a pivotal role in the pathogenesis. Establishing reliable humanized animal models for skin diseases is necessary to gain a deeper knowledge of the pathogenesis and to develop novel therapeutic strategies. In this sense, the skin humanized mouse model developed in our laboratory meets the needs of this field of research.This work was supported by grant SAF 2010-16976

    Bioingeniería cutánea: aplicaciones preclínicas y clínicas

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    Regenerative Medicine is an emerging field that combines basic research and clinical observations in order to identify the elements required to replace damaged tissues and organs in vivo and to stimulate the body's intrinsic regenerative capacity. Great benefits are expected in this field as researchers take advantage of the potential regenerative properties of both embryonic and adult stem cells, and more recently, of induced pluripotent stem cells. Bioengineered skin emerged mainly in response to a critical need for early permanent coverage of extensive burns. Later this technology was also applied to the treatment of chronic ulcers. Our group has established a humanized mouse model of skin grafting that involves the use of bioengineered human skin in immunodeficient mice. This model is suitable for the study of physiologic and pathologic cutaneous processes and the evaluation of treatment strategies for skin diseases, including protocols for gene and cell therapy and tissue engineering.Our work has been funded by the Spanish Department of Science and Innovation (SAF2007-61019 and SAF 2010-16976), by the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Raras (CIBERER), and by the Ministry of Health (Advanced Therapies Plan, TRA 0160)

    Fibroblasts activation and abnormal extracellular matrix remodelling as common hallmarks in three cancer-prone genodermatoses

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    Background. Recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (RDEB), Kindler syndrome (KS) and xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group C (XPC) are three cancer-prone genodermatoses whose causal genetic mutations cannot fully explain, on their own, the array of associated phenotypic manifestations. Recent evidence highlights the role of the stromal microenvironment in the pathology of these disorders. Objectives. To investigate, by means of comparative gene expression analysis, the role played by dermal fibroblasts in the pathogenesis of RDEB, KS and XPC. Methods. We conducted RNA-Seq analysis, which included a thorough examination of the differentially expressed genes, a functional enrichment analysis and a description of affected signalling circuits. Transcriptomic data were validated at the protein level in cell cultures, serum samples and skin biopsies. Results. Interdisease comparisons against control fibroblasts revealed a unifying signature of 186 differentially expressed genes and four signalling pathways in the three genodermatoses. Remarkably, some of the uncovered expression changes suggest a synthetic fibroblast phenotype characterized by the aberrant expression of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins. Western blot and immunofluorescence in situ analyses validated the RNA-Seq data. In addition, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay revealed increased circulating levels of periostin in patients with RDEB. Conclusions. Our results suggest that the different causal genetic defects converge into common changes in gene expression, possibly due to injury-sensitive events. These, in turn, trigger a cascade of reactions involving abnormal ECM deposition and underexpression of antioxidant enzymes. The elucidated expression signature provides new potential biomarkers and common therapeutic targets in RDEB, XPC and KS.This study was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (SAF2013-43475R, SAF2017-88908-R and SAF2017-86810-R); from Instituto de Salud Carlos III and CIBERER, cofunded with European Regional Development Funds (ERDF) (PT13/0001/0007, PI14/00931, PI15/00716, PI15/00956, PT17/0009/0006 and PI17/01747); and from the European Union (HEALTH-F2-2011-261392 and H2020-INFRADEV-1-2015-1/ELIXIR-EXCELERATEref. 676559). Additional funding from Comunidad de Madrid (AvanCell-CM S2017/BMD-3692); Catalan Government (AGAUR 2014_SGR_603); ‘Fundacio' La Marató de TV3, 01331-30’; CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya; and ‘Fundación Científica de la Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer’, Spain

    Fibroblast activation and abnormal extracellular matrix remodelling as common hallmarks in three cancer-prone genodermatoses

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    Altres ajuts: CIBERER; European Regional Development Funds; Comunidad de Madrid (AvanCell-CM S2017/BMD-3692); Fundació La Marato de TV3 (201331-30); CERCA Programme, Generalitat de Catalunya; Fundación Científica de la Asociación Española Contra el Cancer.Background: Recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (RDEB), Kindler syndrome (KS) and xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group C (XPC) are three cancer-prone genodermatoses whose causal genetic mutations cannot fully explain, on their own, the array of associated phenotypic manifestations. Recent evidence highlights the role of the stromal microenvironment in the pathology of these disorders. Objectives: To investigate, by means of comparative gene expression analysis, the role played by dermal fibroblasts in the pathogenesis of RDEB, KS and XPC. Methods: We conducted RNA-Seq analysis, which included a thorough examination of the differentially expressed genes, a functional enrichment analysis and a description of affected signalling circuits. Transcriptomic data were validated at the protein level in cell cultures, serum samples and skin biopsies. Results: Interdisease comparisons against control fibroblasts revealed a unifying signature of 186 differentially expressed genes and four signalling pathways in the three genodermatoses. Remarkably, some of the uncovered expression changes suggest a synthetic fibroblast phenotype characterized by the aberrant expression of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins. Western blot and immunofluorescence in situ analyses validated the RNA-Seq data. In addition, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay revealed increased circulating levels of periostin in patients with RDEB. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the different causal genetic defects converge into common changes in gene expression, possibly due to injury-sensitive events. These, in turn, trigger a cascade of reactions involving abnormal ECM deposition and underexpression of antioxidant enzymes. The elucidated expression signature provides new potential biomarkers and common therapeutic targets in RDEB, XPC and KS. What's already known about this topic?. Recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (RDEB), Kindler syndrome (KS) and xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group C (XPC) are three genodermatoses with high predisposition to cancer development. Although their causal genetic mutations mainly affect epithelia, the dermal microenvironment likely contributes to the physiopathology of these disorders. What does this study add?. We disclose a large overlapping transcription profile between XPC, KS and RDEB fibroblasts that points towards an activated phenotype with high matrix-synthetic capacity. This common signature seems to be independent of the primary causal deficiency, but reflects an underlying derangement of the extracellular matrix via transforming growth factor-β signalling activation and oxidative state imbalance. What is the translational message?. This study broadens the current knowledge about the pathology of these diseases and highlights new targets and biomarkers for effective therapeutic intervention. It is suggested that high levels of circulating periostin could represent a potential biomarker in RDEB

    Crosstalk between keratinocytes and T cells in a 3D microenvironment: a model to study inflammatory skin diseases

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    Item does not contain fulltextThe interaction between keratinocytes and immune cells plays a major role in the development of inflammatory skin diseases like psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. Pharmacological intervention to inhibit T cell-derived proinflammatory mediators is an effective therapy in the treatment of psoriasis. Here, we present a model to study the interaction between keratinocytes and T cells in a three-dimensional (3D) microenvironment, based on human skin equivalents populated with CD4+ T cells. T cell migration into the dermis initiated keratinocyte activation within 2 days, with hallmarks of a psoriasiform inflammation after 4 days. Expression of epidermal psoriasis marker genes was upregulated, and proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines were highly expressed. Disturbed epidermal differentiation was shown by downregulated filaggrin expression and involucrin expression in the spinous layer. These effects were mediated via soluble factors produced by the T cells. The psoriasiform inflammation was also observed using T helper type 1 (Th1)- and Th17-polarized CD4+ T cells. We validated our model by treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs that reduced the expression of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines and suppressed the psoriasiform inflammation. We propose that our T cell-driven inflammatory skin equivalent model has potential to study the pathogenesis of inflammatory skin diseases and may serve as a preclinical screening tool for anti-inflammatory drugs

    Identifying targets for topical RNAi therapeutics in psoriasis: assessment of a new in vitro psoriasis model

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    Item does not contain fulltextDiseases of the skin are amenable to RNAi-based therapies and targeting key components in the pathophysiology of psoriasis using RNAi may represent a successful new therapeutic strategy. We aimed to develop a straightforward and highly reproducible in vitro psoriasis model useful to study the effects of gene knockdown by RNAi and to identify new targets for topical RNAi therapeutics. We evaluated the use of keratinocytes derived from psoriatic plaques and normal human keratinocytes (NHKs). To induce a psoriatic phenotype in NHKs, combinations of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1alpha, IL-17A, IL-6 and TNF-alpha) were tested. The model based on NHK met our needs of a reliable and predictive preclinical model, and this model was further selected for gene expression analyses, comprising a panel of 55 psoriasis-associated genes and five micro-RNAs (miRNAs). Gene silencing studies were conducted by using small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) and miRNA inhibitors directed against potential target genes such as CAMP and DEFB4 and miRNAs such as miR-203. We describe a robust and highly reproducible in vitro psoriasis model that recapitulates expression of a large panel of genes and miRNAs relevant to the pathogenesis of psoriasis. Furthermore, we show that our model is a powerful first step model system for testing and screening RNAi-based therapeutics